Michael Killam; phony POW

A couple of our ninjas were interested in this fellow, Michael Duane Killam, apparently, because I’ve been getting info on him from a couple of folks since last week. He came to everyone’s attention when he was in the local Dallas/Fort Worth news last month around Veterans’ Day and he was recognized by Congressman Marc Veasey for his service in Vietnam.

He claimed that he was a POW (the period of capture changes from time to time from three days to four months, depending on how Killam feels) and that he was wounded, that he had two Purple Hearts, that he was in the 75th Infantry. From Kera News;
During the first 90 days of his tour in Vietnam, Michael Killam says he felt invincible.
“I had weapons,” he said. “I had power over life and death. I could make people live or I could let them die. I became God-like.”
Killam was only 19 at the time. During his tour, he was captured for three days, hung upside down, and tortured for hours. Eventually, he escaped and returned to duty.
Well, he was in Vietnam;

He was a helicopter crewman, but with the 7th Battalion 15th Artillery, not the 75th Infantry. It looks like he was a mechanic on an OH-58 OH-6 Cayuse which would have been used for artillery observation and spotting, not in assault aircraft as he claims;

DPAA says that he wasn’t a POW either;

He did have two years of honorable service, though, including a year in Vietnam from August 1969 – September 1970;

He left the service as a Private E-2, though, so I think he probably wasn’t the best soldier, but then how many of us were?
Category: Phony soldiers, Valor Vultures
Cricket Commandos still serenading, I see..
Hondo and OWB have some theories as to why the 1st SEAC of the JCS is quiet. Or it is because Claw banished him out the gates of TAH because both of being “Deserters”. Still think the only way to get their attention and possibly a confession/apology is to have them both exposed via news media, similiar to Les Black and Steve Valckye. You saw what happened to Black. With Vackye, his wife made a comment that she and her grandkids were “threatened.” Valckye has never come clean. The other Cricket is Bill Schwartz with Edward William Richards. Again, the only way to get their attention is to have the news media involved and embarass them. But it may not work. Good example again is Valckye. Don’t know what is worse: the Phony/Embellisher or their Enabler.
Five weeks and three days, Gainey. That’s certainly enough time for a FOIA – or to get someone’s records from NPRC with their cooperation (e.g., with a signed SF180 or letter of authorization).
Hondo: I really believe that both of them are reading this and that if they ignore it, we may give up and not address it anymore. You are right that it should not take Gainey this long to get Killam’s records cinsidering you were able to obtain them in the same time period of 5 weeks and 3 days. Also noticed there was no comment about Gainey getting the 3rd SEAC involved or Killam’s so call visit with the VA Doctor. What is disturbing is Killam may be still counseling Veterans. Heck, his Son thinks Killam was a Door Gunner! Trident University worships Gainey and no telling how many other innocent folks are still naive about Killam (and 3 NDSM Gainey who has a son serving in the Army). The Gainey Cup is coming up soon…and most likely will be on Facebook…is Facebook for the Gainey Cup the only way to get not only their attention but the public as well?
HONDO……..I don’t think Gainey has the BALLS to show up here! I think originally he thought he could come in here and throw his weight around and have us all scurrying for the exits. Then in his mind, once everything died down, Killiam could continue on with his bullshitstories.
Come on, Gainey, prove me wrong! Show some stones! Show up and tell us all officially, that we are right. Killiam is nothing but a lying embellisher!
I’m SO tempted to post a not so flattering picture (article with picture) of a family member of Gainey’s here, but don’t want to stoop to that level and embarrass that family member because of Gainey’s poor choices of wearing a 3rd NDSM as well as supporting Killam and staying silent. And who knows: Killam might have pretended to be Gainey all along to protect his own ass. BUT, if it was Gainey that was trying to intimidate us, then here is my message to you, Gainey: You know EXACTLY what Family Member I am speaking of. Perhaps that is why you are so Gung Ho in helping Killam. There is no such thing as Secrets on the Internet, especially when it comes to Mugshots.
Ok. You guys went an ran Gainey as a deserter. Did anyone think about what they were going to do with him when he gets picked up at a strip bar for public intoxication and brought back?
LIKE!!!! ^^^^
Killam might be in jail.
That could be the reason he has not brought the “proof” forth.
Just look at him. It would not be a far stretch….
Oh, we wish…we wish…Now, where do you think the 1ST SEAC of the JCS disappeared? 😉
Probably down to All-Points Logistics.
LIKE! That us why you were nominated to be the Secretary of Agriculture…to clean up all those S!*theads populating our country with their embellishment, cowardness, lies, deceits and falsehood. As well as their Enablers. Which Monkress has as well. We REALLY nees to do a Tournimant on those Enablers.
You might be on to something, there GT. He IS a felonious, shady looking character.
Forty Days and ALL IS NOT WELL.
42+ by my count, Animal. Or 6+ weeks.
Wonder what’s the hold-up? Didn’t take me that long to go through normal channels to get my answer.
Yeah, I just don’t know what we have to do to flush this turd, oops, bird, from cover. Maybe we’ll have to send in the dogs.
I have an old friend that 30 years ago was the four deuce platoon daddy up on Carson with me. He now lives in the Killeen/Ft. Hood area and if there was one thing he hated it was pissy assed, cowardly, prima donna E-9’s.
Maybe I’ll give him a call and let him know what’s going on. It’ll give him something to do until fishing season kicks off.
So, fair warning, PV9 Gainey. You need to sack up and stop this cricket serenade or old *Bulldog Bill* may just come around and bite you in the ass.
I think it’s safe to say he isn’t coming back. That’s too bad. At this point I have more respect for Lars trying to get along with everyone. Lars has been beat up by far worse than Gainey, but he keeps coming back to face the fire. Gainey popped smoke and ran.
PV9 is probably a graduate of the Evelyn Wood Speed Reading course
Maybe oneday TAH will be able to have that Tourniment..Enablers of Those Who Steal Valor or Wagon Circlers or Co-Stars of the SV Tournament. With pictures of the Enablers or Organization. We seem to have a lot of them lately. And folks enjoy voting on those tournaments…and those tournaments go pretty high on GOOGLE Hit. Besides having the news media contact and question these Codependent, Personality Disorder Individuals, how else can you get their attention but to humiliate them? Again, good example is CSM ( RET) Richard Cayton. GOOGLE is name. Phony claim of being a POW. Made the Associated Press and other media. Cayton has never once apologized for his lies. Never. And one never really hears much about the Audie Murphy Club. 1st SEAC of the JCS, William Joseph Gainey, your day will come. For not only supporting a liar who had the audacity to let folks believe he was a door gunner and a POW, but also your lies of having 3 NDSM. And remember, 1st SEAC of the JCS, you are no longer in the Army. And you won’t fade away when you become “old”. And the Internet is forever, especially with a Mugshot of a certain Family Member. That would not reflect well on you or your family if the public/military community found out about you supporting a Phony POW/PH recipient, wearing an unauthorized award and picturing yourself as a Vietnam Era Veteran and hiding a family secret.
Put it under “Best Supporter of a Phony” category.
I’m sure Cayton and Gainey know each other. They both live in the same area down there by Fort Hood and both are former III Corps CSM’s. You know all those E-9s hang out together.
I’m thinking there is more to Gainey’s embellishment than just the claim of three NDSMs. I have a firm belief that no matter what his bio says from the Fort Benning site and his claims on Wikipedia, he is not authorized to wear a “V” Device on the Bronze Star Medal. I also believe the claim of him being awarded eight Meritorious Service Medals and eight Army Commendation Medals is bogus. Especially since seeing a photograph of him on his retirement day and he is only wearing one Bronze Oak Leaf Cluster on the ARCOM.
But I also believe that Gainey doesn’t possess the intestinal fortitude nor the integrity to show up here again and continue to defend Killam for his lies and deception.
But then again, this thread is about Killam. As much as we would like for Gainey to reappear, I don’t think that will happen. As near as I can tell, nothing negative has happened to Killam. He still has his job as a Veterans Program Manager and is counseling veterans as to legal matters and is still enjoying all the comforts of a nearly rebuilt interior to his home, so the big cover-up and defense of him by Gainey continues to reap benefits.
In the meantime, all we can do is sit back, relax, and listen to the daily cricket serenade.
I think Gainey made himself a co-conspirator here when he used his name and the influence he believed that would give him to influence the opinion of the public concerning Killam. I don’t think he would’ve come back to this board and announced that Killam was indeed guilty of the allegations even if he had been well received. I think the only way we would’ve heard from him again was if he could proclaim Killam’s innocence and therefore preserve the Gainey/Killam cult of personality they have going on where they work. His defense of Killam was not based on any altruistic motive of standing up for a brother veteran on his part.
I know I am beating a dead horse, but still think the only way for PV2 Gainey as well as Ed Schwarz to come back on this blog and admit their mistake/ignorance is to have them nominated in the Category “Best Supporter of a Phony” of the SV Tournament. Gainey has adviced others in his circle to ignore us. It could also be publitized on Military Phonies and other Forums such as the Military.com Forums. The 1st SEAC of the JCS is truly not showing his “Military Bearings”. I also don’t believe he witnessed his brother going thru a hard time after coming home to South Carolina after his brother returned from Vietnam, i.e.IF he had a brother who served in Vietnam. (That was the reason he gave as to why he wanted to join the Army). That story along with his 3 NDSM and BSM w/V just does not ring right. Worse of all of this is that there are Vets that truly need help in the Tarrant County, Texas area and I bet the majority of them are unaware about Killam’s lies and stories. For the sake and integrity of the Orgsization, Killam needs to be relieved and Gainey needs to confess he did not earn 3 NDSMs. No telling what other hokey pokey stuff went on with the 1st SEAC of the JCS career. Those individuals are not Men. They are not Soldiers/Seaman. They are cowards with a Narcisstic Personality Disorder and need to be put to shame. Who knows if any of them are gaining any financial benefits from their embellishment or lies. Let’s see now: Killam had a house renovated. Ed Richards has a PH car tag. Could be possible that Gainey and Scwharz may have some bennies as well. And who knows: Killam may be eligible to be buried at Arlington with the inscpition “Prisoner of War” on his Headstone, same as Gary Wayne Gilbert, Phony Vietnam POW. To this day, when one goes to the Arlington Website and looks for a picture of Gilbert’s Headstone, it still states “Picture coming soon.” How long… Read more »
Killam + Gainey = Squishy, Putrid, Incarcerated Turd.
A small bit of good news are in order. It seems that exposure here on TAH does have some effect on LSOS’s such as *Killer* Killam and his sockpuppet defender PV9 Gainey.
The latest check of the *whenvetsgather* website reveals that both Killam’s and Gainey’s pictures and bios as Board of Director members have been removed/deleted.
So I guess that we can’t beat up on Gainey any longer about the claim of him receiving two Purple Hearts that was included in his bio.
The wheels of truth turn slowly, but they will eventually get the job done.
No change on the Tarrant County Vets website. Killam is still listed as the HMFIC/Program Manager.
Guilt. Gainey and Killam are both are ridden with shame and guilt. Or they are trying to salvage their reputation and jobs. The Gainey Cup is coming up. I’m sure Soldiers that will be competing may Google SGM (RET) William Joseph Gainey, the First SEAC of the JCS and see this Blog. Those seeking counseling in Tarrant County, Texas may be referred to Michael Killam and may Google his name as well. Well, surprise, surprise. PV9 Gainey and Killer Killam don’t have the manhood or fortitude to come clean and admit they FU big time. Personality Disorder. How embarassing for the United States Army. Thanks for the update, Claw. Joe Gainey still has listed that he earned 3 NDSMs. The man has a Napoleonic Complex. Insecure. IMO, he is stealing honor for those Soldiers such as yourself, a true Vietnam Vet who had been there and done that. Again, he has fallen in the same line as Rick Cayton, i.e. will never admit to his lies and deceits (Cayton claiming to be a Vietnam POW). What a legacy for both Killam and Gainey to leave their kids and grandkids and most of all, Soldiers in the US Army, past, present and future. BTW, there is still silence from Bill Schwarz on the Edward William Bling Bling Richards case. What a bunch of losers.
Killam exemplifies the “dirt” in dirtbag.
Chirp, chirp, chirp.
Or WTF sound crickets make.
Michael Killam; phony POW
Michael Killam; phony POW
Michael Killam; phony POW
Michael Killam; phony POW
Michael Killam; phony POW
Michael Killam; phony POW
Michael Killam; phony POW
Michael Killam; phony POW
Michael Killam; phony POW
Michael Killam; phony POW
Michael Killam; phony POW
Michael Killam; phony POW
Michael Killam; phony POW
Michael Killam; phony POW
And chicken-shit dirtbag!
Michael Killam; phony POW
Michael Killam; phony POW
Michael Killam; phony POW
Michael Killam; phony POW
Michael Killam; phony POW
Michael Killam; phony POW
Michael Killam; phony POW
Michael Killam; phony POW
Michael Killam; phony POW
Michael Killam; phony POW
Michael Killam; phony POW
Michael Killam; phony POW
Michael Killam; phony POW
Michael Killam; phony POW
Just helping you out….
Michael Killam; Phony POW Michael Killam; Phony POW Michael Killam; Phony POW Michael Killam; Phony POW Michael Killam;Phony POW
Killam and Gainey need to fly the Friendly Skies of United with Ric Belew as their Pilot.
Killam and Gainey need to get a job working for Monkress at All Points Logistics.
Killam and Gainey need to train with Gidick so they can be Bad Asses.
Killam and Gainey need to get with Frank so they can get those 2 PH documents using the Edwardian Script Font to prove Killam was wounded.
Birds of a Feather Flock Together…
It is obvious by their lies, arrogance and silence that they will be voting for HRC.
So alarming that Killam still has his job counseling Veterans as well as those upcoming Soldiers that will be competing in the Gainey Cup.
Spring is coming. Hopefully, the Tournament will start soon with a Sock Puppet/Enabler Category.
Two months and two days, Gainey.
Well? Any word from your “sources”? Did Killam sign a SF180 (or equivalent document) granting you access to his records – or did you file your own FOIA request on him to find out “the truth”?
A FOIA request only rarely takes 2+ months to get an answer. Since we’ve heard nothing, I’m guessing the answer to my questions above is “no” – or you did, and got an answer you didn’t like.
I’m also guessing you won’t bother to answer here publicly and own up to the fact that you “blew it” bigtime here.
Prove me wrong. I’m not holding my breath, but as the little kid in Angels In the Outfield put it: “Hey – it could happen!”
Great minds thinking alike?
Who woulda thunk we would be posting within a minute of each other?
Maybe a double whammy will shake the bushes and get the PV9’s attention.
Rustle, rustle, over!
I just checked the for updates on this myself and couldn’t think of anything witty.
There has to be some recourse in this. It just ain’t right that veterans needing help are still being victimised by him.
Breaking News Update: 63 days (9 weeks) since the last Sockpuppet Report.
What’s the hold up there, PV9? Where’s the exposure of Killam as a Lying Sack of Shit that was promised to us?
So much for upholding the portion of the NCO’s Creed that says “I will not compromise my integrity, nor my moral courage.”
But, then again, I never knew an NCO that was declared an AWOL/Deserter.
We now return you to the regularly scheduled Cricket Serenade.
Let me see if I can rustle the bushes a little bit and get a reaction out of either Killam or PV9 Gainey.
Here’s a small reading assignment for the LSOS and his enabler. Go to the Vietnam Helicopter Pilots Association (VHPA) website and using the menu, read the incident reports pertaining to the following individuals:
WO1 David Meyer (7 May 1971)
WO1 Jay Aston (18 July 1971)
UH-1H Helicopter Serial No. 66-17051 (17 March 1972) pertaining to SP4 Richard Crocker.
Read the reports. Comprehend their content. Do you think that any one of those men felt “Godlike” or “held the power of life or death in their hands”? Then maybe you will understand why men such as 3/17 Air Cav and myself have nothing but utter contempt for individuals such as “Killer” Killam and those that defend their lies.
Each and every day that passes and we receive no answers from you, is another day that you continue to disrespect those men and bring dishonor upon yourself.
So, Killam and Gainey, the ball is in your court and the clock is ticking.
That comment really stuck out in my mind also. That’s why I feel he is victimizing the guys coming in to get help. I know the whole SV phenomena is feeding something dysfunctional in their character (unless they’re doing it for some type of financial gain and then they’re just crooks), but Killam takes it to a whole different level by putting himself in a position to influence vulnerable veterans.
What I just don’t understand is, with each passing day, how deep in the sand the leadership at MHMRTarrant has their collective heads stuck by continuing to allow a General Discharge Private to give legal advice/be a program manager to veterans seeking help. That in itself is a real travesty in all this.
I know that Gainey claimed he had encouraged Killam’s employers not to act on the postings here on TAH, but Geez, does Gainey have that much power/influence that he can, in effect, place a gag order on the actions of a entire veterans service organization’s leadership? In essence, by doing nothing, they are being just as big of an enabler/defender of Killam as Gainey is.
As I see it, as each day goes by and Killam continues to be shielded from scrutiny, is another day that the area veterans are provided with disservice.
But, YMMV.
Michael Killam; phony POW
Michael Killam; phony POW
Michael Killam; phony POW
Michael Killam; phony POW
Michael Killam; phony POW
Michael Killam; phony POW
Michael Killam; phony POW
Michael Killam; phony POW
Michael Killam; phony POW
Michael Killam; phony POW
Michael Killam; phony POW
Michael Killam; phony POW
Michael Killam; phony POW
Michael Killam; phony POW
William Gainey; Stolen Valor enabler
William Gainey; Stolen Valor enabler
William Gainey; Stolen Valor enabler
William Gainey; Stolen Valor enabler
William Gainey; Stolen Valor enabler
William Gainey; Stolen Valor enabler
William Gainey; Stolen Valor enabler
William Gainey; Stolen Valor enabler
William Gainey; Stolen Valor enabler
Deal with your Google “fame”…
Damn near 10 weeks since the last Sockpuppet Report, so I just wanted to remind Michael D. Killam and William J. (Joe) Gainey that we haven’t forgotten about them.
In addition to both being deserters, I think we should add the term of Blue Falcon to both of them. Why? Because:
Every day that Michael D. Killam is able to present himself to any veterans seeking help as a truthful, honest, and forthright individual, he is screwing every one of them over.
Every day that passes and William J.(Joe)Gainey continues to provide cover and concealment for Michael D. Killam as a Lying Sack of Shit (LSoS) is screwing over the veterans that Michael D. Killam provides services and legal advice to.
And every day that passes and the powers that be at MHMR Tarrant County do not take the proper actions to remove Michael D. Killam from his position, (because William J. (Joe) Gainey told them to ignore the information as presented here on TAH or they simply just don’t care) they (the leadership at Tarrant County)should also fall into the category of Blue Falcons.
Always good to know that the needs of the one outweigh the needs of the many at the MHMR Tarrant County Veterans Service Office.
We now return you to the Cricket Serenade.
Just checking in…HELLO echo echo echo
Michael Killam; phony POW
Michael Killam; phony POW
Michael Killam; phony POW
Michael Killam; phony POW
Michael Killam; phony POW
Michael Killam; phony POW
Michael Killam; phony POW
Michael Killam; phony POW
Michael Killam; phony POW
Michael Killam; phony POW
Michael Killam; phony POW
Michael Killam; phony POW
Michael Killam; phony POW
Michael Killam; phony POW
William Gainey; Stolen Valor enabler
William Gainey; Stolen Valor enabler
William Gainey; Stolen Valor enabler
William Gainey; Stolen Valor enabler
William Gainey; Stolen Valor enabler
William Gainey; Stolen Valor enabler
William Gainey; Stolen Valor enabler
William Gainey; Stolen Valor enabler
William Gainey; Stolen Valor enabler
Moral cowardice 1
The cricket brigade must have gotten ahold of all those records that PV9 Gainey was going to review, and eaten them all up.
Michael Killam; phony POW
Michael Killam; phony POW
Michael Killam; phony POW
Michael Killam; phony POW
Michael Killam; phony POW
Michael Killam; phony POW
Michael Killam; phony POW
Michael Killam; phony POW
Michael Killam; phony POW
Michael Killam; phony POW
Michael Killam; phony POW
Michael Killam; phony POW
Michael Killam; phony POW
Michael Killam; phony POW
Michael Killam; phony POW
Michael Killam; phony POW
Michael Killam; phony POW
Michael Killam; phony POW
Michael Killam; phony POW
Michael Killam; phony POW
Michael Killam; phony POW
Michael Killam; phony POW
Michael Killam; phony POW
Michael Killam; phony POW
Michael Killam; phony POW
Michael Killam; phony POW
Michael Killam; phony POW
Michael Killam; phony POW
William Gainey; Stolen Valor enabler
William Gainey; Stolen Valor enabler
William Gainey; Stolen Valor enabler
William Gainey; Stolen Valor enabler
William Gainey; Stolen Valor enabler
William Gainey; Stolen Valor enabler
William Gainey; Stolen Valor enabler
William Gainey; Stolen Valor enabler
William Gainey; Stolen Valor enabler
Has anyone heard anything new about this mess?
Nothing lots of crickets and that’s about all
There really has got to be something that can be done. Killam has no business being around MHMR vets.
Word ^^^^^
Whenvetsgather.org has temporarily suspended their webside.
Oh, 1ST SEAC OF THE JCS; YOU, SGM ( RETIRED), WILLIAM JOSEPH GAINEY, YOU WHO STEAL VALOR BECAUSE YOU JUST HAVE TO HAVE THAT THIRD NDSM AND SHOW OFF “Look at me, Folks”, I’m a Real’Tootin Vietnam Era Veteran even though I know I came in AFTER the eligibilty date for that award…” “Yes Sir, Ree, all you minions, you better remember me, the Gainey Cup Dude, cause if you don”t. I’M gonna run to the 3rd SEAC and tell on you…and I”m gonna get my VIETNAM POW to help me!” And Mothers Day is coming, so I”m going to share with the world what a proud son I am about my Mama before Mugshots extorts me and make me pay $$$$$ to take it down!”
Can we please have the Blue Falcon Tournament and this time, include their Enablers?
There seems to be a whole group of them that would fall in this category.
How else would we get their attention to stop what they are doing? Does one write the Tarrant County, Texas Mayor and Judge to point out they have hired a man to counsel veterans who have mental/emotional problems when that same Couselor, is telling others he is a Vietnam POW? How long will Joe Gainey get away with his lies as well?
Their BS has to be Stopped. Dont understand why Vessey’s office continues to believe in Killam’s lies or why the news media has yet to correct the story about Michael Duane Killam being a Vietnam POW.
I don’t see anything for 2016 yet, but I’m waiting.
Bet both Killam and Gainey are reading all of this. How else does this explain http://www.whenvetsgather.org is temporary down..or the series about Killam being a POW is scrubbed, only to be opened to those who sign up for the Website?
Is Tarrant County that embarrassed by the truth that all of this is being ignored?
Again, the danger is those poor veterans who really need professional counseling fot their struggles…and they are getting it from a Weasel who has lied for years about his military background.
Who is to say there is not financial Fraud involved, particularly if the VA is involved in paying Killam’s salary or paid for the bogus film featuring Killer Killam and his Enabler, 3 NDSM, PV9 Gainey?
Cowards. Despicable, low life cowards, both of them. Gainey Cup “Leadership, Team Spirit” my ass. Gainey=Hypocrosy at its max. Killem=Liar at its max.
Tarrent County, Texas is full of guillible, ignorant people. They have been had by two con men, both who have robbed valor from those who rightfully deserve it.
Hope the Blue Falcon Tournament starts soon. Nothing like good ole fashion exposures for these two pathetic piece of manure.
And Mother’s Day is just around the corner…
All of the above are good possibilities.
And just to stir the pot a little, there is always the possibility that Killer is tapping the MHMRTarrant CEO and she’s keeping all this under wraps.
Wouldn’t put it past him seeing as how he is all felonious and shit.
AskaMarine said: “Again, the danger is those poor veterans who really need professional counseling for their struggles…and they are getting it from a Weasel who has lied for years about his military background.” Agree 100%. A bonafied travesty lurks within.
Have put boo-coo hours in searching the interwebs and emailing anyone who might give a shit; to no avail.
Michael Killam; phony POW
Michael Killam; phony POW
Michael Killam; phony POW
Michael Killam; phony POW
Michael Killam; phony POW
Michael Killam; phony POW
Michael Killam; phony POW
Michael Killam; phony POW
Michael Killam; phony POW
Michael Killam; phony POW
Michael Killam; phony POW
Michael Killam; phony POW
Michael Killam; phony POW
Michael Killam; phony POW
William Gainey; Stolen Valor enabler
William Gainey; Stolen Valor enabler
William Gainey; Stolen Valor enabler
William Gainey; Stolen Valor enabler
William Gainey; Stolen Valor enabler
William Gainey; Stolen Valor enabler
William Gainey; Stolen Valor enabler
William Gainey; Stolen Valor enabler
William Gainey; Stolen Valor enabler
12 weeks have passed since the last Sockpuppet Report.
When will the self professed Cat IIIB 1st SEAC show up with the promised results of his five pronged investigation into the alleged lies of the Killer?
Best guess is never. But hope springs eternal.
I think in this case hope is a dangerous thing.
Michael Killam; phony POW
Michael Killam; phony POW
Michael Killam; phony POW
Michael Killam; phony POW
Michael Killam; phony POW
Michael Killam; phony POW
Michael Killam; phony POW
Michael Killam; phony POW
Michael Killam; phony POW
Michael Killam; phony POW
Michael Killam; phony POW
Michael Killam; phony POW
Michael Killam; phony POW
Michael Killam; phony POW
William Gainey; Stolen Valor enabler
William Gainey; Stolen Valor enabler
William Gainey; Stolen Valor enabler
William Gainey; Stolen Valor enabler
William Gainey; Stolen Valor enabler
William Gainey; Stolen Valor enabler
William Gainey; Stolen Valor enabler
William Gainey; Stolen Valor enabler
William Gainey; Stolen Valor enabler
4 months.
4 long months.
And not one peep out of the 1st SEAC of the JCS, SGM (Ret) William Joseph Gainey who willingly came on TAH site, defending the Phony Vietnam POW, 2 PH recipient, Michael Duane Killam of Texas.
William Joe Gainey of the Gainey Cup an embellisher who stated he was a Vietnam Era Veteran, who claims to have earned 3 National Defense Service Medal.
Joe Gainey who said he was going to get the 3rd SEAC involved with Killam’s claim of being a Door Gunner and being a Vietnam POW.
Joe Gainey who stated that Michael Killam was going to a VA Doctor.
Joe Gainey who said he hated phonies, yet he is not only enabling one, but is a Phony himself.
Tarrant County, Texas, who has turned a blind eye to all of this and has let Michael Duane Killam continue counseling Troops who need professional counseling to deal with their problems, which most likely VA is paying.
1st SEAC of the JCS’s own mother was arrested several years ago in Florida, charged with DUI, which was later dropped to Reckless Driving. That is public information which can be found in the Florida Court System as well as Mugshots. Her last name is NOT Gainey.
So here we have it. One Senior NCO who has failed to live up to the NCO Creed and is a Coward, yet claims to be Christian.
The other is a PVT who has been lying and covering up his lies about stories of being a killer, a POW, of being injured, of being a Door Gunner…and his young son believes it.
Proof is in the records posted here on TAH about Killam. The 1st SEAC of the JCS, William Joseph Gainey of the Gainey Cup does not want to admit he made a mistake and refuses to acknowledge his FU, just as Michael Duane Killam has never admitted he lied about being a POW or having 2 PHs.
Natcisstic, Self-Centered, Co-Dependent Personality Disorders. Stolen Valor and Stolen Valor Enabler at their best.
Speaking of the Gainey Cup, there yet is no mention of it on the Fort Benning Facebook page.
The page has listed the inactivation of the Sledgehammer 3rd Bde Combat Team, 3rd ID,(which should have been shipped off to Germany instead of being inactivated) SHARP Training, Best Ranger Competition, and the upcoming Sullivan Cup for best tank crew, but not a single peep about a Gainey Cup for Cav troops.
I wonder if the ego inflating Gainey Cup has ran it’s course and got shit canned, much like PV9 Gainey’s integrity.
Till then, turn up the volume, put on the headphones and enjoy the woeful strains of the 1st SEAC Cricket Serenade.
A mea culps from the 1st SEAC? On this website? As the 1st SEAC knows he is infallible and we are subordinate to him, it is not going to happen. I feel sorry for the veterans of Tarrant County.
Smaj and Claw:
It’s obvious the Mayor and other elected officials including a Judge of Tarrant County, TX don’t give a Rat’s ass about Michael Killam’s lies.
I’ve written letters to those folks. They have all gone Cricket on me as well. No answer. Nothing.
I think the next Gainey Cup is in 2017. Will have to break down and write a letter to Fort Benning and Fort Knox to let them know they are honoring a man who lied about being a Vietnam Era Vet as well as supporting a Vietnam POW phony.
And IF Killam or the organization he is working for is collecting $$$ from the VA, then it will be time to contact the DoD Hotline to let them know what is going on.
God, I wish I had the guts that Sam K did when he posted the Website about Forging Frank. Or Jonn’s courage. And Mary’s courage.
Gotta figure out a way to ensure William Joseph Gainey’s name goes to the top of the Google Hit list. Killer’s name is number 1 (thank goodness). PV9 Gainey’s is not.
BTW, Gainey, Mother’s Day is coming….you know…your Mommy’s Mugshot picture?
Michael Killam; phony POW
Michael Killam; phony POW
Michael Killam; phony POW
Michael Killam; phony POW
Michael Killam; phony POW
Michael Killam; phony POW
Michael Killam; phony POW
Michael Killam; phony POW
Michael Killam; phony POW
Michael Killam; phony POW
Michael Killam; phony POW
Michael Killam; phony POW
Michael Killam; phony POW
Michael Killam; phony POW
William Gainey; Stolen Valor enabler
William Gainey; Stolen Valor enabler
William Gainey; Stolen Valor enabler
William Gainey; Stolen Valor enabler
William Gainey; Stolen Valor enabler
William Gainey; Stolen Valor enabler
William Gainey; Stolen Valor enabler
William Gainey; Stolen Valor enabler
William Gainey; Stolen Valor enabler
Oh, Gainey….
Saw you on a Video recently with 1SGT Moerk.
Here is the Video:
On the above Video:
“No honorable veterans were harmed in this production. Anyone offended and in need of an on the spot correction is shit out of luck.”
Courtesy of our Dave.
Killer Killam, Sockpuppet Gainey…HELLO?
Guess nobody`s home. Well, Fuck you. Is that clear?
Michael Killam; phony POW
Michael Killam; phony POW
Michael Killam; phony POW
Michael Killam; phony POW
Michael Killam; phony POW
Michael Killam; phony POW
Michael Killam; phony POW
Michael Killam; phony POW
Michael Killam; phony POW
Michael Killam; phony POW
Michael Killam; phony POW
Michael Killam; phony POW
Michael Killam; phony POW
Michael Killam; phony POW
William Gainey; Stolen Valor enabler
William Gainey; Stolen Valor enabler
William Gainey; Stolen Valor enabler
William Gainey; Stolen Valor enabler
William Gainey; Stolen Valor enabler
William Gainey; Stolen Valor enabler
William Gainey; Stolen Valor enabler
William Gainey; Stolen Valor enabler
William Gainey; Stolen Valor enabler
Michael Killam; phony POW
Michael Killam; phony POW
Michael Killam; phony POW
Michael Killam; phony POW
Michael Killam; phony POW
Michael Killam; phony POW
Michael Killam; phony POW
Michael Killam; phony POW
Michael Killam; phony POW
Michael Killam; phony POW
Michael Killam; phony POW
Michael Killam; phony POW
Michael Killam; phony POW
Michael Killam; phony POW
William Gainey; Stolen Valor enabler
William Gainey; Stolen Valor enabler
William Gainey; Stolen Valor enabler
William Gainey; Stolen Valor enabler
William Gainey; Stolen Valor enabler
William Gainey; Stolen Valor enabler
William Gainey; Stolen Valor enabler
William Gainey; Stolen Valor enabler
William Gainey; Stolen Valor enabler
Just in case….
Hey, Killer, just checking in with you to let you know we haven’t forgotten about you.
So, got a question for you. We saw where you changed the background picture on your main Facebook page (one of six FB pages that you have) and we want to know:
Did you wear that American Flag you wrapped around your pointy little head as a Doo-Rag to the Tarrant County Independence Day Parade? You’re wearing that Doo-Rag in the new background picture, so I guess that is the new standard for you.
Disrespecting our flag by using it as a wrap around for that slimy skull of yours is a new low, even for you.
But we expect no answer from you and certainly not a answer from your butt buddy PV9 Gainey, so we now return to the cricket serenade.