The Latest “Glorious Idea” from ND:tBF

| February 4, 2016

Wondering what’s new from ND:tBF – AKA Emmentaler-boi, the Dork of NorK, and Fatboy Kim?  Well, it seems some of his henchmen are sending helium filled balloons to his enemies.

Oh, that’s nothing new.  People in the two Koreas have been doing that for decades now.  The usual procedure is to launch helium-filled balloons with a payload – generally propaganda leaflets, but sometimes religious literature is the payload chosen by some South Korean Christian groups – when winds are favorable for the balloons to drift over the other nation.  Sometimes the more sophisticated balloons have a timer and a small charge to deflate the balloon and/or scatter the payload’s contents.

But this time, it seems that ND:tBF and his minions have indeed come up with a new twist.  Besides the propaganda leaflets, this time around they included a few other things.

Like cigarette butts.  And used TP.


Here’s another report.  There are more.

I guess that means Fatboy Kim must have cut back on his cheese consumption. (smile)

Category: North Korea, WTF?

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George V

Used TP? Those who remember Star Wars: Return of the Jedi may agree this product is appropriate:


I’m glad I wasn’t drinking coffee when I clicked that link. That’s hysterical!


So their sewage disposal system broke down again? That’s one way to handle it.

Mike W

Do coconuts grow in North Korea?



Only NorKs could do something this crazy ! ! ! !


Perhaps this isn’t so much an assault on South Korea as it it is just a more creative form of punishment for the unfortunate balloon-cargo-handlers?

Herbert J Messkit

In 1988 from the tower. at guard post Oulette I watched a strange shape floating through the air through a TOW night sight, it turned out to be a propaganda balloon landing in the DMZ. Another time I walked out the barrack s door at camp Edwards and some leaflets fluttered down and landed at my feet


This opens up a whole world of practical jokes …aerial drops of “bag O’dicks gummies”,loaded diapers, colostomy bags or used tampons…Oh shit, the things I could do to a political rally. If not balloons, a drone would work. Good thing I don’t have a lot of time on my hands.

Hack Stone

We could always send Daniel Bernath on a one way flight mission. We just need to ensure that he has enough fuel to make it 200 yards north of the DMZ. Then he becomes their problem.

A Proud Infidel®™

The Norkies really put their farts and souls into that effort!

The Other Whitey

Do you think Needledick wipes his own ass? Or does he roll like Prince Akeem in “Coming to America?” Personally, I’m guessing the latter. If you’re gonna be a pissant 3rd-world dictator with absolute power over your shitty little kingdom, you might as well do it right.

“Son, do you not have sex with your bathers? I do!”

“The royal penis is clean, Your Highness!”

The Other Whitey

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