Guest post; American Lives Matter

The following ruminations come from Ex-PH2;
I spent the afternoon on Sunday making chocolate chip cookies and sampling them, of course. I have the Tollhouse recipe memorized, so I don’t even need to see it any more. That recipe was the product of a woman who ran a restaurant called the Tollhouse Café. She sold the recipe to Nestlé and they made it an iconic recipe that is printed on the back of every bag of Nestlé chocolate chips, semi-sweet or otherwise. She was an American.
Tollhouse cookies are as American as apple pie (English), corned beef (Medieval Europe), cider (England), beer (Mesopotamia, Egypt), ice cream (Chinese – 3,000BC; Italy-17th century).
There are many, many things that were either brought here from the Old Country (still haven’t found that place on the map) or were invented here. Pasta is Italian but pizza is not? Hah! Flatbreads with toppings were around centuries ahead of modern pizza. Rice is Asian? The Italians had access to rice from Africa centuries before Marco Polo made his famous journey to Cathay (China). What he brought back was long grain Asian rice, a variety different from the African variety.
We are composites. We come from everywhere on the planet. My ancestors started coming here from England in the mid-17th century, and they just kept on coming from other countries, but they came in by the front door and set up housekeeping. I think if I go back far enough, a bunch of my ancestors are probably Sicilian and Spanish Moors. And so what? I come from everywhere, but I was born here.
Everyone who wants to be here should be required to use the front door. If they won’t use the front door, then send them back where they came from. Period. We are in the land of opportunity, a place that acts as a magnet for people who want to have a chance to make use of that opportunity. WE invent things here. Other countries mostly just copy us.
Alexander Bell invented the telephone. He really wanted to create something for deaf children to use. Instead, he invented the telephone. Sam Morse developed the telegraph using wires to transmit messages. He worked out that code we still use for getting help – S-O-S , which comes out of Morse code. You can still send telegrams at Western Union if you want to but I think that now, they go by way of the internet. The internet was around in the 1960s, long before Al Gore was out of diapers ;), but only the DoD used it. Now, it’s the way most of us communicate. Anyone besides me remember teletype?
Competition drives people to succeed. That’s just one benefit of being here.
The Wright brothers, those two bicycle repairmen in Ohio, were competing with a lot of other people to be the first to fly, including Weisskopf and Langley. But the evidence for most of those others was anecdotal, not corroborated. The Wright brothers got off the ground at Kitty Hawk in sustained flight in a heavier-than-air powered biplane flyer. They repeated it and recorded it. And it happened here. We’ve gone from a powered glider in 1903 to a stealth fighter before the end of the 20th century.
The point is that we’ve been first in a lot of things that make a difference in this world and make it a better place. It is the drive to succeed and the chance to do so that make this a great place to be born and grow up, to find out what you can do with the gifts you were given. It doesn’t have anything to do with which sex you are, what your skin color is, or what part of town you grew up in. It’s on your shoulders from the get-go. You can take the high road and make something of yourself, or you can sink to the lowest level and become a mindless moron who blames others for his failures and gets into trouble with the law.
I’m as appalled as the rest of you when someone who has every chance in the book offered to him decides to go on a rampage and shoot up a storefront in a Midwestern town and then goes some place else for the sole purpose of killing people he doesn’t know. It isn’t the first time it has happened, but it should not happen at all.
We complain about words coming out of Foggy Bottom, someone saying all the correct things, and we know that it is meaningless because nothing really matters to the person who says them. We get annoyed because one part of the media denies reality, when anyone in touch with reality knows it would do them a world of good to not be so desperately nice once in a while.
My mother never, ever said the wrong thing. She constantly corrected what I said: ‘you can’t say that, you can say whatever was nice’ because ‘whatever’ means that you’re willing to lie your ass off just to get someone to like you. The truth is just too harsh.
The difference between her and me was that she was never willing to admit that she was as prejudiced as you can get and that my father was the same way, because it wasn’t nice and she didn’t want anyone to think she wasn’t nice. And yet, when I was in high school in the early 1960s, she told me that when World War II was declared, she had told her father that ‘the yellow race would never conquer us’.
So you see, I was raised to not be prejudiced by two of the worst hypocrites on the planet. The phoniness I saw in my parents is what I see in this imbecilic world of political correctness which has no purpose other than getting votes.
Trump has stirred the pot, because he is so outspoken. He’s pissed off a lot of people in a lot of ways, but he likes the attention and he doesn’t care who gets pissed off at him. He has brought up issues that are real issues, that people are unwilling to face and discuss openly, just like my mother would never do. Butter wouldn’t have melted in her mouth. Let’s not offend people by what we say, because we want them to like us, even though they never will. Let’s never admit that they hate us because we exist, and that people like my ‘nicey, nice’ mother would find themselves buried alive. Admitting that wouldn’t be nice, and we must always be nice, mustn’t we?
They hate us because we are free and they are not. They hate us because we exist. They want to kill us. They get a euphoric rush just like a drug rush out of it. Since they do not value human life, they have absolutely nothing to lose, and that’s all there is to it. You don’t negotiate with murdering thugs.
This government doesn’t want to face these things, or admit that it is lying to the people of this country, and address the reality of these attacks by going back to their origins which are not just recent stuff – they go way back and have next to nothing to do with this country.
Without the AIC facing those issues, all the things that we hold dear are up to US to save. If WE are a symbol of hope and opportunity, WE can’t afford to let that die.
WE are Americans. WE have the right to defend ourselves against those who wish to destroy US, whether the scaredy-cat PC addicts like it or not, whether they want to let US do so or not.
It’s called self-determination. WE built this country on that quality. WE decide our fate, not some obnoxious jerk with a hair up his ass about some imagined wrong.
WE count for a hell of a lot in this world.
Category: Who knows
If she’s going to write like that, Ex-PH2 needs to guest post more often, Jonn.
So where do we sign the petition to get Ex-PH2 on the roster for TAH?
Interesting that you say that, Nag. Just last week I was reading a comment by PH2 and thought to myself, “She needs to be writing articles for this site.”
Good first article, Ex-PH2. Keep ’em coming.
Thanks. I appreciate the response a lot!
I can use a author to correct the mess I did writing my papas history as a 13-19 year old Freedom Fighter during hitlers insanity. I started writing his stories at 11 from memories. I would read them to pop and he would say “no can’t identify the people by their real names”. You have to otherwise its just a stupid story. MUIS THERE’S NO A DAMN THING THAT IS STUPID ABOUT WHAT WE HAD TO DO IN THAT DAMN WAR. He understood after making him watch a few good war movies. Pop, your in America, we have a flag at the entrance to our house, you celebrate every American Holiday. YES, MUIS WE ARE AMERICANS AND FREE.
The double flag illustration at the top is by Frankie C. I think it is one truly bodacious piece of artwork.
The flag used in the artwork was supplied to me by a former Navy Photographer’s mate, female type, 1 ea.
Not by a never was, never will be Navy Chief, mediocre photographer who needed to paste his photo on the body of a real achiever in his attempt to be someone.
Trump has woken the sleeping giant, or at least interrupted the snore. My next door neighbor who has worked for his full life can no longer do so. He went to the welfare office and was told that it would be 90 days til he could get any relief. And yet in the time he was there, at least a dozen Spanish speaking people came and went with “emergency benefits”. I’ve given rides to people to the same place, and seen a female and 2-4 children debark from a brand new car/truck go in and come out waving foodstamp cards as well as a bunch of paperwork, that I’m assuming beause of the smiles meant that they got medical, dental and rent. Like it or not, Trump is right to kick the immigration anthill.
Thank you Ex-PH2. One of the best articles I have read in a long time. The truth of which you wrote, is very self evident in your own character and integrity. I am proud to say, I now you and that you are my sister in military service and my TAH family.
Meant “I know you and…”. Sorry I really wanted to get that post written correctly.
I know what you meant, Sparks.
What Sparks said !!!!!!
What Sparks and OC said. You’re a very eloquent person. Smart too. You may be Hondo.
Only John Wayne and Hondo can be Hondo. 🙂
Way to say it Ex-PH2!!
Whatever you’re running for, you’ve got my vote.
Bravo Zulu!! Well said, indeed.
So what eles is new?????????
Ex-PH2 just stepped up and broke it off in everyone’s ass.
/stands up and starts the slow clap.
Very well said, and I am certain that somewhere, someone has read this and called you and all who agree Racist.
Let them.
I agree completely and if that makes me racist, I’ll wear that badge with honor
Everyone is racist about something….and the most racist of all are the ones that yell “racist” the loudest!!
I guess I just got tired of seeing us shoved around.
Everyone has a breaking point, the time when we finally say FTS! Collectively the TAH Nation may have just reached that point and Ex has managed to express the thoughts and feelings of many of us…
I was given the pleasure of reading this with my morning coffee, to give it a thumbs up or thumbs down. I enthusiastically approved it and urged her to submit it to Jonn. I am sharing it with my Facebook Community, (many of whom are non-military, a few are liberal), and may drop back with their comments on it.
Thanks Ex-PH2, for a really good, and timely, read
My pleasure, Frankie.
Very well said!
I concur with every word you wrote, Ex-PH2, 100%.
Well said.
PH2: re “Without the AIC facing those issues”. AIC?
I’d like to do as Frankie C suggested and share on FB but Jonn’s admonition (because of asshole[s] in FL) makes me hesitate. I’d like to share but give credit to PH2. Ideas?
I was perplexed at AIC as well, but then I thought “Ahole in charge”? I hope I just won a cookie. I like cookies.
I think you win GD! Leave it at that. PH2 is a lady.
Unless those silly people are pestering you, sj, why not do so? Just credit Ex-PH2 and TAH, too. They still don’t know who I am and I don’t care what they think of me. They are seriously deprived of working braincells.
I left AIC to the imaginings of all who see it, as there are so many, many possibilities available.
My late wife was an immigrant from Belgium in ’83. We went through all the myriad of legal hoops. When it was tough for me, a Born in the USA guy to understand them I really felt bad for those who’s English was minimal. Obama’s folks don’t have this problem.
I love Mexico and travel there for months at a time in an RV. The Mexican people are fantastic. But, like American people, there is a “normal Distribution” Some are amazing; most are normal; some are assholes.
Speaking of immigration laws, I’ve said before that the US should adopt Mexico’s lock, stock and barrel. Just translate them into English. Lib heads would explode! You should see the paperwork we do for a 6mo visa. More time…how about proving a healthy income from somewhere else (because you cannot work in Mexico on that visa) and you have to show original bank statements fo 6 months + (or whatever the immigration officer wants that day).
Oh, get caught even watching a political demonstration or event: jail if you are not a Mexican. Work with the wrong visa: jail.
I could go on. Bottom line: I love Mexico and Mexicans. We should adopt their immigration laws. Obozo would shit.
That sounds good to me, sj.
I second that notion!
ex-PH2…nicely done. Articulate and to the point; which too many these days prefer to beat around the bush. The old adage of “We don’t want to offend anyone” still remains a solid rock of the South. That’s the problem to begin with, no matter where spoken …..There ARE indeed people who NEED to be offended! Had we done so long ago, I doubt that we would have so many career politicians destroying this country before our very eyes; knowing full well people don’t pay attention and worse yet, do not remember for much more than a day or so. Regrettably people tend to fade into the wood work when challenged by a practiced liar. That would include probably 90% of those who run for any office nowadays. But how do you change things when Joe six pack is so easily convinced by mere words from those seeking office? My belief is that the dumbing down of Americans has worked like a charm. Nobody mentioned that the process also eliminated back bone and created a land of sheep. Had we at some time, or even if tomorrow we demanded that if one did not serve their country (with the exception of a valid reason, i. e., health)they had neither qualifications nor reason to run for office. Hadda, shouldda, wouldda, couldda….simple tenets spewed by politicians to soothe and confuse the non-thinkers. Problem in simple terms…..We do not have pride in this country any more. Those of us who would argue the point are outnumbered by the sheepole. You’ve set the bar now for self expression; hopefully that can be the first shot fired that will actually wake people up.
I have a beloved step daughter and almost fiance here now. Both late 20’s. Both smart, church goers, and honor students in high school. Both work 2 jobs. They don’t have a clue on anything political. Not sure they even vote. Which is probably good since they don’t know anything about the issues. Sadly, too many just vote because they heard that they could get (et al) an Obama phone.
I think people have plenty of pride in this country. I saw so many flags flying over the weekend and even more this afternoon, I can’t believe otherwise.
I do believe that while there are people whose world is as narrow as the space between their ears, there are plenty who are not like that. But they are the quiet ones, the guard dogs in sheep’s clothing.
Have some faith in us.
Faith in us? Yes, that I have. Unfortunately we have to face the reality that there are so many dumbasses out there, alive and VOTING! We, the older crowd and most all veterans, are the primary hope to which I cling. If there were not an abundance of “them”, how in the world did we give a second chance to destroy this country to a future dictator?
The quiet ones to whom you refer are naturally the watch dogs. That would include all of us. My only hope is that there are enough of us to unite one day before it is too late.
I think someone here recently quoted George Carlin with “Think how dumb the average person is. Now statistically, half the country is even dumber than that asshole”
A PS: my beloved daughter is now hooked up with a Muzzie (Morocco) and is going there on vaca soon. I call him Rag Head and he calls me Infidel…all in good humor and I like him very much. I keep offering him NC BBQ. But,…in the back of my 70 year old mind????? Esp after TN? I may have to come back here and get a Chaplain to punch my TS Card (Sparks, Claw, JRM, etc will understand that reference.)
Roger on the TS Card.
That’s why I always had “NO PREF” stamped into the religion line on my dog tags.
Could go to any Padre regardless of denomination to get mine punched.
Nice post, Ex-PH2! I feel the same way, and nowadays when any liberal Facebook friend “unfriends” me, I see it as the trash taking itself out. I no longer care who I offend.
You all are fond of referring to Robert Heinlein. He was my favorite author when I was in junior high school and still is. Of all the books he wrote, the most prophetic of his was ‘Have Spacesuit – Will Travel’.
In the last chapter, when Kip is on his way to the airport with Peewee’s father, Prof. Reisfield, he says ‘I got mad and almost ruined things. I was tired of being shoved around.’
Professor Reisfield’s response was ‘The best things in history are accomplished by people who got tired of being shoved around.’
With a useless, lazy slacker in the seat of power, if we don’t stand up for ourselves and our country, who will?
Perhaps it’s time for this:
Thanks, PH! Well done.
Thank you, OWB.
Dear Ms Guest Post,
I am an American. I never invented a damn thing, unless you count using crewing gum to remove naval lint. I have perfected the art of never saying the right thing and intentionally avoid the high road whenever possible.
In our world of political correctness, what people say or do not say has depreciated in value. People’s actions speak so loudly I can’t hear a word they are saying. The silence of those who should be speaking is deafening.
There is nothing wrong with being prejudiced. Every once in a while some guy gets into the elevator when the door opens. He doesn’t say anything, does not really do anything, has no special look about him, no strange odor, nothing really special about him in any way. For some reason I just decide I do not like his ass. It is what I do because of those thoughts that determines right from wrong.
It is not what we think or feel that I find offensive in other people. It is their actions or failure thereof. Screaming about being offended is offensive to me. Sitting idle while wrong is being done is cowardice. We may think or feel what we what, our actions dictate the fiber of our individual character and the fabric of our nation.
Semper Fi.
Nicely done, Ex. Very well said, or well typed?
Very well said.
I’m about fed up on this issue of immigration. It really would not be rocket science to put together decent legislation that addresses legitimate concerns for American sovereignty, the natural desire that vigorous people in bad economic straits to the sought of us to come here to work, and our strategic interest in improving those awful governments to our south.
What I’ve seen from the discussion so far (not from you) is often more heat than light. For example, here
we find out that some people mischaracterize your concerns as merely a matter of numbers. They say that people who are opposed to illegal immigration want less immigration, as if the term “illegal” has no meaning.
That is where our national discussion is, right now, and that must change.
As the descendant of many, many immigrants who came here, in some cases with nothing but the clothes on their backs, I completely believe that we desperately need to have this discussion openly, no matter how uncomfortable it makes some people.
It is not, and never has been, about numbers. It is about doing it the right way.
Speaking of immigration, new citizens no longer have to say the part of the oath where it states they will bear arms against our enemies or perform noncombatant duties…
More of the USA “Something for Nothing” Plan.
If the draft ever came back, reckon the oath thingy would screw that up a bit.
That was just awesome! I stood up and cheered! You are an amazing writer.
Nice read PH2.
Do you happen to have the original Quaker Oats Oatmeal chocolate chip cookie recipe? The one they have on the container now is not the same as the original and just does not taste right. I had it saved on the inside cover of an old container and my wife helpfully threw it away.
I only have the classic oatmeal raisin nut cookie recipe, on the lid of the old-fashioned rolled oats box. But I will look at all recipes dot com and see if there is anything there.
I can give you the Tollhouse choc chip recipe right now. It is engraved on my brain.
That may be the one, the raisin nut one. Though I never liked raisins in food. They remind me too much of flies.
This is a link to the Nestle recipe for that cookie.
I think you need to make it once, then adjust some of the ingredients like brown sugar or salt to your taste. I use more vanilla in plain chocolate chip cookies than the recipe calls for and old-fashioned rolled oats instead of quick-cooking oats in oatmeal raisin nut cookies.
I think this might be the one?
Thanks, I think that may be it. Its definitely different than what is on the containers now. I’ll have to do some “research” this weekend to make sure.
That was wonderful Ms PH2. Please keep at it.
Ex-PH2, I have no words to describe my extreme pleasure in reading your article. Great work.
Thank you all for your feedback. I appreciate it very much. And many, many thanks to Frankie C for the artwork.
It was very well written Ex-PH2
Well written, thank you.
Great read, thanks.
Well said Ma’am.
I trace my ancestry back to the founding of this country too and I am sick and tired of watching people destroy this country.
I am decidedly NOT PC and will never change that aspect of my being, no matter who says what…
Fuck ’em…
Jonn… Bring her aboard please.
If space is an issue I’ll cede any I might be taking up.
Not necessary, Zero. I only occasionally have something to say.