Tuesday morning feel good story

| June 30, 2015

In Louisville, Kentucky, where young Marcus Thornsbury tried to turn his life around with a delightful little home invasion. When he and little friend forced their way into a home, they made everyone lay on the floor and they pistol-whipped another youngster, who then tried to flee the scene.

Mr. Thornsbury chased him down and they got into an altercation. That caused the victim’s father to wake up from the couch. Mr. Thornsbury tried to calm the father by waving his own firearm in the elderly gentleman’s face. The father didn’t take well to the gesture and retrieved his own gun and rudely perforated Thornsbury’s back, but that didn’t stop young Thornsbury from un-assing the AO – he didn’t get far, though, and now he’s resting comfortably at the taxpayers’ expense. Police are still looking for his little friend.

Another home invasion in Tuscaloosa, Alabama resulted in a DRT situation when the home owner laid low an enterprising youngster. His little friend is still being sought by the police so he can answer to the murder charges.

In Albuquerque, New Mexico, another Domino’s pizza delivery fellow had to defend himself against 52-year-old Gerardo Alvarado who had robbed the pizza shop moments before the delivery guy pulled into the parking lot. The stingy delivery guy decided that giving up one of his bullets was better than giving up his take for the night. The police found poor Alvarado laying in the parking lot with non-DRT injuries when they arrived at the scene.

Category: Feel Good Stories

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Frankie Cee "In the clear"

Three incidents, three shot, but only one DRT. People need to learn the location to put the bullets for more efficient usage. Leaving the useless bastards living to be a burden to the taxpayers, or worse, to do their deeds again, isn’t good sense or good economics. Empty the damned gun and aim at a more effective area of the body.

HMCS(FMF) ret.

Like they say in real estate sales… “LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION”


While I appreciate the restraint of each individual who repelled an unpleasant scumbag, I, too, would like to see more accurate target picking on the part of those assailed.


It’s getting so that I’m thinking of legally changing the middle initial of my name to “DRT”….yeah, I love that acronym!

A Proud Infidel®™

On a positive note, one DRT is better than none at all!

Old Trooper

True story

B Woodman

RE Albuquerque;
Just think, if the pizza driver had decided to give up just ONE MORE boolit, there would have been another DRT moment. That’s what happens when one decides to be TOO stingy.


Sadly the pizza guy will get fired now because assholes feel some rights and lives just aren’t worth the it.


Yeah, no shit. It’s like Dominoes corporate put the word out that all criminals had a right to expect not to be shot at when they came in any of the stores to get free money… and then BLAMMO. Not only the physical wounds do you have to consider, but the major mind fuck as well possibly leading to PTSD. Hurt feelings, damaged self esteem, the feeling of being lied to and violated… The perp should sue for breach of contract at the very least.

Pinto Nag

Center Mass shooting, in real context: