Weekend Open Thread

| August 28, 2015

The Cotopaxi volcano, one of the world's highest active volcanoes, spews ash and smoke as seen from Quito, Ecuador, August 27, 2015. Ecuadorian authorities are monitoring activity at Cotopaxi volcano, which prompted Ecuador's President Rafael Correa to declare a state of emergency and authorities to maintain a yellow alert for eruptions as bursts of ash keep spewing from the snow-encircled crater of the volcano and falling in gusts on residential communities.  REUTERS/Gary Granja        TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY

The Cotopaxi volcano, one of the world’s highest active volcanoes, spews ash and smoke as seen from Quito, Ecuador, August 27, 2015. Ecuadorian authorities are monitoring activity at Cotopaxi volcano, which prompted Ecuador’s President Rafael Correa to declare a state of emergency and authorities to maintain a yellow alert for eruptions as bursts of ash keep spewing from the snow-encircled crater of the volcano and falling in gusts on residential communities. REUTERS/Gary Granja TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY

So, here’s your open thread for the weekend. I’m about half-way to Bethesda for my annual trek to look at the pretty nurses and doctoresses at Walter Reed.

If you’re wondering what is happening in LA this week, your guess is as good as mine. I do know that a certain non-CPO has another pair of dates in the Bar Association’s courtroom scheduled for the 24th & 25th of September, so there won’t be anything happening of real consequence today. He’s only delaying the inevitable, though. You know, like he does with everything in his pitiful life.

If you’re wondering where TSO is, he’s white water rafting in the Grand Canyon with a bunch of veterans this weekend.

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Silentium Est Aureum



But you are our Winner. you have the lead off… 🙂


I’m quite impressed by the amount of snow on the slopes of that Ecuadorean volcano. I believe that Ecuador, Chile and Patagonia are having extremely heavy snows this South American winter (our summer), and the ski tourism industry is in high gear right now. Last I read, the new snowfall total was 20 FEET in Portillo, Chile, which benefits the ski lodges there.

Oh, and thanks to Eden (below) for clearing up that the more posts there are from TAH that say, “Navy embellisher Phil Monkress of All Points Logistics (APL) is not and never was a Navy SEAL”, the higher the TAH hits, thus damaging the PR efforts of Navy embellisher Phil Monkress of All Points Logistics (APL), who is not and never was a Navy SEAL.


Wait, Say Again, Over.

Did you just say that “Navy embellisher Phil Monkress of All Points Logistics (APL) is not and never was a Navy SEAL”,the higher the TAH hits, thus damaging the PR efforts of Navy embellisher Phil Monkress of All Points Logistics (APL), who is not and never was a Navy SEAL.

I just want to get it straight before I request a re-transmission of your last net call.


Green Thumb

“Did you just say that “Navy embellisher Phil Monkress of All Points Logistics (APL) is not and never was a Navy SEAL”, the higher the TAH hits, thus damaging the PR efforts of Navy embellisher Phil Monkress of All Points Logistics (APL), who is not and never was a Navy SEAL.”

Or you could say “The False Commander Phil Monkress, CEO of All-Points Logistics, is a fake SEAL, fake Native American and fake LEO.”

There are several variations. Feel free to bring new levels of creativity.


OK,then. I’ll just say “That the False Commander Phil Monkress, CEO of All Points Logistics (APL) is a Fake SEAL, a Fake Native American, a Fake LEO, but he is not a Fake Poopy-Head”.

“Phil Monkress, CEO of All Points Logistics (APL) may be a Fake SEAL and a Fake Native American and a Fake LEO, but being a Poopy-Head is real, not fake”.


I believe that’s correct.

I just want be clear about this: the more posts there are from TAH that say, “Navy embellisher Phil Monkress of All Points Logistics (APL) is not and never was a Navy SEAL”, the higher the TAH hits, thus damaging the PR efforts of Navy embellisher Phil Monkress of All Points Logistics (APL), who is not and never was a Navy SEAL.

But I also cook.


IN addition, if we’re going to talk about volcanoes, there’s this link to earthquake reports dot com’s website, the volcano reports section. The Colopaxi webcam section is first on that list.


But I can also say that The False Commander Phil Monkress, CEO of All-Points Logistics, is a fake SEAL, fake Native American and fake LEO.” (HT2GT)


First !!


Shit, so close, yet so far away.


SEA, same time posting, so I’ll share the title with ya.


2/17 Air Cav

CLAW131. I am sorry to inform you that the Book of the Immortals has been closed. You may have lost by mere seconds–and you did–but that will cost you the Emperor’s crown too. So close. So very close. I figured it would be Skippy to give you a run but while you were watching for him through the front windows, SEA slipped in through the back door.

“For all sad words of tongue and pen, The saddest are these, ‘It might have been’.”


You’re right. It was a case of missing out by milliseconds. My two in a row and the potential for everlasting glory disappeared like a popcorn fart in a Wyoming breeze.

My signal from the Mountain Time Zone must have turned right instead of left in Albuquerque on it’s way to TAH Headquarters.

Yea, don’t know what happened to Skippy. I figured he’d right there also.


my last time on top was the 4th of July weekend I’m on a drought


TMI Skippy!?




Damn it third again…. WTF !!!!!!!

Silentium Est Aureum

Banker says, NO DEAL!

As far as Bernath goes, I guess it shouldn’t surprise anyone he’s trying to delay the inevitable punishment for his actions. How un-adult like, but it’s what we’ve come to expect from him.

Further, this proves all the more to me that he’s not crazy. He’s well aware of what he’s doing, which makes him an evil sociopathic prick. Too bad, Dan, you could have served as a shining example, but instead you serve as a terrible warning.

Your legacy is to be forgotten, unloved, unmourned, and basically spoken of in only the most derogatory terms, if at all.

But be proud of that, Dan. After all, you earned it.


Oh, no. He will not be forgotten. His name will live on in infamy. He will be the story that future veterans tell when liars and fakes threaten lawsuit. His name will be a meme, a warning, and an even bigger joke among even more veterans than it is now.

A Proud Infidel®™

I’m sure that Daniel A. Bernath will be the butt of lawyer jokes for many years to come. I can picture one Attorney describing a mediocre fellow by saying something like “Yeah, he’ll say stupid things sometimes, but nowhere near ‘Bernath-stupid’l

HMCS (FMF) ret.

He was already in the ABA’s journal for his antics against Judge Hyatt…

Silentium Est Aureum

This is my surprised face.

No, really. Never saw that one coming.

HMCS (FMF) ret.


This guy probably thinks this article is good advertising for him.

gas tank

don’t you mean yelp?

stay thirsty my friends.


Remember gentlemen,
For a long and healthy life, after 50, it is recommended by the ABA that you get a Bernathoscopy.


Spew alert for crying out loud !!!

Pineywoods NCO

Damn it, I shouldn’t read this while in bed with my sleeping wife. I woke her up and got smacked for it.


I made a promise to stand down on Bernath, but do to circumstances beyond our control I must respond. Asshole Bernath and lapdog Dallas. Take a flying fuck. I thought it would be over Thursday morning until I was informed of the September hearings. Since you continue to screw with innocent people because your to stupid to find me I did something special.
Today I copied every
threatening, rape and kill my kid bullshit email, the Iceland website and emailed it to the PROSECUTOR who wants you disbarred. I also am sending all through FED EX.I also offered to testify before the Judge.
Your last email saying that I was ratted out by someone who I respect was a fucking lie. I should of known better, but woozy from meds after surgery I believed.
Dallas, I made a promise and I will keep it. As your signature says The LAPDOG COMETH, HERE’S MINE “MY BROTHER COMETH WITH FRIENDS” you fucking pussy.
BERNATH eat shit and die a lonely death because no one GIVES A DAMN!

Delilah T

What you guys are saying is that in the future, when someone engages in truly effing up everything he/she touches, he, she or it will eternally be known as “one who pulled a bernath”. Is that close enough?


And lo, as it is written so shall it be:

“For he shall become a well-known description; verily, he shall describe one who behaves with extreme asshattery. And his name shall thus live forever, serving as a counterexample to the righteous.”

Bill M

“Pulled a Bernath” or “Passed a Bernath”? Inquiring minds want to know….


Either use appears to be both semantically consistent and structurally correct. Whether accurate or not, I can’t say. (smile)

Delilah T

If it’s on your lawn or driveway, it’s probably ‘passed a bernath’.

If it’s another prime example of stoopidsh*t underway, it’s probably ‘pulled a bernath’.

It may go down in history as even stoopider than the “Jackass” movies.

Hack Stone

AAA Road Assistance: How the fuck did you manage to run out of gas in the middle of Desth Valley?

Embarrassed Driver: I neglected to read the fuel gauge before I left the highway.

AAA Road Assistance: Yesh, you really Bernathed on that one. Good thing you were in a car and not an airplane.

HMCS (FMF) ret.

In future Law School classes, they will be teaching about his frivolous lawsuits in search of “the golden egg”… his tactics in court will be called “The Bernathian Gambit”


My Heeler Just took a HUGE Bernath in my Front Yard and then Wiped his Bernath on my sidewalk…..

A Proud Infidel®™

ARE YOU SURE he didn’t take a Monkress in your front yard and wipe his Bernath on the driveway? 😀


🙂 LMAO ! !


Soon to be new legal term for a lawyer that pushes a bunch of phony lawsuits: Pulling a Bernath


Client: This lawsuit is so full of BS, even I could tell that we will win it.

Lawyer: You’re right, the plaintiff’s lawyer pulled a Bernath. The case will get dismissed. :mrgreen:


New term for a victim of an opposing lawyer pulling a Bernath: Got Bernathed


Wife: Could you believe it? They’re suing us based on pure BS!

Husband: Yup, we got Bernathed. Don’t worry though, even we could see that the case will get thrown out. :mrgreen:


That’s just freaking Bernathian…


That’s a fuckup of Bernathian proportions! ❗ 💡

A Proud Infidel®™

I can Picture this as well:

Lawyer: No way I was going to take this case some guy came in with yesterday…

Fellow Lawyer: OK, but I’m curious?”

Lawyer: “Between you and me, NO WAY, it was 100% Bernath-crazy, that shit would’ve made me the laughing stock of the courthouse and the State Bar!”


That lawyer didn’t want to pull a bernath. 😎


Shucks. I was hoping the DRC AAR would be in this Weekend Open Thread.


Trust me….when TSO, Jonn, MCPO and all post the denouement a’ la Birdbath and the DRC, I’m pretty confident that this will be our collective reaction…


Immediately followed by this…..



Pinto Nag

My brain is currently looping on this garbage. I honestly don’t know what to say, at this point. 🙁


A Proud Infidel®™

Today’s colleges are apparently making their maximum effort to turn out as many socially inept clueless unicorn-chasing snowflakes as they possibly can.


There are five sexes, you know. I invented them. He, she, it, them, and neither or nie.

I have a story that needs edits, based on this idea.

That university’s dean is full of alewives and Asian carp.


I’m all for this genderless scene at college. I’m going back for the Ph.D!

Just think about it…since the college can’t/won’t recognize gender then I can participate on the “women’s” volleyball team AND since the school can’t discriminate against how I perceive my gender we all get to share a locker room! Jackpot baby!

(P.S. I didn’t mean the word “baby”. It is an ugly word that has no place in today’s society. I meant to state young person)

(P.S.S. I didn’t mean the world “person” which individuals and categorizes entity’s into narrow zoological confines. I support the belief all entity’s are created equal. I meant entity.)


There are termes of endearment in foreign languages which really are gender neutral in many respects:

niñita; infanta; cher; amor; dummkopf; fettsack, etc.

I’m quite sure there are more. I kind of like the word ‘scheisse’. It covers just about all aspects of this dimwitted idea.


Then there is the Bernathian species still under studies at various court rooms across the United States…
The Bernathian is part of the Simian genus and known to be a lower intelligence subset of the Simian Species.
Almost extinct now, the species is intent on proving to the entire study department in the courtrooms of America that the species is not going to survive unless chained up along with other non mating species known throughout the world as the Thor, Bubba, Tiny, Jose and Johnny 23 species…
The Bernathian species is known to have no ability to assimilate into any military environment and is also know as being so illiterate as to not be able to read a gas gauge on a Cessna or like airframe…
Species study updates as tgey occur.
In the meantime, make sure you check out some of the other species known to also be on the endangered species list because of their low intellectual capacity.
The Gidduck, more commonly known as “turd with a face”
The Chevey alsol said to have facial features of larger elephant and rhinoceros and buffalo dung heaps across the savannas of the plains of North America and others.
Stay tuned, Film at eleven.



and more…..

THESE are gender neutral. Can we use them also??

Just wondering…. don’t want to offend anyone, ya know.



and more

😀 😀 😀

Green Thumb

You forgot “Turd.”

A Proud Infidel®™

Ass pickle
Butt Nugget


Y’all know that a certain cpo is going “huh”, “what”, “is somebody calling me?”


Ladies and gentlemen, this time next week I will be arriving in L.A. do we have any members put there interested in grabbing a beer and giving me pointers on how to survive the people’s Republic of california?


Give PH1 Sheppard a call. Sparks has his contact info. He’s pretty much housebound and would probably welcome a visitor.

Silentium Est Aureum

Stay behind the Orange Curtain as much as possible.


Leave all common sense, logic and facts at the border, such is not welcome there. If stopped by anyone claim you are illegal and don’t speak English. They will give you food stamps, medical care, education, and a job with no further questions.


well if you came to Tucson, well could have a BBQ We have some Nice 25oz T-Bones waiting to hit the grill


Ever been to a zoo? Since you are inside the cage you have to be a little careful …

Lots of pretty girls, some cool cars, lots of places that you have seen in movies and on TV, nice beaches and mountains, mostly nice weather – except it may be damp and chilly down by the ocean in the evening and morning – some great restaurants.

In all sincerity, places in LA are fun but getting between the places via car is usually not fun. Where do you expect to be? Many people know the city and can steer you around.


Sixteen. Ah…to be 16 again!


And to know back then what we know now.

We might even remember the 60’s.

Finally got indoor plumbing when I was 16.


CLAW131…I left the family tobacco and cotton farm at 16 and went out on my own. Only to find at 17 I had nothing to do and no prospects except, the military. If I had known then just 5% of what I know now…I probably make all the same mistakes. My mistakes however do not include my tours in the Army and then the Air Force. They gave me the ways and means to an education and career that provided for me and my family for all my life. Best choice I ever made was enlisting, with my father’s approval.


Just in case anyone didn’t know getting sideswiped by a Toyota Camry hurts! Was riding my motorcycle home from work couple of weeks ago and next thing I knew, I was waking up in the ER with a busted foot, separated shoulder, and a concussion.


Ouch. Best wishes for a full and speedy recovery, amigo.

2/17 Air Cav

“I was waking up in the ER….”

Glad to hear that part. I wish you a full and complete recovery.


Wondered where you were. You are lucky to be alive.

Silentium Est Aureum

Holy crap. Knew more than one guy in Orlando who tried defying the laws of physics. None that I know of won. Glad to hear you’re going to be okay, though.

Pinto Nag

Prayers out for your speedy recovery! A sort of left-handed comment, maybe — but at least you didn’t tangle with a Peterbilt! 🙂

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Hope you heal quick, in my case I found out that some folks who signal for a right turn will actually turn left. Broke my ankle in three different and entertaining places….that was 25 years ago…today I am considering an operation to repair that ankle’s slow decline over the last 25 years…


Well I’m back to work going a little slower than usual. On a good note my friends assure me the injury attorney I selected is an undefeated pitbull in the courtroom

Pinto Nag

You mean the person that hit you wouldn’t pay your medical bills?!


“undefeated pitbull ”

So you didn’t hire Bernasty?


I hired the Anti-Bernasty?

A Proud Infidel®™

More like the antipode of Bermaggot?


Get well soon. Glad it wasn’t worse than it was. Also glad you’re still here to tell the tale my friend.


Eeeeee OUCH ! ! !
Hope All get better and u recover good


“… next thing I knew, I was waking up in the ER …”

Good on ya! Consider the alternative.

Get well, this too shall pass.

A Proud Infidel®™

At least you didn’t get hit by some booger-head in a dented, scratched black Caddy!




Yes, Master Chief, you are and always shall be, first in my heart of hearts.

Okay, that’s enough sexual harassment on the job for today. I have to get back into it with my Marines.


Pursuant to documents filed by the respondent, there are alligations that I caused the entire Yelp hoopalahwhodunit!

The alligators will have some splainin’ to do when rebuttal witnesses are called.

HMCS (FMF) ret.

WTF??? Danny-boi is really “reaching” to keep the Bar from going balls deep BOHICA on him…

Silentium Est Aureum

(Grabs popcorn and beer)

Dis gun b gud.


Damn SEA, you dun hit the DGBG signal….


Once again just enough to keep us hooked but not enough to satisfy. All I can say is that there is going to be one hell of an AAR!

A Proud Infidel®™

Damn, I couldn’t make shit like that up if I tried, I only wonder how much more imbecilic and asinine he will get?


So, who got accused of taking Noah’s Gas?

Frankie Cee "In the clear"

Womever had their nose closest to Noah’s ass.


It sure wasn’t Bernath’s Aircraft Fuel Tanks.


What a Nut Job. he Needs a life or maybe a LONG LOOK In Da Mirror…
The Answer will be right in front of him

HMCS (FMF) ret.

Docs concerning the Social Security Admin and a “Susan Lee”? Interesting…


Even assholes have hobbies.

gas tank

Yes, the court docket/proceedings were amusing to read. Motions denied x 4.

These are the makings of Harvard Law Case Studies. Or the Sunday funnies.

Stay thirsty my friends!


Originally posted by MCPO NYC USN Ret.

Pursuant to documents filed by the respondent, there are alligations that I caused the entire Yelp hoopalahwhodunit!

The alligators will have some splainin’ to do when rebuttal witnesses are called.

Yup, you’re his Jim Parker. Other than the obvious, we know that he’s as much full of BS as Dennis (Denny) Howard Chevalier, the timeline of the complaint, that he’s responding to, happened before he came to This Ain’t Hell’s attention.

It appears that he hasn’t learned from the incident where he abused a judge in the elevator area, where he got hammered on This Ain’t Hell, his current fiasco, and his other misadventures.

Also, he never was a CPO in any capacity. He’s not a CPO in any capacity today.

And remember, don’t be an azzhole to him, because then he’ll have to be an azzhole to you, and he’s better than everyone at being an azzhole on the internet! It’s there, on his special ed journal! :mrgreen:


Hey Bernasty you missed some brass on the Titanic. Get shining corn boy.

A Proud Infidel®™

Speaking of the Titanic, I hear researchers have discovered that her bathtubs and swimming pools STILL hold water!!

Roger in Republic

Unlike some people’s legal arguments!


Oh those wonderful VA workers……

1) A woman by the name of Zerry Feaster was hired by the VA in Decatur, GA in 2008 and worked as a secretary for the Chief of Police Services. (“Zerry” is not a typo. That’s her name.)
2) Ol’ Zerry was issued a purchase card for her job and she promptly went out and bought gift cards which she used herself or exchanged for cash. The total amount was over $88,000.
3) Zerry was caught and convicted of several things, including stealing the cards which was charged as a felony.
4) Zerry was sentenced to 13 months in the slammer, 3 years probation, 50 hours of community service and restitution of the $88K.

Zerry appealed saying that the actual amounts for each individual theft were not felonies and she should not have been charged with felonies or sentenced under felony guidelines.

On August 25th, the Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals said “no way” to Zerry’s appeal.


The good guys win one, but you really have to wonder how this theft could have occurred and what the VA has done to prevent it from happening again.

Furthermore, reading the decision from the Appeals Court, they go into sentencing guidelines that are extremely complicated and I would say are ridiculous.

The woman stole from vets. That alone should lock her away from longer than 13 months.


Well, it shouldn’t happen. But with an inattentive or overworked (e.g., too many GPC acccounts), it could happen.

GPCs (government purchase cards, AKA govt credit cards) typically have a $2500 or so monthly limit. The statements don’t list much besides the name of the firm and how much was charged for each transaction.

Transactions are supposed to be cross-checked against receipts, but the authorizing official doesn’t typically do that. The cardholder does that part of the job (almost always a different individual). Can’t remember if the AO is required to spot check or not.

The lady got the card in 2008. Assuming she got busted in 2013, that would give her 5 years to pad bills with bogus purchases and “slipstream” them thru her AO for approval. $88k / 60 months is less than $1500/month – far under the monthly limit, and obviously low enough to skate “under the radar” for a while, especially if the purchases were at routine locations and “fenced” elsewhere for cash.

I’m guessing a new AO cross-checked a couple of bills, got suspicious, and asked for an audit. And then it hit the fan.


Share???? Throw us a bone whilst awaiting the long anticipated DRC AAR?

Currahee John

You know, I think these two should, a) just make it official (that they are a “couple,” IYKWIM); and, b) they should go on the road with their act, and just admit that they are a classic, vaudeville/Borscht Belt straight man & fool combo act. They can even exchange roles!

Beneath already has a potential gold mine of a standup act at real-live type lawyer conventions, just by reading from his hundreds of filings, appeals, and motions. Wittgenstein can just do his “drop from the skies in a purple clown suit while screaming obscenities and messing himself” act that he has developed to near perfection. That way they can actually earn some cash, instead of hemorrhaging it out in courtrooms, the way they are these days!

A Proud Infidel®™

Lemme wave THIS at the persnickety piddly nosepicking powder-headed POOP STAINS:

( )*( ), and:


*Waves* Hi Dumb and Dumber. Enjoy Court Bernasty? I know the last Judge got a headache from you.

Frankie Cee "In the clear"

I have been carrying my 166 page comic book, (aka; Bernath law suit), in a plastic case, sharing his perjuring statements that he made and swore to, about me, with friends in the area. Deputies at lunch, the County Attorney at a BBQ a week ago, with Ranger Instructor friends at parties. I am developing a reading skit, taking the words directly from the writings of the perjurer himself. I hope that this doesn’t interfere with the progress that Mr. Mason, (not Perry), has made so far.

Pineywoods NCO

I would like to wave to them like you should do to jerks like them.



Now, forgive me, I am still keeping my eyes out for Denny and his fat ass.

Seriously, back to my graduate school courses and my 73 page syllabus for one of my classes.

Pineywoods NCO

I forgot to mention, that 73 page syllabus has 73 more pages that make sense than anything Bernath has ever written.


Is Bernath still claiming to represent Wickre?

Green Thumb

Turds of a feather flock together.


Someone besides me please tell bernitwit that he’s a colossally boring wad of drek from the sink drain.


A Proud Infidel®™

I bet the Brit Fire brigade portrayed by Benny Hill and Company is at least ten thousand times more competent than ALL of APL and the Dutch Rudder Gang combined! I wonder if Pildo Monkress isn’t thankful for Daniel A. Bernath believing that DAB has taken a lot of TAH attention away from him and his con games with the US Government!

Anyway, on with the video, and I hope I’ve gotten rid of my video-posting jinx:


I guess I’ll make the first public announcement here where they can see it.

With the end of the case against me and the barking stopped, the costume club I was “kicked out of” allowed me back in again. You see, Crash-and-Bernath was crowing over something that didn’t even involve him. He only thought it did, but he had less influence over the club’s decision than even I was led to believe.

So, I guess that’s what happens when your intestinal fortitude is taxed by one too many catheter accidents. Either that or he was just getting used to being a catcher with Dullass at the mound for a way to earn some money in Florida after he loses his law license.


Aww, I missed that. I’ll wave now.

Do I have to use all of my fingers, or is one sufficient?

Roger in Republic

I learned a new word this week, Pyrocumulas. It is the cloud that forms over a large wildfire. It is not just smoke, it is caused by the rapidly rising air column that forces the water in the air to condense and mic with the smoke. Being completely surrounded by wildfires I have seen several of these clouds in the past weeks. We are under a temperature inversion that traps the smoke close to the ground. We got a little relief from the smoke today with passage of a cold front. Visibility is about a mile but we still can’t open any windows. The North star fire has burned to within 3 or 4 miles of us and they say it may not bey done until the snow flies. This could drag out until November.


Be careful. A deep inversion layer was one of the things that turned the 1871 Peshtigo fire’s smoldering camp fires into a firestorm. Ditto the Chicago fire, which occurred on the same day, under the same weather conditions.

Hack Stone

Hack Stone: Why did you bring one of the poles to the laundry line up on the patio deck?

(Note: Patio deck is second level, built for the kitchen door).

Rosetta Stone: in case the gophers come up here.

They must be some pretty aggressive gophers. They better not mess with my buffalo wings or beer.

Green Thumb

I wonder if All-Points Logistics and the False Commander Phil Monkress had anything to do with the trailers?

Word has it when Phildo was an up and coming turd at APL, he brokered a few of these deals to enrich himself with taxpayer money.


When someone steps in a steaming pile of Phil Monkress, they have a tendency (unknowing of course) to “track it in”.

Perry Gaskill

Setting aside APL, the MSN story was weak on multiple levels and amounts to collective pearl clutching, again, by the Sierra Club.

It doesn’t, for example, offer any alternative for what FEMA was supposed to have done in the wake of Katrina. Would it have been better to have provided tents?

There’s no doubt that formaldehyde is a nasty compound, but the writer also fails to offer why it is used in the first place to, one might assume, stop the spread of black mold or whatever which is even nastier. Lest the crisis go to waste, she also buries way down to the point of irrelevance the fact that levels of formaldehyde dissipate over time. Something likely accelerated by air exchanges within the structure.

It’s interesting that the quote “open a window” was offered as a derogatory, and not followed up as part of a common sense solution.

I’m pointing this out because one of the current dilemmas among builders putting up super-insulated houses is that they still need fresh air to be a healthy dwelling. Levels of adequate air exchange are spelled out in the building code, but if you bring in too much outside air you can risk eliminating the advantage of having any insulation at all. It’s not an easy problem to solve, and one far more interesting than the agenda-driven one in the MSN story.

/end rant


‘They still need fresh air to be healthy’ – yes, they do. You can tell when a house is airtight and no one ever opens the windows. It has a peculiar stale scent to it.

Just an Old Dog

Hey WiTTlessDonGSlaPpeR41 and Buttcrack nasty. I hope you both have shitty weekends.
It would be a shame if you both get in road rage incidents with gangs of violent bikers who put the boots to your ugly faces, empty ballsacks and flacid penises.
A bit of legal advice for Bernath (of the flacid Ballsack). Dragging out your case, or letting the Bar extend it is not to your advantage.
You aren’t going to weasel out of being disgraced and kicked out of the law profession.
If you pulled your head out of your saggy stretched asshole you would see that the Ca State Bar is going to collect the legal fees/ Court Cost of your hearing.
You are looking at owing 30 hours of court time Fuckstick.

A Proud Infidel®™

On paper, Bermaggot doesn’t have a dime to his name, he keeps all his shit registered in his family members’ names, take the plane he wrecked, it was bought and registered in his daughter’s name! Bermaggot STILL has judgements against him, doesn’t he? The Yelp lawsuit fiasco among other things,… Like I said about his being the butt of jokes for years to come, i can picture one Attorney trying to comfort one of his fellows by saying something like “Yeah, you fucked up in there, but at least it wasn’t a Bernath-level fuckup!”.

Green Thumb

I wonder if those trailers came from All-Points Logistics?

HMCS (FMF) ret.

I wonder if Danny-boi’s single wide is insured… if it is, I bet that the premiums are a bitch!

If his trailer gets blown away by what is left of the storm, will he sue the National Weather Service for $10,000,000?


Years to come? API, how about decades? Or centuries?

HMCS (FMF) ret

Hey Danny-boi…. is the state bar looking at criminal charges against you? Is that why they entered in documents from the Social Security Administration and “Susan Lee”? Is Ms. Lee a former client that you screwed money out of? Are they looking at how much money you took from former clients, or charged them for your wife’s “work” on the cases? SOP for you… just like before in California… and one of the many reasons why the Oregon bar did not give you a license.

As for CoCkSlUrPsHoRtBuSwInDoWiNdOwLiCkEr41… guess he’s still using his Vietnam-era Happy Sock and screaming that he “cometh” every time he’s checking out TAH… just a matter of time before karma bites your dumb ass…


Poor poor Whitless one. 40+ years ago, he had a uniform and some nice ribbons, and maybe some self respect. Since then he has accomplished NOTHING of note, unless being the night clerk at an hourly rate motel is heroic. But he continues to live those “Glory Days”. Nice way to waste a life Dumbfuck. This song is for you. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6vQpW9XRiyM

A Proud Infidel®™

How ’bout THIS for a chaser?

Green Thumb

Word has it that he was recently kicked out of MOPH.

HMCS (FMF) ret

MOPH got tired of his shit? What organizations is he still a member of?

Green Thumb

The Dutch Rudder Club and the National Society of Men Loving Boys.


The Interstellar Association of the Galactically Stupid.

I hear he’s in the running for President of the Jupiter, Florida Chapter with a certain Non CPO as his Second Vice.


Very good. Very, very good.


DRT? Awesome.


Sailor after a Subic liberty: Doc, I forgot to put a helmet on and my Bernath ain’t lookin’ so good.

Doc: DAMMIT, that’s why we put helmets on the quarterdeck. You’ll need a shot, but your Bernath should be back in business by the time we hit Pattaya.

Moral of the story is Sailors should always bring a helmet to protect their Bernath while they are on liberty (especially in WESTPAC).

HMCS (FMF) ret.

You forgot about Doc doing a “bore punch” for the clap… not that I know anything about that type of stuff…


To the DRC:


HMCS (FMF) ret.


Mel Gibson to start filming WW2 drama “Hacksaw Ridge” as tribute to MOH recipient Desmond T. Doss:



2/17 Air Cav

I am happy to hear that. The story of Doss is nearly beyond belief. Gibson will have to take poetic license with absolutely nothing. The truth is that remarkable.


John Giduck – the turd with a face!

Toasty Coastie

*Wavies* 🙂 😀


I KNEW that throwing brain waves in your general direction would make you show up here.

Glad you could make it to the party, TC!!!

Toasty Coastie

Yes indeed Ex-PH2 🙂 I caught those waves 🙂

Hope all is well with everyone… well except Bernath the Spoooge Pillow and his sidekick swamp Donkey WiTlEsSoNe 😈

Toasty Coastie

Got ahead of myself…

Bernath the Spoooge Pillow and his sidekick Glittery Swamp Donkey WiTtlEsSoNe can go suck Fungus infected Toll Troll Toes…


A Proud Infidel®™

You mean those two glittery gargoyle gonad-gazing flatus-huffing fercoct shmendricks? I’m sure they’ll go back to plotting after another round of “Dutch Rudder Gang Cocktails” (Rubbing alcohol with some formaldehyde and antifreeze for flavor garnished with a lead paint chip).

Green Thumb

They both should be banished to The Land of a Thousand Phildos were they should be forced to dwell for all time and contemplate their ways of polesmokery.

HMCS (FMF) ret

You mean they can practice their Buttsekks-fu on each other?


Nah, send them to the Hell of the Horny Dragon.

Pineywoods NCO

Don’t forget former Texas State Guard Bullshitter Denny Chevy.

John Robert Mallernee


Battle of The Bulge heroine, who saved the lives of many 101st Airborne “Screaming Eagle” paratroopers at Bastogne, laid to rest in Belgium.


Be sure and view all of the photographs in the gallery.

Notice the unidentified elderly 101st Airborne brigadier general in his Second World War uniform.


Two idiots film their intention to do a number on a guy that they suspected was fooling around with one of their women. They live streamed to social media as they looked for this guy.

Unfortunately for them, law-enforcement saw that video and arrested them later. Judging by their appearances, and attitudes, I would not be surprised if their suspicion was well-founded.

Since they’re sitting in a Graybar Hotel, there’s nothing they could do if the victim decides to spend more time with the girl.

Youth is definitely wasted on the young. :mrgreen:


2/17 Air Cav

Just finished watching the Little League US Championship game between TX and PA. Good stuff. Really good stuff. There were 45,000 people there and about 40,000 were rooting for PA, which won in the bottom of the 6th. (There are only 6 innings in LL baseball.) Great games they were. Tomorrow, PA faces Japan, which beat Mexico 1-0 earlier today.

Remember last year’s darlings, the LL team from Chicago? Oh, they were the rage, being “inner city” and all black. oBaMa loved it. Progressives loved it. But something was wrong. Chicago inner-city blacks aren’t known for baseball prowess. Somebody smelled a rat and found it. It turns out that the coaches recruited players from outlying areas and built a super team. This, of course, is against the rules and the exalted Chicago team was stripped of ALL of its titles: district, area, regional, and the US Championship. You see, Little League teams are local teams and are comprised of local kids who play together for years. Well, that’s the way it’s supposed to work and does, except where cheating seems to be a way of life, as it is in Chicagoville. Future Democrats.


The kids weren’t from outlying areas. They were from neighboring leagues.

I worked with Little League for a ling time and served on the local boards. I worked as a Chief Umpire for many years.

I don’t know if LLI has changed the rules, but a local league cannot be more than a population of 25,000. If the boundaries cover more than that area, or the population grows beyond the 25,000 mark, the league must split into different divisions. (Some leagues will use National and American Some leagues, like Jackie Robinson will use “East” and “West” to designate the different “sub” leagues.

It appears that JRW deliberately strayed outside the boundary lines of the league and that is why team was stripped of the titles. The manager was suspended and the District Manage was relieved of his duties as he certified the team as being within the correct boundaries.

Cheating within Little League is very common – more common that you want to know and LLI will admit. Most of the time the cheating gets caught before the team wins and advances.

(Even my home league had a coach that tried to bring in a player outside of the boundary for what was a District Tournament for 7-8 year olds. He got caught at the certification process. Think about it: cheating to win a 7-8 year old baseball tournament. Oy vey)

ESPN and LLI like to present themselves as for the “fun of the game and sportsmanship.” They also celebrate the volunteers all over the place. The underbelly of LLI is not as pristine as you might think, but no organization that big can be. As for volunteers, the regional staffs and up are not volunteers. They are paid to be there.


The sad part is that the kids from the Chicago team weren’t at fault. They played really well, and deserved a win. It was the adults that created that mess and the kids got hammered for it, because it wasn’t caught in time.

Green Thumb

I concur.


How do you folks follow threads like this? I’ve whined about it before but it is not my play pen.

To see the nuggets you post to early on comments, I see no option but to scan the entire thread. Am I missing some trick to see the new comments?

And, no, the “recent comments” block is not a solution because if a thread is hot, “recent comments” can be the last five minutes before it disappears.

Not bitching/whining, just looking for an idea on how to see all the good stuff.


We just deal with it, sj. It’s how it was set up when it was changed to accommodate the larger numbers in the audience.


I understand that PH2 thus my comment that I wasn’t whinnying. Just wondering if folks had discovered a trick to make it easier. Like Flag’s note.


CTRL+F, and enter the date.

A Proud Infidel®™

Here’s another “Steam Locomotive Break” from this “Railnerd”. This is Southern Railroad #4501, a 2-8-2 “Mikado” that I’ve ridden behind some years ago, she’s been overhauled like the N&W 611 and she’s also part of the Norfolk Southern (NS) Steam Program. The diesel behind her (Yes, it looks like a cinderblock on a skateboard) is a rebuilt high-nose SD40-2 freight locomotive there for backup power as needed on uphill grades as well as additional compressed air for braking and the use of its dynamic brakes on long downhill grades. Enjoy!


Nice. I’d rather take a train to go somewhere than a plane, any day.

A Proud Infidel®™

“There isn’t a train I wouldn’t take, no matter where it’s going.” – Edna St. Vincent Millay (Copied from a train calendar I had some years ago)


I have to agree with her. Flying is just not my cup of tea, and I used to love to fly. Before I left the workaday world, I took the Metra to work and back. Much better than driving in commuter traffic. The parking at the train station was about $2.50 all day at the meters, and the monthly pass was quite reasonable. I miss that stuff.

There is a steam train ride during Cheyenne, Wyoming’s Frontier Days that takes you from Denver to Cheyenne and back.


And there is a train tour in Alaska that has stunning scenery. I think you can still get the Orient Express. I believe that was restored. You have to go to England some day and take one of their commuter trains from Victoria Station north to Scotland.

I just love it.

A Proud Infidel®™

Oh yes, the Wyoming train is usually pulled by Union Pacific (UP) #844, the ONLY steam locomotive in the US that has never been officially retired, Challenger # 3985 has pulled it as well, I bet there will be a LOT of people out to take video and photograph UP #4014 when that beast is finally restored! #844 is a 4-8-4, #3985, a “Challenger” is a 4-6-6-4, and #4014 is a “Big Boy”, a 4-8-8-4, the biggest ever produced!


Proud, I think chasing trains is a better hobby for you than chasing after any bad lawer with catheter issues and lameness fakery.

Green Thumb

Phildo is staying busy.

I wonder if these athletes know Phildo is a phony?


gas tank

It is a PR strategy used to bump negative internet search results down on Google.

In case anyone forgot-

Navy embellisher Phil Monkress of All Points Logistics (APL)is not and never was a Navy SEAL.

Once Phil Monkress was exposed there were a lot of bs feel good crap of his that suddenly appeared online to bump down any TAH information on his bad deeds.

BTW–the IGs are still prosecuting 8A contract fraud.


I’m not sure I understand what you’re saying.

Is it that if there are a lot of posts on TAH that say “Navy embellisher Phil Monkress of All Points Logistics (APL)is not and never was a Navy SEAL” it will foil his PR strategy?


I believe you’re correct, sj. The more posts there are from TAH that say, “Navy embellisher Phil Monkress of All Points Logistics (APL) is not and never was a Navy SEAL”, the higher the TAH hits, thus damaging the PR efforts of Navy embellisher Phil Monkress of All Points Logistics (APL), who is not and never was a Navy SEAL.


Thanks Eden for clearing up that the more posts there are from TAH that say, “Navy embellisher Phil Monkress of All Points Logistics (APL) is not and never was a Navy SEAL”, the higher the TAH hits, thus damaging the PR efforts of Navy embellisher Phil Monkress of All Points Logistics (APL), who is not and never was a Navy SEAL.


I will add my 2 cents’ worth and just copy/paste sj’s stuff right here:

Thanks Eden for clearing up that the more posts there are from TAH that say, “Navy embellisher Phil Monkress of All Points Logistics (APL) is not and never was a Navy SEAL”, the higher the TAH hits, thus damaging the PR efforts of Navy embellisher Phil Monkress of All Points Logistics (APL), who is not and never was a Navy SEAL.


Phildo spent 12 years at college?

Who does he think he is? The John Blutarsky of Valdosta State?

gas tank

He probably started there and dropped out. Joined the Navy. Valdosta State had a type of degree that gave credit to veterans for their work experience. Once out of the Navy, he got two years credit and only attended two years to get his four year degree in some computer related stuff.


Where’s Bergdahl?