VA’s missing $54 million

| June 17, 2015

The Washington Post reports that there is no accounting for about $54 million worth of purchases of prosthetic devices for veterans;

Employees in the purchasing department of a VA hospital in the Bronx had used government purchase cards like credit cards at least 2,000 times to buy prosthetic legs and arms for veterans.

Each time they swiped the cards, it was for $24,999. That was precisely one dollar below VA’s charging limit for purchase cards.

When word reached Congress about the $54,435,743 worth of prosthetics bought under such odd circumstances over two years — the subject of an inspector general investigation announced Monday — lawmakers demanded details. But they were told there was no documentation.

According to the Post, VA officials, when first questioned about the purchases had planned on telling Congress that the records were lost in the flooding that resulted from Hurricane Sandy, until they realized that timeline wouldn’t fit the circumstances since the Congressional inquiry was about a month before the storm.

So, the VA turned to their perpetual liar-in-chief, Ric Shinseki;

The letter that finally went to Congress, signed by Shinseki, said simply:

“No contract files exist” and “there is no evidence of full and open competition” for the prosthetics bought in the Bronx.

You know, if the VA in the Bronx were doing right by veterans, I would have no problem with this, but, we’ve come to know the VA better than that. I have trouble believing that there are no records of credit card purchases. If you ask me for mine, I could pull them up in about two minutes. That’s the whole point of credit cards. And we’re talking about thousands of purchases, each for tens of thousands of dollars. How do you even lose records like that?

It’s going to take decades for the VA to recover from the influence of Ric Shinseki.

Thanks to Marine_7002 for the link.

Category: Veterans' Affairs Department

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I’m calling shenanigans.


I’m thinkin’ yer right, jeffro.


What a crock of shit. $24,999 when the limit was $25K. Wow, what a coincidence. I’ll have to remember to share this story with the IRS if they every shine a searchlight up my ass.


Tell them you can’t submit anything because you have to go through them to cull out duplicates – that’s the IRS’ current treason for not releasing e-mails related to the Lois Lerner. Oops, I meant reason.

HMCS(FMF) ret.

Bet you that someone had a lot of fun with all of that cash… drugs, booze, vacays, gifts for the mistress, “adult entertainment”, etc…

Ric “the Dick” Shinseki dorked all vets in the squeakhole… and doesn’t give two shits about it.

A Proud Infidel®™

I’m certain that a place in hell has been reserved for Shinseki, and when his time comes, may he spend eternity there shackled to Jane Fonda, Helen Thomas, and my ex-wife!


Why Janie? She still looks reasonable – dumb as a brick, maybe, but still reasonable-looking. But what else would you expect from someone who said during a feminist consciousness-raising session, “My biggest regret is I never got to f*** Che Guevara.”


Whats needed is for the local Federal AG to put the screws to the people in the purchasing dept until they start giving up info. Waving charges of conspiracy to defraud in their faces should start loosening tongues.
Either that or ring their homes with hordes of pissed off Vets.

Green Thumb

The money probably was rerouted to their General and Regional Counsels.

Bonus for attorneys who stick it to veterans.


It was Bernath…he faked Agent Orange and kept going to NY VA with non vets who had amputations, then sold them online. He’s such a masturbater, oops master at everything, he pulled this off..

B Woodman

I got nuttin’. I. just. got. nuttin.
This is SOOO far down the rabbit hole, I just want to start shooting the next idiot that comes along, for ANY reason whatsoever. Or for NO reason whatsoever.
Excuse me for the day, while I drink myself into oblivion (I really wish I could).
This is such a reflection on gooberment, and hubris, (lack of) accountability, and. . . and. . . and. . .


I feel ya brother.


Yea once again unscrupulous VA employees at work, or rather at play with our tax money. I can smell the fraud from where I live. I wonder how many big screens, cars and other crap were bought for personal use or resale for profit at the expense of veterans in need. And the “no records” bull shit is as bad as Hillary’s email lies and the IRS’s lost emails. For as many millions upon millions of dollars we taxpayers spend for the “latest and greatest” hardware and software for government agencies, I could do better with an old laptop I have with Windows 3.11 on it. And finally, doing it in the name of “prosthetic devices for veterans” just makes me so fucking mad I want to chew pennies and shit .45 ACPs!


yep. Every purchase agent, credit card holder knows this game.

Some one had a lot of fun or made a lot of money.


No big surprise here, after reading this I saw that 2.8 billion dollars in Obama mania Heath care subsidies is missing…. The looting has begun


The looting started with the first “green energy” grant or contract issued to political allies of the current Administration.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

$54 million in missing prosthetics? All miracuosly costing $24,999 each? Yeah sounds a might bit suspicious…

Some folks going to jail most likely.


I have been bitchin’ about the VA in NYC now for years.

Harbor Health Care System it is called up here!

I am NOT surprized!

And they are still billing my private insurance for EVERY visit I make to the VA … YES even for service connected issues!

Thanks VA … Harbor Health Care System for NOTHING!

PS: Thank God I have all my limbs … my private insurance company would certainly be PISSED!



Recently uncovered video of the company making $24,999.00 prosthetic legs and arms for veterans:


The really sad thing is that congress will probably never get the answers and the dirtbags who did it will just go on collecting their government paychecks.

I guaran-damn-tee if any of us had even thought about this, we’d be in jail and prosecuted before we could even put the pen that signed the receipt back in our BDU button flap (where NCOs carry their pens).

Since when did the cards not generate electronic files that are saved by the credit card company. I know my old GSA card did when I used it for picking up shit the cook forgot before chow.

Pinto Nag

It’s called a ‘billing statement.’ You swipe a card, ANY CARD, you get one, I don’t care who you are.

And since karma is a creative hussy, here’s what I wish for whoever did this and cheated our veterans: that they end up needing prosthetics, and get wooden ones. Without padding. I know whereof I speak. My grandfather had a wooden leg.