Friday morning feel good stories

| September 11, 2015

In Crockett County, Tennessee, according to the brief story, some home invaders started something when they broke into a house, that “something” was a gunfight with an armed homeowner. The police aren’t sure if anyone was shot, but the home invasion ended as abruptly as it started.

In Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, a man got out of his car near his home when he was approached by two men in the darkness. The licensed gun owner protected himself and made one of the thieves DRT while the other un-assed the AO.

In Detroit, Michigan,two youngsters thought a man accessing his ATM machine would be an easy mark. They pointed a rifle at him and told him to empty his pockets and he did, one bullet at a time, injuring both thieves. They got a round off and hit their intended victim in the leg. All are in the hospital recovering successfully from their wounds.

Category: Feel Good Stories

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Pennsylvania? Philly, the home of the Philly cheesesteak (no peppers) and the inimitable warm, soft pretzel with mustard?

Someone in Philly had a legal gun and used it appropriately, and no one is screaming ‘victim’ at the bad guy. I’m trying to get waked up this morning. I thought you couldn’t have gunzz in Philly or PA.

Nice to be wrong-o.


Good to know. Thank you.


Pennsyltucky supposedly has the largest NRA membership of any state.