The other Op/Ed New York Times wouldn’t print [Jonn]

| December 23, 2008

Even though the New York Times found room in their failing periodical to run The Real Bill Ayers, written by the real Bill Ayers, they couldn’t find room between the ads to run an opposing view to the self-serving finger-wagging from the unrepentant domestic terrorist. But through the magic of the internet and the diligence of the Confederate Yankee, Bob Owens, (by way of Gateway Pundit) former FBI agent Larry Grathwohl who infiltrated the Weather Underground can still get his message out by way of the Pajamas Media.

I must conclude by acknowledging that in one respect Bill is probably being absolutely truthful. When he says that “I never killed or injured anyone,” he is most likely being totally honest. Bill, like Charles Manson, never exposed himself to any kind of danger. He always gave orders and then left it to his then-girlfriend, Diane Oughton, and others to implement his plan. If you listen closely you can even hear the similarities in the arguments Manson and Billy use today to justify what they did: the 60s made me do it.

I figured this was appropriate since we’ve been talking about domestic terrorists a lot this week at This Ain’t Hell.

Category: Politics

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