White House: 15,475 combat troops deployed

| December 12, 2015

last convoy out of Iraq

The Obama Administration reported to Congress, in it’s semi-annual report, that 15,475 US combat troops are deployed in the war against terror, whatever it’s called these days, according to USAToday, as quoted in the Stars & Stripes. The largest contingent is in Afghanistan where 10,500 are deployed – that’s about 1400 more than six months ago;

Also, 3,550 troops remain in Iraq, and small teams are already in northern Syria to train and advise local opposition troops. The report says up to 50 new personnel “may be deployed in Syria as circumstances warrant.”

The U.S. deployed 350 personnel to Turkey in July in order to support air strikes from Incerlik Air Force Base, and added 375 more in November.

U.S. troops are also conducting counter-terrorism operations in the African nations of Niger (350 troops) and Cameroon (300 troops). Since June, the U.S. has also conducted counterterrorism operations in Somalia, Yemen, Djibouti and Libya

There are also operations being conducted in the Philippines, but I don’t see numbers for that deployment.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Terror War

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That doesn’t seem to include however many thousand are in Kuwait providing support to both the Afghanistan and Iraq theaters. I guess they don’t count.


Neither do the thousands in HOA (CJTF-HOA) conducting the harts and mind missions to help stop or prevent the spread of what ever it is we’re not fighting or combating.


Is this never going to end?


This can only end with a victory or a defeat. Why are we piddling around? Congress is pondering another “use of force authorization” whatever that means. They should either declare war (see Gen William Tecumseh Sherman) or pull out completely. Otherwise this will end well.


Err…. Otherwise this will *not* end well.

(Where’s my editor!)


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Jonn the name should be project mayhem brought to you by operation chaos…