Robert Brooks to be charged by Feds (UPDATED)

We first talked about Bob Brooks last year when we looked at his records and found that they didn’t appear to match his assignments. He claimed three Distinguished Flying Crosses, his three Silver Star Medals and five Purple Hearts along with a Combat Infantryman Badge, Parachutist Badge, Pathfinder Badge and some awards that didn’t exist while he was in the service. He also claimed to have been a POW. Many of those were on his DD214 Discharge certificate, but there was no supporting documentation.

Someone sent us his records that he supplied to investigators. The National Personnel Records Center determined that there was some level of shenanigans at work here. It appeared that Brooks had altered his records before he was discharged.
According to our buddy, Barb Ickes at the Quad-City Times the Feds are about to charge Brooks with the Stolen Valor Act;
Rachel Scherle, public information officer with the U.S. Attorneys Office, Southern District of Iowa, said Brooks is expected to enter into a plea agreement in federal court next week. Her research of cases over the past five years showed no other cases of Stolen Valor in the Southern District of Iowa.
“We would consider this a Stolen Valor case,” she said.
Brooks, of course, denies any malfeasance;
“I did not falsify my DD214,” he said. “I’ve never had control of my 214. I’m going on what I was told I was awarded.”
The NPRC’s investigation came to the conclusion that Brooks had been awarded no Silver Stars or Purple Hearts, and, of course, no Combat Infantryman Badge, Parachutist or Pathfinder Badges. Of all of our phonies, this is the most confusing case. He really was a hero in every sense of the word. There was absolutely no reason for Brooks to embellish any aspect of his records, but, then he did. He served when many Americans dodged their responsibilities, but I guess that wasn’t enough for him.
UPDATE: Someone sent us this;

Category: Phony soldiers, Valor Vultures
This guy just makes you sick. WTF drives and individual to pull shit like this?
Sickening, just sickening. Another perfectly honorable career flushed down the shitter.
Phuk Ewe Bobbie.
They never make sense Brother and these guys who had an honorable tour/career but they want to become fucking Rambo… they are the most confusing to me.
Look at his discharge as an O3E. Honorable was bypassed a long time ago.
Yup OTH for “misconduct”
Sorry MoM, i Try bUt i never took the Spellin Fer Marines MCI.
I’d never a made it in da Navy.
And he even changed his blood type! Listed as “A” on one document and “A+” on another.
Uh huh….we need to add that to the Phoney’s FAQ listing…..
“Someone *ELSE* falsified/altered my records.
Damn idiot clerks!!”
They told me I was a POW, I just figured I was!
Fuck you Robert, plea bitch.
Ya that happened all the time. Maybe $20 would get your leave papers lost when you turned them in but no amount would have got anyone a hand full of Navy Crosses.
I’m guessing that he is partially right in that he didn’t actual type out the DD-214. I’m sure that the records clerk who did was using information provided by Brooks, though, and Brooks was more than willing to sign the incorrect document.
“Despite the lack of citations and general orders for the Silver Stars, an expert archive technician with the National Personnel Records Center, Nick Harris, offered assurances last year, saying, “He definitely has two Silver Stars. I’ll tell you what: This guy’s a war hero. I’ve been here a long time, and I’ve never seen anyone with this many medals.””
Just more proof that everyone is an expert.
FOIA yourself…or have someone else do it. What you get back is entertaining. The “Experts” at NPRC can’t seem to do mine the same way twice.
Evidently I was stationed in Washington DC and San Diego. I must have had one hell of a time in both places, blackouts will do that to ya.
Of all of our phonies, this is the most confusing case. He really was a hero in every sense of the word. There was absolutely no reason for Brooks to embellish any aspect of his records, but, then he did. He served when many Americans dodged their responsibilities, but I guess that wasn’t enough for him.
This is the kind of guy that should also absolutely know better than to pull this idiot shit….
Mr. Brooks and so many others have these holes where their character used to be, and they try and fill that hole with lies. It never works Mr. Brooks, it’s always best to learn to be comfortable in your own skin.
If you can’t be enough for yourself without lying you can never truly enjoy family and friends because they’ll never be enough either. That’s the real unspoken tragedy in a lot of these cases, where a child finally understands the truth. That their father is a fucking fraud and a liar. That’s the ultimate betrayal for me, even worse than your spouse. Betraying the trust of your children never gets fixed, no matter what anyone thinks once it’s broken your children never really look at you the same, never see the same man they saw the day before they knew you were a liar. I’ve seen that too many times in my volunteer work with kids. Those kids grow up never really trusting anyone again, it ruins their future relationships. That’s a burden placed on them by these liars, and it changes everything.
What you were Mr. Brooks should have been enough, when it wasn’t the answer wasn’t to become a liar. The answer is to find another truth to make your life complete, volunteer make your corner of the world better somehow. Don’t become another dark corner, that’s no answer.
Why would a guy alter his record to add all the medals, and not change his discharge classification from “Other Than Honorable”?
The stupid is strong in this one
This guy is a puke.
Very Jerry Vroomboutish.
I guess he just woke up one day and the Army had awarded him every other medal in the book.
No big deal. It happens.
Well, there was Captain Lance Whipple who added a bunch of awards and rank to his DD214 and didn’t bother to edit the discharge code which identified him as a deserter.
Missed the update on Lance getting picked up for the felon with firearms issue… guess the Commander Club is going to have a vacancy very soon.
Is his Missus still wanting to meet with you, Jonn?
And don’t forget “that fine man of the cloth” Peppe Alexander, who shows everyone a DD214 listing a bunch of unearned awards – and which also has a discharge code and plain text reason for separation of Unacceptable Performance.
Prado, my buddy Prado. He provided the most jacked up DD214 on record. He just decided he deserved a Silver Star.
More to come on his ass, stay tuned for the “Dog and Phony Show”
I think it was an attempt on his part to give back The Big Green Weenie to the Navy when they booted his ass out for Misconduct 22 months shy of making it to 20 for retirement.
Yep, a bad case of Norman Reynolds Syndrome (NRS).
Norman says *If the award was on my DD214 Work Sheet, I earned it and I’ll wear it*
“I’m going on what I was told I was awarded.”
Really? At least six of those awards for heroism would in all probability been awarded at an awards ceremony. Does he remember any such ceremony? Maybe he was hospitalized and in a coma recovering from wounds (Purple Hearts) when the medals were pinned on his hospital gown. Hmmmm, no, I’m thinking not so much. But that would account for no award ceremonies. Six major awards for heroism? Go big or stay home, huh? Jeez, dingus, stick with what you honorably earned.
By his photo I would say he is a mental case.
Agree completely. Occam’s Razor and all that.
Truly, a case of “ate-up with the dumbass.”
Dude’s records are, according to him, legit… and he’s going to enter into a plea agreement?
Got caught in a lie, Bobby?
Deal with your stupidity, asshole…
One look in that asshole’s eyes tells me that his elevator doesn’t go all the way to the top.
Dude looks like my high school substitute bus driver.
Actually, he looks pained, like he’s constipated.
Maybe he’s trying to shit the U.S. Attorneys Office, Southern District of Iowa’s BOOT out of his ass.
This guy needs his ass kicked.
In the article, I didn’t understand this comment when talking about the one vet (Albracht) that questioned him (Brooks):
“To Albracht, who has proof of the three Silver Stars he earned in Vietnam, the confusion surrounding Brooks’ record was intentional.”
Does it mean:
1) Albracht has three Silver Stars?
2) that he has proof of Brooks CLAIMS of three Silver Stars? 3) Was it a misprint/misquote and they meant to say he has proof that he did not earn three Silver Stars?
That line threw off the entire meaning of the article for me. It sounds as if the NPRC screwed up his records and he does have the Silver Stars.
Anyone else have the same issue? Or just me?
You got issues, where should I start? Crossdressing can be confusing bro, not that there is anything wrong with that.
And there I was… politely inviting you into my confusion.
Your enlightenment is like a cool breeze to a Scotsman wearing a kilt and I mean that in a good way.
You owe me a Mac Book Air, Dave! Spewed all over the place with your comment…
Bad writing/editing. Near as I can tell, Albracht earned 3 Silver Stars and can prove it. Albracht believes that Brooks is lying and purposefully creating “confusion” about his (Brooks’) record.
Yes, you are correct – Albracht has three Silver Stars.
Thank you Dave Hardin for saving me the time of looking it up my day-um self and thank you Obama for saving me money at the gas pump.
“…awards for heroism would in all probability been awarded at an awards ceremony…”
I am the recipient of a PH and BS with “V” Devise. I received the PH at the 106th Gen Hosp, Yokohama, Japan. Four months later while at Camp Zama, I receive orders to Ft. Hood to complete enlistment. Month later, I call home and was advised that I had received a package from the Army. I told my dad to open it where he found the BS container along with the green folder containing the citation (general orders 3393). Never had an awards ceremony. The BS, however, was listed on my 214.
Daddy what did you do when you were in the Air Force ? a question my daughter’s had asked me when they were small(adult’s now) and my answer was “I worked on airplanes(F-111’s) with a ratchet, screw driver and safety wire pliers in the rain , sleet , snow and heat of the desert and tropics, walked a lot of flight line and tried to stay out of sight and out of mind of most of the lifer’s” no need to embellish that in anyway….it’s the truth But I was astonished back in the 80’s after I got out, I used to hang out in this pool hall once in awhile ,where I met quite a few so called Veteran’s and I was amazed at how much more macho these super trooper’s were…I felt inadequate as my AFSC was that of a maintainer and everyone I had known in the service was also maintainers, that’s a lot of maintainer’s and most of these guys were claiming airborne , spec. forces , swift boat, tunnel rat, sniper , LRRP recon snake eating Rambo types….I remember this 1 guys spiel and as I was listening to it, I said to myself “I’ve heard this story before ?”…I read it in a book , a paperback as a matter of fact while sitting around a few years before on a TDY to Italy while in transport, I always kept a paperback to idle away the hours as my brains got rattled and my ass got sore flying in a C-130….and I can tell you he was not that guy in the narrative of that book and that’s when I started listening up to what some of these guy’s were saying and to much of it sounded like pure bovine manure and didn’t jive with me, I wondered where are the truck driver’s , supply people, admin folks, guys who maintained tanks, trucks , jeeps, and all the other equipment…it seemed I was the only one who wasn’t a super trooper…..with a beer belly…go figure well anyway that’s when the light went off and… Read more »
I am more confused than ever, but I’ll just stay that way. As for Brooks, if he did nothing wrong, then don’t take the plea bargain. Opt for a jury and take the stand.
▲▲▲ Word!!