Bullies, Secret Deals and Republicrats

| May 31, 2015

Big Rita had a bad habit. She liked to bully people – generally people decidedly smaller than her. One week it was me in her sights. Every day my hair was pulled, I was smacked in the back of the head, shoved to the ground. It was one thing or another. At my expense, Big Rita was having a big old time. She was not giving me love licks, and culture taught me that boys did not fight with girls. Knowledge Rita used to full advantage. Finally, though it happened. On Friday just as I left the school bus, she decided to let me have another smack in the back of my head. It hurt. It must have been a sight when I leaped around her neck and bulldogged her fat face into the coal dust covered roadside. Beyond that instance of blind fury, I did not have much of a plan. I did know that I was going to keep her nose in the dirt until she quit kicking. When that happened, Big Rita got up and ran home bawling and never again revisited her evil ways. At least not with me.

That was my first life lesson with bullies. Bullies continue until their faces are forcibly ground into the dirt. Only then, will they consider a change of direction. Bullies abound in the world and some of them are committing unspeakable atrocities. They will continue what has become habit until forcibly held to account. We have bullies here in the gold old U. S. of A. too. They insist they want to be accepted for who they are. I agree with that thought and so do most people. The problem is they are led by factions that do not seek acceptance. They seek dominance. They want to suppress opposing thought to the point of destroying people and their businesses. Until and unless bullies get a taste of their own methods, they will not change their ways and society will lose because of it.

Did I ever tell you about Grandpa Johnny winning the county hollering contest? He was my Grandpa on Mother’s side. From whom I inherited red hair, baldness and a lifetime of being vertically challenged. Like most West Virginians of his generation, Grandpa had a lifetime of tough physical labor. For a good amount of time, he owned a timbering and saw mill operation. Grandpa had ailments one would expect of a man who led a tough physical life. A joint that did not ache was a rarity and he had some nether region issues too. He had a tube of ointment he rubbed on those achy joints. He also had a tube of ointment for those nether region issues too. He also had poor eyesight. Grandpa was a smart enough man to know to treat the nether regions first. The problem is that in haste and with failing eyesight, Grandpa grabbed the wrong ointment tube. My Uncle tells us he won the county hollering contest that day.

Have you wondered about the secret trade deal the Chamber of Commerce Republicans have partnered with the President to pass? It is one of those we will have to pass it to see what is in it arrangements. I think most of us can figure it out. The middle class everyone swears they are about to save will again take one in the shorts while the political elite and the Wall Street they swear they are going to challenge will walk away with fatter bank accounts. About the only reaction we will have is like Grandpa Johnny’s when he grabbed the wrong ointment tube. At least, that is, until enough of us get off our rears and vote.

I do not know if I am enjoying the Democrat war on the Clintons or not. The media is trying to gin up a campaign against George Bush and Hillary and O’Malley tell us it is time for someone to take on Wall Street and stand up for the middle class. Hillary wants to be our champion. Yes that was a snort you heard. It is rather humorous. One has to suppose it is the Whitehouse that is trying to derail the Clinton express. One must also wonder how long it will be before the old Clinton war machine unloads some really bad stuff on the Obamas. You really do not want to corner a wild animal if you can help it. Especially one you have wounded and is convinced it is fight or die time.

But, do not fret. Our favorite establishment, corporate loving, chamber of commerce Republicrats will figure out how to put Mrs. Clinton, or some other communist, back in the Whitehouse.

© 2015 J. D. Pendry American Journal All Rights Reserved

Category: Politics

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Gee, I hate to shatter the delusions of democraps on a repeated basis, but Wall Street IS the middle class. It’s just the part that they hate because Wall Streeters bust their butts to make all that cash that the democraps think they shouldn’t have.

The jealousy they feel is compounded by their laziness and ‘gimme gimme gimme’ attitude that supports a mentality that theft of someone else’s hard-earned cash, by legal or illegal means, is okay.

It’s just a shame -isn’t it? – that they aren’t at all willing to give away any of their own cash.


Couldn’t agree with ya more, JD. I’ve said for a long time I hate republicans more than democrats. One main reason of that is atleast democrats admit they want to make government bigger and take your money to do it, while getting richer and fatter themselves. Today, republicans want government just as big as democrats, just want giant government to do different things. They still want to impose on personalnliberties, just in a different direction. All tax breaks aren’t for economic growth, such as eliminating income tax, but for large corporations that buy lobbyists to be able to smother smaller rivals. I’m damned near an anarchist, I don’t think government should do anything beyond national security and foreign relations. Our Constitution actually only gives them one power more, regulation and settling of interstate disputes. That last one gas been used to infringe on more personal liberty than anything else


time to vote for the Tea Party? Maybe. Neither the Republicans nor the Democrats are on my side.

AW1 Tim

I left the GOP after Romney lost. I hadn’t wanted to vote for Romney, but instead I was voting against Obama.

I right away disenrolled from the GOP, after almost 40 years of supporting them, and am now an independent voter.

I consider myself a Conservative, and align with the TEA Party. In fact, if a Tea Party sponsored candidate is on the ballot, I will vote for that person.

Mostly, I got tired of having to vote for someone in order to keep someone else off the ballot. Frustrated beyond belief is how I feel regarding the Country-Club Republicans. I have no problems with Romney. He earned his money the right way, but I don’t want him as president. I voted for McCain in the hopes that, once in office, he’d keel over dead and that Sarah Palin would become president.

I am truly tired of what I see as the takeover of the political class by self-appointed elites, families that, starting with the damned Kennedy’s think that they are God’s own gift to the plebes, and somehow entitled to run our nation, just having to wait their turn to sit in the big seat.

We fought a war against a petty king and tyrant to gain our freedom, and another war against a self-appointed aristocracy in the south, only to lose in the long run.

It’s only going to change when enough of us say NO MORE! and elect competent, conservative candidates who belong to neither the democrats or the republicans.


Im a tea party fan, except where the religious aspects conme into politics. I like most of what the tea party stands for, but I have different opinions on national security levels. There are times that we can not just sit on the side lines and keep our noses out of the fight


The only reason you hate republicans is because you are gullible, not to bright and eat up everything the lying dumocrats put to you….enjoy your ignorance!!


Projecting much, are we?


Im actually one of the smartest people you will meet. I hate republicans because they are nothing more than democrat light, while pretending to still stand for conservative principles. I hold 2 degrees in modern american history and American politics, everything we deal with today and all we fight over is what my life revolves around. I study it, and j watch the ignorant masses push for it. Republicans are doing the same thing the Democrats are. I think Romney or McCain getting elected would gave been worse than obama. All 3 are just as big government as the next, but if someone with an R next to their name did the same things as Obama (policies, not scandals) we would never have a real conservative in office again.


I wish I could “like” this a hundred times.

2/17 Air Cav

First, whatever happened to Big Rita? And did you get whacked for hitting a girl? Second, I have nearly ceased blaming the pols for lying, cheating, and generally being horses asses. The first time around, as with The Emperor, one can get snookered. The second time around? I blame the voters. Same with John Bonehead, Reid the Embalmed, and so many others. If a significant part of the voting public were paying attention, neither H. Wide Load Clinton nor MOM the Taxman would be looking at the White House as their next residence. It’s disheartening, sad, and quite lamentable but that’s the way I see it. The remedy for an informed and caring public would be to keep throwing these crudniks out on their butts the first time they are found to have promised one thing to get elected and then did another thing once in office. Hell, it would actually be fun in the House–and Senators later exposed would get the message but quick. Who the hell spends 5, 10, or 50 times more to obtain a job than the job pays? If that’s not a tip off that something is rotten, I don’t know what is.


Considering the lack of an informed public combined with their attention span of a goldfish, I surprised we don’t have a Kardashian in Congress yet


The problem is us. WE elect people to do that stuff. Now I understand how voting zoning plays probably the biggest role, but unless the vocal minority convinces the ignorant or uniformed majority what’s the solution?

Pinto Nag

Somebody is going to cough up a decent candidate in the next election, or I’m staying home. I refuse to keep voting for the lesser of two evils, because it’s still evil I’m voting for. Rain taxes? Mill levies that never get voted down? Bills that have to be passed for us to find out what’s in them? A national debt that we now cannot afford to pay back? Voting is nothing more than a placebo used by politicians to make us think we’re still part of the process, instead of the strait-jacketed, tax paying saps we’ve become.


My favorite after-election video was the then-mayor of Detroit city, a large bladk woman whose name I never got, shouting at the top of her lungs on camera: “We voted for you, Mr. Obama. Where’s the bacon? Where’s the bacon? We want the bacon!”

That should be shown at the start of every campaign season, so that these people who make absurd promises they never intend to keep will GET FIRED ASAP!

Yes, we can fire any elected politician. It’s called impeachment and recall.

Long ago, I read a short story about what to do with politcians. After a local politician was elected, the townspeople stoned him to death and everyone went back to work.

Silentium Est Aureum

Show me a person who wants to be a politician and I’ll show you someone wholly unqualified for the job.


I’m completely non-partisan…
I hate them all.
Ryan, Johnson even Scott Walker seems to have been drinking the DC two step Kool Aide…
I am just sick of it.
One thing that does scare me is that if killary or jebster is elected I firmly believe that an armed insurrection is very close to happening.
Both are horrible candidates and I won’t vote for anyone if they are not conservative and libertarian in their ideals.