US to reinforce MFO

| September 11, 2015

According to the Daily Beast, the Defense Department is rushing reinforcements and armament to the Sinai to bolster the US contingent of the Multinational Force and Observers because of the attack on US troops that we talked about last week.

In the last week, the Pentagon authorized the shipment of additional high-caliber weapons, surveillance towers, Bradley fighting vehicles, and medical equipment to bolster security for the 1,600 U.S. and UN troops tasked with ensuring Egypt and Israel abide by the 1979 peace treaty, The Daily Beast has learned. Much of that equipment is now en route in the northern edge of the peninsula.


While the American troops did not suffer life-threatening injuries during last week’s attack, the talks now have a different tenor “because we are now talking about a real threat to their safety,” as one defense official explained.

It’s funny how trying to fight a war against terror on the cheap can get exponentially expensive. It’s also funny how much more difficult it is to run the United States than it is to campaign. Actions and inaction seem to have consequences. And the troops are the ones who pay in blood for bad political policy.

Category: Terror War

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Thunderstixx Thunder

All of a sudden it’s important to protect our troops…
Go figger…


Somebody must have remembered that they vote too…


Yeah, but if Florida’s dimpled chads taught me anything, it’s that those votes often arrive days after an election is called.


Words fail me.

Ed Fast

pretty sure that the armaments of the US troops in the sinai were restricted by the protocols of the MFO, and I remember a North Camp weenie (US Army O-5) chewing out a officer (an O-3)of the Inf Bn I was with because of the defensive positions they had constructed at the CP, (they were too warlike) he said something to the effect “you will never understand anything about peacekeeping operations” this was about 30 years ago.

MSG Eric

Sounds like an O-5 who doesn’t understand anything about peacekeeping.

Especially with people who seemingly hate each other.

I was in Bosnia in the 90s. If you played “nice” with the three factions, they blew you off. We had to show force and show them we’d use it, otherwise they’d just keep fighting.


Well, today I learned what an MFO is. I had some assumptions going in about what the ‘MF’ stood for, and was trying to figure out the ‘O’ as the page was loading–as it turns out I was way off.

MSG Eric

If the IED hadn’t been in the news, I imagine “the they” wouldn’t have authorized more equipment and the like for them.


About MF GD time!

Looks like things’re getting pretty f’ing real over there.