Saturday links

| August 25, 2007

There’s just so many good writers out there saying all of the things I wish I’d written, I’m just putting up their links today.

COBDanny reminds me to take my meds before reading that he agrees with Dean on at least one thing.

Dadmanly puts President Bush’s speech last week into historical context and disputes NY Times interpretation.

At Flopping Aces, Curt blows a New York Times article about suicide rates in the military out of the water, while Todd Anthony reports that a Democrat turns the tables and calls for continued US presence in Iraq.

Republicanpundit at Hang Right Politics, twice, here and then here, disputes the history revision we’re experiencing now as the media takes up the torch for the Democrats to dispute their shameful participation in the murder, imprisonment and dislocation of millions in Southeast Asia.

Shiro-Korshid Forever (hat tip to Dreams Into Lightening) writes the most heart-swelling and heart-breaking post describing his journey into the final moments of the life of a recent victim of Iran’s Islamic Revolution.

Gateway Pundit reports that Iraqis in the US protested terrorism yesterday at the Saudi embassy – wonder why they chose the Saudis? Well, GP’ll tell you.

Noel Sheppard at Newsbusters warns “AP Spins Record Low Unemployment as Problem That Could Get Worse“.

Marc Masferrer at Uncommon Sense reminds us that while we’re waiting for word on Castro’s death (or the lack thereof) there are still living Cubans wasting away in his prisons.

Daniel at Venezuela News and Views explains Chavez’ plan to move the Venezuelan clock 30 minutes and his plan to rename the city of Caracas.

Kate at A Columbo-Americana’s Perspective reports that Chavez is dumping $6 million into Bolivia’s military and buying Russian transport planes despite food shortages and stunning poverty in Caracas.

Category: Foreign Policy, Hugo Chavez, Media, Politics, Society, Terror War

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