Tuesdays with Claymore

| June 2, 2015

Caitlyn Jenner free…I refuse to participate. If I wanted to look at a fake woman, there’s always Pamela Anderson.

Stewart Smalley goes to college!

Lindsay Graham – gay war monger

Dig Duggar

Darth Cheney lets the hate flow through him

White socialists argue over white socialists

Spreading your junk

Tenure; the last bastion for useless assholes

Marx my words


F the F-35 in Vermont

Um, how are you smoking this stuff anyway?

Bernie Sanders – scion for today’s….youth?

Darwin wins again

Unintended consequences

DUmbasses are economic geniuses

This is why lions eat their young

DUer’s think you’re stupid

You’re also a gun humping coward

…and racist.

Someone has a lot of time on their hands

Self inflicted

Power is all that matters


Good luck, Baltimore. Let me know how that gun control works out for you.

…the wallet?

Deep pockets on the “grassroots”.

Category: Tuesdays with Claymore

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I guess they don’t know that is already illegal for someone convicted of domestic violence to possess a gun.


Here’s one I forgot…using a virtually empty C-17 transport to carry Kerry after his boo-boo. Enjoy.


Veritas Omnia Vincit

I didn’t realize anyone was complaining about this on either side of the aisle…false outrage by the left over a non-existent outrage on the right?

Jonn Lilyea

They tried to get him and his sense of entitlement into a C-141, but he kept crowding the pilot.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

I can’t tell you happy I was that he became SOS and stopped being my senator, of course I still got screwed because they replaced him with that fucking hack Ed Markey….yikes..