Saturday morning feel good stories

| August 29, 2015

In Jamestown, North Dakota a fellow broke into someone’s home and started a confrontation with the owner who, in turn, ventilated the fellow, but he’s in the hospital with non-life-threatening injuries thinking about what he has done.

In Clay County, Kentucky, a man tried to win back his ex-wife by shooting her current husband with a shotgun blast to his head. The new husband returned the favor with a flurry of gunfire from two hand guns strike the ex-husband in the buttocks. I would have liked to been a fly on the wall of the helicopter when it airlifted the two to the hospital. I’d also like to see a picture of this woman. She must be gorgeous to drive men to such lengths.

Thanks to Chief Tango for the links.

Category: Feel Good Stories

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Doc Savage

Now that’s quality entertainment there in Kentucky….


Two handguns? That’s at the end of ‘Josey Wales’!! I’m impressed.


i dun toad ya, iz gunna shoot youse rat in da azz! i toad ya!


I really needed a good laugh and I just got it. Thanks?


Damn! The Border Shift Lives!


“It’s not an everyday occurrence” No shit? Get shot in the head and whip out 2 handguns from a double cross draw and commence to hand out justice doesn’t happen every day in Ol’ Kentucky?

Roger in Republic

You gonna use those pistols, or just stand there bleeding? I guess Mr Homeowner answered that question.