San Francisco’s answer to the Kathryn Steinle murder

| July 15, 2015

I’m sure you remember the murder last week of Kathryn Steinle on Pier 14 in San Francisco by an illegal alien and convicted felon who had a firearm that was stolen from a Federal law enforcement agent’s car. Well, San Francisco’s Board of Supervisors member Mark Farrell has a solution. No, it’s not repealing their status as a “sanctuary city” for illegal aliens, it’s video-taping all gun and ammunition sales according to KTVU. Of course, it will be easier than you might think – San Francisco has just one gun dealer within their jurisdiction, High Bridge Arms.

“We want to make sure the city has the best laws in place for gun control,” said Farrell.

KTVU asked Farrell if the proposed law was necessary given there it would currently affect just the one business.

“It certainly applies to the gun store that exists today. But we have heard of additional stores over time trying to come into the city,” Farrell said.

Police Chief Greg Suhr told KTVU by text that he supports the idea because it would make guns and ammunition easier to trace.

Yeah, so the next illegal alien who steals a gun from a Federal agent will be required to video tape the theft, I suppose, or he’ll be in violation of this new ingenious law. You know, because stealing and murder aren’t against the laws already. But, I’m sure everyone on the Board of Supervisors and the people who elected them will feel better about themselves, and isn’t that what really counts?

Category: Gun Grabbing Fascists

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*facepalm* That answer by the city is so stupid I don’t even have a comeback I swear

Old Trooper

^^ Yeah, that.


I do.


Personally, I think this is a better reply. Simply begin it “Mr. Farrell” vice “Mr. Madison”.


Well, now that el Chapo Guzman has escaped the Mexican prison, immigration reform is most likely doomed.

The Donald did call the FBI about el Chapo, but Guzman will reappear when he feels like it.


Come on, why wouldnt criminals obey new laws? Its just the old ones they break. None of the criminals in the country have ever broken this new law yet, so why not think they will keep the trend going? Of course, at some point this law will be found to be racist and it won’t be enforced either

Pinto Nag

Well, it appears that San Francisco knows what to do with THEIR tragedies!

NEVER let a good tragedy go to waste, people. NEVER.


Private Parts

I used to live in San Francisco and the insanity was something apalling.

Their plan here is beyond stupid. Seriously, nothing works in the city minus the self righteous hard on the supervisors get when doing something to cripple it further.

Combat Historian

Will they require blood, urine, semen, and stool samples as well ?


Just give me an address – I’ve got a stool sample for them…


Well if they do, us old guys can just bring in a pair of freshly worn underwear.





Geez, Pt. Do you have to leak our innermost secrets?


no need… certain aging body parts do that for us. Old guys rule #7 – never trust a fart. Unless you drink beer a lot – then it is rule #1.


Wondering if that policy was written by some narcissistic grad student at UC Berkley??? It is for the public good.


Certainly not the sharpest tool in the shed…

Roger in Republic

So, if a legally purchased gun is used by a legal purchaser to kill someone we will have a video of the transaction. How does the video save the life of the victim? If the same gun is stolen and used by the thief, how does the video help to catch the shooter? Unless the gun is recovered, how will the authorities know if the gun was from the one gun shop in the city?

This is just another bullshit, knee jerk, sop to the anti gun crowd. It has nothing to do with ejecting our criminal illegal aliens before they can kill American citizens.


The article reads: “Police Chief Greg Suhr told KTVU by text that he supports the idea because it would make guns and ammunition easier to trace”.

(How did this guy get to be police chief again?)


By parroting the party line so he would get the job. Then he just keeps it up.

John S.

Probably being able to color inside of the lines and not eating too much paste to cause death.


It is San Francisco, he was probably busy juggling cocks so much he didn’t bother with learning law enforcement.

Hence, he’s the Chief of Cock Juggling for San Francisco. (CCJSF)


How did he get to be Chief of Police? He knew what to kiss, and when . . . .


This is kind of an addendum to Martinjumpr’s question ‘has arms control ever worked’.

Don’t ever address the real issue.


watched some of Jessie Waters attempting to interview some of the Board of Supervisors. Had one guy just chanting “Fox is not real news” over and over. Another just said that more gun control laws were needed. In other words, the board is comprised of liberals without an original thought in their heads.


Uh….Most gun shops I’ve been into already have a video security system. As do most every place I go to already.

Literally a law about nothing, mandating people do something they do anyway.

Pinto Nag

Have you ever asked yourself who had access to that video feed?


I assume all such video to be publicly available.

I recently worked in a location where we routinely turned over video for investigative purposes.

The more appropriate questions are: how long is the archive and where is it?


Good point. I remember the indoor range I bought my pistol from in LA had multiple cameras in it running 24/7.

So, like you said, another law to make a law.

Combat Historian

Would this new requirement be waiverable if you walk into the store totally naked and holding the Mexican flag and/or the Rainbow Banner ?


Only if you have an Obama logo tatooed on your ass.


In San Francisco everyone DOES walk around naked with the Rainbow Banner.


This is the same as the drunk who lost his keys and was looking for them under the street light because the light was better.

Here is a mental experiment. Remove that gun shop from the state of California. Does that action affect the death of Kathryn Steinle? The answer is “no, it would have no effect”. So maybe putting up cameras is not useful.

Of course this begs the question, “why would they pass a useless law?” See below.

But it also begs the question, “what law would have made a difference?” I gave this about a minute and I cannot think of a new law that would make a difference. Breaking into the car and stealing the gun in the first place was against at least two laws. Possessing the gun without a permit in SF is probably against the law. Does anyone know? In SF, was it illegal for the original thief to sell that gun to the killer without a background check? Being a felon in possession in just piling on. And killing someone is against the law. What more laws do they need? What new law would have made a difference?

I used to have a boss named Charlie who made a good point. Legislative bodies can only make laws. If you yell at them to do something, the only thing that they can do is make a law or not make a law. The SF City Council is only doing the only thing that they can do. The population screamed at the City Council to do something. They did the only thing that they CAN do. That it was kind of stupid is partly because all of their choices were bad.

The actual problem is with the police force, their staffing, leadership, budget, and constraints like the “sanctuary” business.


“They did the only thing that they CAN do.”

Not entirely true. They did the only thing that their tiny little balls would permit them to do. If they felt that they HAD to do something, it could have been useful, like dropping the sanctuary city crap.

The Other Whitey

She might be alive if not for that crap.


Actually, I suspect that it is against the law, in San Fransisco, to have ANY functioning gray matter beyond the need for autonomic systems. Or so it seems …


There’s actually arguably a third thing any legislative body can do besides (a) pass a law or (b) nothing. They can also repeal an existing law that simply isn’t working or has been found to be counterproductive. nbcguy54ACTUAL alludes to that possibility above.

Are you listening, Congress?


Not to quibble a minor point *but* as I understand it, repealing a law is technically done by passing another law …

A legislative body can also pontificate, genuflect, expound, make an ass of itself, and generally fart in our general direction. Of course, OUR congress would NEVER do ANY of those things …


I worked in sin city for years. There is one (1) licensed gun shop in the city limits. There are several in the surrounding area that would not be affected by this law, all of them easily accessible by public transit.
Hey, “it’s for the children!!!!”
and “If it saves one life it’s worth it!!!”
do I need to add /sarc?


I went to language school in Monterey and used to go to San Fran from time to time. One of the most beautiful cities in the world, bar none. And one in which I will never ever step foot again after how they’ve treated the military over the years.

Did anyone here ever see the USMC recruiting commercial a few years back where the Silent Drill Team did their thing in various scenic parts of the US? You’ll notice that the one in the SF area was done in Marin County, not San Francisco. The city wouldn’t let them film in the city.

After that, my attitude towards Frisco was FUCK THEM.


With a barbed-wire wrapped baseball bat and extreme prejudice …

Hack Stone

I am just waiting for the next big earthquake to Hit San Francisco and Berkley. And when all of those stinkass hippies are trapped beneath the rubble of their environmentally friendly communes screaming for help, and the Mayors turn to the Marines at Camp Pendleton to bring their engineer equipment, the General gives them a hearty Marine Corps “Fuck you!”, and hands them the number to Code Pink.

Pinto Nag

We lost our 2A Right the day we had to fill out paperwork to buy a gun, any gun. It’s just that simple. All the rest is just details and death throes.


My God! Well, better late than never, but if there had just been a video system in that federal agent’s car this NEVER WOULD HAVE HAPPENED!

RIP, Ms. Steinle.


And of course, the dead girl’s relatives are coming down hard on Trump, not the killer, the feds who the pistol belonged to or the sanctuary city laws.
I reckon that the brainwashing is now complete.

The Other Whitey

The stupidity infecting San Francisco is truly mind-boggling. Then again, they (allegedly) keep sending Nancy Pelosi to Congress…

A Proud Infidel®™

I couldn’t make shit like this up if I tried. What’s next, blaming Liquor Store robberies on the store itself because they sell booze? Maybe “Yes” if the store owner or worker is White and the perp is some other, NO, WAIT, then it would be the White Owner or Employees’ fault because ALL of us White People are “racist” and it’s all our fault, just ask any moonbat liberal. I wish the San Andreas fault would hurry up and shake San Foo-foo off the face of the Earth!


Just put a large, high fence around it.


These people are so stupid, they’d stare at a 40-foot tidal wave coming ashore at a speed of 60MPH.


We can hope to see that theory proven in the near future!


It happened at that resort near Banda Aceh, Sumatra, on Dec. 26, 2094.

People stood and stared at the incoming tidal wave instead of running to the highest level they could get to in a hurry.

Silentium Est Aureum

Dirty Harry weeps.


Just wrote this clown a short email asking for him to explain the reasoning behind this. I’ll post anything (if anything) I get back.

I just don’t see a connection between legitimate gun sales and violent crime (other than lawful gun owners ventilating criminals).


This is why that big earthquake needs to hit already and drop San Francisco into the ocean like they expect it to do.

Though, I’d appreciate if the earthquake waited until Pelosi was back so she would be taken with the rest of the nut balls there.

Doc Savage

This went well beyond weapons grade stupid…..this qualifies as stupid of mass destruction.


A critical mass of weapons-grade stupid a formsa weapon of mass destruction. That much stupid concentrated in one place is commonly called a moron bomb.


In other locales, it is known as Felony Stupidity, which with these circumstances, has GOT to be 1st Degree Felony Stupidity.


This is what happens when moms do not breastfeed their children, especially boys.


or breastfeeds them to age 10


From the article:

“”To me, this is no-brainer legislation,” said Farrell.”

Ain’t that the truth. It is proposed by a man with no brains.

But I do have a question…..

The Supreme Court just decided the case of Los Angeles v. Patel where the SCOTUS ruled that police having access to hotel registrations without producing a warrant is a violation of the Fourth Amendment.

How is this any different? How can San Francisco demand that a store produce records of a transaction without any warrant or ability of the store to challenge the demand for the records?

To me, this is a two fer one shot at the Constitution and the rights of American citizens.


Good point, but it seems to me that folks there in San Francisco aren’t t concerned about having their rights violated. They seem to embrace that concept.


LA v. Patel would appear to ban the “provide records of ammunition sales electronically” part of the proposed ordnance. But a legal requirement for gun shops to keep the video and sales records on file for a specified period of time doesn’t seem to be affected by LA v. Patel.

Further, while requiring involuntary provision of the information w/o a warrant would appear to be banned by LA v. Patel, businesses would still be free to provide the information to police voluntarily – and could be compelled to do so with a warrant. Since this involves “scary guns and ammo”, how much in the way of “probable cause” do you think judges in Sodom by the Bay would require before ordering the shop in question to provide the info?

Bottom line: LA v. Patel in theory should make this difficult for SF to implement. However, if judges there are compliant, in practice it might be done anyway.

2/17 Air Cav

The case you cited, Patel, was a challenge to a local law that required motel managers to surrender motel registration records on demand from police. Failure to do so was a crime, a misdemeanor carrying a fine and jail term as penalty. (I like to think of it it as the your-papers-please case, said with a thick German accent.) Well, as you indicated, the Supremes took the case and ruled (5-4) that the motel managers were owed a pre-compliance hearing on any demand for their registration records. Effectively, a subpoena would be issued for the records and a motel manager who received one would be entitled to an administrative hearing. So, yes, I would imagine that any videotape would be likewise subject to this procedure, absent an exigent circumstance that would exempt it from the warrant or subpoena requirement. BTW, thanks for mentioning the case. I didn’t know squat about it until you did.)


Not being a lawyer, it would seem to me that the city may require records of such transactions but might have to produce a subpoena to actually see them?

2/17 Air Cav

Absolutely. That’s what this is about. When government closely regulates an industry, it has to be able to determine whether the regulations are being complied with or not, but barging into a business and demanding records under penalty of law runs afoul of 4th A protections. There are exceptions to everything and most, many, or some managers will say, “Sure, have a look” but, if not, a fresh subpoena will do just fine.


For the first time in decades, I got nothing. I swear, I couldn’t write this script.


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