Turkey Detains 17 Re: the Istanbul Bombing

| January 17, 2016

Most TAH readers probably have heard of the recent terrorist bombing in the tourist area of Istanbul, Turkey.  Well, it appears that Turkey now has 17 persons in custody and potentially facing terrorism charges related to that bombing.

Wanna guess where those 17 individuals Turkey had detained came from?

If you guessed “Syria” – give yourself a gold star.  No word on how many were “refugees”.

But don’t worry, folks.  Our State Department is “thoroughly vetting” any Syrian “refugees” we may admit to the USA.  In fact, we’re vetting them almost as well as we’re checking out foreign-born spouses of US citizens.

Category: Foreign Policy, Terror War

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MSG Eric

That’s impossible! All the refugees from Syria are innocent, starving, poor women and children just trying to escape the evil people.


Huh? If I didn’t think you were joking…ARE YOU OUT IF YOUR RABBIT ASS MIND? 3 out of 70 are clean..the rest stink and feet are filthy..


MSG Eric was being sarcastic. And what the hell are you referring to, Reb?

Living in Israel

Wait…. they AREN’T pinning this one on the Kurds?



Club Manager

Want to bet no one in Turkey is complaining about the interrogation methods the Turks are using to extract more information out of them. They don’t roll up that many in a sweep, someone had to give it up and I don’t think he was asked nicely the second time.


Captain Oveur: Joey, have you ever been in a… in a Turkish prison?

Doc Savage

Syrians huh?

There goes my theory on a violent girlscout splinter faction.

Damn…and last week I was sure it was an underground cabbage patch radical group.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Well sadly the Turks are truly reaping what they’ve been sowing. Their harvest will be more death I fear for they’ve sown the seeds of death in their actions in recent years and months.

Their distrust and hatred for the Kurds has allowed the Turks to ignore ISIS incursions into Kurdish area largely because they dislike the Kurds more than ISIS.

Imagine the Turk’s surprise now to discover that ISIS and its members can’t be trusted to behave just because the Turks didn’t interfere with ISIS operations that targeted Kurds.

Karma is indeed a harsh mistress and that little fuckstick Erdogan might soon find out just how harsh.

I wish I could say I felt really bad about this bombing, and I do in that it killed folks who probably have nothing to do with the politics, but the reality is that this action will be followed by many more of a similar nature because fundamentalists don’t care if you helped them once they only care about what their imaginary friends in the sky dictate.


And eventually, the Kurds may get the autonomous state they were after.


Additionally, many of the Kurds who went to Europe (Germany) from Iraq now want to go home. Germany’s open arms policy is not working well, at all.
