Tajiks’ Gulmurod Khalimov defects to ISIS

| May 31, 2015

Gulmurod Khalimov

John S sends us a link to the Washington Post which reports that Colonel Gulmurod Khalimov, the commander of Tajikistan’s special forces defected to ISIS in Syria while everyone wondered where he went. According to multiple news sources, Khalimov was trained by US special forces as well as the Russian Spetznatz. He had a special message for Americans in the video that he made, speaking Russian;

“Listen, you American pigs, I’ve been three times to America, and I saw how you train fighters to kill Muslims,” he said. “God willing, I will come with this weapon to your cities, your homes, and we will kill you.”

God willing, yes you will. “A rifle behind each blade of grass”. Sound familiar, Gullie?


How’s that whole “smart diplomacy” thing working out for us?

Category: Terror War

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Big Steve

F*** this guy in the mouth. If it were up to me he would become #1 on our ISIS hit list.

The Other Whitey

If he wants to come here, fine. Let’s lay a few ground rules first.

1) No hiding behind noncombatants like a fucking pussy coward. That’s not “asymmetric warfare,” it’s fucking cowardice. Identify yourself, stand and fight like a man.

2) No strapping explosives to kids. That’s not “asymmetric warfare,” it’s fucking cowardice because everybody you don’t have the balls to do it yourself. If martyrdom is such a cool thing, have the balls to try it yourself first.

3) No attacking noncombatants. That’s not “asymmetric warfare,” it’s fucking cowardice, because your victims pose no danger to you. If you’re such a hardcore badass warrior of the Religion of Peace, then you should have the balls to go after people who can and will shoot back. Unlike your cocksucking ass-buddies in IS, who “bravely” shoot women and children, then hide like bitches when the real men (not the Iraqi Army) show up to do something about it.

You say you’re such a badass, Khalimov. You’re super-seekrit-skwirrel-Tajikistani Special Forces (never mind how NOT impressive that resume is). Okay, fine. If you’re man enough to meet those three prerequisites listed above, then come get some.

I, on the other hand, make no such claim about my own alleged prowess. But I’ll bet you don’t have the balls to face me in a fair fight. Because like your jihadist fellow travelers, you are a goat-fucking chickenshit pussy thug, a dicksuck who thinks his tiny little balls get big when he murders a child or rapes a woman, and a coward with no rightful claim to any kind of manhood other than possession of a Y-chromosome.

I’m no badass. I’m not a trained warfighter. I didn’t go to the Spetznaz Flying Jumpkick Tactical Axe Combat training class. But you’re afraid of me. Wanna know how I know that? Because you won’t face me, some regular American blue-collar redneck, in a fair fight. Yeah, you’re a badass warrior all right. Pussy.


If you are ever in a fair fight, you’re doing it wrong.J/S

Old Trooper

True dat.

I heard it a little different: If you find yourself in a fair fight; your tactics suck.


“The only person that complains about a fair fight is the guy that loses” 1Sg Charles Smith

The Other Whitey

Fair enough, but I think you get my point.


All this p.o.s. needs is a small hole drilled dead center of the forehead and pigs blood poured in the hole!


Is it just me, or does he look like the terrorist version of Liam Neeson?

Old Trooper

Well, he does have a particular set of skills……………

John S.

…that goats fear.


Yes indeed, thanks to the freaking morons in the govt, in our military leadership, at the pentagon and all, ALL those assholes that think its a good idea to train our enemies!!!


Our allies are often former enemies, and vice versa. Witness WW2…Japan and Germany swore to subjugate us, and now they are staunch allies while the Russians are frenemies again. Remember the Mujahedeen? Best pals a few years back…now not so much.

I say we look inward and take care of our own and let the rest scratch and get glad.


I’m just glad we have Faker6 on our side!

John "Faker 6" Giduck

being a survivor of eight conflicts takes its toll.


toll house cookies!


John “Faker 6” Giduck


We can get Turdbath to take care of this punk. He’ll toss a couple of hundred lawsuits his way, tie him up in court for a few years and the rest of the world will continue to spin.



Dear STRAT Targeting Agency (‘lil known joint office in DoD),

Please cut a “hit chit” on this POS. Either Tier 1 OP or USAF drone strike will do!

Thanks for all!



Let’s settle this old school, 1v1, set him in a cage against our best. He can be as bad ass as he wants, we can send Tim Kennedy.

The Other Whitey

Pay per view!!!


I don’t know why, but I see a Sylvester Stallone movie in there somewhere.


OR Brian Stann.

In fact, Yes – Brian Stann wearing a Punisher T-Shirt would be awesome!!


Us Rangers lead the way! We will get them!

Private Parts

Khalimov? Ain’t that what the guy said before he ripped that guys heart out in Temple of Doom?

Oh, that was a movie which is as fictional as this guy’s elevated sense of “justice”. I forget how many registered weapons are in this country, I think those outnumber the US population. I would be more worried about the unregistered weaponry.

Pinto Nag

With a little bit of luck, there’s a drone somewhere with his name on it.


Dear Gullie —

This special message is just for you: Your mother mated with a camel. You were born under a basket. Does your father still call you his bastard?

I’ll meet you at Walmart in the baking goods section. Make sure you come prepared when you cometh. I have access to plenty of non-halal chicken and that deadly meat, pork.

Don’t be late. I’ll leave the light on for you.
