Barack Obama’s kamikaze justice

| February 24, 2016

Washington Post columnist and Fox News pundit Marc Thiessen, speaking with Megan Kelly last night, raised an excellent point regarding the nomination of a Supreme Court justice. Noting that the Republicans appear to be taking a firm stand against allowing the lame-duck president to appoint a replacement for recently deceased Justice Antonin Scalia, Thiessen asked the very cogent question, “Who could possibly want to be that nominee?” He noted that whoever it might be has already been put on notice that it is, in effect, a judicial suicide mission and likened that person to a kamikaze pilot. As soon as Thiessen spoke, I realized he had neatly and accurately encapsulated the situation facing the White House right now into two words: kamikaze mission.

Where are they ever going to find a prominent, accomplished jurist dumb enough to fly into all that waiting senatorial flak, knowing that the mission is a fruitless career-ender? Sure, Obama may fancy himself imperial, but the emperor is clearly bare-butt behind the bench on this one. No eminent jurists who have spent their professional lives preparing themselves for the High Command of the judicial profession want to step forward and volunteer to have that lifetime of preparation blown to smithereens in a clearly unwinnable battle, merely to uphold the imperial legacy for the history books.

On the other hand, if Obama puts forward a sacrificial and minimally qualified candidate who might be willing to don the silk headscarf of sacrifice and volunteer to go down in flames for fifteen minutes of footnote fame, then the Republicans can point self-righteously to those absent qualifications as sufficient reason for grimly blowing the ambitious aspirant from the skies of fleeting legal glory.

From a political history perspective, Thiessen nailed it; it’s a kamikaze mission, and Barry will have to find a fool to fly it.

Crossposted at American Thinker

Category: Politics

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A Proud Infidel®™

There are fools out there that ARE big enough to want to try, and I’m sure that B. Hussein 0bama will find one. My prediction is that he’ll find one that’s openly LGBT and play the discrimination are while he plays the race card.


Good call, not only an LGBT but maybe also a physically handicapped person of color.


My thoughts exactly, API. I have a feeling there is someone just stupid enough to coddle up to this administration and go for it.


A black, transgendered, Muslim illegal legal scholar?


A Cal Berzerkly grad student?


you forgot to “differently-abled midget (height challenged, whatever)”

Every discussion I have heard about who he might nominate includes the description “first…..” and nothing about their time on the bench


will he self-nominate?

A Proud Infidel®™

I would NOT put that past him.


Obozo hasn’t had any problem finding all the PHOOLS in the country for his other appointments…not one is worth a shyt, why would this one be different?


How about 1st Sgt Moerk?

2/17 Air Cav

And that’s why it was so key that before anyone was nominated, that the Republican Senate said “No” to holding hearings on any nominee. This way, when a member (um, next member) of the LGBT or the American Communist Party is nominated, the Repubs can say, “We said no before we knew who it was.”


I nominate Daniel Bernath, Esq.


Nailed it.
He’s obviously a LGBT physically handicapped person of color.
😀 😀 😀


He’s not handicapped, he’s “fuel gauge challenged”!


Not handicapped? Have you read any of his screed? He is definitely handicapped – just not physically.

A Proud Infidel®™

Wait a minute, Bernath CLAIMS to be disabled, has handicapped license plates, we’ve seen pics of him using crutches or a walker, but anytime he ends up being near a REAL USN CPO he suddenly heals and has NO problems walking around unassisted. Could it be that real CPOs have a powerful healing aura about them?

Silentium Est Aureum

Be a little tough when he’ll be disbarred any day now.

But I’m sure he appreciates the thought.

Hack Stone

According to Judge Judy, you do not need to be a licensed attorney to sit on The Supreme Court. So The Demented Disbarred Attorney is still a contender.


I don’t even think you have to be an attorney period

The Other Whitey

And the dems were so proud of themselves when they changed the filibuster rules. The irony is delicious.

2/17 Air Cav

Senator Bitch McConnell will not do what Harry “The Embalmed” Reid did. It’s not that Bitch has more respect for the traditional rules, it’s that Bitch is, like former House Speaker John “Kleenex” Bonehead before him, knocking his head on the underside of oBaMa’s desk.


Poetrooper and Marc, you seem to be overlooking the fact that while the Senate has said “no” it doesn’t mean it won’t fold like a cheap suit.
See Obamacare funding, illegal alien amnesty funding, etc. etc

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Well, no matter what people think Obama isn’t fucking stupid…

I’m betting he selects a nominee from the GOP and puts that individual up for grabs, someone like a Brian Sandoval (who is being vetted I hear) for the position.

Sandoval is a centrist, and he’s an excellent candidate for the SCOTUS position.

Putting forth moderate republicans and watching the Senate majority leader backtrack would be hugely amusing, as would watching the Senate majority leader attempt to stonewall a member of his own party.

The democrats have nothing to lose in putting forth any nominee. The republicans have everything, including the Senate itself to lose from being fuckwits over this nomination.

You never shoot your load before you see the cards you are dealt, that’s lesson fucking one. Too bad nobody instructed the Senate leadership on a simple reality.

Politicizing this before it needed to be politicized was a pointless exercise in stupidity which seems to be a regular occurrence in the Senate for some odd reason regardless of which party holds the majority.


^ What he said.


What if he nominates Rudy Guiliani? lol


I don’t think the Senate has any business saying that they’ll ignore any Nominee. It’s their job to examine the nominees just as its the Presidents job to submit them. That doesn’t mean they have to bend over and accept whoever Obama puts forward, especially at this stage of the game. Both sides have shot themselves in the foot over this.


The announcement on this last night was that bodaprez had selected a Republican governor Brian Sandoval for SCOTUS.

And Paul Ryan answered “ain’t votin’ on it”.

Well, let’s just see what happens next.

A Proud Infidel®™

Just another bucket of drama in the Huge Brothel on the Potomac River.


Somewhere I read that Sri Srivinvasan was being considered.

Not sure what that would look like or play out.