I may have jumped the gun (Updated)

| December 10, 2008

Yesterday, I gave President-elect Obama credit for not knowing about the Rod Blagojevich crooked dealing. Bits Blog said I was wrong, and it seems I may have been wrong. 1CAVRVN11B sent me a link to a Free Republic thread with a link to this local news story;

The article is from November 8th and about a meeting “earlier in the week” between Obama and Blagojevich to discuss the appointment of Obama’s replacement. So, when did the Obama team lie – last month or yesterday?.

I guess that’ll teach me to try to give a measure of credit to a Democrat thinking they might be half-way honest.

UPDATED: KHQA TV took down the previous article. Here’s what is at the URL above;

On top of that, they’re backing away from their story writing that they don’t know if the meeting took place – even though they reported that it did indeed happen;

The Memory Hole is filling up pretty fast and the Age of Obama hasn’t even started yet. How many people will have to fall on their swords for this guy before it’s over?

Category: Politics

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Jonn- Edit it to say November 8th on the article.

Jonn wrote: Huh? Oh.

509th Bob

Check out Gateway Pundit, who reports, with interesting documentation, that tme meeting occurred on Nov. 5, 2008.

Jonn wrote: I saw that, but it was talking about a phone call election night – I’m pretty sure that wasn’t a very substantive dicussion.

509th Bob

tme = the

You know, just like Bush = Hitler! Yeah, that’s it.

Or maybe, Obama = Nixon?


As my grandfather who fought with Black Jack Perishing in along the Mexican border & WW I, drilled into me; “…always remember, a liar will also steal.” Those were words that have proven true and I do believe our president-elect is a liar.


Glad you got a screen shot. They took the article down!


Jonn wrote: Yeah, I kinda figured they would eventually.

richard wheeler

Jonn,509th,1stcav,scrapiron,et.al.Careful when you attack B.H.O.Only thing proven so far is he kicked the shit out of McCain/Palin.


Who says Obambi’s not a commie.

Revising inconvenient history is one of the things communists actually do well.


Uh, Richard Wheeler, another thing that’s been proven is this is going to be the second coming of the Clinton administration. Mostly because PEBHO, being himself, can only say, with a straight face, that’s not the (fill in the blank) I knew.
Maybe if the Lame Stream Media, and the one or two reporters in this country who may still have a shred of integrity, had bothered to do even the minimum amount of checking on PEBHO, and the Acorn “voters” had been disqualified, PEBHO would have garnered a whopping 35% of the vote.


richard wheeler, I belive the screen shot and statements by two of Hussein O’s own lackie’s prove he’s a liar and like 1stCavRVN11B, my mother alway told us that anyone who will lie to you will steal from you. By the way I didn’t vote for McCain (haven’t liked him since 2000) but did vote against an enemy of America, aka Hussein O. There will have to be two teams of democrats on the road, one to make misstatements and one to wipe the statements from the web.
It’ll be fun kicking his ass around each time he mumbles and stumbles (without his teleprompter full of information written by the white guy behind the curtain he mumbles and stumbles a lot) for the next 4 years, if he isn’t impeached before he takes office.


A like to a good rundown on the ‘lies he’s told’.


Jonn- I love You and that screen shot thing you do…Make ’em eat their f-ing reporting. Anyone who can’t stand by what they write or own a mistake sucks ass. I guess that means the COW really sucks ass!


Obama’s going to have to buy a second bus. It’s all full under the first one.

509th Bob

In anticipation of the Obamamessiah’s fall from grace, let’s all start practicing, it kind of sticks in your mouth at first: “President Biden.”

By the way, where is President Biden these days? Have the evil Republicans locked him in Cheney’s secret location? Has the Obamamessiah consigned Biden to that pit of despair? Has Kucinich arranged for Biden to be abducted by space aliens? We, the people, have a right to know!


Biden is merely a prop in the Obama House. He is no longer needed.


Can someone explain to me how Obama (or anyone)can spend 12 years in the dirty laundry section of Chicago and emerge “unaffected” and ready for the White House? Will he bring his Chicago way of doing buisness to Washington? Are his team of lawyers in the White House for a specific reason?

richard wheeler

Upnorth “Lamestream Media,acorn voters,blind squirrels”.He won by 8 million votes.That’s called a BEATDOWN.509TH You’ve got Obama for eight.Forget Biden.

Thus Spake Ortner

“He won by 8 million votes…”

I might note for you Richard, this is fully 10 million less than Richard Nixon won by in 1972.

509th Bob

HA! Another Obama = Nixon moment! Yes! We’ve just started down impeachment road (it’s not the crime, it’s the cover-up)and then … it’s President Biden!

richard wheeler

TSO Also a beatdown of George McGovern.Remember Bush lost by over 2OO,OOO votes in 2000 and if not for E.C. and or some sketchy Fla. counting he’d be on his Texas farm and we’d all be better off.

Thus Spake Ortner

I think your name is a misnomer richard. You are atleast one wheel short of being the plural.

Just keep pounding whatever peg you can in the hole bud, don’t let logic, physics or temporal shifts get in the way.

richard wheeler

TSO Good luck on the bar exam.My wife is a lawyer and the worse things get the better it is for lawyers.Also get another Golden when you can.


Richie- It’s a ranch he’s got down here in Texas. There is a difference; if you going to try and be insulting you should at least be accurate.

richard wheeler

Thanks Caroline. Wherever that Connecticut Yankee can wear his boots.


Dick Dick Dick… Why must you be such a….well, dick?

509th Bob

Reechard (rythmes with Retard) Wheeler (I will actually Bother to address your moronic ass directly):

Your President-Elect is completely caught up in the PRECISE sort of corruption that the [lower-case, since you don’t quite seem to fully *grasp* these things — and liberals are SUPPOSED to be the *masters* of “nuance” — you have certainly proved that fallacy a complete LIE!] Repuglikkkans engaged in that resulted in their expulsion from the majority in Congress in 2006.

The difference between Republicans and Democrats is quite simple. Republican corruptocrats are voted OUT of office, by Republican voters. Democrat corruptocrats are voted back into office, by Democratic voters. So, that makes you very special, doesn’t it? In legal terminology, you are a complete Accessory-After-The-Fact to Democratic Party corruption. I happen to be an *ACTUAL* federal prosecutor. You happen to be an *ACTUAL* criminal, pursuant to (I don’t have my U.S. Code book with me, since I leave it at work) Title 18, U.S. Code, Section 4 (I think). So, would you REALLY like me to use my actual lawful authority to identify you, locate your whereabouts, and refer you for federal prosecution? This is a simple thing fully within my power. What is your choice?

But, back on topic, one other minor difference between you and me is that I actually LEAVE my house each weekday to go out into the real world and earn an actual living, whereas Demo-trolls sit in their parents’ basement whining (or is it “whingeing”?) for your birth-mother to pay, and pay again, for the dubious privilege of having spat you out of her birth-canal?

Otherwise, what Ray says at 24.

richard wheeler

Bob What a bunch of long winded lawyerese.You’ll find Obama is not tied to Illinois Gov.corruption.Your personal attacks against me I laugh off after considering the source.I served as a Marine Corps Officer in V.N. and have worked in the R.E. and banking industries for over 35 years.The Repubs.have brought this debacle on themselves.Deal with it for the next 8 years.