Talk with Iran?

| November 27, 2006

The “bipartisan” task force on Iraq is weighing direct talks with Iran and Syria. My question is “Why?” Iran and Syria have both denied their involvement in supporting the bloodbath in Iraq, despite mounds of evidence to the contrary. How much did talking with Iran do for Jimmy Carter for more than 444 days? The Reagan Administration talked with Iran and ended up encouraging them to kidnap more Americans to exchange for more TOW missiles.

The President of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, has repeatedly proven that he’s not even lucid enough to accept the Holocaust let alone acccept the fact that Israel and the United States have a right to exist in their present form and act in their own self-interest. The Syrian president Bashar Assad didn’t even want the job and it’s fairly clear that he’s being manipulated by the Iranians, weak little dork that he is.

So why are we wasting time talking about talking with these two pimples on the ass of Humanity? What will it accomplish? Aside from placating the Democrats who seem to have all of the answers to questions no one asked.

Retired Admiral James Lyons lays out a rational, workable plan in the Washington Times today;

Therefore, our first order of business must be to stabilize Iraq — by force of our arms, not the unproven Iraqis. This will require an immediate influx of three to five brigades to bring the sectarian violence under control and, more important, to eradicate the rogue militias, the death squads, and the Mahdi Army. Trusted Iraq forces can play a constructive role, but we must understand they will not be the decisive factor.
    Further, we should use our air dominance to close the Iranian and Syrian borders. For its part, the Iraqis, led by Mr. Talibani, must obtain guarantees from both Iran and Syria that they will withdraw their support for the insurgency and cooperate in closing their borders.

Despite Chuck Hagel’s defeatist cut and run policy, there still is a chance to defeat the dark forces in Iraq, and in no part of any rational plan should hand-wringing and cowardice be mentioned as in Hagel-cum-Murtha.

Category: Jimmy Carter, Politics, Terror War

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