Kurds rescue Swedish teen

| February 24, 2016

Marlin Stivani Nivarlain

Marlin Stivani Nivarlain, a fifteen-year-old Swedish girl, left her foster home to marry a 19-year-old boyfriend last year. As they contemplated their future together, they decided to join ISIS. When they got to Syria, the terrorist organization sent her boyfriend off to fight and cloistered her with a group of women. Marlin became disillusioned with the new lifestyle, got a hold of a cell phone and called her foster parents. They contacted the government and begged them to rescue their child from her own bad choices. The Swedish government then asked the Kurds to help them recover the now-16-year-old.

According to the UK Metro, Nivarlain was rescued once back in October, but she fled the Kurd rescuers and returned to ISIS in Mosul. So the Kurds mounted yet another rescue, according to CNN;

According to the statement from Kurdish authorities, Nivarlain “was misled by an ISIL member in Sweden to travel to Syria and later to Mosul.” ISIL is another acronym for ISIS.

Members of her family, along with Swedish authorities, asked for Kurdish help in rescuing her, the statement said.

“She is currently in the Kurdistan Region and is provided the care afforded to her under international law,” the statement said. “She will be transferred to Swedish authorities to return home once necessary arrangements are put (in) place.”

Maybe this time the rescue will stick. There’s no mention of the fate her husband, who is probably still stuck fighting alongside ISIS.

I guess life in a “cradle-to-grave” government that makes right all of your own bad choices is a good thing. Well, for some people. Even if you make the same bad choice a couple of times like a fickle 16-year-old girl.

Category: Terror War

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So she ran away, didn’t find nirvana, begged to be rescued, ran away again, then begged to be rescued again?

She doesn’t look real bright, to begin with.

B Woodman

Are there any 15-16 y.o.s that look real bright anyway?

CC Senor

Judging from the mug shots of the Ft Campbell privates, adding a couple of years doesn’t improve things. Most of us probably did dumb things when we were young, but this morning’s collection of teens has to be some kind of record.

MSG Eric

Because even with the amount of knowledge available today, kids aren’t using it to become more intelligent. They are using it to retort and act like they know what they’re talking about.

That and, “Its on the internet, they can’t put anything on the internet that isn’t true. Where’d you learn that? The internet.”


What knowledge? the N.E.A. is dumbing these kids down to the point they are beyond STUPID!


joining a bunch of goat fuckers to blow up children and hack the heads off of woman and christians isn’t a “dumb thing” considering how easy it is to watch the video’s on youtube.

Once was enough. The Kurds should have refused number 2 on that asswipe and let her be passed around as a trophy for a few years. One good man’s life in the 2cd attempt was far too many. the swedes must have paid the kurds a fortune


I hope her parents ground her at least for a week. Man there is some stupid going on here.

Oh yeah


B Woodman

Sorry, you’re second.

MSG Eric



Yeah, I didn’t hit post in time apparently. Oh well, I’ll try again later.


<3 <3 <3 Girls win!!!


a week? why don’t you just punch her library card? a week, gimme a freaking break!

The Other Whitey

She was rescued once and when back? Drone her stupid ass!

Sweetie, let me introduce you to this thing called life. It’s hard. And as John Wayne said, it’s a lot harder when you’re insanely fucking stupid.

The Other Whitey

*Went back*

Goddamn autocorrect…

MSG Eric

Yeah, good thing you corrected. I don’t think her parents deserve to be droned. It “might” not be their fault she’s so stupid.


And, then again, it really might be their fault.

B Woodman

Holy shi’ite! She needs to be given a permanent birth control implant so that she can’t pass her stoopid gene on to another generation. Tubes tied?

CC Senor

Raging hormones strike again? Romeo and Juliet it ain’t.

MSG Eric

Yeah. “I have two parents to care for me, take care of me, give me nice things, keep me safe. it sucks here! I wanna go to join ISIS because they’ll be really cool to me!”


How many Kurds died trying to save her stupid ass?

The Other Whitey

Being Kurds, I’m confident they killed a lot more than they lost.

CC Senor

Kurds, kinda, sorta, the Marines of the Middle East?


Especially the women in peshmerga. 🙂

Hack Stone

Probably as many as were killed and injured looking for Bowe Bergdahl. I wonder if she serviced those ISIS troops with honor and distinction?

A Proud Infidel®™

With that in mind, I wonder if she brought any goat STD’s back home with her?


I don’t believe in spanking..but since it was her choice, twice, I’d kick her ass all the way home while screaming, next time, your on your own, here’s a dollar, call someone who gets a shit..joining ISIL is like killing your own family, stupid TROLL..

Silentium Est Aureum

Remember when actions had consequences?

2/17 Air Cav

Well, this is so screwed up ,on a number of levels. Foster care. Screwing at 14 or 15. Travel isn’t cheap and she made it quite a ways. I don’t know, other to say good luck to her. If she survives it all, she’ll probably have a helluva tale to tell–and sell.


Consequences should have actions, but I think leaving her to die might be a little harsh. She was fifteen, in a foster home and blinded by hormones and “love”. I can kinda cut her some slack on this one, ISIS has proven themselves to be quite adept at the propaganda game and making their lifestyle seem idealistic, especially to young and naïve teenagers. While I believe she was dumb for what she did, I think it is good that she has seen the error of her ways and recovered safely. This is a propaganda tool that can be used against ISIS as well, especially amongst the teen European crowd.


I can cut her some slack on the first trip. But going back after she knew the “score”? Um, not really.


Even with young stupid chicks there is still the “sloppy seconds” thing. There may well be a goat outfit she puts on to entice horny low life ISIS characters. It’s almost as if her eyes say, “F__k me goat style, make me write bad checks, hit me and beat me, pull my tits and make me give milk, but respect me in the morning.”
She has probably heard the old joke about “The only way you will ever get laid is to crawl up a chicken’s ass and wait!” Might just be she is trying to prove someone wrong.

A Proud Infidel®™

She has the facial expression of a smug, pouting , self-righteous little shit of a spoiled child, one that has never been held accountable for what they did.


Mid-2014!!! She went to live with ISIS in 2014!

Unless she was living in a CAVE..on Mars…with her eyes shut and her f**king fingers in her ears, she bloody well knew what was going on there.

She may not have understood the why…but she damn sure knew the what. We all saw what the scumbags in Syria/Iraq were doing to civilians back then. I dont give two flying f**ks if she claims she was ‘deceived’ or ‘manipulated’.

A pathalogical inability to take responsibility for her actions.


Third time a charm? I’m sure money changed hands, but the Kurds may draw the line at two.

MSG Eric

Tough call really, they might enjoy attacking and killing ISIS even to conduct search and rescue.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

I’m thinking the effort wasn’t worth the return….

I wasn’t the smartest 16 year old in the world, but I knew enough about my country to know there’s no fucking way I’d be joining some organization that was the antithesis of everything that made my nation wonderful.

I wanted to serve my nation not its enemies.

Traitorous little dip shits who leave to fight in the desert shouldn’t be surprised when they get left in the desert.


Rescue her and do an inflight hysterectomy.


I guess Sweden thought that this young lady wasn’t worth Särskilda operationsgruppen’s time. Or it would be “racist” to use them in the rescue, since they are importing so many of these peace-loving ISIS types into Sweden.


I am sorry, but shouldn’t the headline be …

“Kurds Capture 16 Year Old ISIS Sympathizer”

Perry Gaskill

Well, that’s a disappointment. I thought Swedish chicks were supposed to all be hot Volvo-driving blondes with big bumpers…

Hack Stone

She is a member of The Swedish Burquha Team.

Silentium Est Aureum

Swedish Burq-kini Team?

L. Taylor

She was only 15 years old. She is an idiot kid who made a stupid choice.

Not sure what that has to do with “cradle to grave”.

And Sweden score above the US in every measure of quality of life including social and political freedom indexes.


That last is a non sequitur unless you’re planning to emigrate. Are you?

L. Taylor

You are right, the “cradle to grave government” dig against Sweden at the end of the blog post was a non-sequitur.

Thanks for noticing.

As for moving there? The language is too damn hard to learn and pronounce at my age.

Otherwise I would consider it.


Apparently you missed – or ignored – the phrase “that last” in my comment above. It’s pretty clear I was referring to your observation regarding Sweden’s scores.

But you knew that. And that wasn’t even a “nice try” at redirecting the discussion.

Regarding learning the language being difficult – that sounds like rationalization to me. Or fear of failure.

But I guess I could be wrong.


Sorry Lars, Hondo STILL reads!


I agree that it would be very hard to learn Arabic as that’ll be the predominate language there in a few years anyway, but surely you know a few phrases to get by from your time in Iraq. I’m sure they could use you to teach the new immigrants all about proggie tolerance and the glory of multiculturalism.

Doc Savage

That the Kurds went in to extract her TWICE speaks volumes of their forgiveness and patience.

I’m sorry…..I would have let her go after the first rescue.