Charlie Rangel begging to get his ass kicked

| November 27, 2006

I figured I’d leave Rangel alone for awhile but yesterday on FNS to Chris Wallace he said

I want to make it abundantly clear: if there’s anyone who believes that these youngsters want to fight, as the Pentagon and some generals have said, you can just forget about it. No young, bright individual wants to fight just because of a bonus and just because of educational benefits. And most all of them come from communities of very, very high unemployment. If a young fella has an option of having a decent career or joining the army to fight in Iraq, you can bet your life that he would not be in Iraq. 

You can watch the video on Hot Air, Powerline and on Captain’s Quarters if you have the stomach.

This just illustrates how far out of touch Fatass Rangel really is. Seein’s how everyone and their bother have posted facts that disputes Dumbass Rangel, I won’t bother to rehash. 

However, I will tell my readers that I have a six-figure income, I have a college degree, I work in a very successful and fulfilling career field, yet I volunteered this last Spring to return to active duty – as an enlisted soldier – despite the fact that my twenty years ended in 1974. My military career field was (is) Infantry. Thus far the Army has shown some common sense and not recalled me, but my point is this; there are people in the world for whom economics aren’t our sole concern.

Despite what Fat Ass Charley Rangel, the doofus from Harlem, says, there are people who just want to do what’s right…and what’s right in this case is serving our country where they need us most. Some of us recognize that there is a real threat from forces who want to kill Americans in the largest possible numbers. Some of us realize that a large number of Americans won’t bother to get off their asses and do something about it, so it’s up to us.

Those kind of Americans – those who’ll volunteer to defend the country – have been writing our history for a coupla hundred years. I’m just happy to know a couple of them. But Charley will never know any – all he’ll ever know is other short-sighted narrow-minded bigots like himself.

UPDATE: Now it appears that college students (who historically have no thoughts of their own) are channeling Charlie Rangel. While protesting against military recruiting in Chapel Hill, NC, one student claimed that “modern military recruiting is racist”. Funny, but according to the Department of Defense, 83% of recruits are white. So who, exactly are the military recruiters racist against? Whites?

Mind-numbed robots who regurgitate the empty platitudes they’re fed by other mind-numbed robots.

Category: Politics

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