Tuesdays with Claymore

| September 22, 2015

Pedo journalism site claims military aided Afghan child rapists. Patriots.

Child poking = thought provoking

Just doing the jobs Americans won’t do

Now translate that into the welfare state

Sharia later

One man’s bomb making materials is another man’s PC

Until you admit you’re a racist, things will never get better…oh and free shit.

AKA as the “Bad Decision Matrix”

So now Bill Maher is a libertarian?

Clearly Bush’s fault

So Planned Parenthood is now a “vital program”

Am I wrong for reading this in a Speak & Spell voice?

From the leftist’s playbook

Morning Joe is bigoted for pointing out Hillary as the author of the birther movement

May lead to Obama’s third term

Biden the Bernie Killer

…you keep using that word.

Courting the grays and the hipsters

It’s all fun and games until you dis the Debbie

Boxers or briefs?

DUmbasses really understand economics

Did I mention you’re all racists?

Glock Tarts and God bless you

Liberals still hoping for race riots in Charleston

Colorado Leftards hate California Leftards

Category: Tuesdays with Claymore

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The autostart ad on DU for a bank was more interesting and less annoying than the DUers are.

The question is: if the 23 of them are the only people who think the way they do, will they house the incoming hordes of refugees from the Middle East and take the burden off the rest of us?

Veritas Omnia Vincit

No, they talk a good game but NIMBY is alive and well here in the democratic stronghold known as the Bay State….the local sheriff is trying to open an addiction treatment facility to avoid jailing minor offenders where possible and get these addicts treated.

You should see all the liberals putting together motions to keep the facility out of their towns…it’s rather humorous in its hypocritical irony.

Perry Gaskill

You folks might want to up your game, VOV. Here in California, if you don’t want a treatment center next door, you file a lawsuit under the California Environmental Quality Act citing fossil record evidence that the endangered three-toed red-spotted slither frog might have once lived in the area, and could still be around. Maybe.

Lately, I’ve been wondering what would happen to the DU hive mind if someone pointed out that refugees cause global warming…

2/17 Air Cav

“So, please, be understanding and supportive. It’s really all we [pedophiles] ask of you. Treat us like people with a massive handicap we must overcome, not as a monster. If we are going to make it in the world without offending, we need your help. Listening to me was a start.”

Well, well, well. That didn’t take long. That paragraph was taken from a DU pedophile’s Salon article, one in which he claims never to have touched a child sexually. Okay. Right. He is active in some blog called the Virtuous Pedophile. The virtuous pedophile? Yes. Their claimed virtue comes from their claim that they do not act on their sexual preference for children. Oh, I believe them. No question. Bridge. Brooklyn. Cheap. Like I said, that didn’t take long. Gays are good to go. Transgenders are in route. Now departing terminal 16A are pedophiles. It’s their turn to engender sympathy and understanding. It’s their turn to entitlement to societal protections. Ridiculous? I don’t think so. Why would anyone expect one or two perversions to go mainstream and leave it at that? But I’m the hater, I guess. Right. That’s a label I’ll wear proudly, under the circumstances. What a screwed up world.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

I’m thinking pedophiles are like rabid dogs, it sure sucks they have the “disease” but there’s no cure and a significant risk to society so the old cure is still the best cure.

2/17 Air Cav

The thing is that this guy views himself as the victim and seeks sympathy and understanding. How about a free chemical castration? That’s humane and should be a damper on his impulses.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

I’m not a fan of chemical castration, I fear that while it might limit sexual urges the desire to “do” things to children still exists in the brain pain….I prefer a .45 caliber lobotomy…more permanent in nature.