Can you hear heads exploding? [Jonn]

| December 23, 2008

Defense Secretary Gates has apparently asked many Bush Administration appointees to remain at the Defense Department;

The unusual request ensures that key policy positions will not be left to “acting” subordinates as typically occurs when political appointees are directed to resign during a presidential transition, according to the Times.

“I have received authorization from the president-elect’s transition team to extend a number of Department of Defense political appointees an invitation to voluntarily remain in their current positions until replaced,” Gates said in a Friday e-mail, the Times reported.

I know the Code Pink House is shaking off it’s foundation this morning.

Category: Politics

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The Kristol Kid

There’s really nothing to complain about here. Anyone who believed Obama would live up to his campaign promises (especially concerning his “peace” candidacy) is a fool.

When you think about it, Obama is just enough social welfare (health care, union man, etc.) to satisfy the liberals and just enough belligerent nationalism (more warfare, increased military size, corporate welfare, etc.) to make today’s faux conservative smile.

From bleeding heart to “hardcore” traditional mercantilist er, I mean conservative there’s nothing to complain about!


Man are you confused.


Belligerent Nationalism? Faux Conservative? Ain’t nothing belligerent about being Patriotic. When did that ever become uncool? And there ain’t anything faux about this conservative! I think somebody else has been drinking from Adam Kokesh’s piss stash.


Yeah, I’m sensing some kind of von Mises/Zoastrian contrarian roaming the halls of TAH.


And bleeding heart? More like community organizer, flim-flam man, snake oil salesman. And I have yet to hear anything from him and Biden that could remotely resemble Nationalism, much less belligerent. “Citizen of the world”, remember that?


Don’t trust anything Barry boy does. It’s all just a set up to blame Bush and any Conservatives that when we are hit by another terrorist attack on Barry’s watch, he’ll lay the blame on the right and all holdovers from the Bush team.

Then Biden will be calling for new gun control laws as only terrorist use the so called Assault Weapons with high capacity magazines and no citizen needs them for sporting purposes etc…..

It’s going to be a ruff few years ahead as the Constitution and Bill of Rights are targets to be shredded by Barry Boy and his team with the help of a few RINO’s too boot!

May God still bless this Great Nation and we all keep our powder dry for the fight just ahead of all of us!!!


P.S. Watch the news and see all the new stories about the Police being out gunned and the guns heading to Mexico etc…it’s the start of a bigger picture towards new gun control laws……