Tuesday morning feel good stories
In Reynoldsburg, Ohio, 18-year-old Joshua K. Collins and his pal forced their way into a home where they met a relative of the homeowner, a single mother, who engaged in a gun fight with the pair. Collins was DRT (dead right there) but his pal escaped. The relative of the homeowner has already been released from the hospital.
In Jackson, Mississippi, another burglar’s career came to an end when the residents rudely shot him while he was engaged in his profession. He’s in the hospital.
In East Selma, Alabama, a pastor is being praised for his quick thinking when he tackled and disarmed a man in his church after the man wounded his baby and baby-momma. The pastor was also wounded.
Javon Brookes Langston of Aberdeen, Maryland, was found DRT in an Edgewood home after him and several pals forced their way in to the home and the homeowner ventilated him – his pals un-assed the AO and the homeowner is unharmed.
Jabatam sends us a story from Indianapolis, Indiana about 27-year-old Anthony Talley who tried to rob a 75-year-old woman in her office. when Talley pointed his weapon at her, her husband appeared and shot him multiple times, including one round to his noggin. Apparently, he’s in critical condition at the hospital, but the police have been able to close several warrants they had for possession of his ass.
Finally, Jill, Marine_7002 and Thomas send us a story from Warren, Michigan where a 43-year-old man tried to turn his life around with the proceeds from a bank withdrawal – at the point of his gun. He turned from the teller with his bag of money and pointed his gun at a customer who happened to have a license to carry a concealed weapon. He shot the fellow in both arms and his leg. The police found the bank robber lying in the street outside the bank screaming for help. Now he’s in the hospital until the police find a room for him at the Gray Bar Hotel.
Category: Feel Good Stories
A commenter at one of the news reports I read, stated that the bank customer who shot the robber was a woman, and she shot him in the arm and both legs.
He ran, but collapsed outside of the bank, screaming in pain.
Always aim center mass. The two arms and a leg were luck.
Does this sentence need to be reworded – or did Indianapolis suddenly become unusually progressive?
“Apparently, he’s in critical condition at the hospital, but the police have been able to close several warrants they had for possession of his ass.”
Thor, Bubba, Julio, and “Tiny” say it’s just truth in advertising.
I notice in the Aberdeen, MD, story, that the home invader who was shot is not referred to as a ‘victim’. This has crept lately into other stories about such events, as well.
Are some reporters beginning to see the light? Is there a pattern here?
Almost certainly an oversight by the layers and layers of fact-checkers in the MSM.
In Maryland? That has to be a grievous mistake by the reporter and his/her editor.
We have at least 2 taking a DRT nap and one pretty much well on his way.
I hope that he lives a long time as a brain dead example to his family about how well he was raised. Of course they will stay in denial professing that he was a wonderful boy and only trying to turn his life around, that he had found Jesus and that he was a victim of racism and police brutality for years and that is why he was a gang banger !!!
How long before we hear his new name, Dindu Nuffin ???
Can’t agree, ‘Stixx. Medicaide and/or some other taxpayer-funded program would doubtless be stuck with the tab for his round-the-clock care – and that don’t come cheap.
That or he’ll be renamed “Datudda Dude”! 😉
I remember in law enforcement,”Shoot first” answer questions later”. I understand that if in a critical situation and a life is in danger, SWAT goes for head shots. Shooting a idiot holding a knife calls for legs and arms, not riddle him with all your bullets.
I’m glad they came out with body cameras. There are cops who do kill and lie, then the truth is found via camera.
Then there’s Joe Citizen who’s not trained. Absolutely shoot the intruders. NOBODY should judge a homeowner unless they have been in his/her shoes. The perpetrators family sue homeowners who killed while protecting the family and property claiming HE’S A GOOD BOY, UNTIL attorneys gets the punks records.
A man shot a boy, a really good guy, thinking that he was breaking into his house. It was the daughters high school boyfriend who was invited but didn’t tell parents. It destroyed two families and the shooter had to move because friends said it was her fault. Sadly, it was.
Was that supposed to be meaningful?
Aaah, yes. a bunch of them ventilated, with some wounded, hopefully severely, and some DRT. Sorta makes up for yesterday’s rather bland post.
I can’t help but think in the Michigan story, how some dolts, want to wave a gun, threaten and injure others without a thought, but when THEY get injured, it’s all hollering and screaming and fit to die.
The Bad Guys want to violate others, but are the first to scream about their own “civil rights” when Karma comes to call.
In a follow up to the Warren, MI story, it looks like the good guy fired 10 rounds and managed to wing the bad guy 3 times. It sounds like someone needs to spend more time at the range.
It could have been worse. Look at the NYPD, who shoots everyone BUT the perp!
2 DRT’s and one FGZ (Firearm-Generated Zombie). Good score today.