VA officials demoted

| November 22, 2015

We’ve discussed Diana Rubens and Kimberly Graves, two officials from the Department of Veterans’ Affairs who created vacancies in the Department and then used their positions to get the jobs and raked in hundreds of thousands of dollars in relocation compensation for their efforts. Stars & Stripes reports that they have been disciplined but not the extent that a rational person might expect. They were merely demoted and they’re expected to report to their new jobs immediately;

“For those wondering whether VA is committed to real accountability for corrupt employees, VA leaders answered that question today with a resounding ‘no,’” said Rep. Jeff Miller, R-Fla., who chairs the House Committee on Veterans Affairs.

“Rubens and Graves clearly should have been fired,” Miller said in a statement. “The fact that VA leaders refused to do so gives me no hope the department will do the right thing and take steps to recover the more than $400,000 taxpayer dollars Rubens and Graves fraudulently obtained.”

A committee staffer said the VA is not taking steps to recoup the relocation benefits and both executives will continue to earn well over $100,000 a year.

Yeah, well, the VA doesn’t exist for veterans, it’s a jobs program. While I’m sure that there are people out there who work for the VA and their focus is on making life better for veterans, the upper echelons of the SES mafia aren’t in the veterans business.

Thanks to Bobo and Richard for the link.

Category: Veterans' Affairs Department

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The vast majority of VA employees never served and don’t give a dam about taking care of veterans. Most GS12+ jobs are posted restricted to VA employees only, but regardless, who would want to be a part of such a dysfunctional bureaucratic morass anyway?

Silentium Est Aureum

Demoted but not fired.

And people think unions are so frigging wonderful.

Green Thumb

That is very similar to the social worker mentality toward Vets.

Demoted to E-1 and discharged. But he did serve so he must be a good guy.

Makes me sick.


From my experience in the Federal gubmint, I am convinced it is friggin’ impossible to fire someone. You just have to look at many of my co-workers, lazy bastards that they are to realize that.


Senior management, as those two are, are not in the union. On the contrary, the union frequently tries to take down some of the managers.

Green Thumb

I wonder if Dick Hipolit and some of those other turds in General Counsel had any input into this decision?

The larger VA appears more concerned in protecting themselves legally that worrying about how to help Veterans.


So WHY isn’t a Member of Congress (Miller) doing anything more than running his ball washer?


The VA stated they were demoted to “General Worker” status. An assistant director making 6 figures is a “General Worker” at the VA? And they moved them? Did they pay relocation again? Unfortunately the VA leadership is not improving. In my neck of the woods the Martinsburg VA is one of the most dysfunctional organizations I have ever seen. Especially their mental health leadership.


General worker status?? at 100,000 Year? WOW!!!

2/17 Air Cav

I don’t know that a salary reduction comes with the job changes. I would not be at all surprised to learn that the two are pulling the same salary for jobs with lesser responsibilities.


In the DoD, SES are equated to flag officers. Reduction to “general worker” probably means GS-14/15 pay scale. I agree, however, that they should have been fired.

Common Sense

Why weren’t they charged with fraud and convicted? Maybe they would lose their jobs then.

I guess I’m not surprised. If they aren’t fired for letting vets die and covering it up, what’s a little fraud?

The Other Whitey

Fired? Shit, shouldn’t they indicted for fraud at the very least?


Here I am coming off three days without reading any post by Larsie Knowitall. Think I’m going to write a book about those three days and call it “Three Days Without An Asshole”.

Old 1SG, US Army (Retired)

A GS15 in the DC, MD, Northern VA area makes $126,245 to $158,700…

If these two characters were demoted “as a result of a management action” they would be “entitled” to retained pay.

Under current law there are “provisions” that makes it difficult if not impossible to reduce their pay. Worse case scenario for these two nimrods is that they are forced to earn GS15, step 10 pay ($158,700 per year) until they retire or move on.

Tough life… especially since their new jobs would be less responsibilities and I’m sure they will be sitting around doing as little as humanly possible…

Hack Stone

Another example of no accountability in this administration. Open and transparent, you know.