Weekend open thread

| July 10, 2015

Daniel A. Bernath is still on a rampage, mostly because his law license has an expiration date on it these days – towards the end of next month, and I’ve said this all before, but it bears repeating because a number of people have mentioned his adolescent, terrorist antics to me;

Bernath’s latest tactic is to track you dickweeds down on Facebook and then send his little message about how we’re a kiddie pr0n website to all of your FB friends, you know because he still hasn’t figured out how to act like an adult. He has also tried to contact your employers and told them that their employees are frequenting a kiddie pr0n website (TAH).

So, if you haven’t locked down your FB profiles as well as your friends list, you should do it now.

Also, you should block all of his FB IDs; Daniel A. Bernath, Daniel A Bernath, Jerome Adrosky (misspelled like that) and Ike Densmore, as well as Dallas Wittgenfeld, his little puppy. Also, you should probably stop using your correct names on TAH so he can’t track you down on FB.

Bernath is an immature terrorist and somehow he thinks that he can pretend to be a Vietnam veteran hero if TAH goes away. All he’ll ever be is a little asshole. He blames the whole world for causing his problems and doesn’t recognize that his problems are because he’s an asshole.

Oh, by the way, to prove he’s an asshole, he is filing a million dollar lawsuit against the California Bar Association in Florida. So, his law career, such as it was, has pretty much ended.

Category: Open thread

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Man I have waited months to hit it at exactly the right moment lol….seems to be a good weekend for me, the wife and I are using our va home loan to purchase a house, fingers crossed we should be closing next week barring the MPR repairs were completed

2/17 Air Cav

Congrats. The VA home loan is a fantastic thing, indeed. If you’ve never owned a house before, the prospect (near as it is) can make you accept things you ought not. I hope the VA-authorized inspection guy was a nail counter–a blessing when buying but not so much when selling!


He found stuff I never would have thought was that big of a deal, but yet needed to be done


Congrats on the house and congrats on being first. Damn Skippy!!!

A Proud Infidel®™

I bought my first house with a VA Loan. Once i jumped through the hoops and got it approved I had no shortage of lenders wanting to finance it! The downside was a seemingly never ending stream of junk mail from other lenders wanting to refinance.


My god, they really make you jump through all kinds of hoops in the lending process. I understand after the recession, but it has been an endless stream of paperwork. We are both super excited, and thanks brothers and sisters for all your well wishes

2/17 Air Cav

Yeah, by the time you are hit with the 1,494, 646 documents to sign or initial at closing–most of them thanks to Big Brother–your hand will be cramped. The tip-off for what’s coming will be that basket of pens in the middle of the table. Closings suck. Just sign and worry about it later, during the oh-shit-I-think-I-screwed-up period they will tell you about.


Hopefully this is not an extension of the PC problems we have had for over a week now. An alert from AVAST continues to pop up and alert of us a threat having been detected. Couple that with our email address being highlighted in yellow on this very site. Allow me to share a few things when it comes to buying real estate, the kind you are going to live in, rather than rent out immediately. This is ALL based on personal experience. Some banks still rely on fleecing you for PMI when they can get away with it. PMI stands for Primary Mortgage Interest and is little more than a RIPOFF which serves only one interest, theory. That being to insure the lender. Normally on, let’s say to make it understandable, you buy a home appraised at $100,000. Normally a bank will require a minimum of 20% down on a home. That’s 20 K not everyone has laying around the house. Without that down payment they can offer you to pay PMI (an amount IN ADDITION to the regular payment) until you have paid the loan down to where the balance you owe is less than 80% of the home’s value. In times past, unless you requested PMI be dropped when you reached that 80% balance plateau, (that is you REQUESTED IN WRITING). In those days if you did not know to write a letter to the bank requesting they drop the PMI, they could legally keep that extra gravy throughout the life of the loan and owe you nothing if you just happened to find it out later. Next, demand a clause guaranteeing you will have no early pay off charges should you pay the loan off early. SHould you come into some $, or even decide to buy another home in the meantime, you can work out the details in the home transaction; providing the entire loan plus the entire interest charges for the original length of the loan showed a non early payoff charge in the paperwork. Now if you want to save yourself some money… Read more »


Jarhead, glad you brought up Part B – Title Insurance, because I’d forgotten about that.

You should also make sure that the bank – make that mortgage lender, carries the following coverages: Real Estate Tax Errors & Omissions coverage, so that if they forget to put your payments for RE tax into an escrow account, you can hold them accountable. That’s one.
They should also carry Mortgage Errors & Omissions coverage, in case they screw up on your mortgage.

And when you ask for the property rights to be included, if there is any chance that there is gas/oil way down deep (down to 15,000 feet below surface), you get all of those rights included to 5 miles down below surface, because you do not want a drilling rig erected in your back yard while you’re having breakfast, do you?


Thanks for the advice, and it is certainly excellent advice, my best friend who is an attorney is handling our closing and we are purchasing the title insurance. A similar situation happened to a friend of mine and he didn’t take the insurance and wound up paying off 20k in liens that were not his


Congratulations, MA2. You earned it. I’ve used mine twice and my spouse, an Army veteran, has used theirs once. It’s a great earned benefit. One of my favorite features is there was, for us, no early/prepayment penalty. We have paid off each loan years early, saving tens of thousands of dollars. Again, congratulations.


Congratulations,all warriors for our country deserve a home to raise the young ones.

AW1 Tim

I was going to use my VA certificate, but ended up going with a USDA-RD loan instead. With the latter, I got a better interest rate (3.75%, fixed) and was able to roll virtually all my closing costs into the loan, with 100% financing.

It does, however, require PMI, but that’s a small price (to my mind) for not having to use up such a large chunk of my savings for the closing costs, down payment, etc.

But the VA loan program is an excellent one, and would’ve been my first choice had the mortgage folks I talked to not told me about the other option.


MA2USN, congratulations on your new home! The VA loan program has been a blessing for me since I discharged. Their inspectors are far better than the average, other than VA loan, home looky loo inspectors.


I am first … I let you have it!


I am reminded of my 12th General order ” My Master Chief is never wrong” and my 13th General Order “In the event my Master Chief is wrong, refer to the 12th”


LUCKY I was driving LMAO !!! 🙂


My FB is locked down right anyway, but I blocked that shit just in case.


Nicki..I too shut down both Facebook, but I did send personal messages to my friends why and not to say crap to anyone. Bernath and his lapdogs have made me their next “Lets screw with IT. IT because their running around in circles trying to figure out who the hell I am. Now they claim I’m a Junior in High School. Since I receive at least 50+ emails from THE INTERNATIONAL POLICE, BLACK WIDOW, USS YORK, LPASSHOLE, ETC, its hard to remember who said what. The one that scares me ROLMAO is the bald one who has a extensive record for public intoxication. I know his type, they suffer from LITTLE MAN SYNDROME and after seeing a MUGSHOT a women has to be super drunk, slipped a roofie, or a lady/man of the night to crawl into bed with him.Then baldy has to take two VIAGRA and slip a dildo over his tiny dick. Before shutting down FB, the shits made lists of friends. I’ve been informed that they have received emails’ or phone calls requesting information about me. Replies are “who, sorry Idon’t know that person”. My son and I figured out this isn’t going to stop soon so every email I receive will be answered with all the information that we have from people we know. I will only tell the truth and also harass them in them in the same nasty, disgusting slang they did to me. BERNATH will lose his license and I’ll be attending each hearing with my son, however, we decided not to bring attention to ourselves with special t-shirts. Friends who live in the Los Angeles area are giving us shelter. Others will attend with their sons when possible so I still can’t be identified. I did reply to one of them that I was close to someone but not when or where. ONCE BERNATH loses his license, he’ll no longer be a pain in your butt, but a PAIN IN YOUR ASS, because he’s either going on SS or work at a minimum wage job. No bankruptcy in the future. Hoping YELP… Read more »


Wow. Is there no legal recourse to stop this in it’s tracks? I know: OPSEC. But this has gone on so long and the stuff Bernasty is doing is vile. He makes Chevy, Round Ranger, etal, look like angels.

A Proud Infidel®™

My bet is SS because just WHO in their right mind would hire Daniel A. Bernath after even a sime Google Search of his name? He strikes me as the type that if hired, would slap a slip-and-fall lawsuit on said employer at the first opportunity!


No California, Florida, Oregon law firm would hire him as a legal assistant, Paralegal. He might be hired as a filing organizer IF they don’t run a legal background check. How in Buddha’s name is he going to support his family.
I did give him advice as to how to make money.
“BUY a few YOGA mats and strap them on his wife and daughters (sons too)backs” Drop them off at hooker alley and pick then up twelve hours later. With the $5.00 they each made in twelve hours, KFC has a five dollar box and it includes a cookie. He wrote me back so pissed, my son spit out the soda he was about to choke on. The email is absolutely filled with the same bullshit. How can I share that email here. It contains all the lies he’s been accused of. I saved it under ANGRY.


Please share! Cut and paste.


I send everything to a best friends to us all. I will try cut and paste, on a different computer. Please, don’t drink, smoke while reading and use the head first. Prevent choking and leaking while LOL


SJ..I use my phone and have no clue how to copy and paste. So a little one got out my computers and showed me how. On the Open thread I will be pasting the most disgusting emails to me and my replies to them. Wanna get dirty, Bernath, Dallas and the other lapdogs I’LL PUT YOU TO SHAME. I have worked around the dirtiest mouths my whole life and they taught me well.

A Proud Infidel®™

Can’t wait to see some of that, but is it as brain-numbing as some of the rest of the chaff that Dutch Rudder Gang members post and send?


Oh, Reb – you should have seen the crap he tried to pull on me when he was exposed to the light of day. A year and a half now it’s been, and he goes on with this idiotic stuff. You have no idea what kind of stuff he tried to do, but failed in his efforts. You have to be tough. That’s all I can tell you.


I’m not backing off from posting on this site. He has no clue what I look like M/F. I never put pictures on Facebook. So, your still going through the hell? I, speaking only for myself, it’s worth every laugh. They will eventually stop, especially after he loses his license and my Attorneys start filing. The old saying is..something about hiring yourself to be your lawyer and having a idiot for a client. I got lots of time


Don’t forget, even if he’s disbarred, or forced to resign, he can still file lawsuits for himself.


Your correct. Judges get easily pissed by lawmen filing frivolous lawsuits that take time away for real lawsuits to be heard.


That’s a great commercial. A free cookie. Ha!


ANIMAL..my bad..it was with the five dollars total, you get one KFC box to share. Oh hell, KFC and Long Johns sell in same place. Just the thought of smelling his wife, the Oder of fish would spoil the meal.

Green Thumb

He could always hire on an VISN 19 with their office of regional counsel or, if currently in Florida, I would imagine All-Points Logistics would take him in their non-existent legal department.

I wonder what Lori Benton would say?


Congrats to them. But I have to ask two questions:

1. I seem to remember way back when that the policy was “fail 2x and you’re history”. Am I remembering correctly, and if so when did that change?
2. How many male trainees got 3 shots at passing the Benning?


3rd attempt? What the hell? Just keep sending them back until someone some how makes it through. I’m guessing they are officers. Even the social engineers couldn’t give an enlisted member 3 attempts, even if it was a woman

Green Thumb

I agree.

If they are new officers, their timeline is shot.

If not, then all of that required command time is going down the drain and has been for some time if they wee already on orders to Benning as “observers”.

Anyway, I hope they are ready for the TVD.


Green Thumb. The article read: “The remaining three women are the last 0f 19 who attempted the Ranger Course beginning April 20. Sixteen of them passed an initial physical fitness test and eight made it through the initial Ranger Assessment Phase, commonly known as “RAP Week.” But all eight had fallen short twice, and only the three still in training now were allowed to attempt Ranger School a third time.”

My question is about the statement, “the three still in training were allowed to attempt the Ranger School a third time”. Does a male attempting this course get a third try after 2 failures?

Green Thumb


I have never seen it at least.

I wonder if the Army is intent on pushing one through?


More second chances than the Dallas Cowboys defensive line in court.

Green Thumb

Or the known fraud, fake Native American, fake LEO and fake SEAL, the Felonious and False Commander Phil Monkress, the CEO of All-Points Logistics.

A Proud Infidel®™

I was AD in the early Nineties, and we had one that graduated the fourth time he attended, I bet it was because his Dad was Retired from the Army.


Bernath’s argument settles on only two things at any given time
1. They won’t let me call myself a Chief Petty Officer, so Master Chief […] is either not a homosexual or is depending on the post
2.TSO posted a photoshopped photo of me, that I made, and continue you to make, I consider that defamation, so now I’m going to defame him


I still don’t understand how he gets away with the crap he posts on his abomination of a website and that it is still there month after month. When I’ve asked in the past, folks say that the wheels of justice grind slow. That is some sick shit he posts about TAH’ers.

A Proud Infidel®™

I see that he still uses the AL logo on his webpage of idiotic toad and slug snot, isn’t that image copyrighted, and I wonder if the AL has taken legal action over it? Hey didn’t Daniel A. Bernath say he was going to show up at the AL National Convention with other members of The Dutch Rudder Gang and get himself elected as National Commander? I see that the impotent babbling bucket of slug snot and roach crap still has it posted that a certain TAH Regular would be in jail while his kid was being born, which did NOT happen, but Daniel A. Bernath (GH!) never passes up a chance to make himself look even more stupid, imbecilic, and incompetent!


Proud: can you be more clear? /s


You pretty much hit the nail on the head.

Though, I can proudly announce that his picture has been removed from the wall of the VFW post. I stopped by to use the latrine on the way back from another go-round with the VA.


Why wouuld you purposely connect my name?

The Inspector

Yeah. I have to say though(my profile is locked so it’s all good) the shit he wrote to me was comedy gold though.


Gee – that’s gonna leave a mark. (smile)


I’m not speechless, just happy. Someone with a PhD AND a working brain finally said it out loud.


Solar activity will drop about 60%, plunging us into another Maunder Minimum…

An increasing amount of science, both earth and space weather, are pointing towards decreased global temperatures in our future. This happening at the same time that our magnetic field is getting weaker.

Meaning, we are more vulnerable to cosmic rays forming more clouds and water during this minimum than what happened during the Maunder and Dalton Minimums.

Add to this increased helium (from the sun) interaction with hydrogen in our atmosphere for more water formation… colder weather, more snow, and so on.

Precipitation has been going up each year, and doesn’t show signs of stopping.



Well, I see that one prediction made in 2000 is about to manifest itself. Basically, it was ‘we have until 2017, give or take a couple of years (2015-2020) to resolve our relationship with Nature’. And the majority of people are just not paying attention.

Zero Ponsdorf

I’ve said many times: One who doesn’t believe in Global Climate Change is an ignorant fool. It has been changing for millennia.

Or perhaps someone with an agenda that has little to do with the climate.


John Ringo’s “The Last Centurion” is starting to look like Prophecy.


Well, long, long ago, when I was in high school and we had a chinook in January that thawed the ground completely, lasted a week, and was followed by an unusual event – a blizzard – that blocked the roads with drifts up to 10 feet in height, etc., etc., etc. – well, suffice it to say, it was also the year that the National Geographic had a photograph of penguins panting in 45F heat. I took in all of this and told my mother that I thought we were heading for another ice age. That was 50++ years ago.

Definitely is climate change going on, and I think these erratic weather patterns are what precede a retrenchment into long-term cold. The complaint about interior ice melting in Antarctica is by people who still don’t get that there is volcanic activity going on under the main ice sheet, so of course it’s melting – UNDERNEATH!

We have until 2020 to resolve our relationship with Nature. I don’t think most people get that.


What do you mean resolve our relationship with Mother Nature?
That sounds like some left wing baffle with bull shit language that nobody can understand because we are not enlightened enough.
I’m not trying to pick a fight but I can think of no possible way we can reconcile it.
We have been battling with nature since man has walked the Earth.
We may be able to change some things, but generally we survive in spite of nature.
The weather patterns aren’t any worse now than they have ever been. They just have better publicity agents, ergo the 24 hr news cycle and the ever present local weather people warning us to exp[ect huge rains or snows and ffinding out again they have no clue what the weather will do in 48 hours let alone 100 years from now.
The record keeping of NOAA is sloppy at best and downright fraudulent in the worst case.
They put the weather reporting stations near blacktop, near air conditioners and generally the failure rate of the statistical models is above 20% at any given time making the entire scientific evidence irrelavent and not scientifically valid under any other scientific study guidelines.
Global climate change caused by man is the biggest fraud ever perpetrated on society in history and nothing but a sop for shysters and snake oil salesmen to line their pockets as they attempt to put us further under some communist scenario where we are to be sacrificed for the good of society as a whole.
I spent two years in Fairbanks in the Infantry and have dealt with cold weather most of my life.
Which is exactly why I now live close to the Gulf of Mexico and relish the 90+ degree summers here in Houston.
So I am sorry, but I can think of no conext to reconcile our relationship with Nature as a whole. Save for bending over and kissing our asses goodbye when she gets tired of us living here…


T-stixx, you are only one of many people who think the whole thing is bogus. Someone elsewhere – NZ, I think – pointed out that the only reason there appears to be climate change (which goes on all the time) is because we have BETTER measuring instruments than were available even 50 years ago.

That phrase ‘resolve our relationship with Nature’ comes from someone else. It’s mostly related to how thick-headed people are about weather. If there is a prolonged cold snap, which is normal, we’re in an ice age, even if it isn’t one and if we have a heat wave (normal), we’re headed for runaway global warming, when in fact, it is nothing but WEATHER.

We can’t control weather (or climate). We can only react to it.

I think that’s the message in that phrase ‘resolve our relationship with Nature’: be prepared for weather that will impair crop production, cause wildfires and heavy snows, repeated worse flooding than we’ve been seeing recently, snow and flooding where it doesn’t usually snow at all or even rain much, etc., etc., etc. And likewise, be prepared for the extremes ahead of time, instead of just reacting to them.

WE have absolutely no control over the weather or the climate on this planet. WE are just along for the ride.

But would you get into a car and drive 70MPH without buckling your seatbelt? Would you drive on bald tires? That’s the analogy.


Here’s a link to NASA’s SOHO observatory site. Daily sunspot images


Click on ‘the sun now'(left column) for other wavelength images, or click below the current daily photo for a catalog of daily jpgs of sunspot photos.

Some of the current spots are smaller than Earth.


Here’s a link to a NASA video of the sun on 6/30 to 7/1/15. It was reposted on YouTube.


Note the dark streak across the middle of the sun. That is a cold area.

2/17 Air Cav

It was here a couple or few years ago that I finally asked, “What’s FB stand for?” Jonn referred to us non-FBers as the anti-social types, which prompted no disagreement.


There are good reasons to stay off Facebook. Bernath and those like him are only IMO about a million of those reasons.

Yes, a million. With 1B accounts, even a 0.1% dipstick/moron fraction equates to 1 million.


2/17, FB has it’s benefits.

Our neighborhood has a pretty active FB page. Mostly it’s the soccer moms looking for a nanny reference or lamenting their 1st world problems. Today for example, one posted “Is there a list online somewhere of businesses in Texas that will/will not allow open carry in January?”

After about 40 comments, she deleted the post because it had devolved into a “weird debate”.

So then, some wise ass posted, “Is there a list online somewhere of businesses in Texas that will/will not allow free speech in January? Bonus points if the answers to my nice question turn into a “weird debate”.”

Comedy gold.

A Proud Infidel®™

I wonder how quickly Daniel A. Bernath’s (GH!) lawsuit against the California Bar will be dismissed? What a mega-loser!


Interesting. Seems that Danni-boi apparently now has two different active disciplinary matters before the CA Bar. One was filed 19 Feb 2015; the other on 8 Jun 2015. (There may well have originally been a third filed on 19 Feb 2015, but that one appears to have been consolidated with the other one filed on the same date; its complaint is no longer available for download.)



The docket schedules are available here:


To paraphrase the late Dezi Arnez: “Danni, looks like you got some ‘splainin’ to do . . . . “


So, is this because he failed to answer the 1st complaint back in February? Or is it two separate charges?

Oh, but it doesn’t really matter, does it? It’s just another manifestation of his desperate need to be the center of attention and also defy authority, which probably started back in 1966.



There are only 2 listed.

There maybe be as many as 5 as of this date.

That is all!

PS: But what would I know …


MCPO…there are five so you do know everything. The Motions to drop 10 separate was DENIED. He really thinks he’s above the law. Soon the group will be under it.


Note to those of the Idiots’ Brigade:

A – I do not do Facebook. I have better things to do with my time.

2 – If I did do Facebook, you’d never be able to find it or your way into it.

Z – I’m self-employed, so you can try to find my employer all you want to.


Amen to the self-employment. But, be cautious. He was able to track down my Etsy store and get it closed, also he got me kicked from my volunteer costume organization based on his lies.


I understand, Flagwaver, but I don’t sell anything on Etsy.

I have other resources – many, many of them.


Speaking of things not related to Large, FAt and Stupid down in Florida (may an angry nesting female alligator park under his car!), I’m sending you a piece of info about a movie coming up.


OKay, sorry about that. Couldn’t find what I was looking for, but here’s the scoop: There is a movie in production now with the working title ‘5-25-77’. It relates to the release date of the first movie of the series that followed. You’ve made costumes for those characters. I’m not sure what the post-production dates are, but background stuff is being shot as I write this.


I’ve been paying close attention to what’s coming out of San Diego Comic Con. I am drooling with the release dates for the next 6 years!!!


Okay, but this particular movie is not part of that series.

It’s about the people who went to the very first movie in that series and became solid fans.





North Dakota is a big state … He will never find you there, just too big!

Or that sweet crash pad place in Wyoming either.


A Proud Infidel®™

I wonder if he’s still looking for me? He’s wasting his time doing so, especially if he’s looking for me in Western Wyoming!


Has anyone thought to tell the Washburn PD that a crazy man might appear there some day? No? Oh, well, I guess it could wait until he decides to go up there.

And by the way, the Badlands cover both South and North Dakota, so if you go there, stop at Deadwood. Great place to visit. There’s also a nice winery in ND, nice people running it. But unless you appreciate the open prairie and the vastness of the sky overhead, you may find it boring, or like that scene in ‘Fargo’ where the little guy decides to hide the loot at a fenceline and looks in both directions… and the fenceline runs to infinity in both directions. Yeah, that can be intimidating.

A Proud Infidel®™

Nice country up there, I’ve even been to Wall Drug in Wall, SD. They serve a very tasty Buffalo Burger, but you need to WATCH YOUR STEP when you go to the other side of the tracks in that town. Why? Because it’s all cow pasture, “Bovine Landmines” all over the place!! 😀

Green Thumb

Frequently referred to as “Steaming Piles of Phil Monkress”.

A Proud Infidel®™

I can’t believe you’d insult cow manure like that, the stuff is very useful as a fertilizer while Phil Monkress is a huge steaming pile of walking rotten roach and rat shit!


Cows are future cheeseburgers and steaks. Remember this, and you will be fed.

A Proud Infidel®™

I proudly consider myself a “Secondhand Vegetarian”, cows eat vegetation, and I eat them!
MILLIONS of innocent plants are sacrificed each year to feed the world’s herbivorous livestock, thus I eat my fair share of animals!!!

farmgirl with a mosin nagant

I still remember driving across the country from one coast to the other (east to west) with my best friend and seeing the signs for Wall Drug.

The more signs we saw, the more we were like, ‘What the >bleep< is WALL DRUG?'

I bought a Sturgis motorcycle rally t-shirt for my husband there. 🙂 Because we had to stop.


Seems like General Dunford during his CJCS confirmation hearing agreed with Mitt Romney’s assessment that Russia is the biggest national security threat. WH SPOX Josh Earnest appeared blindsided & doing cartwheels trying to explain away Gen Dunfords remark…The Prez & WH team are JV amateurs all the way – just embarrassing.


Wait – what???? Dunford made an unapproved, not-in-line statement of his own volition, one that wasn’t run past the thugs behind the curtain?

Oh. My. God. I do hope he is not toast, or does not become toast over this.


If I remember right he racked and stacked as Russia; China; NORKS; ISIS. In that order.

Roger in Republic

The really funny part is that he made no mention of Global climate change, which, according to Obozo is the number one national security threat. The general better get on board, join the team and be in on the big game.


Excellent point. I don’t think alleged climate change is going to kill me.


No, climate change won’t kill you in particular, SJ, but it will run up your utility bills if you have to heat the house past its normal shutoff date, or keep shoveling snow after the first day of Spring, as I did. It will also affect the price of the food on your plate, among other things.


I just finished reading “Chickenhawk”, which I wouldn’t have known about if I didn’t hang around these parts. Excellent book. Now I need to read the sequel.


Me too. Also because of the posts here. Excellent read.

Mr Wolf

If you liked ‘Chickenhawk’ then go pick up The Five Fingers.

Then tell me how long it took to finish 🙂


…busily searching Amazon….

2/17 Air Cav

And in other Confederate flag news, the FBI director says “We are all sick this happened” after announcing that the murderer with the bowl haircut should not have passed the background check. Doh.


I saw that they’re now trying to move a memorial and gravesite of a Confederate General. Too bad he abolished the KKK when he was Grand Wizard and was an outspoken supporter of black-rights. But, all the sheep see is that he was a Confederate and Grand Wizard of the KKK.


they going to dig up Sheets Byrd? KKK Grand Klegal or Cyclops or something like that

2/17 Air Cav

NASCAR did not announce how many takers it had for the flag exchange offer it made. That tells me that the number (excluding family of NASCAR officials who wanted to help the cause) was probably zero. Meanwhile, the Confederate battle flag was flying from campers, cars, and trucks, much to the chagrin of television folks who were dead set on showing none of that.


NASCAR is just doing it’s best to end itself. Taking races away from the original tracks, moving race dates attendance continuing to drop….
Does the term “alienation” mean anything to them?? Obviously they haven’t run off the few remaining fans, so let’s do that by banning the flag.
The last year that attendance figures were released, blacks made up about 8% percent of total track attendance (that was during a good year). Since attendance has dropped, NASCAR doesn’t publish numbers anymore.
I promise that it wasn’t that 8% that were paying the bills and pleasing the sponsors.

I was born into a stockcar racing family and spent every Sunday in front of the tube until a few years ago. I haven’t watched a complete NASCAR race in probably 5 years and maybe a total of 10 laps this year. I’m not the only one feeling that way. Sad.

Just a matter of time NASCAR…..

Roger in Republic

Don’t get me started on NASCAR. It has about as much in common with racing as the Dutch rudder gang has with duty, honor, country. Did you know that neither Ford, Chevy, or Toyota even make two door versions of their NASCAR offerings I can remember when stock car used stock cars that were modified for racing rather than custom built chassis with custom built bodies with painted on headlights and decal bumpers. NASCAR racing today is nothing more a freight train without the couplings. All of the racing takes place in the pit.


Scratch one monitor…….

Good hit.


WWE has more real wrestling than NASCAR has real stockcars…

Green Thumb

I always liked when the woman, Patrick, would act tough and start a fight.

Run up and punch drivers buckled in their seats with helmets on through the window.

And then act indignant but be backing up when they came out of their cars.

Stay classy!

John Robert Mallernee

How NASCAR began



Forrest Gump was named after GEN NBF….prepared to be offended.

The term “Confederacy” & “Rebel” is peppered throughout the Star Wars & Star Trek franchises films & books….hey, that’s so just offensive.

Billy Idol needs to apologize about “Rebel Yell”…soooo insensitive.

David Bowie’s “Rebel Rebel”…not nice – ban it.

Tom Petty & Heartbreakers “Rebel”…see ya – ban it.

James Dean’s “Rebel Without A Cause” needs to go away like Dukes Of Hazard & Gone w/ The Wind

UNLV & Ole Miss Rebels…just raycist man.


Sorry, not giving up ‘The Outlaw Josey Wales’.

A Proud Infidel®™

Yeah, according to an article I read earlier, the Memphis City Council voted to relocate the remains and memorial of Nathan Bedford Forrest who was a slave trader before the war. That’s not all, the candyassed moonbat PC Nazis are now going after Thomas Jefferson because he was a slave owner, I think we’ve only seen the beginning of an Orwellian PC Nazi assault on American History.


US Grant was a slave-owner too.


Somebody get me a backhoe – I got some digging to do:

List of Presidents who owned slaves:

1) George Washington
2) Thomas Jefferson
3) James Madison
4) James Monroe
5) Andrew Jackson
6) Martin Van Buren
7) William Henry Harrison
8) John Tyler
9) James K. Polk
10) Zachary Taylor
11) James Buchanan
12) Andrew Johnson
13) Ulysses S. Grant


You missed the current!


I have been too lazy to look up how many of the signers of The Declaration of Independence owned slaves. Where does it stop? Some jackass college buddy of mine was of FB playing the part of “the racism whisperer”, calling out racism on a post another friend of mine made about Pickets Charge (occurred on July 3rd)….while celebrating the 4th of July at Lake Travis. And yes, the lake is named for William Barret Travis who owned slaves too.

Where is the logical end for this shit? As Hondo already brilliantly pointed out, we are all direct descendants of slave owners and slaves.

We call ISIS and the Taliban barbaric for blowing up shrines. We are only steps away from doing it here.

2/17 Air Cav

And the Yankees continued to engage in the slave trade after owning people was prohibited. Northerners also bought a lot of cotton picked by slaves. Federal law prohibited harboring escaped slaves. It was one grand slavefest. And? And then there was a great war which costs many lives. And? And today we are told that the Confederate battle flag celebrates slavery and racism, as if there is and can be no other explanation for people to fly that flag or one like it. And? And it’s another item to add to the list, along with opposing abortion (woman hater!); opposing gay marriage (homophobic hater!); opposing illegal aliens being given free passage and sanctuary (xenophobic hater!); and, of course, opposing change to the Washington Redskins’ name and logo (Native-American hater!)

It’s a long way from The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet, I’ll say.

Roger in Republic

There used to be a joke in the old soviet Union that went like this: Q. What is the soviet definition of a Historian?
A. A person who can accurately predict the past!

We have become the Soviet Union in that respect. The progressives have erased our history so that now it is what they say it was.


And let’s remind EVERYONE that the Emancipation Proclamation freed only the slaves in the ten states then in rebellion. That left slavery in the remainder of the states/territories.


Yep. Even a lot of black folks don’t realize that.

“President Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation on January 1, 1863, as the nation approached its third year of bloody civil war. The proclamation declared “that all persons held as slaves” within the rebellious states “are, and henceforward shall be free.”

Despite this expansive wording, the Emancipation Proclamation was limited in many ways. It applied only to states that had seceded from the Union, leaving slavery untouched in the loyal border states. It also expressly exempted parts of the Confederacy that had already come under Northern control. Most important, the freedom it promised depended upon Union military victory.”



Going after Jefferson? Do you have a link to that, Proud?

A Proud Infidel®™

There was something on that linked to Drudge Report today, WND might have something on that as well.

2/17 Air Cav

Here’s a link to a 2012 article from Smithsonian Magazine entitled, “The Dark Side of Thomas Jefferson.” Like politician’s today, he said one thing and did another.



Irony. And here, I thought I was the last practitioner of that.

Green Thumb

Bernath and kiddie pron. No surprise.

Maybe he join up with Jared. And old Jared better watch out or he is going to find out what the big, meaty 12-inch foot long is all about.

And the kicker: It aint going to cost him five dollars if you know what I mean.


Facebook Challenge:

Bernath will never find my Facebook Account!


Just like … He is not, never was nor will he ever be a Genuine of Honorary CPO. PERIOD!


MCPO..I’M going to bet on you. BERNATH couldn’t find anything. We thought sending him a pair of tweezers, magnified glass and a flashlight, he still couldn’t find his dick

A Proud Infidel®™

I don’t think that Daniel A. Bernath could even find his own sorry toad-and-slug-snot-nasty ass at high noon with a searchlight and GPS!


Does anyone know the name of the first “legal” slave owner in the 13 Colonies?

Anthony Johnson.

He was black.

Reckon they’ll want to ban black people next.


So efen nice luv it!


You forgot to mention that the slave he owned was white!


John Casor was described as an “African negro.”

John Robert Mallernee

Yes, both Anthony Johnson and John Casor came from Africa aboard the same ship.


This I did not know. Unlike the leftist element, I shall have to educate myself more to understand this thing I did not know.

A Proud Infidel®™

I didn’t know that myself until recently, it’s some of our history that the left does its damnedest to censor from our schools. Look at how slavery is still practiced in muslim countries and Africa, and the left stays quieter than a church mouse about it.


If you are reading this I owe you a apology.
Earlier this year you called out Tucson for being top heavy on leftist well you are Right. It's not a moderate haven…. one of these days I can give you the back story offline. but my wife (aka) da boss said I owe you a apology so here it is 🙂
I'm sorry 🙁


No biggie, fella. We all get something wrong on occasion.

I spent about 15 years living reasonably close to the People’s Republic of Pima County. I was pretty sure it hadn’t changed a helluva lot since I moved. (smile)


Yea it still the same ole crazy T-Town
I thought it would have changed a little after all these years. NOT

John Robert Mallernee

WEIRD stuff is suddenly happening!

At the Wal-Mart web site, I tried and tried and tried to purchase a two hundred dollar Visa gift card for my sister in Virginia, but the order keeps getting cancelled because of security problems with my Visa account.

Yet, I use my Visa card at the local Wal-Mart store, and other places, with no problem.

Just a little while ago, my cell phone suddenly stopped working.

I have a strong signal, plenty of minutes in my account, and my Blue Tooth works.

But, all outgoing calls fail to connect.

I was able to send and receive a text message.

Attempting to resolve the issue at the TRACFONE web site failed because they keep rejecting my cell phone’s serial number, saying it belongs to another account.

Is anyone else having these sort of unexplained problems?

Does this have anything to do with the Internet computer hacking that’s been going on during the past few days?

Roger in Republic

Oh Shit! I fear that you have fallen victim to the old Software Update glitch. It happens every time they try to “IMPROVE” the system.

John Robert Mallernee

I fixed my cell phone problem!

I shut off the power, opened the back, removed the battery AND the SIM card, leaving it sit for couple of minutes.

Then, I put the SIM card back in, put in a recharged battery, hooked up a freshly charged Blue Tooth, turned my phone on, and VOILA!

I can now make outgoing phone calls that CONNECT!

Thank you, United States Army Signal Corps (which no longer exists) for inspiring me to monkey around with this stuff.


We refer to that process as “recycling the main power buss”. It briefs better than “turn it off and then back on”.


Thanks for giving more secrets away …

The Chineeze know too much as it is!


I’ll put myself in timeout, Chief!

John Robert Mallernee

ALSO, I just now received my Logic Mark Guardian Alert 911 pendant from the VA.

The VA also gave me a Medic Alert bracelet with my sister’s name, address, and phone number.

But, with my clumsy, numb fingers, I can’t work the bracelet’s clasp, so how do I put it on and take it off?

Mox nix.


I have my medical information engraved on five Military dog tags. I wear them around my neck and one on the medical bag I wear everywhere.

John Robert Mallernee

Yes, I wear my dog tags around my neck, plus a dog tag laced into one of my jump boots, and a dog tag on my key ring.

They contain the standard information required when I was a regular soldier in the United States Army, i.e., Name, Social Security Number, Blood Type, and Religious Preference.


JRM….Funny you bring up the mention of recent hacking and other computer difficulties. Our PC shut down just over a week ago. My wife found it up and running again today, finally! All posts during that period have come via a lap top we use. Now that it is working again, the print is oversized for what ever reason. Not to mention each time we turn it on, or even change web sites, AVAST pops up a ringing sound and warning that another virus or malware has been detected and prevented. I’m skeptical because suddenly these special deals from Norton Security pop up………which rarely occurred in the past.


I have Sophos AV software, which is less expensive than McAfee/Norton and far more effective. I liked Norton in the beginning, but the levels of protection you have depend on how much you pay. And frankly, when it wouldn’t protect my computer from that fake FBI virus, I felt it was time to ditch Norton because the protection level I needed had become far too expensive.
Sophos replaced Norton and I have not had a bit of trouble for 3 years now.


You may have been infected by a Malware that appears as a fake AV program. these are common. Real AV products that auto-scan generally are set to clean/repair/quarantine on detection, and require no user interaction. manual scans may ask for permission to take actions, but automatic scans generally say “found this, did that, done”.

Try the free download of the Malwarebytes product. There is a “portable” version, that can run without being installed. It is highly useful for “cleanup”.

Note: browser search it, and decide for yourself if it is trustworthy. check with others, etc. Anyone else have a recommended malware killer?

HMCS(FMF) ret.

If you are looking for something that is online and will scan your computer while online – I’ve used it before and its very good at finding viruses. Here’s the link:


Malwarebytes is another that I;ve used and is good.

Perry Gaskill

There is no silver bullet.

Norton AV was dumped a few years ago when it got to the point where you couldn’t uninstall it without doing a complete system re-install. What’s currently in use is Windows Defender, and MS’ firewall, set with both ongoing scans and a complete system scan weekly.

Internet Explorer also gets used very rarely; back in the day it was fairly notorious as an attack vector because, IIRC, MS had provided some goofy hooks into ActiveX controls. Firefox has always been better at sticking to standards, and has decent tools if you’re doing any kind of web development.

It’s also usually wise to not open email from people you don’t know. If spammers had a moral compass, they wouldn’t be spammers.

Planning for a system meltdown by organizing files for backup and restore is also helpful. One of my current peeves with Win 8.1 is that it is pushy about putting things in places it wants them instead of what might be most convenient for a backup/restore process.

Obviously, your mileage may vary…

2/17 Air Cav

I know that probably no one is going to believe this but I haven’t had a virus or malware detector/destroyer thingy in years. In fact, I think that I last had one I had was the Norton freebie. I also use one of two passwords for everything and use the same answer for all security questions. Oh, and my pc was running crazy overheating so I opened her up and pulled about a pound of dust and crud from it. Runs great now. I am the poster boy for what not to do with a pc, I guess.


The oversize print you mention is probably because it restarted in safe mode which uses a VGA video driver. Avast is good. Go to avast control panel and tell it to do a boot sector scan on startup. It will tell you what to from there, restart etc.

Just an Old Dog

Bernath is about to get his raggedy ass handed to him by the California Bar.
The only reason its taken so long is that the slimy piece of roach shit did not attempt to do any legal work there for a long time.
He destroyed his disability/ ambulance chaser files and fled the state one step ahead of disbarment in the 90s.
He laid low, much like a shit eating dog under a redneck’s trailor licking it’s balls and waiting for the coast to be clear.
He tested the waters in Oregon. When they rightfully shot him down for being an immoral sack of pig shit he sidestepped the issue by practicing Social Security Law with his Ca license.
He was shit-canned from that for over 50 incidents of misconduct. Something tells me the California Bar wasn’t informed of ANY of the asshattery that he has pulled.
Bernath was simply a troll and limping stool sample, like an enraged chimp banging away at his keyboard filing frivolious suits.
He made the mistake of fucking with the wrong people. Then the idiot tried to drum up business with an inactive license,, in Ca no less.
I will gladly pay for the transcripts of your hearing. It would be even better if they video taped it.
I want to see you fucking stutter and bluster when Judge Lucy Armendariz rips you a new ass you rat beard faced, scum sucking, bottom dwelling, lying bucket of rodent jizz.


It goes way far beyond that!

Buy popcorn … Lots and lots of popcorn.

A Proud Infidel®™

Popcorn? Check.
Nachos? Check.


HMCS(FMF) ret.

To the point of intense “anal dilation therapy sessions” with the Medical Practice of Drs. Thor, Bubba, Julio and “Tiny”?

Got the Jiffy Pop at the ready…


I am NOT sharing with Michael Jackson! 😛

Green Thumb

Better ask Alex Popovic and Jared.

“The Five Dollar Foot Long Special”.

Green Thumb

Just an Old Dog, you have such a way with words.

I love it!


he may regret his commentary on women and hispanics


Point of TAH order: Is Bernasty eligible for entry into this year’s tournament? Yes he won it hands down last time but he has ramped up his asshatery exponentially this year.

Alas, if he is eligible, no need to go through the seeding and voting. Maybe just retire his catheter?


Maybe we need a Masters or Old-Timers category like some Halls of Fame (or Shame in this instance).

A Proud Infidel®™

I vote for a “Shitbird Hall of Infamy”.



HMCS(FMF) ret.

“Wrinkled Ball Sack of the Year” or “WBSOY” for short


Why not just have a vote on declaring Bernath a Shitbird for Life.

A Proud Infidel®™

I Second that and vote “AYE”!

A Proud Infidel®™

Let’s not forget his public asshattery with a discount store chain when he drove his car into a pallet of potting soil or the fact that he went around “poaching” clients away from legitimate Attorneys!

Silentium Est Aureum

Don’t hold back, tell us how you really feel!

And for the record, watching him suffer gives me a great deal of satisfaction.


Dammit. If only a couple of words were different in that headline…

A Proud Infidel®™

Daniel A. Bernath was the sort
That said he’d give everyone a bath in court
He always shot and missed
His cases dismissed
He screamed he’d keep suing
While his face was bluing
He thought he could reach far
And was rejected by the Oregon Bar
He even thought he could get cash
Out of his plane that he did crash
I’m sure he lost even more hair, the louse
As he was laughed out of yet another courthouse
He continues to be a thief
Of the title of “Chief”
He dared to press
And cross the Chief’s Mess
They reach far and wide,
They handed him his hide
Some see haziness
As we wonder how much more we’ll see his craziness
He still runs his trap
Spewing truckloads of nutty crap
But when it’s all over, everyone will just scoff and laugh at Daniel A. Bernath

©2015 A Proud Infidel®™


Your a poet! What a wonderful poem about the scumbag. May I copy and attach it to my FUCK BERNATH JOURNAL, PLEASE?

A Proud Infidel®™

Be my guest, Ma’am! Somewhere in the TAH Archives is a Christmas Eve poem dedicated to Daniel A. Bernath (GH!), I might do another one for Sh!ts and giggles this year!

A Proud Infidel®™

I say forget about if, it’s WHEN that squash-faced bag of moldy roach and rat shit fucks up and becomes Bubba & Thor’s “Property” yet again!

2/17 Air Cav

It looks to me that he still faces three Felony Theft charges and two misdemeanors related to false ID.

A Proud Infidel®™

Let’s see what he gets for the Felony Theft charges, he could still spend some time as a member of Bubba & Thor’s harem!


Jonn….personally I would like to see the name and address of the judge assigned to the Sept. 1 jury trial of Scaletta. Would like to see the address published.


I’m another one of those psychopaths who don’t have an FB account.

So, he-who-never-was-and-never-will-be-a-US Navy Chief Petty Officer – PHHHHHHTTTTTTTTTTT

The Other Whitey

My wife had her second ultrasound yesterday. The new baby is doing perfect. Still can’t quite tell the gender, but the tech thought she might have seen a johnson. Kinda hoping for a boy this time around, but I’ll be happy either way. My only real requirements are: happy, healthy, and not gay.

A couple days prior, I took two of my impressionable young firefighters to the range for their first time ever. California just gained two more legal gun owners!

2/17 Air Cav

Cool. I remember the sonogram of my son. I said, “Gee, so that’s what an umbilical cord looks like.” And the nurse said, “That’s not his umbilical cord.That’s quite a boy!” As for not gay, there are only gay jeans and no gay genes. You and the Mrs are the model he will follow when it comes to future romance.

HMCS(FMF) ret.

Congrats, TOW…


Congratulations. Asking Buddha to bless you with a son.

A Proud Infidel®™

Congrats, TOW!!


Congratulations, TOW, and may you remember the following:

Put the lock on the liquor cabinet now.

There is more than one peanut butter and banana sandwich in the world.

Hugs are the best medicine after laughter.

Naps are good. Singing is fine. Just don’t wake the neighbors.

Toys are just things. You can get more of the same ones. Kids are unique. No two are alike.

If some small person yells at you, you can always yell “I love you” back at him.

They can always tell you the truth. You will still love them.

Silentium Est Aureum

Congrats, sir!


Out here in my part of the Northwest Territories, I knew it was only a matter of time before the signs started going up in response to the latest SCOTUS ruling.

Q: Signs? What signs?, you ask.

A: Those 4×8 foot plywood signs in the front yard that say:

Polygamy is next!!
Now accepting applications for multiple wives!!

/sarc (I have only seen one so far, but i’m sure more will crop up.)

A Proud Infidel®™

Multiple wives, you mean like they do in Saudi Arabia and other Muslim countries?


No, not like a harem. Why anybody would want more than one First Sergeant/Household 6 is beyond me.

But some men are just gluttons for punishment I guess, but if they’re “up” for it, more power to them.


After putting up with my lovely wife for the past eight years, I have only one question to ask someone who wants more than one wife…

Why? Trust me, one is enough. Save yourself the shorter life span. It’s not all about sex. It’s marriage.


Hondo, I was digging around in my old journals for something unrelated to TAH, when I came across an entry I made in May, 2009, that Zbigniew Brzezinski had been bodaprez’s advisor during his campaign and was up at the White House advising on foreign relations, and said ‘what is more important? Dismantling Russia or a few disgruntled muslims?’ He was very dismissive of the entire Middle Eastern business. Is he still there, or did he leave?


Re the Confederate flag. I don’t give a rat’s ass except that I hate seeing it in my community when my best Bud ever and #1 on my call list when I croak visits. BTW, he is a West Point grad that came from a poor NC family and is the smartest person I’ve ever known. He has accepted the obligation to eulogize me wearing Blues when I’m planted at Arlington. I want to see that because both of us can be classified as “heavy drops” these days!

I live in Bubba land. I grew up when there were “colored water fountains”. I embarrassed the hell out of Ms Dee, my care taker when I was 4. (Mom was the first woman welder on Liberty Ships in the Jax shipyards) I insisted that we sit at the front of the bus together. I am a grad of The Citadel who fired the first shot of the civil war and, at least in my era, had no blacks or women.

Not a single one of the rednecks around here flying the flag in question could cite one “heritage” thing related to “The Flag”. Bull Run? Chancellorsville? Gettysburg? Etc. Hummm

Allen West had a great post today saying that he guessed (/s) that banishing the flag solved everything. That’s the problem with libs: taking one logical action doesn’t end it. Libs take it as a license to keep extrapolating.


My grandfather’s grandfather was rom Georgia and was among the troops with Lee at Appomatox. Of his brothers, 7 went to war, 4 came home. I was born and raised in Texas. I have never owned a Confederate flag…never had a sticker on my truck, etc. I can see how some might find it offensive, but blaming a flag and then banning it just seems stupid to me. I do have a “Come and Take It” flag. I guess one of these days soon I will have to surrender it to appease the Mexicans.

Dave Hardin


Wow! Don’t know when that was made but it nailed the current environment.


From 2005ish…Jeff & Larry saw the future.

Dave Hardin

I could use a little help on this. There is a law suite filed to force the military to make secular Chaplains mandatory.

I take exception to the very idea of it. In all my years of service I never once seen or heard of a Chaplain forcing his religious ideas on anyone.

Having an Atheist Chaplain is like having an employee of a store that specializes in not collecting stamps. Thought this group on Facebook could use a little perspective from those that actually served in the military. Maybe they will listen to some reason.


The Other Whitey

Correct me if I’m wrong here, but isn’t “Atheist Chaplain” a bit contradictory?

Dave Hardin

It is an oxymoron. They have a twisted rational for justifying it. It seems those who do not collect stamps need special guidance on exactly how to not collect stamps.

I can see it now, a man of faith is dying on the battlefield up rushes the Atheist Chaplain and says. “Look, its all bullshit. You are just going to die, thats it, nothing more, lights out.”

There are times when what is most important is not what we believe, what is important at those particular moments is respecting the beliefs of others.

I have no belief in a God of any kind. I will defend the right that others have to believe as they choose. I will defend the right for members of the military to be able to worship as they choose and have the support to do so. My dog tags said Atheist.



Dave, I can’t get my head around this at all.


I’ll just leave this here:

Next year, 2016, is the 240th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence from Great Britain.

John Robert Mallernee


We can celebrate that war of secession, and fly that rebel flag designed by Betsy Ross.

Ain’t it great being rebels?


Has this guy started calling people? I don’t use my real name on fb, but recently received a caller who kept calling.. taunting us . he knew our address and home number. ( knew my husbands first and last name and his veteran status, but didn’t know we were navy) Verizon told me that they were unable to tell me who called or ANY info. So this guy knows who I am, and where I live.. but Im not allowed to know anything about where these ( repetitive and many) calls originated. Thus, we have turned off our home phone. This happened a few weeks ago, and I didn’t think much of it .. or even remember it .. til today when I read about this guy and his “tactics”.


Get a new phone number that is unlisted AND unpublished.

John Robert Mallernee

This is a video recording of a police officer defending Constitutional rights.


John Robert Mallernee

It isn’t very clear where this all went down, but wherever this police officer is from, they need to give him some sort of promotion.

So, the situation appears, that on Independence Day, a group of kids decided to drive over to a certain part of their neighborhood that may have looked suspicious a police officer.

With the intentions of these kids in the car only to watch fireworks for the Fourth of July, they felt they were doing no wrong.

Once a cop came over to check out what they were doing, attempting to harass them, another cop got involved.

In what looks like the one cop interrupting the harassing cop in the middle of him bothering the citizens, the good cop steps in and shuts all that weak stuff down.

John Robert Mallernee

The above comment is a quote from the YOU TUBE web site of the video description.

John Robert Mallernee

Apparently, according to the OATHKEEPERS web site, the police officer was chewing out a private security guard, and not a fellow police officer.


Well, for anyone who is wondering about snow in summer in the northern hemisphere and keeping track, here you go:


The town is Vorkuta, happened on July 6, 2015.


Here’s another one:



Sorry, that one doesn’t work.


New photos of a little girl wiping her Bernasty on the American flag. Its been tracked to her personal Facebook page. She has an Army I.D card of some type. I hope it goes bad for her.

A Proud Infidel®™

If she’s in the US Military in any capacity, she needs to be the recipient of at least a Field Grade Article 15 with maximum punishment and a BCD!


Sierra McGrone is my new little snow flake.
Request Napalm ASAP!!

A Proud Infidel®™

I’d prefer 12 rounds of WP myself!


From what I’ve seen, she’s from Petersburg, VA, which puts her right up against Ft. Lee. There are 4 McGrone’s in AKO, and none of them are in VA.

Combat Historian

I just got back from two weeks vacation in the backwoods of New England, with little or no internet connection.

To the posers who were featured on here during the last two weeks: Please go F yourselves…

To Crash: You were never and will never be a CPO…


Did our pet mosquito’s/black flies treat you o.k?

Combat Historian

Y’all got some big ones up there…(not sarc)

2/17 Air Cav

You may not believe this. In fact, you will find this very difficult to believe but I think I found a certain someone’s protege. It’s uncanny, really. Just when you think there simply cannot be more than one……



But, 2/17 Air Cav, this gives the California Bar plenty of prior examples to follow in dealing with bernutsky and sending him packing. It is educational, to say the very least.

2/17 Air Cav

Isn’t that crazy? And, yes, I guess in the land of fruits and nuts, the Bar is no stranger to the inanities of some of its members. The guy was clearly committing professional suicide–and succeeded.


Just a heads up on what’s going on with winter in the southern hemisphere.

Chile’s desert region (Atacama, Antofagasto, etc.) had a flash flood the first week of July that caused a lot of damage. The amount of rain equaled 7 days’ worth, falling in a 2-hour period.

Also, the report from Down Under is that Australia’s SE side is expecting a blizzard.


And last, but certainly not least, a strong el Nino was predicted for last winter up here in the North, but failed to materialize. Another prediction of the same sort has been made by Accuweather. They also said that the sun was shining all day in my area. I was working in the yard most of the afternoon and saw nothing but clouds and gloom.

I refuse to state any opinion on this right now, other than the weather services need to cut back on their speculation and stick to the weeklies. It was supposed to be in the 90s all last week where I live, and so far, I haven’t seen even one day in the 80s, period.


Here’s a little something on the Antarctic vortex changing its course to produce this blizzard.


Normally, it flows over land (Antarctica) instead of open water (Arctic), so this surprises me a little. It’s getting curiouser and curiouser.


I know..this thread is buried but for the record. Just watched a 60 Min on the VA and the now Director, Bob McDonald. I was impressed. The guy has shot at military experience but also corporate skills.

Why this struck with me was as a Proctor and Gamble guy he was golden. Why in the hell take on a VA leadership role? He’s already made his bucks. Maybe he’s a Patriot?

This is close to me because I was blessed to work for a gent that had 7 patents in radar stuff at Westinghouse. He was in his 70’s so he didn’t need a resume. Yet, he took the job as the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition…i.e., buys all the shit for DOD. He was #3 in the protocol list…if the SECDEF or Dep SECDEF were out of DC, he could not be.

He, in his late 60’s/70’s was in his office at 0600 and I have briefed him at 0600 and 2100…many times. He lived in Maryland but decided to get an apartment near the Pentagon to accommodate this schedule. His wife, a wonderful person, stayed in MD. So, this guy, at almost 70, only saw his wife on weekends…when he could have retired in luxury off of his Westinghouse salary. This gent was a patriot.

So, I think, is Mr McDonald.


OBTW…at the same time I was associated, sadly, with an Asst Secretary of the Army (International Programs) who’s only reason to be there was a resume enhancement. No appointments before 0900. None between 1100-1400 because he went to the Clinton WH tennis courts then. And none after 1600. Just as well because he was a doofus. Office covered with pix of Bill and Hilderbeast.


El wrongo..my bad…he was an Asst Sec for SEC DEF, not Army….which makes it worse.


Well, the interplanetary mission to Pluto has revealed several things, among them that Pluto is geologically active and has a surface that has no impact craters but is less than 100 million years old.


Robert Heinlein predicted something like this in ‘Have Spacesuit – Will Travel’, released in 1958, when Wormface’s space ship takes Mother Thing, Kip and Peewee to a base on Pluto. While Kip is in a sort of dungeon/holding cell there is a Plutoquake, which damages the base and apparently kills off some of Wormfaces pals.
Kip has to go outside in a spacesuit to set off the signal for the rescue team, because Mother Thing who went out there to try to start it up, got frozen stiff and couldn’t complete that brief trip. In the distance, a Plutonian volcano is erupting. They all do escape to Vega, which is Mother Thing’s home system.
While a planet has not been directly imaged orbiting Vega just yet, there is a dust cloud around it and a Neptune-sized planet has been detected. So Heinlein predicted this way ahead of the real-time discoveries.
You guys should read something besides ‘Starship Troopers’ occasionally.

HMCS (FMF) ret.

Today’s initial info from the flyby is going to have the science world rethinking things such as the causes of geological activity on planets and moons. Pluto and it’s moons have opened the door… what other questions will they pose to us as more of the science data is sent home (New Horizons will start sending the bulk of the flyby data back home after September 16th – and it’s expected to take up to 16 months to get it all back home).

Also, there is a proposal for the International Astronomical Union for the naming of surface features; it is broken down by the individual body (Pluto, Charon, Styx, Nix, Kerberos and Hydra). For Kerberos, the names are after famous dogs from history, literature and mythology (Laika, Strelka, Belka, Toto, Jip – from Dr. Doolittle, and Petey – from the “Our Gang” movies)


They should include Lassie, Rin Tin Tin, Greyfrier’s Bobby and Buck from ‘Call of the Wild’.

The good news is that Pluto’s ‘young’ surface and geological activity are sending geophysicists back to the drawing board. I am very pleased.