Abandoned in Hell news

| April 22, 2015

Bill Albracht, the author and central figure in the book Abandoned in Hell, about his Vietnam War experiences during a few days in November, 1969, was on Fox and Friends the other morning. Here’s the interview, if you missed it;

If you haven’t read the book yet, shame on you, but there’s a documentary based on Bill Albracht’s experience as a young captain. I’ve already pre-ordered it at the link above. It will be delivered sometime around the first of next month.

Here’s the trailer for the documentary;

Category: Real Soldiers

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Just started reading it. I skimmed a few pages later in the book, to when they were neck-deep in the shit, and I had to tear myself away to go back to the start of the book.


The trailer gave me a OMG WTF DEEP IN THE SHIT Boner.
These guys have planetary sized balls.

jedipsycho (Certified Space Shuttle Door Gunner)

Balls which make a sound like the liberty bell.