115 killed in Iraq

| July 18, 2015

Iraq Bombing

The Associated Press reports that 115 Iraqis were killed by an ISIS vehicle-borne explosive device in the Diyala province this morning. About 170 people were injured;

The mostly-Shiite victims were gathered to mark the end of the Islamic holy month of Ramadan, which ended Friday for Iraqi Shiites and a day earlier for Iraqi Sunni Muslims.

Police said a small truck detonated in a crowded marketplace in the town of Khan Beni Saad Friday night in what quickly turned celebrations into a scene of horror, with body parts scattered across the market.

What’s weird is that you would think that ISIS would be hunkered down, dodging the massive US-led airstrikes against them in retaliation for the attacks on Thursday by the little creep who killed five Americans.

Ronald Reagan bombed Qaddafi in retaliation for the LaBelle Disco bombing in Berlin – the bombing happened on April 5th, 1986 and the bombing in Libya happened on April 15th, 1986. So, this President likes to compare himself to Reagan, let’s see if he has the jimmies to measure up.

Category: Terror War

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Hmmm. One vehicle/one bomber. By American standards that’s just a “surprise”, lone-wolf terrorist. Nothing to be concerned about…..

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Roger in Republic

You can bet your sweet ass that ObodaPrez will only find out about this if the New York Slimes prints it on page one. This man is so shallow that that’s as deep as he reads. They can hide bad news from him by burying it on page two.


0bama wouldn’t make a pimple on Regan’s ass.


But the war is over. Obama said so.


Diyala is my old stomping ground, it was a pretty peaceful place when I left (at least for Iraq) wish we allowed our troops to do what they are supposed to do.
It’s the duty of the strong to protect those who cannot protect themselves.