The clown car ride to the 2016 primaries
If six months ago I had told you that Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders would be leading in their respective parties in the run-up to the primaries, you would have laughed me out of the blogging business. But look. So how much more bizarre can it get?
Well, the other day, Jimmy Janos tells us that he likes Trump (no surprise there – birds of a feather….) and he’s “open” to an offer to be his vice president – that would be frosting on the Trump cake, so to speak. Ventura is also trying to sink the Bush campaign by claiming that the Florida governor once sent him a box of Cuban cigars, in violation of the embargo.
Need more bizarre? OK, we read this morning that Manbearpig Gore is contemplating a run next year, too. He’s been a punchline for half of every internet joke for the last 15 years, but he think that gives him the name recognition to have a chance at the presidency, I guess.
The punchline for the other half of internet jokes, Joe Biden, is trying to tempt us to vote for him by promising us only one term as president if we will select him. Yeah, one-term…I believe that.
Phony Vietnam War fighter pilot, Tom Harkin, who retired from politics recently, thinks that he has the horsepower to revive Chinese spy Hillary Clinton’s campaign in Iowa.
Luckily, John Kerry is too busy opening an embassy in Havana, or he’d be tossing his botoxed visage into the mix, too, completing our time travel back to the last decade complete.
You’d think that bunch of clowns like the Democrats have fielded would help any Republican cruise to an easy victory, but, the Republican Party, as a whole, has so poisoned the electorate against them with their Democrat-like behavior every time they get a chance to change the direction of the country, I don’t think any of them have a chance either.
I think it’s a foregone conclusion that, unless the Democrats are all caught eating live puppies and kittens at the convention next year, our next president will be a Democrat. And that doesn’t bode well for the military or for veterans.
Category: Politics
Falls off chair laughing. Startles cat. And it’s only Friday!
I’d like to throw a shoe into the ring, too, but I have better things to do with my time than getting into a bitch-slapping contest with the Donald.
I have to say I disagree with you. The last hundred years have shown a pretty steady diet of the electorate switching Presidential parties on a consistent basis. Since 1900 there is a trend of 8 years of one party, followed by 8 years of the other. The two notable exceptions are the FDR dynasty and GHW Bush’s single term. Other than that, its a steady diet of flip-flop. The American people aren’t happy with the Congress, but those numbers have not historically had much effect on the Presidential election. I suspect a Republican will win.
8 – Obama(D)
8 – Bush (R)
8 – Clinton (D)
4 – Bush (R)
8 – Reagan (R)
4 – Carter (D)
8 – Nixon (R)
4 – Johnson (D)
4 – Kennedy (D)
8 – Eisenhower (R)
4 – Truman (D)
16 – Roosevelt (D)
4 – Hoover (R)
4 – Coolidge (R)
4 – Harding (R)
8 – Wilson (D)
4 – Taft (R)
4 – Roosevelt (R)
* yrs denote election results, not counting assassinations, resignation, etc
well maybe. Please remember, one half of the US population is below average. Remember in 1980 when Reagan ran? The Democrats laughed their ass off, “You morons are going to run an actor for president? That’s a gift!” In 1980 they were wrong. Well they are saying it again and with Trump running this time they are right.
I think we can fold Truman in with FDR, and Johnson with JFK. Jack would probably have won re-election in ’64 if he were alive.
Carter was a lucky fluke, and Bush ’41 was an unlucky fluke. By 1992 the cold war was over and people were ready for an “end of history” president. Great Britain did the same thing to Churchill in 1945; he lost the summer election the Liberal party called for before the end of the Pacific War. As far as the Brits were concerned the war was over and they had no further use for WSC.
It’s a pity Cheney decided not to run in ’08. He’s a pretty smart guy.
It will be a republican, everyone, EVERYONE is so sick and tired of that queer, muslim, communist, illegal alien ASS HOLE in our white house, they would vote for a pig….therefore maybe Moochell has a chance lol!
I think there are some pretty decent GOP candidates, if only the main party will out of the way.
If Trump gets the GOP nomination a Democrat victory is all but assured, because Trump is enough of a turnoff to independents and moderate Republicans that huge numbers of them will vote Democrat.
If Trump doesn’t get the GOP nomination but decides to run as an independent, he’ll siphon off enough GOP vote (like Ross Perot) that he’ll assure a Democrat victory.
The only way I see a decent chance for a Republican victory is if another candidate gets the nomination and Trump bows out gracefully.
Moderate republicans?? You mean the ones that continually vote for the establishment/democrat-lite candidates that have been paraded in front of us the last 2 election cycles? Yeah, go ahead and put one of those up, again, and you will lose, again, even if Trump doesn’t run as an independent, because many of us are sick and tired of the candy-ass, limp-wrist, go along to get along republicans. Many of us have vowed to never vote for the establishment candidate ever again. Y’all better think about the conservative base, because when you don’t, you lose (08/12).
Can I get an AMEN brother!?!?!?!?
Trump and gracefully in the same sentence.
Oh noooo Mr. Bill, you didn’t…
Yeah, I was thinking “fat chance” even as I typed it.
Here’s my promise and I’ll be sticking to it. If the next president of the US is a Democrat, I’m done. I’m done with reading the news, done with commenting, done with listening to Mark Levin, done with everything outside of life’s essentials. I mean it. I’m close now and another lefty/progressive/socialist SOB in the WH will definitely kick me clear over the tolerance line.
I’ll be right there with you. I went completely off the net for two years when Zero was reelected. The other option was to be highly medicated and I’m not into chemically moderating moods/behaviors.
With my military retirement pending 6 months before the election, I can easily just fade away like the Old Soldier I have become. Wife and I have even debated where would be the best place to be a ex-pat.
Maybe I can launch a fund-me campaign to get a small uncharted island in the south Pacific?
Belize welcomes ex-pat Americans. Lovely breezes, stable economy. You might take a look.
Me: I can work from anywhere, thanks to the internet. Amazon just wants my submissions. They handle sales, I handle the rest of it. I get paid by direct deposit and I pay my bills online.
So what do I need with a mailing address? I could live on an island anywhere as long as I have an uplink to a satellite, and those giant, drooling alien cockroaches leave me alone.
You might be onto something there. You can call it the No-Man-Is-An-Island-But-I’m-Willing-To-Try fund or the Screw-John-Donne-Surf’s-Up Fund. For additional naming suggestions, please send $5 and the UPC codes from two boxes of Cracker Jacks c/o Jonn Lilyea at his mountain retreat address. No stamps please!
Yipes. For anyone under the age of about 50, the “No stamps please” dates to UTBA (Used-to-Be America) when some folks would respond to commercial offers that appeared on bubblegum wrappers, comic books, and cereal boxes by sending stamps instead of money.
It takes a lot for me to laugh out loud, but the “no stamps please” did it. Nice call back!
Hmmm… I like this idea.
I was thinking of Bonfire Island.
Bring your own beverages.
Bonfires are allowed, evenings and weekends starting Labor Day and all through the first snow in December.
Bring your own meat and a dish to pass.
Subsistence hunting is allowed.
Anyone who can play an instrument or tell a story is welcome.
Flag goes up at sunrise, comes down at sunset.
Warning: stank ass hippies and coyotes can sit outside the border and wish they were so lucky.
Speaking of coyotes, have you heard the one about the three styles of a pregnancy?
No? Well, here goes.
First three months, you’re still able to do it pretty much in any style you want.
Second three months the only way you can do it is doggy style.
Last three months is strictly coyote style. What’s coyote style, you ask?
All he is allowed to do is sit by the hole and howl.
I’ve still got a couple binders (somewhere) of S&H Green Stamps I never redeemed.
Are those acceptable? Or am I just stuck with them?
S&H Green Stamps? Holy cow, CLAW!
How could you not redeem them? They were worth all that junk!!
Well, being inducted into the Army at age 19, going to Vietnam and then becoming a soldier for the next 20+ years kind of made me forget I even had them.
Nobody’s fault but my own that I didn’t send them in before they went out of business.
But, yes, they did have some real treasures (pure junk) available if you worked real hard at collecting the stamps.
Only if you take renters lol
in all my 44 almost 45 years of life I would have never seen any of this coming.
Just Joking, I forgot about Clinton
I predict someone will be elected next year during Leap Year.
Note to Skippy: That is how you know it’s a Leap Year. If Presidential Elections are being held, it’s a Leap Year.
Although 1900 wasn’t a Leap Year and 2100 won’t be a Leap Year, it’s a pretty good rule of thumb to go by.
Here’s a link for an interesting take on the current state of the Campaigns:
“My prediction is that the republican nominee will be Ted Cruz.” Good God Almighty! Ted Cruz/Ben Carson is my dream ticket.
If Carson isn’t on the ticket I would strongly recomemd a pledge to put him in the cabnet at Sec Hralth and Human Services….along those same lines, bring in some of the best and brightest rather than political hacks for the other positions. A business person for DOL, I and probably allof us can think of more than a few ret Gens that may make good SecDefs….
Ok TAH, what would our dream team look like? We could even hold a tourney much like the SV/BF one…
Respectfully, it isn’t their “Democrat-like” behavior that has turned the electorate against them. Republicans will continue to lose elections because of their actual positions on social and domestic issues. Simply put, those positions may be yelled from the mountaintops, seemingly drowning out the opposition, but they are losing a lot of people because of it. Whether you agree or disagree with the issues, they are losing because of their refusal to compromise on their core conservative principles. Even Bob Dole said a couple of years ago that Reagan wouldn’t have made it in today’s GOP.
“because of their refusal to compromise on their core conservative principles.”
Where the hell have YOU been? The good’ol’boys country club RINO RepubliTards, under the “leadership” of Crybaby Boner and Mummified Mitch, have been bending over in every direction that Boathouse Barry blows. There have been a few true conservative TEA party types in Kongress (Cruz, Chaffetz, Love come to mind), but are usually excoriated by the “Whorehouse Harry” style of reward and punishment.
Boehner and McConnell are against abortion and gay marriage. Additionally, they typically don’t do much, if anything, to help the poor or middle class or minority groups (including women). You don’t have to agree or disagree with these individual issues or topics (obviously, most commenters here take the more conservative stance on them), but Republicans don’t seem to recognize that they are losing national elections because of their stance on them.
Boehner and McConnell are against killing babies and state-sanctioned sodomy and perversion. All fixed.
No one is stopping you or any Republican from having that stance. However, my point is that’s the reason Republicans are not going to win in 2016. It has nothing to do with being a RINO. It’s because of their actual stated positions.
How’s about they simply get out of the way and let the poor, the middle class, and minority groups (including women) take care of themselves instead of being made slaves of the government?
No, D, again you are completely wrong on why they are losing national elections.
You can think I’m wrong all you want, but until Republicans realize that their policy stances on social and domestic issued are their downfall, they will continue to get their asses handed to them in national elections. You don’t have to like it (and I have many reasons I don’t), but if Hillary runs against a Republican who has the same old stances, she’s going to get 350 electoral votes.
That is just too ignorant to formulate an appropriate reply in less than 500 words, or so.
But, you might really want to study up some – honest candidates tend to get more votes than lying POS’s, at least on the Rep side.
So all of the Republicans are lying about their actual stances on social and domestic issues?
Uhm, is that what you got out of my comment? Seriously?
You said that honest candidates get more votes than liars, especially on the Republican side. I’m saying that Republicans are losing because of their actual positions. I took your comment to mean that they are losing because they are lying. If I misinterpreted, I apologize.
GOP losing elections? Not recently they haven’t.
I think y’all ore overthinking the Republican failures – other than when Karl Rove was running the show, the Republicans have fielded mediocre candidates and then let the Democrats run the elections. The Dems, aided by the media, have selected which topics got played and which were ignored, and as a result the Reps played catch-up – never got ahead of the game, were reactive instead of proactive, and lost most of the elections.
Nope. Put a conservative up against a Democrat, the conservative will win. Put a RINO up against a Democrat, the Democrat will win.
Mitt Romney wasn’t conservative enough?
The problem with Mit is he couldn’t credibly use the single most galvanizing issue to attack the incumbant because he passed something similar when he was Gov.
WRONG. The people of Massachusetts voted for that law, after which the Democratic Party-controlled state government expanded the program over Romney’s veto. That’s not to mention that a state has the legal right to create such a program, while the Federal government doesn’t.
But let’s blame it all on Romney. Feh. Even if he were a fair-weather conservative he’s miles better than Obama, but enough people stayed home to let Barry win. Good job, guys.
Never said it was his fault (though he could have veto’d it), just that its really hard to attack someone over Obamacare when it was patterened off of something that you signed as governor. I.e. ‘if it was such a bad idea why did you sign it into law when you where governor?’ Kind blunts any sort of attack agaist Obamacare.
To follow up, did some extra research and your right he DID veto it. However the fact that I didn’t know, (watched ever debate that election, and didn’t learn this until just now) means he failed on messaging and getting that info out. (While I didn’t know but still supported him, imagine what an undecided voter thought). I.e. when they said if its such a bad program… His reponse should have immedatly been ‘it wasn’t a good program that’s why I veto’d it.’ Since he didn’t do that or because he faild to get that message out, any attack he had was blunted for the vast majority of voters.
I have to grant you that one. Romney for some reason held back during the main election campaign. He did a lousy job of messaging.
I think that if just half of you guys on this blog were able to go to Washington, DC and attend a few of these hearings that are held between the GOP, and the Donkeys (Demacrats) each of you would be much better educated as to how our Goverment is run, and how elections are won, and give up all of this bull-shit that the newspapers and the rest of the KNOW IT ALL are send out to its readers. Half of you on this blog are still alittle wet behind the ears when it comes down to how our Goverment and election are conducted. We are living in times where money talks,not what you did 15 or 20 years ago. I said it once before and I’ll say it again, “Don’t shoot the messenger if hes bringing you good new’s” shoot the guy thats telling you a bunch of crap, and thats just what the GOP party is all about. Enough said, even if its all bull shit to what I am saying, but like the old saying goes, To Each His Own, and right now I give a good shit who gets elected in the coming election, we’ll be right where are at the present, Up Shits Creek, without a paddle. You Guys have a nice day, I’am heading back to the field.
Well……..there you have it!