Captain Rob Yllescas

| December 10, 2008

(Picture courtesy of The American Legion Department of Nebraska)

Captain Rob Yllescas was laid to rest yesterday in Nebraska, and many veterans of all wars showed up to pay their respects.

Rob’s wife over at her blog says:

Yesterday was Rob’s funeral. It was beautiful. Again, the Patriot Guard showed up holding flags outside the auditorium and a bell was being rung. During the service they had a 16×20 photograph of Rob in uniform in front of a flag. I looked at it most of the service. That picture made it feel like he was right there. They played a slide show before and after the service. My friend Nancy is going to put it on here when she gets the chance so everyone can see it. She did an amazing job. Thanks, Nancy. After the service we went to the cemetery. The police were in front with the Patriot Guards on their bikes, then Rob, and then more Patriot Guards leading us to the site. It was so surreal that the 21 gun salute and presentation of the flag was for MY husband. I still can’t believe he’s gone. Even though I was there when he passed away, to me it feels like he’s still deployed. So many people were there. It’s just unbelievable the amount of support.

Rest in Peace Captain.

Category: Support the troops

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God bless you and your family.


Thank You Jonn for posting this.
“Semper Fi”
“A man is not dead;Until he is Forgotten”


Hmmm, I must have missed the Lame Stream Media’s coverage of this. Oh, wait. They didn’t cover it… God Bless You and your family, Captain, and thank you and yours for your sacrifice.

Holger Awakens

Thanks for putting this up today, John. A very good tribute to a warrior this nation should be so proud of.