Colombia, the new Israel

| December 10, 2008

Mora at Babalu Blog writes that the United Nations is getting bored with just bashing Israel so they’ve found themselves a new democracy awash in a sea of thugs at which they can aim their false outrage;

The UN is now demonizing Colombia alongside Israel as a nation whose human rights record must meet UN scrutiny and condemnation.

While Zimbabwe dies of cholera.
While Venezuela slides into a dictatorship.
While Darfur runs from genocide.
While Russia turn into a hell with no future.
While Burma goes ignored by the outside as monks are beaten and killed and aid is denied
While business as usual goes on in red China.
While Cuba continues to abuse truth tellers like Dr. Oscar Elias Biscet and harass Yoani Sanchez. While Cuba artificially impoverishes 9 million people to keep them servile and controlled. While Cuba continues to imprison 1000 people, many up on no charges at all except ‘dangerousness.’ While Cuba gets away with destroying libraries and mob-lynching dissidents. While Cuba refuses to allow anyone at all to leave the vortex legally.

Never mind that: Israel and Colombia are the real problem you see.

Well, actually, the United Nations does that because if they get outraged at Zimbabwe, Cuba, Darfur, etc… they’d have to actually do something about it to remain a legitimate human rights defender. As long as they point and yell at the more innocuous offenders, they never really have to actually accomplish anything and their high-paying jobs in cushy offices are secure. And if they actually started making a difference in the world, they’d lose their jobs to peaceful coexistence – can’t have that, can we?

From the link;

Colombia was also criticised recently by Human Rights Watch, which said that President Alvaro Uribe’s administration “hampers justice efforts” by obstructing investigations into its alleged links with paramilitaries.

Um, Human Rights Watch was actually ejected from Venezuela a few months back. When will they get their panties bunched about Chavez?

Category: Foreign Policy, Hugo Chavez, Liberals suck, United Nations

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Is there any more twisted, upside-down, dysfunctional political entity on Earth, as the U.N? You couldn’t make this crap up.


You mean there are problems in those countries? Snark off, now. Martino got it exactly right. Nuff said.


Never mind that under Uribe homicides have gone down 40%, kidnappings are down 83%, and terrorist attacks have gone down 76%. A minor detail that since 2002 the murder of trade unionists has plummeted 86%. Over 9,000 individuals are protected by the Ministry of the Interior and Justice…and 1/5 of them are trade unionists.

But Colombia is a horrible place and will never get better, according to the UN. Right. How about they actually go to Bogotá or Cali or Medellín and ask the people living there how they feel. Though, I suppose that is asking a lot of them…