James Deon Korfhage and Karma

| April 28, 2015

James Deon Korfhage arrest

I got a call this morning from the Georgia Department of Probation. The gentleman who called me said that our old friend James Deon Kofhage had been picked up by the Department of Homeland Security. He said that while trying to locate Mr. Korfhage’s family, he ran across the links to our posts about him here and especially here, you know, when he called me back in September and threatened to come and kill me. I guess he’s hitching a ride with a certain purple-suited trail assassin who has been “comething” for years now.

I’m not sure what the charges are, the fellow who called couldn’t tell me, but apparently that phone call that Deon made to me is going to end up biting him in the ass in his latest troubles, because the judge responsible for setting his bail is going to be hearing about it. This link implies that his recent troubles have something to do with immigration.

Anyway, I know that Korfhage’s family members read TAH (they’ve contacted me privately to thank me for the post) but the Department of Probation would like to talk to you. Call me or email me and I can give you the gentleman’s name and phone number. I guess James wasn’t being cooperative with authorities and didn’t want them to contact you.

But, this is not my shocked face that someone pretending to be a Ranger with only 21 days in the National Guard was arrested. Stolen Valor is just part of pathology.

Category: Dumbass Bullshit, Phony soldiers

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Good Jerb there “Neon Deon”.


Wow… this fuck monkey is like a raging case of the herp. The gift that keeps on giving.


Nicky. On the FB said of the blog someone put a link up to the story from last year. And the POS left about 20 plus rants on the page. Talk about making a ass out of ones self LMAO !!!!!


Jonn got the links on this page here


It’s pretty amazing just how stupid this tool is. Seriously.

Green Thumb



Turd 😀


Good word. Fitting.


Except that he’s a lot more entertaining than a pack of sores.


Ha Ha ha !!!!!! Bobo yes he is…


Missed this when I posted in his original discussion… karma is a real bitch sometimes!!


Imigration? Interesting…


Well it’s safe to assume this Moron Loves to use his fourth point of contact to Think…
Well had two of these turds in BCT… I call them three week Warriors. Great job Jonn for exposing this pice of shit !!!!!!!!!!

HMCS(FMF) ret.

Kornholio is going to be taking it in the cornhole? EPIC!!


Wonder if he’ll be saying “I am . . . Cornholio-d” afterwards? (smile)


Bahaha ha nice Hondo 🙂

HMCS(FMF) ret.

He’ll truly be “The Great Kornholio” when things are said and done!


Well he can get “TP for his bunghole” from that guy pictured in the Baltimore riot thread when they catch him.

A Proud Infidel®™

Soon he’ll be hearing the words “PICK UP THE SOAP, BITCH!!”


I hope the West Virginia state trooper that gave you the friendly advice to shut down this blog happens to read this post.

HMCS(FMF) ret.

James… get ready for your time in the hole… and be sure to give your new “buddy” an Eskimo Kiss:


Also, remember Prison Tip #21:


From the movie “Let’s Go to Prison”:

“Baby if you thought Barry was just gonna stick it to ya then you don’t know Barry. Prepared to be woo wed”

Just an Old Dog

Yeah I remember this cock-mole and his antics. His phone call where he was ranting to “someone” to load up the 30-06 or some shit for him.
Then when people who knew him, even his own relatives started showing up saying he was a low-life herpes infested switch hitter that took the cake.

Green Thumb

This dude is going to be taking some loads soon.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Indeed I am reminded of a simple graphic:

comment image

B Woodman

Karma – she is a bitch, and then you marry her. . .


Good to see that Koprophage may finally be getting what he deserves.

Silentium Est Aureum

His karma ran over his dogma.


Speaking of people in trouble with the law:

Bernath, Daniel Alan
14 O 699 3:00 PM Tuesday, May 26, 2015 Settlement Conference Telephonic
Voluntary Settlement Conference:

A discussion among the disputing parties, their counsel, and facilitated by a judge, to explore options for settling a case before it proceeds to hearing. This event is closed to the public.

CB Senior


HMCS(FMF) ret.

I bet that Danni-boi melts down… female judge listening to the case. He won’t give up his license because “he knows the law”.

I wonder if one Randy Rosenblatt will be either their in person to provide evidence or if he already has. And I’m sure that some of our fellow TAHers have already provided statements to help in this matter.


Jonn: sh!t-hot! Good to hear about all three.

Now, if the MD courts will just declare a certain individual to be a “vexatious litigant” . . . .


“Bernath Bucks” I like it. Has a nice ring to it, and I’m sure it burns him to the soul when he thinks about you spending his money.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Danny Dollars would work as well….


Wickre Wampum?
😀 😀 😀


Doesn’t sound “Nordic” or “superior” enough. Try again. (smile)


Well Phildo does owe him about 40,000 beads.




Good for you. Spend every dime of it well.

I am a hold out! I have more loftier goals (as you and others know).

As of today, MCPO v. Bernath is still proceeding to trial.

That is all!

PS: Buy popcorn, plenty of popcorn.

A Proud Infidel®™

ENJOY you bucket of “Bernath Bucks” Jonn, you deserve it!!

jedipsycho (Certified Space Shuttle Door Gunner)

Well, Jonn, you owe me a new keyboard now. I’d like an ergonomic wireless model, please. 🙂


I wonder if anyone at that settlement conference might possibly speak the phrase “voluntary surrender of license”?



It needs to be stripped away!

He can voluntarily surrender his Sport Pilots license, virtually every airport and FOB in the country has him black listed!


MCPO: oh, I agree completely. But I’m thinking either side might float that idea as a possibility to avoid a long, drawn-out process.

Hopefully the CA Bar isn’t the one to raise the idea, and tells Danni-boi “Um, no” if he makes the offer.

A Proud Infidel®™

As I see it, having his license gives him a feeling of power, thus he will never voluntarily surrender it.


You could easily be right, PI. And I think you probably are. But the CA Bar might force the issue by giving him a “surrender the license voluntarily or be disbarred” choice.

While I personally think the guy is a major-league jerk, he just may be shrewd enough to cut his losses if he thinks he can’t win. Remember, he’s supposedly “retired” – and if I recall correctly, FL doesn’t recognize out-of-state law licenses, so he’d have to get licensed in FL to be a lawyer there. That may be hard to do if he’s been recently disbarred elsewhere.

That’s why I hope the CA Bar doesn’t give him that out.


How many times are they going to give him a chance before they just end this? The May hearing will be the third one scheduled.




Now if only the Fickle Finger of Fate would point out the Wotund Wanger, so he can reap his just desserts.

It’s coming, as sure as the sun rises in the East. Still practicing your doughnut curls, chubby?


The flying purple clown lives in Florida. He regularly gets drunk and sleeps on the sidewalk some place warm. There are many large and hungry alligators everywhere in Florida with small children to feed. I’m sure that someone will report finding a drumstick in a clown suit on the sidewalk some morning.

A Proud Infidel®™

I wonder how many times he has awakened with copious amounts of seagull poop all over him??


Life is good… well, nit for him.. but for the rest of us.. Yes, life is good.


Too bad it took law enforcement officials from a state other than your own to take interest in the illegal acts he perpetrated against you, Jonn. A real shame on them, actually. The good news is that this clown will finally be held accountable for his actions. Well, for some of his bad behavior.

Just an Old Dog

Perhaps Jonn can send a few dozen donuts to the Po-Po station that houses the ignoramuses who came out and took his guns based on the bullshit RO Birdbath put out.
Maybe attach a little note that the said donuts were bought with money attained from a lawsuit against the Shitbag Birdbath.
Might want to remind them that it’s only out of respect for competent LEOs that you didnt take them to court as well.

A Proud Infidel®™

Once it’s said and done, I hope he gets consecutive sentences instead of concurrent, that’ll keep him where he belongs much longer! If I’m correct, immigrant smuggling carries an 18 year sentence!


Jonn: SITREP, over?

On 5/5/15 you state, “…and Korfhage [arrested] on sexual assault charges….” and the photo caption states, “…Currently in Jail….” I can’t find anything else about him.

What’s the poop?


Green Thumb

This maggot is about to get what is coming to him.


I hope the guys in the Pen violently sexually assault James Deon Kofhage as if HE were a 17-year-old girl.


A relieved Family

I figured I would fill all of you in but Demon was sentenced yesterday to 20 YEARS IN PRISON PLUS 10 YEARS SUPERVISION! He was charged with statutory rape and having pictures of severely under aged girls in his phone! FINALLY we can rest and not have to check over our shoulders everyday! Thank all of you for showing the world what a piece of shit he is!!