The new Israeli airspace

| July 16, 2015

One outcome of the Iran nuclear agreement that I’ve not heard any of the pundits mention is the beneficial effect it will likely have on Israeli combat aircraft’s egress to those fat nuclear targets in Iran they have circled in bright red in their deepest command bunkers. Remember all those past predictions of Israeli problems in finding clear air lanes into Iran because they would have to violate the airspace of multiple Middle Eastern countries to get from home base to targets? The dithering concerns were that no Arab countries would betray the faith by permitting those Jew devils to fly over their nations to attack another Muslim country.

With the Obama capitulation to Iran virtually guaranteeing that Persian nation’s future status as a nuclear power, complete with nuclear arsenal, other Arab rulers have to be taking a long, hard look at how greatly they may benefit from ignoring the rapidly passing shadow of an Israeli air armada overflying their boundaries en route to Tehran and other strategic Persian targets. As of now, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and the Persian Gulf States all have to be weighing the cost/benefit of that scenario. And with the certainty that it is Iran, not Israel, that represents the greatest threat to their own continued sovereignty, it is easy to conclude that Israel could enjoy unencumbered attack routes all the way from takeoff to bombs away, even repeatedly as necessary to render Iran an irradiated, smoking, never-to-be-again threat to its Arab neighbors.

Mind you, the Israelis likely have enough submarine-borne nukes to make old General Le May smile around his cigar when it comes to returning Iran to a condition predating recorded civilization. But any commander, and most surely Netanyahu, welcomes the multiple offensive options of sea/air operations.

Those mullahs are chuckling into their beards about making the Great Satan and her feckless leader grovel before the world. For now…

Crossposted at American Thinker

Category: Politics

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Unequivocal support for the Jewish state.

Everyone whines that the Israelis’ are heavy-handed, and they are, but for damn good reason.


Yes indeed “for a damn good reason” Sir. They are wary, suspicious and cautious and it’s as they should be. I can only hope those Arab nations will, on the QT, let Israel know to, “drop one for us too”.


I heard Netanyahu on an NPR interview yesterday:

[NPR] Would you take military action, if that is the only way you see to make sure that Iran does not have a nuclear weapon?

[Netanyahu]…So our policy is that Iran won’t have the nuclear weapons to achieve that goal. And by the way, I’m not alone here – I mean, just about every Arab leader in the Middle East agrees with my assessment. And, therefore, when Jews and Arabs agree on something, you know, I think it’s worth paying attention.


I’ve got over/unders on two years before Israel starts terraforming Iran into a parking lot. Any takers?


Where can I get front row seats?

B Woodman

To a nuke blast? I hope you like glowing in the dark without use of an electrical outlet.

19D2OR4 - Smitty

Saves on chemlights in the field



The Other Whitey

Hmm…Saudis look the other way while Israelis launch air strikes, no more Iranian nuke program for a while, Saudis get to publicly blame Israel, Israelis give exactly zero fucks…Yep. Win/win for everybody over there. Realpolitik indeed.


Hopefully I beat Chip to this.

The Other Whitey

Ya gotta love a show that made WWII look fun!


So, I guess those news videos from a few years back of Iran’s fledgling war machinery industry aren’t quite so ha-ha-gigglesnort any more, are they?

Esfahan has a LOT of industrial zones around its borders in the countryside, not to mention the other choice little spots where gunships (26) and cargo/troop carrier (25) helos are lined up in orderly fashion on the grinder at one of their airbases. And did I include that bunch of armored vehicles (156), some trucks, some looked like tanks, likewise lined up in very orderly fashion at another place?

We can giggle and point all we like at Iran’s silly shows of bombarding a fake US flattop, but that does not mean that they have not built real warships of their own.


Somewhere, the spirit of Moshe Dayan is waiting for a reason to return


I don’t give two shits about Israel. Nor do I care about Iran. They can both bomb each other into the stone age over their differences regarding imaginary men in the sky for all I care. Iran poses no valid threat to Main Street USA, no matter how much shit the idiot mullahs talk. Israel has fucked us over many, many times, and will continue to do so in the future. They care for no one who isn’t Jewish or a servant of the Zionist cause.

Neither state is worth a single drop of American blood, much less an American taxpayers dollar(s).

Living in Israel

Good. Now, go convince your elected representatives to come around to your view of the situation. Cut off the military “aid” packages you’re sending us, and stop it with the “peace process” and the make-believe game it always was.

Seriously. We can get by without the political puppet strings and the fuck-fuck games.


You might want to check the range on an ICBM, see how far they fly. Because that’s what the “Death to America” crowd is developing. Guess what goes on the pointy end of an ICBM? Hint: It ain’t a conventional warhead.
No threat, indeed.


I suppose you ignore the whole “state sponsored terrorism” thing, that has been practiced by Iran since around 1979.

ICBM plus Thermonuke.

Sell crude first-gen device to terrorists. They Load it in a shipping crate on a container ship. Upon arrival in a busy US port, blooey!

Skip the gadgets and make it a metric ton of reactor waste, wrapped in 20 tons of lead, and packed with a breaching charge. same container ship delivery. Poof in busy US harbor.

getting the ” no risk” picture?

Some of those weirdos beleive that they are to trigger the coming of the Madhi/12-th imam/end-of-days.

No risk. Right. Sure. And neither were that weirdo Adolph or those odd folks with the swords and bathrobes on those islands.

Right. Uh huh.


Just block a busy harbor like Galveston or New York with a major explosion that appears to be an oil tanker fire, but is worse. (Hint: see the last few episodes of ‘Rubicon’.)


You sound like a Jew hating leftist. Do you belong to J Street?


Don’t hate Jews or anyone based on their chosen religion, just as I don’t want hem to hate me because of my lack thereof. I dislike extremists of any ilk.

Just like with Hussein a decade ago…there is no threat outside of blathering about my God™ is better than yours and death to you because of yours. If your chosen diety is so badass, why doesn’t he do his own heavy lifting and whack the other guys?

We need to take care of what is inside our borders first…then what is directly outside them. Build Trumps big wall…they want to throw a measly ICBM at us, we can respond in kind 20 times over and not make a dent in our nuclear arsenal…

Pinto Nag

As a Christian, Israel is important to me as the Holy Land, and the epicenter of my faith. I DO care about Israel, and think we need to continue to support her against her enemies.


After Big Satan and Little Satan Saudi Arabia is next on Iran’s shit list. Israel has been threatened numerous times with annihilation by Iran. International law permits a preemptive strike against Iran under this circumstance. Nuclear weapons can and should be used. But they should not use their air force until Iran has been all but crippled. Israel has a stock of Jericho 3 ICBMs which have a payload of up to 2000 lbs. Virtually any kind of nuke can be loaded on it. Israel should use bunker busting nukes on all of the main nuclear sites. Those weapons bury themselves about 30 meters into the ground before detonation achieving a massive tamping effect which can allow penetration to hundreds of meters of depth. This can be followed by a mostly fission dirty bomb which will leave the site unapproachable for a thousand years. I would hit Quom with a 500 kiloton air burst to kill off the clerics and Revolutionary Guard. EMPs, large and small could wipe out all electricity, communication and transportation. All cars and trucks would simply roll to a stop not to move until their computer chips are replaced from out of the country. Water couldn’t be pumped and food would have to be moved by animal. Iran will probably not try to build a bomb within the next two years. Israel needs to crash manufacture at least 30 more Jericho 3s and it needs to run Dimona at 100% as it builds the specialized nukes it needs to do the job. If Dimona output is not enough, older nukes can be reconfigured. This will be terribly expensive. Obama won’t give a dime. It must be kept secret from him. But the Saudis might fund it. The Saudis are going to get nukes. It will be from the Jews or the Pakis. The Paki bombs are terrible. The Jews have much better designs. They pretty much invented the bomb. All the Arabs hate the Jews for religious reasons, but I feel they know enough about Israel that they could trust them. They are both in the… Read more »


Prediction: An Israel/Saudi mutual defense pact in which Saudi Arabia guarantees to strike Iran in response to an Iranian strike against Israel, in return for Israel’s pledge to use nuclear weapons in retaliation for a nuclear strike by Iran against Saudi Arabia. No need for the Saudis to develop their own nukes, no nuclear proliferation to get the international community’s collective knickers in a twist.
Short of this (in a scenario in which Iran is not allowed to complete their bombs), look for more cooperation than just mere overflight rights if and when Israel decides to strike Iranian nuclear facilities – I mean access to bases and/or refueling of Israeli strike packages, and possibly supporting/diversionary strikes, electronic countermeasures support, air defense suppression, and air superiority support.


The enemy of my enemy is my friend. Looks like the IDF is gonna get some new BFFs now that the US of A has ditched them.

11 B-Mailclerk

The Greek city states hated each other with a passion, and fought frequent wars.

Then along came Xerxes and the gigantic army of the Persian empire.

The Greeks banded together and defeated Persia, spectacularly.

So here we go again. Who would have thought that a relative peace, let alone alliance, between Israel and its Arab neighbors would come about at the hands of Iran?

Better crank up the fracking here, as the oil supply from the Mideast may be a bit iffy soon.


So I take it you don’t agree with former Defense Secretary Robert Gates when he says, “The results of an American or Israeli military strike on Iran could, in my view, prove catastrophic, haunting us for generations in that part of the world.” I mean, what does he know that you don’t?


He knows what he must say to please his boss, dunce.