Glenn Alan Bates; VA supervisor funds bad habits with embezzled vets’ money
Instinct sends us a link to the story about Glenn Bates, who ran the Veterans’ Canteen at the VA Medical Center in Ann Arbor, Michigan. He worked there from 2007 to 2013 and in that time he stole $314,400. Good work if you can find it.
As the former chief of the Veterans Canteen Service, Bates oversaw the VCS Patriot Store, cafeteria food services and vending sales.
“He stole the cash receipts of sales of commemorative military hats to veterans and others by volunteers at the VAMC,” [U.S. Attorney Barbara] McQuade’s office said. “And he stole the cash receipts of several vending machines there. Bates deprived the VA’s Veterans Canteen Service of needed revenue and used it instead to patronize a strip club in Columbus, Ohio, where he paid for lap dances and sex. He also used the stolen funds to gamble at casinos.”
Bates was hired by the VA despite the fact that he had a criminal record. In the 70s, he was in federal prison for stealing a car and in 1992, he was sentenced to probation for a felony arson charge.
For embezzling more than 300 grand from the VA, Bates was sentenced to 15 months in prison and ordered to pay restitution.
Category: Veterans' Affairs Department
Roughly 6 years salary, supplemented by about $50k/year in stolen funds. And even though he’s a convicted felon (prior theft and arson), he gets let off with a relative slap on the wrist.
Yeah, that’s real justice. Look for him to complete payback of his “restitution” on the 12th of Never.
I’d also like to know who the moron was who hired him to a position of financial trust (running the Canteen) with his prior convictions for theft and arson. That idiot should lose their job as well.
15 months? the bas-ard should have gotten 15 years! imo
Wow. What a piece of shit! They should sentence him to stand at the same VA center next to a 6′ tall sign stating exactly what he did. Let everyone spot on him as they come and go.
Will the union fight for him to get his job back like what happened in Puerto Rico?
I’d guess no, Hack. As I recall, the Puerto Rico case involved non-duty-related misconduct known to the VA and ignored by them. There the union had an argument that by ignoring the misconduct the VA had tacitly agreed it was irrelevant. Kinda hard to make that argument here.
That said: unions are not above blanket, “strong-arm gang” tactics in protecting their own. They may well decide to support the guy simply to make a point. But here, I’d rather doubt it. Further, as head of Canteen Services he may well qualify as management and be ineligible for union membership.
In any case: as I said above, I’m more concerned about the moron who hired this guy to a position of fiscal trust. I don’t care if they were more than 40 and 20 years ago – IMO you just don’t hire a 2-time felon (grand theft auto, arson) to a position of financial trust. Doing something like that IMO shows the individual making the hiring decision has 2 or fewer working brain cells and is thus too stupid to be allowed to appear in public without adult supervision.
And IMO the judge who sentenced him is equally moronic. I can’t believe the guy was (a) a 2-time felon, (b) stole 6 figures, and (c) got off with 15 months plus restitution for his third felony conviction. The judge should have body-slammed the tool at sentencing as a 3-time loser.
What about the 2 women that were reinstated after they overcharged for “moving expenses”?
Was he fired? Did he quit? Or was he allowed to resign, eligible for rehire?
His crimes, unfortunately, aren’t really all that different from what appears to be SOP at the VA. They take money for things they fail/refuse to do, and are rewarded handsomely for it with no accountability. Except for those employees who brought honor with them and refuse to be contaminated by the culture.
The party that hired him must have decided after an extensive interview, this guy was a born again good citizen.
Or maybe a relative or brother lodge member of the hiring manager.
Yet all 15 applications I’ve sent in to the VA for job postings they’ve either cancelled the posting right after I submitted my application (13 out of 15) or say I don’t meet the minimum requirements (despite exceeding all of them)
For me, a retiree with 26 years of service as both an Officer and Enlisted, two Master Degrees, 90% service connected and 14 years of service as a volunteer VSO with the American Legion and VFW
I can’t get a job there but a$$ hats like this can
Not that I’m bitter or anything
You would not believe how shorthanded the VA is. I’m a VA Volunteer, helping out in the hospital wards. I asked one time why the VA doesn’t hire more people. The reason given to me was:
The applicant can’t pass the drug test.
The applicant has a criminal record.
The applicant is unqualified.
Considering the article above, I’m thinking the “criminal record is disqualifying” story is quite obviously BS.
This would be for a nursing position. Not working in the VA Canteen.
well you are probably a hard worker, have integrity , you just were not a good fit
We get donations at the VA from time to time. One time I asked Voluntary Services if we could use some of the money to help our long-term patients with basics like toiletries. The VA told me “no” (mind my own business) and that they had other plans for the money. Wow!!!
My DAV Chapter provides for many of these hospitalized veterans. At one time I was thinking about leaving part of my estate to my local VA Hospital to help some of these patients. No more.
Maybe start your own foundation for that purpose, so that you or someone you select is in control of the money.
15 months of cockmeat sammiches and anal dilation therapy isn’t enough time for Glenn… but at least the boys (Bubba, Thor, Julio, Mr. Tiny and others) are going to have “fun” with him!
What a damn mess :/
This story ties in with the Chicago story in another thread. This thief received a 15-month sentence after he pleaded guilty to embezzlement. Stop right there. He didn’t just plead guilty b/c of conscience pangs. He was offered a deal and he took it, a deal that was blessed by the judge. The reality of the matter is that this thief ran an ongoing criminal enterprise that lasted for years. Each instance of theft—and I’m guessing there were hundreds of such incidents—could have been separately charged. Now, whether you agree or disagree that they should have been is a separate matter but, the fact is, he wasn’t. You can send your thank-you notes to OBaMa appointee U.S. Attorney Barbara McQuade of the eastern District of Michigan.
“…where he paid for lap dances and sex.”
You mean a good looker like him had to pay for sex? I don’t believe it.
I’m sure he’ll be able to get meaningful employment and pay back the money. Or not …
[…] Hat tip, Jonn Lilyea, who notes, “Good work if you can find it.” More details about this sphincter muscle, if you want them, at the Detroit News, whence we pulled the quote above (Jonn has a shorter snippet of it). […]
[…] Hat tip, Jonn Lilyea, who notes, “Good work if you can find it.” More details about this sphincter muscle, if you want them, at the Detroit News, whence we pulled the quote above (Jonn has a shorter snippet of it). […]