Yet More “Economic Recovery” News

| April 30, 2015

Yeah, I know I had a similar article yesterday. But after the article was posted I saw these, and thought they were worth mentioning too.

The Obama Economic Record: The Worst Five Years Since World War II – of particular interest to me is that an additional 7 million people became food stamp/SNAP recipients in 2010-2012, during a period of falling unemployment. Someone needs to ‘splain that one to me, ‘cause I just don’t “get it”.

62.8%: Labor Force Participation Has Hovered Near 37-Year-Low for 11 Months – and that article is actually being generous. Since it’s now close to two months old, it only covered from Apr 2014 to Feb 2015 – and reality today is a bit worse. March 2015 figures showed a decline in the US labor participation rate to 62.7%. That makes a full year that the US labor participation rate has been in the Carter-esque economic toilet of being below 63%.

• And to really “make your day” with good economic news, there’s this article, from Gateway Pundit. But if you want the “quick and dirty” version, this graph from the article tells you all you really need to know:

Yeah, those economic “good times” certainly seem to be just around the corner, don’t they?

I wonder if year 7 will be the “teh won” in which we see any real improvement? My advice, though, is: “Don’t hold your breath.”

Sheesh. I am so damn ready for some adult leadership with a clue to return to DC.

Category: Economy

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Well, Hondo, what were you expecting? (It’s all shrub’s fault because… whatever!)

How long did it take the labor force to truly recover after the crash in 1929?

What was the real driving force behind that recovery?

Frankie Cee "In the clear"

While I don’t know how long it took to recover, my relatives told me years ago that the “driving force” was hunger coupled with not wanting the embarrassment of being on the dole. The latter factor is missing in much of today’s society.


That’s exactly what I meant. The government work programs (CCC, WPA, etc.) did provide real work and wages, but they were petering out and ending long before WWII rearming started up.

If there is any way to end the welfare society, someone please let me know. That tax money could go for work training programs instead of being wasted on the lazy. I think the most heinous thing ever was ending the requirement that people on welfare learn job skills and get jobs. I guess it’s just easier and a lot more fun to throw coins to the masses as the sirder passes through the crowd.

What’s next? Bread and circuses? Oh, wait – do we already have that?

2/17 Air Cav

“I won’t have to worry about putting gas in my car, I won’t have to worry about paying my mortgage. If I help him, he’s going to help me!”

Well, he may not have helped her (reality set in and she now thinks he lied!) but there is no question that the obama years have been more than a free block of cheese to a great many people.


Such racism in this post!
I am offended !!!!!!!!!
You know you can’t say anything bad about our wonderful leader!
OMG, I have to go puke and punch myself in the face for even thinking about saying anything like this!
Bam, Biff, Pow!
(Shades of Batman and Adam West.)


Like the comments I saw yesterday when people were complaining about Whole Foods feeding the National Guardsmen in Baltimore “they feedin’ those well-paid NG killers when there’s 70,000 school kids starving because the schools are closed” – apparently school lunches are the sole source of nutrition for any kid of any income bracket in Baltimore. If that is the case, then obviously the food stamp program is a total waste and should be terminated forthwith.

Apparently even Gwyneth Paltrow could not survive four days on food stamps… poor thing is obviously wasting away anyway, so…

HMCS(FMF) ret.

But, our Preezy, King Putt, is just so ghettofabulous…

Even the black community is starting to see his for what he is… and some of their comments are tearing him up over using the work “thuggish”.

(Warning strong language, may be NSFW)


Interesting article, but the “Cumulative Job Growth Net of Population Growth” chart really has me scratching my head.

It takes about 18 years for a baby to enter the work force, right? Therefore, doesn’t the population growth over a 3 year period (37 months) simply mean that the people who need jobs had more babies, not that there are more employable people?

Unless I’m missing something, it seems horribly misleading to subtract population growth from job growth in order to create an upward trending graph for Reagan and a downward trending graph for Obama.

I’m not a fan of Obama, but this chart is really biased.