Captain Wayne Johnston (retired) phony

| June 29, 2015

Wayne Johnston

One of our friends north of the border send us a heads-up on this fellow, Wayne Johnston, who claims that he is the founder of Wounded Warriors Canada (their Facebook page). Editor note: According to a phone call I just got, Johnston hasn’t been affiliated with Wounded Warrior Canada for more than two years and that he never was a founder of the organization – it was just more of his bloviation with the media.

Since I’m no expert on Canadian awards, our friend sends us an explanation;

1. The Special Service Medal (SSM) was created to recognize members of the Canadian Forces who are taking part in activities and operations under exceptional circumstances. ELIGIBILITY & CRITERIA The Special Service Medal (SSM) recognizes members of the Canadian Forces (CF) who have performed a service determined to be under exceptional circumstances, in a clearly defined locality for a specified duration. The SSM recognizes approved activities underway on 11 June 1984 or subsequently established. This medals is always issued with a bar that specifies the special service being recognized, each bar having its own criteria.

Comment: There is no evidence of Johnston being entitled to this medal nor its attached NATO bar. He has claimed served in Europe as a Casualty Support Officer however, he would be ineligible for the SSM as ALL staff, logistical and administrative support duties as well as training are considered normal military duty and have been excluded from eligibility since 2004. However, he commenced wearing the medal sometime after 15 May 2013.

2. The Queen’s Silver Jubilee medal commemorates the 25th anniversary of the accession of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second to the throne. National organizations in every important field of endeavor, including the professions, education and arts, veterans’ groups, sports associations, philanthropic and charitable bodies and welfare services were asked to participate in submitting nominations. All members of the Order of Canada, Order of Military Merit and recipients of the Canadian Bravery Decorations received the Queen’s Silver Jubilee medal. This medal is administered by the Chancellery of Honours at Rideau Hall. ELIGIBILITY & CRITERIA Selection criterion for members of the Canadian Forces was based on merit, with length of service and prestige of current appointment as secondary consideration. This medal program is now closed.

Comment: There is no evidence of Johnston ever being entitled to this award, in fact he was first observed wearing it after 2011, 34 years after the program had closed!

Our friend is concerned that even though Mr. Johnston apologized yesterday on Facebook, not enough people will be aware of his attempts to inflate his service, so they came to us. I heartily applaud Mr. Johnston’s admission, but then, he shouldn’t have done it in the first place;

Johnston apology


UPDATE: Someone called from the frozen north and tells us that Johnston hasn’t been affiliated with Wounded Warrior Canada since 2013 and that he is the one who has been telling the media that he’s a founder of the organization, when in fact, he wasn’t.

Category: Phony soldiers

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Veritas Omnia Vincit

Canada’s a lot like the attic in your house…you don’t go there much but when you do you remember there’s lots of interesting stuff up there.

Hopefully this fellow’s apology will be sincere and perhaps he might be the guy who true to his word doesn’t actually do this again.

That charity I hope is a real one and not a scam.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Well nice to know he was lying about everything, including the charity.

Of course stolen valor is a victimless crime, well at least until it’s not.

big C

That charity is linked to defense industry and has questionable ethos.

Patricia Jackson

How dare you attack Wounded Warriors of Canada. Clearly you know nothing about this charity or the work they are doing especially for Veterans suffering from PTSD. My brother, whose son served as a Sapper in Afghanistan, is a Director and former Chairman of this charity. He is neither associated with the Defence Industry nor does he have a political agenda. He devotes much of his personal time working for this charity, organizing events to raise money and awareness for wounded servicemen, especially those with PTSD. However, Wayne Johnston, the man you defend is a fraud in every sense of the word, posing as a decorated veteran and founder of a worthy and respected charity, claiming to be a voice for veterans while pushing his own political agenda, when, in fact, he is neither. My grandfather served in WWI, my father served in WWII and my nephew served in Afghanistan and continues to serve his country recently being admitted into special forces, so I believe I can safely say that I speak for the true heroes like them, who quietly support their country and wear the medals THEY EARNED proudly on Rememberance Day as a sign of respect for the fallen, instead of inserting themselves into the media limelight, like Wayne Johnston does, looking for and receiving accolades for the accomplishments he fraudulently claims as his own. Shame on him, and you Sir, for tarnishing the memories of those who rightfully deserve these honours!


The Wounded Warriors Canada charity is legit, and he played a major role in getting it off the ground. This is one of those baffling situations where someone served honourably – 41 years in Wayne’s case – and still felt the need to exaggerate medals/decorations for no apparent purpose. He’s quite well known and prominent in our veterans community, so this has a lot of us shaking our heads and just wondering what the fuck he was thinking.

He made his bed; he gets to lie in it. His credibility is irrevocably shot in the eyes of many. Shame to see him do this to himself.

big C

Wayne can sit at my dinner table any day of the week. Humm otoole VAC minister gives out awards to people that do time in Club Ed….and this charity is shady as hell attached to Conservative puesdo political groups and politicians…..


Give it a rest Clayton. None of that other stuff has anything to do with Wayne Johnston posing with medals he never earned. That’s the onyl issue at hand here, no matter how much you might want to drag other matters into it. You don’t need to turn every webpage you can find into your political soapbox; the vast majority of the crew here is American anyway and hasn’t a clue (or a schmick of interest in) what you’re talking about.

big C

Actually I won’t give it a rest the neocons of the north are sending this propaganda piece south…..humm shall we air the dirty laundry of all charities linked to the VAC and CPC

big C

Then perhaps they should as there are sell out veterans in charge of veteram advocacy groups in Canada that got free trips with VAC Minister’s….let alone the ones that have spent time in Club Ed.. no this issue will be a soap box not of my creation but theirs….

big C

Perhaps you should go by your full name why hide behind a wall hummm you seem to know me and websites…….hummm


I hate to jump into the middle of an argument, but can someone explain what you two are going on about?


I wonder if you guys sing this in the shower ….

Leaping from tree to tree! As they float down the mighty rivers of
British Columbia! With my best girl by my side!
The Larch!
The Pine!
The Giant Redwood tree!
The Sequoia!
The Little Whopping Rule Tree!
We’d sing! Sing! Sing!

Oh, I’m a lumberjack, and I’m okay,
I sleep all night and I work all day.

CHORUS: He’s a lumberjack, and he’s okay,
He sleeps all night and he works all day.

I cut down trees, I eat my lunch,
I go to the lava-try.
On Wednesdays I go shoppin’
And have buttered scones for tea.

Mounties: He cuts down trees, he eats his lunch,
He goes to the lava-try.
On Wednesdays ‘e goes shoppin’
And has buttered scones for tea.


I cut down trees, I skip and jump,
I like to press wild flowers.
I put on women’s clothing,
And hang around in bars.

Mounties: He cuts down trees, he skips and jumps,
He likes to press wild flowers.
He puts on women’s clothing
And hangs around…. In bars???????


I chop down trees, I wear high heels,
Suspenders and a bra.
I wish I’d been a girlie
Just like my dear papa.

Mounties: He cuts down trees, he wears high heels
Suspenders?? and a …. a Bra????
(spoken, raggedly) What’s this? Wants to be a “girlie”? Oh, My!
And I thought you were so rugged! Poofter!


All: He’s a lumberjack, and he’s okaaaaaaayyy….. (BONG)

Sound Cue: The Liberty Bell March, by John Phillip Sousa.

Read more: Monty Python – Lumberjack Song Lyrics | MetroLyrics

Green Thumb

What is your take on Michael Sam coming back to the CFL?

big C

Ask wounded warrior charity why it is directly connected to Duncan MacDonald Black Pearl Defence…aka defense industry aka arms dealers….


Actually, this charity was founded by for LIBERAL MP Dan McTeague. Their website doesn’t specifically mention it anymore, but it does have a picture of Dan with his son Mike who was wounded in Afghanistan.


I worked with Wayne many years ago. While I was never a big fan personally I agree with what Bryan said that he is mostly legit and it is a shame and stain on him that he did this.


Col Sanders LIVES!!! He didn’t die he just went to Canada and assumed a new identity as a DIPSHIT.


I seem to recall that Canada. like the other Commonwealth Countries, actually have some teeth to their SV laws.


Pinning fake medals on people reduces their urge to commit suicide and or homicide. Who knew?

2/17 Air Cav

Well, he suffered from low self esteem. He’s haunted by memories of being the last kid picked for the after school hockey game. Plus, but for the absence of whale blubber, he could be mistaken for the Round Ranger. I see his point.

Clyde MacGregrrrr

Best explanation of his PTSD came after he gave yet another self-aggrandizing interview to a newspaper … in which he said: “Now, when the phone rings in the middle of the night I don’t ask who it is … I just ask ‘how many?’ …” to which my friend snorted and said: “Sheeyah, right … ‘how many’ refers to ‘how many sandwiches should I order?’ … which was what his job entailed at the time … (but then he invited himself into the VIP terminal in Trenton for the repat ceremony)”

Green Thumb

Quite the manifestation.

I bet he is getting a lot of phone calls these days.

Just an Old Dog

Shit sack said in his interview:

“Now, when the phone rings in the middle of the night I don’t ask who it is … I just ask ‘how many?’

Really now… I don’t know what the proceedure is in Canada, but I’m pretty sure it isn’t much different from the U.S.
It makes absolutely no sense to call up someone doing an escort in the middle of the night.

HMCS(FMF) ret.

Low self-esteem, aka. little penis issues. Got it… have a small willie, put on a bunch of medals you didn’t earn.

Dave Hardin

Phony embellishing veterans involved with Wounded Warrior Groups ? WOW, shocking. I am glad that sort of thing does not go on in this country.


Apparently goofy handlebar mustache and bow ties don’t obtain enough attention for this guy.

2/17 Air Cav

I read his apology. It’s a good one, but it’s mere words without action. I thought he would finish by saying. “I, therefore, resign from the Wounded Warriors Project, lest my association reflect negatively on this fine and worthwhile….bla…blah…blah.” kids apologize all the time for one thing or another. Grown ups are expected to accept the consequences of their foul-ups.


He should have at least superimposed a rainbow over his Facebook avatar. All the cool kids are doing it.

Clyde MacGregrrrr

His pseudo “apology” was indeed well-crafted, albeit devious – you see, he invited others to share his “apology” … but, as you can see from the barrage of “deflection” posts muddying the waters here …. anybody who fell for the ruse and shared the apology (at the invitation of Johnston, remember?) was immediately set upon by sycophants who savaged, vilified and demonized the other person. Quite devious – a tactic somebody like Dimitri Soudas would applaud (and, in defence strategy … it reminds me of the “poison shrimp” strategy – making a small island so unpalatable, a larger nation would think twice before “swallowing” it …)

Green Thumb



“I make no excuses” and then proceeds with his litany of excuses.

Clyde MacGregrrrr

Thank you for seeing through his devious pseudo apology … it caused an incredible … “pooopshow” elsewhere on this Interweb thingamabob …

Gary M

I’m a little late to the show, but it looks like this idiot is still making excuses. His latest diatribe, posted on FB yesterday includes:

“Like many sufferers I have stumbled and outright fallen flat on my face. I have done things I knew we’re wrong and just didn’t care. Understand I am not blaming mental illness on the contrary. What I am saying is when someone with mental illness does something big or small, minor or egregious ask yourself this is it out of character?”

Anybody that knows him knows that it was not out of character. What narcissistic, manipulating POS!


#never leave an excuse behind

Mad Max

Hmmm…..AND he’s wearing basic jump wings. I wonder where he bought those?

Toronto Soldier

He did take the jump course, but never jumped again after the course. The cheat was that he wore the silver maple leaf overlay on his uniform jump wings, which signifies having served in an airborne unit – something that he never actually did. He did, however as a corporal for a couple of weeks worked as a cook with a field kitchen which supported a Canadian Airborne Regiment exercise, which according to Johnston was equivalent to actually being a member of the CAR and thus all the qualification he needed. The point is he awarded himself the badge, and no one paid much attention.

2/17 Air Cav

I need CHIP! There’s the face of an evil creature in Wayne’s mustache and beard. I suspected as much so I saved his image, cropped it, and turned it 180 degrees. I would share it but no can do. The creature is hideous.

Dave Hardin

Trying to muster the shocked face, been so long now I forgot how to do it.

2/17 Air Cav

So, did you ask him how he’s dragging himself out of bed every day, what with his self-esteem issues? I mean, he pinned on some unearned medals just to go on living and, since he remains among the living, I’m wondering whether he is still sporting them. I mean, it doesn’t make sense that he took them off and is still kicking..unless…..unless…of course! He was bullshitting. Son of a Canadian gun!


What a sleaze. This guy really [screwed] himself big time.


So here it is.
Capt Johnson…yes he was commissioned. Was the casualty processing/assistance officer during 2006/2007 for the Canadian Forces in Afghanistan. He was also a distinguished senior NCO before he took his commission .
I know this man personally and while the wearing of some minor decorations to which he was not entitled to is reprehensible, he does suffer from extreme PTSD caused by his duties. Some of the casualties that came to be in his care were soldiers he knew very well. Most of us who passed through Camp Mirage in the UAE came to know him as a man who would greet each flight in and out of Afghanistan. He always strive to do more than what was required of him.
Before you dogpile on this man with the little information you have read…step back a bit and digest this and put yourself in his shoes.


Stay classy mate.
As I stated…his actions are inexcusable, particularly as a former soldier.
You assume that I am not a “combat veteran”…I don’t need to toss my resume out there to comment.
…but for the record…1066 days over five rotos…


I suppose what Johnson needs is a roto-rooter….

Just an Old Dog

Send old Johnson up to see “Flava Flave Wave” Reynar up your way. I hear his “Sticky Bums” can cure those who catch the PTSD.


Are you saying that Johnston served at Camp Mirage / Al Minhad Air Base?

Shawn Bush

great words Second that !!!!

Clyde MacGregrrrr

Ummm … actually, I was present in the officers’ mess when Johnston explained how his VAC claim was actually part of his “retirement plan” … hmmm … and, others who’ve known him since the 1970’s are the first to describe him as a “self-licking ice cream cone” … hmmm … apparently his civvie career as a used car salesman might not be completely compatible with the ethos of an honourable officer/soldiers … hmmm … but, hey – what do I know? I only wear the gongs I’m entitled to wear, eh? Obviously I’m not worthy of rubbing elbows with this self-appointed hero … oh, wait … maybe it’s the other way around??

big C

Thank you for your post some things can be apologized away but I don’t forget that it’s a veteran with a story of his own. Many seem to want to character assinate.


“put yourself in his shoes” my ass! Who in his right f___g mind would want to walk in the shoes of such an imposter? Friend or not, you are hardly helping his case by minimizing his delusions of grandeur. A sick pathetic POS who always wanted to be someone important; too damned involved with self-serving excuses to even consider admitting he is a complete phony…..and here you come feeling sorry for the LOSER. If you want to help the poor schmuck, simply tell him to act like a man. Other than proven veterans, none will take it so personal like the man who’s shoes he WISHED he had been able to walk in. PTSD caused “by his duties”!!!! Are you trying to say he has suffered PTSD by association with those who have worn the T-shirt? If so, we can be looking for your own war stories and embellishments in the future. Do me a favor and go read some comic books. Bat Man & Robin ought to excite the hell out of you!

2/17 Air Cav

Crikey! ‘E called ’em mate. That’s sweet.

HMCS(FMF) ret.

And you’re a physician/mental health provider who knows what to look for in suspected PTSD cases?

Until you provide professional credentials to the admins showing your background, STFU.

Ron Content

Distinguished Sr NCO? Is this Johnson writing under a pseudonym? Is ‘distinguished’ code for ‘smarmy’? If so, I would concur.

Sacks of Shit 'R' Us

Unless Camp Mirage was located at 1 Yukon Lane, Toronto, Ontario, Canada … not certain how “Most of us who passed through Camp Mirage in the UAE came to know him as a man who would greet each flight in and out of Afghanistan.” His load station was a frigging desk at air-conditioned LFCA HQ (Toronto), except when he decided to invite himself to the VIP lounge at the airfield in CFB Trenton. Somebody else was assigned the task of looking after the escorts from theatre, including liaison with MacKinnon and Bowes … so, cut the crap and stop misleading this audience. .

Major D

DISTINGUISHED SR NCO??? He was a ‘problem child’ for the unit from the day he falsified his enrolement documents in 1974 and never stopped. He was given the opportunity to transfer out due to disciplinary and performance shortcomings and promptly repeated his behaviours when he went to his new unit, including being fired as a senior instructor/sergeant on a JR NCO course being conducted by his own unit. Because of senior staff choosing to transfer him without details of the reasons (knowing it would make it easier to ‘promote him sideways’ at the time) it also made it equally easy for him to transfer back with no means of stopping him. As a Warrant Officer, he was an arrogant, trouble-maker who constantly demonstrated open contempt of all officers (He got is Warrant’s promotion because in those days, promotion was based on qualifications completed, time in, and vacancies within the unit. Disciplinary records were only considered if the Senior Officer signing the forms bothered to read his Service File). As a Master Warrant Officer, he was charged under the Queen’s Regulations and Orders on at least two occasions that I am aware of (because he button-holed me to be his Assisting Officer in the Summary Trials). Neither offence went to Summary Trial before the Area Command as he dodged the outcome of those charges by pleading before the Brigade Commander to the lesser charges of “Conduct Prejudiced to the Good Order and Discipline of the CF”, accepted the fine, and marched out of the Brigade Commanders office none the worse for wear and laughing at the outcome. A year or so later, he resurfaced with a commission and captains rank in the Cadet Services as an officer in a small floundering Royal Canadian Air Cadet corps. He told me at the time that it was his intention to push the CO out and take over as CO with the accompanying rank of Major. He also bragged that he had the ear of some City Councillor who was willing to recommend him for the Order of Canada once he took over. Anyway,… Read more »


Major D: thanks for confirming from personal knowledge what we all suspected to be true.

The above is one reason why it’s a bad idea to lie about being a “war hero” if you’re a freaking jerk and p!ss-poor soldier. Someone out there who indeed knows you will often get wind of the lies – and tell the world what a sh!thead you really were.

Ron J

BZ Major D….you nailed it sir!!


I was with 2 VP and 11 Fd Sqn in 2006. The folk in Dubai were having bbq and fun. As for his job, when we finished our tour, we were greeted by a fellow (him) with his beard and his bull horn talking to us front line folk as if we were recruits. The MWO went up to him and after words he shut up and left with his Hawaii shirt on and his tail between his legs. Goof he is!

Little M big P

I suffered for decades, with two suicide attempts. I was almost as low as one can get, and I don’t remember ever having the audacity to wear unearned medals… Low life poser! He should be charged.


Oh, geez, for a minute there, I thought I had found dullas Whipitnflogit’s cloned evil twin brother. Then I realized it was a mere imitation of the real thing – a mimicry at best, and certainly not the best I’ve ever seen.
I guess we don’t need to worry about what happens to this cosmic clowndog. My understanding of Canada’s SV meme is that the persecute – er, prosecute such jerks, as is only proper.

Shawn Bush

Wayne is an amazing person , Wayne has always been a Mentor in my eyes , always had time to talk to you , Help you in any way , Great person Great officer , great soldier . he has been a proud member of the CF for over 32 years , He has a lot of Knowledge and he is the type to pass it on for people to learn . He might not of been the founder of wounded warriors , but he was the Key person that had a voice , had the guts to challenge political person to help out our Vets , He is still a great avocate for us Vets .
Keep up the good work Wayne…..

Dumpkin MacFrump

AYE, I’ve never met him or heard of him myself until today, but aye, he looks like a brain-damaged Captain Kangaroo on LSD crossbred with Commander MacBrag, and he’s also a proven embellisher, so let him enjoy his newfound internet fame my dear little marsh mud-dumpling!


Reading isn’t your thing,is it? This isn’t so much about his lies of being a hot shit founder for WW,(just shows his true character). It’s about the dishonor he did to the uniform and his own service,and to everyone that’s truly suffering from PTSD. He wore medals and told lies about his service. He is also claiming PTSD, a very serious problem effecting Real Soldiers that is being turned into a fucking joke by your “mentor” and other fuckstains like him. He doesn’t give a shit about Vets or you,unless it can further his lies and scams.
Maybe you should aim higher than a skidmark as a mentor, you might be able to comprehend what you read. Fuck off sockpuppet! Not having it!


Amazing!!!!!! They have the same turd issue in Canada as we do here
Bhwhahahahaha ! ! !

2/17 Air Cav

“Wayne has always been a Mentor in my eyes….” Man, that must hurt. Just don’t wash your eyes with Coke.

Mad Max

He wore medals he hadn’t earned= POS. Worked at Camp Mirage…..and from THAT, got PTSD. Yeah. Because this one day, he couldn’t get butterscotch ripple ice cream in the mess hall. Oh, and then, this one time, he heard a REALLY dirty joke in the Officer’s Mess. And THEN, this other time, he saw a guy crying on the tarmac. And I ABSOLUTELY believe the bit about him bragging about his “retirement plan” in the Mess. I have witnessed very similar things occur in several locations. Its still going on. And everyone who really knows and cares knows it.


Wayne as a Snr NCO was looked over for the Regimental Sargeant Majors position, so he left he unit, transferred to another, didn’t get it there, then left. Joined Air Cadets to get his commission then got back into the Canadian Forces that way.
As mentioned earlier, self serving, poser, disgrace.

Bill "C"

I was Wayne’s RSM for two years and fired him for being useless or even less than that. He went on to join other Regiments to attempt to increase in rank to hopefully become of some use one day. That never worked and he remained useless for life. The use of medals not earned is of no surprise to me and many others. He needs to be stripped of everything including his medals and his phony wings he was and always will be useless, and then some.

Mad Max

This is interesting. Now I think we’re drilling down to “Ground Truth” ref this thing. People who write in supporting him don’t really know him, and believe- or are willing to overlook- his bullshit. Those who do know him – or who understand context in the Military sense – are totally against him. Guys in the CF who selfishly stand to benefit from this PTSD sham are completely behind him, while those who realize that this whole thing has gone from a Cottage Industry 15 years ago to the 24-7-365 monster that it is today are completely against him. The phony medals and wings is just a symptom of a much greater disease. The disease of dishonour, self-aggrandisement, self-promotion, and self-entitlement. Those who know anything about this know the truth here. This POS acting as the supposed “Protector of Rights”, and “Spokesman for the Oppressed”, and “Representative of Victims” is a fraud, a serial liar, and a disgrace to himself and the Profession of Arms. It would be nice if more serving members would step up and speak -as the Left likes to frame it – “Truth To Power” about this and more. The real kernel of truth here is that this guy can now claim that the wearing of unearned honours is symptomatic of his own PTSD experience, and he can’t therefore really be blamed for it. WIN/ WIN! Disgusting. He doesn’t represent me or anyone like me. Out.

rob neal

Any support for the johnson could be coming from CBC flaks since the johnson reliably spewed anti-Conservative bile on CBC [“credible authority”]

CBC is equivalent to PBS/NPR where anybody to the right of karl marx is targeted as a stooge.

Jamie MacMaster

Holy Mackerel! The guy has more brass than Ol’ Patton.

Reminds me of my Dad’s comment about US military decorations: “They got a purple heart every time they got a case of Diarrhea and a campaign medal every time they changed outhouses.”


I decided to investigate this lying turd a bit and what do I find? On his twitter bio, he is still claiming he is the sole founder of Wounded Warriors Canada. And he claims 41 years of service.

Mike M

I want to clear a few things up here. For a bunch of soldiers all I can say is get your facts straight before bashing. There’s an old saying of believe only half of what you see and nothing that you hear.

Wayne IS the founder of The Sapper Mike McTeague Wounded Warriors Fund. How do I know this? Because I am Mike McTeague. This man has gone on to do more for wounded troops and famalies of the fallen then most can say. If you all must know why Wayne isn’t apart of the charity anymore it’s due to his PTSD and mental health. You can talk about his wrong doing of wearing the medals but don’t spout off about stuff nobody hear seems to even know.

If it were me I would publicly shame websites such as this that allow facts to be misconstrued. Anyone doing a simple Google search would see that he is the founder if he’s not then who is? If the owner of whoever posted this got a call from someone in Wounded Warriors I wouldn’t put it past them to say something like this. I personally want nothing to do with this charity as it is mainly run by civies who are simply out to make themselves look better. None of them care about helping the wounded a lot of vets have been turned away by them or completely ignored including myself. A lot of these issues began when Wayne left.Did they bother to sit down and see what they could do to help Wayne? No they saw an opportunity for personal gain and tossed him to the side.

Get your facts straight people and sort your shit out!

Mike M

I have nothing to do with the Charity I don’t work for them or have any association other than having my name attached which I wish it wasn’t. I don’t gain anything from this Charity at all. All I’m saying is that the majority of comments are filled with false information. I’m not denying what he did was wrong or stupid but to attack someone with false information is wrong.

But hey I have respect for all combat vets and I’m not about to stoop to some levels as others have here.

Green Thumb

“The Sapper Mike McTeague Wounded Warriors Fund”

Talk about self-promotion, huh, Mike? Much like those “Civvies”.


Just an Old Dog

How about you go fuck yourself with a cannonball studded with alligator teeth Mike.
Your boy is a shitbag hiding behind his charity work.


Ever serve in the Military? check your fire and look at fact not fiction. If you are angry because your fellow has been caught doing stupid things, then do it properly. Again check you fire and your lanes and better yet ask the poser for the truth without stories and unicorns.

Bill C

One and All: We are losing the facts of this matter. Johnston has lied his way through life and the medals and the so called PTSD has become his crutch. He will, for the balance of his life, lean on the PTSD diagnosis to offset all of his behaviours going forward. This acting is a dishonour to all of the real PTSD cases we have in Canada and in the USA. Get real the Military needs to step in, even though this poser, is retired, and shut him down and hit him where it hurts by cancelling his other awards and gratuities. Also be aware he lied about his age when he joined as he was underage and that in it’s own right is grounds for removal of all awards and benefits. OH by the way do not use the 2nd World War underage joiners as a new crutch.

Jamie MacMaster

Amen, Bill C.

I think I liked it better the way it was in the old days. In WWII the guys volunteered, went overseas, and those who came back just buckled down and worked – didn’t look for any special recognition. As a matter of fact, they avoided it because they didn’t feel they had done anything special. They wore their medals on Remembrance Day, but they felt that it was all about the ones who didn’t come home – those were the fellows who deserved the recognition.

And I know I’m straying off topic here, but I hope the Canadian Army soon comes up with a good pre-employment test to weed out potential recruits who would be prone to PTSD.

Mike J

Mike M most of what has been said here about Wayne IS absolutely true! He must have called you up and asked you to post something because that would be his style. BTW, what did you need from the charity that you didn’t get? I seem to have heard it was a new car!

Mike M

No he did not call me up or speak to me about this. Funny that you think it’s a new car because WW refused to even speak to me about what I needed so they don’t even know. I’m not hear to dispute people’s opinions of him love him hate him I don’t care either way. What I came here for was simple facts such as him being the founder of WW which is a true fact.

So far the majority not all comments seem to be based on hearsay not fact. If you want to make certain comments ensure you know what you are saying.

Mike J

So, everybody is a liar except Johnston, huh? I don’t f**cking think so! And, what was it you needed from the charity?

Mike M

Stop pulling things out of thin air. I never said what you stated. As for my request to the charity I am not about to share personal problems and issues that I’ve had. If you can’t respect that then maybe ask WW yourself and you might as well ask about every other vet and there requests.

Ron J

Bill C & Mad Max have hit the nail on the head. Mike, Johnston has always been a POS and will always be a POS. Nothing you or anybody else says in his defence will ever change that. I wouldn’t be surprised if Johnston called you and asked you to post something in his defence. His son, Kieran Lawless-Johnston is not much better:


It appears the apple doesn’t fall too far from the tree…

Mad Max

Well now……a discussion! I find it interesting to read commentary sent in from someone who has a vested interest in a positive outcome for Johnston. I think that needs no further comment. Again, the real bit here is Johnston doing all the things he’s done – and said to have done – while being a wearer of laurels that are not his to wear, claiming an injury that I personally find to be objectively ridiculous, and then….the CBC!?!? Anyone who looks to the Communist Broadcasting Corporation for objectivity, and uses their airtime to lash out against the supposed injustices visited upon Veterans by the Conservatives, while all the time wearing awards he didn’t earn,and claiming things which are demonstrably false is beneath contempt. Fascinating stuff…..maybe we ARE reaching critical mass with regard to pushback against all this bullshit. We’ll see.

Bill C

One & All: Stay the focus, it is not about WW it is about Johnston and only Johnston. There is some question that he never qualified on any officers course but his commission is one given to him, and I say given to him, by the Air Force Cadets and carried over to Army Cadets. The higher military HQ is aware of his very extensive shortcomings and will be required to answer many questions about Johnston. Since he joined the Army at age 15,and lied as he signed his papers to join, and that is a military criminal offence, he needs to be advised that his awards, real of made up, are not his any longer and will be removed, along with any benefits he has taken or is taking will also be removed. We have seen civilians showing up in Ottawa wearing a uniform and decorations that are not real in any way. He was charged with a criminal offence and will be dealt with. May I suggest that all of the military people who are offended by Johnston’s behaviours write the MP along with anyone they know who is serving in the military today and indicate your disgust with Johnston and his life long behaviours. Once again this is about Johnston being a phony and not about his perceived involvement with WW. Lets all work together to ensure that anyone, including Johnston, be punished for being phony and wearing medals or taking credit for military tasking’s that are not theirs. Also he is wearing jump wings with the Airborne Leaf and he is not entitled to that award as well. When is enough about the first class phony named Wayne Johnston, he always was a poser and always will be so we must do are part to remove him from the public eye and from him getting paid by the TV networks to sit in a chair and lie about himself and his involvement with WW. Get to it and do your part to see him gone.


Removing his unearned awards could bring back those “constant suicidal and homicidal thoughts” of his… just saying.


Then let him keep his unearned awards – but only after they’ve been inserted approx 18″ up his 4th point of contact.

Bill C

Just one more medal he did not earn or was awarded and he wears it on all pictures. It is the Minister of Veterans Affairs Commendation. Found the recipent’s list and guess what….? He never was never awarded that commendation either. It just gets worse and by the way it looks like his son, in the army, has been charged with theft in Edmonton. Look it up to verify that the apple does not fall far from the tree.

Mike M

More incorrect info once again Bill.

Start writing your MP Bill but maybe you should do some fact checking first. Apparently skills in Google Search are extremely lacking these days.


Mike M: There are four of us. all with over 35 years in the military, that are behind my notes. We check every web site and until you can prove that Johnston has won anything I respectfully suggest you get a grip on yourself as well

Mike M

Sorry Bill my bad I forgot 35 years of service backed up by 4 others and some notes and checking every website means you can’t possibly be wrong with something you state. Even when I post a link to a Government of Canada site showing he was awarded it you still proceed to say you are right. if your actually going to do something I suggest you get up and do it already. In the end you won’t or if you do you will look like an idiot for not checking facts properly.

Good Luck.

Bill C

You must be aware there are many Wayne Johnston’s on the various award sights. We verify by going to our internal contact at NDHQ. I am sure you are able to do the same. We verify, by address, at the time of the award of the medal and none of them are with Johnston’s home address. Our group will be moving our concerns forward to many aspects of the Federal Government to deal with this. Johnston was and always will be taking credit for many things that he has had nothing to do with he is the ultimate poser.

Mike M

Your kidding me right Bill? Did you click on the link I posted it not only discusses the same Johnston but it has a big photo of him receiving the award with the then VAC Minister. You have a contact at NDHQ great but have you forgotten that VAC and DND don’t share information. Anytime VAC needs info from DND about myself a waiver has to be signed. You seem to be very unprofessional on many levels especially for a former RSM. So far Bill all that you have are Wayne’s own admission and a bunch of opinions. Until you have actual proof like documents or something of substance I fail to see what your able to do?


All I want for Christmas is: Some small account of Wayne Johnston’s personal memoirs of his combat experiences. To be found under “Fiction”.

Major D

Before you start waving your CD and bars about in indignation there MikeM, you might want to recheck your references first. If you took the time to go to the VAC Website, you could have searched recipients roles for the MinVAC Commendation and would have discovered that you are defending the WRONG guy. The only Johnston listed on the federal VAC website for the Ministers Commendation is a Charles Johnston who lives in St.Catharines. Along with his photograph with the Minister, is his commendation script which states: (and I quote) “Mr. Johnston was a member of The Royal Canadian Navy. He has always put the Veterans of Canada foremost in his 26 years as a member of The Royal Canadian Legion. In addition to his involvement with the Legion, Mr. Johnston has shown a commitment to other local organizations and charities. He became the Chair of The Royal Canadian Legion District B Hospital Trust Fund for Veterans and Sunnybrook Hospital in Toronto and Parkwood Hospital in London, Ontario in 2001. He has raised funds that have contributed to the purchase of a bus for Sunnybrook and the complete renovation of a wing at the Tony Stacey Centre. At Branch 350 Port Dalhousie, Mr. Johnston has served as a Poppy Chairman, Editor of the newsletter and sits on the Executive. At the District Level of Ontario Command in 2007, Mr. Johnston was elected and presently serves as Chairman of District B. He is serving as the Ontario Provincial Command Financial Advisory Chairman”. This is not Captain G. W. Johnston, CD (and fake extras….)

Mike M

Read the list of names on that link. You will notice Wayne Johnstone is there and not the one you described. Try searching those names. They don’t come up either in the search. Guess you better add all those people to the fakers list too. If you read the top of the page it says the information has been archived. Why they don’t come up in the search function who knows probably due to the crappy update to 2.0 the government did. Like I’ve said I’m not here to debate what people’s opinions are of him or that we wore medals that weren’t earned. I’m simply here because there are flat out lies that have been said. Fact Check get the proper info….I honestly hope your not an actual Major I would expect more from someone at that rank.

Green Thumb


Green Thumb

Will Wayne the Stain please pick up the phone!

Bill C

One more note about this poser:

there was one interesting post that stated that Johnston was never at Camp Mirage U.A.E. but did all his work from Dennison Armoury

Once again he put up a medal without even taking a deep breath???????

Ron J

Guess who was fundraising for this yearly event, along with his buddy Blake Emmons who claims to be a Vietnam vet

Mike J

Check out this interview from last year…phoney tears and all: