Tuesday morning feel good stories

| June 2, 2015

AW1Ed sends us our first story this morning from Colorado, where three fellows were trying to move some stuff and three other fellows made the mistake of trying to rob them;

According to police, two men helping a third move into a condo were stopped by three other younger men who attempted to rob them at gunpoint.

“He produced a handgun and pointed it at the three movers demanding that they give them their money,” Metz said.

Metz said two of the movers were about to hand over their money, but a third mover had his own gun and used it.

“Fired multiple shots at the three subjects, striking all three,” he said. “One of the subjects sustained life-threatening wounds at the scene.”

One robbery suspect died on the way to the hospital. A second robbery suspect suffered serious injuries. A third fled, but walked into to Aurora South Medical Center where he was arrested.

The shooter had a concealed to carry weapons permit and put the gun down when he saw officers arriving.

Chief Tango sends us some more stories, the first is from Chicago;

The Chicago Tribune says that an off-duty correctional officer saw what was going on and stepped in to help.

That led to a gunfight where the armed robber got shot in the leg, then drove himself to hospital.

The off-duty officer wasn’t hurt. He was on his way to work when the incident occurred at 10:30 p.m. Sunday near West Madison Street and St. Louis Avenue.

I like helpful crooks who drive themselves to the hospital where they can be scooped up when the cops need them.

Next up is Tennessee where they haven’t learned that old folks shoot because we can’t fight back;

When officers arrived, the 70-year-old homeowner stated he was awakened by someone shining a light in his bedroom window. He then observed a man standing outside. The male suspect then broke the bedroom window and started to climb inside.

The homeowner told officers that he then grabbed a pistol and fired it at the suspect, causing the man to fall back. The suspect then ran to a dark colored vehicle, got in the driver’s seat and sped off.

While on the scene, officers received information that a man had just arrived at Holston Valley Medical Center with gunshot wounds.

Category: Feel Good Stories

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B Woodman

Don’t mess with us old people. We’ll just shoot ya. Because.

Kinda old ET1

The first story is the best. Three bad guys, one no longer stealing oxygen, one nearly dead and one walking wounded.
Nice job.

jedipsycho (Certified Space Shuttle Door Gunner)

It warms the heart, doesn’t it?


Sounds like good shooting all round. All targets hit.

jedipsycho (Certified Space Shuttle Door Gunner)

Range time people, range ti…
Oh, wait.


In recognition of a possible Triple Crown recipient this coming Saturday at Belmont, I will classify the first story as a classic Winner, Place and Show …

Drops microphone on foot, curses out loud and limps of stage!