Oh Boy. Here We Go Again.

| April 9, 2015

Headline conveys the essence; the linked article gives more details. I’m guessing the guy can kiss that recent promotion goodbye, though.

Secret Service supervisor put on leave after assault allegation

Looks to me like the new Secret Service chief certainly has his work cut out for him playing clean-up.

But there’s also an old proverb: “A fish rots from the head.”  After his recent stunt with Congress following the last high-profile incident, one has to wonder if perhaps the Secret Service’s new boss might be part of the problem instead.

Category: "Teh Stoopid", "Your Tax Dollars At Work", WTF?

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It ain’t easy being a pimp.


I do inspections and investigations all of the time; when you have multiple problems from the same organization over a long period of time the only way I’ve seen it change is to clean house on ALL the leadership. Move them, retire them do something with them but get them out of the positions they are in now and don’t put them in charge of anything else. What a damn mess the Secret Service has become; tragic, especially for the line guys who are busting their humps doing the right thing day in and day out.

Sgt K

That’s what happens when you appoint ignorant, ass-kissing, sycophants to an office that they are woefully unprepared to handle.


Sgt K,
The article was about the Secret Service, not the guy they protect. 😀 😀

/duh, sarc

jedipsycho (Certified Space Shuttle Door Gunner)

Ouch, that one merits a visit to the burn clinic. 🙂


Strange that the Sex Crimes Unit of the D.C. police is the investigating unit. Why, one might think that the supervisor, after a party, decided that he could jump a female subordinate, just because he’s a supervisor.
Going over the stories about the Secret Service surfacing lately, it appears that the upper echelons are, indeed, rotten.

Dave Hardin

I am going with the odds here. The guy is leaving for a new job. Decides to take a shot at the hot co-worker. Askes her to go to the party with him.

So he ‘told her during the party that he was in love with her and wanted to have sex with her.’ She decides to leave the party with him go back to the office. He then ‘tried to kiss her and grabbed her arms when she resisted. Morales ultimately relented after a brief struggle’.

So the next day she tells her co-workers he ‘made unwanted advances toward her after they returned from a party’.

He is an idiot and she is a drama queen. Maybe they could have spared two other people in the world their bullshit and just hooked up.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Indeed when one desires to “do a little dance, make a little love” and it involves the workplace the lyrics should be altered slightly to “do a little dance, keep it in your pants”…

Too many of these fellows seem to miss the concept. Seen it in the private sector as well, company I worked for a few jobs ago was a nice family owned operation and the son of the owner had a great office with a shower in it…needless to say the shower was being used for more than cleaning up when his dad came in to announce the son’s wife was in the lobby looking for him…I happened to be upstairs with the dad at the time discussing another matter…talk about a fucking mess.


I wasn’t there, but…from what I have read…

He took a chance, maybe thought she was playing hard to get, and stopped when she insisted NO!

For this they need to involve the DC PD Sex Assault unit?! Really?

I’m sorry, but this has been blown all out of proportion. It could have been handled much better at a much lower level. This is a political reaction. He might lose his promo, but come on. A sex assault investigation?

Unless there is something else out there they’re not telling use, that is ridiculous.


He’s a Republican and she’s a democrat?

Make Mine Moxie

MustangCryppie, if you find that hard to believe, your head would explode if you knew the lengths we are required to go to in order to investigate sex assault allegations on Active Duty these days.

Dave Hardin

If every happily married couple in this country that met at work divorced my guess is there would be an awful lot of broken homes.

Maybe it was an oversight on the part of the author but I didnt read where she said “NO”. I might have missed where the article said, “The woman informed him she was not interested in him romantically or physically and yet he continued his advances.”

All too often the woman makes statemnts like, ‘I didnt want to hurt his feelings’ or ‘I was intimidated’. If someone makes an advance, be they he or she, and it is met with anything short of ‘Not interested’ they shouldn’t be shocked at additional attempts.

I agree with you, he should not have even attempted it. He is an idiot. Maybe she did say ‘no’, doesnt sound like it until the end.

How the hell does anyone know if their advance is ‘unwanted’ until they attempt one.

Let me be clear, grabbing someone in the process is not acceptable.

Pinto Nag

Since when did females suffer from hearing loss when it comes to sexual advances? He told her he was ‘in love with her and wanted to have sex with her.’ You know, if any of my bosses had ever said anything like that, particularly at a party, I would have pulled a Hank Snow and disappeared, instantly. Or, been prepared to be gotten alone and manhandled — because there is nothing about that sentence that is ambiguous as far as the man’s intentions went.

Dave Hardin

Ever since the ‘I have never had sex with that woman’ standard was set, its all so confusing. I have never looked at a Cigar the same way since then.

He was leaving and no longer her supervisor. He made his move and it doesnt sound like a smooth one.

My spousal unit had a client do the full court press last week. A pilot, had this whole world trip planned out, money, she wouldnt have to work, would do anythng for her, etc.

I sent him as text to see if he was Bi, the offer sounded so nice I was willing to give it a try.

I think she is still around here somewhere. Go to go, I have to make my own sandwich.

Pinto Nag



dave Hardin. My new hero. 🙂


Welcome to the club!

//not in a bi way 😉

Big Steve

Secret Service supervisor and naughty boy, Xavier Morales. I suspect affirmative action has struck again, and again with bad results.

Virtual Insanity

I wonder if, just maybe, he had received ONE MORE briefing, or ONE MORE online training scenario, explaining why he shouldn’t do that….

Green Thumb

It sounds like the current administration has brought in “Turd” Bolling and his crew from Ambassador Worldwide Protection Agency (both national and international).

I am just waiting on the attempted sexual assault charges, unsecured weapons violations, theft accusations, misrepresentation of experience and just common stupid.


Cut some slack, Jack! He was just wookin’ pa nub.

Dave Hardin

NOTICE – The humor contained in this post may not be appreciated by everyone. You might want to turn down the sound, me I would turn it up and let it blast but thats just the way I roll. Enjoy – — — – – — – —

Dave Hardin

Don’t bother with it, I already reported myself.


“Clarence Carter, Clarence Carter, Clarence Carter, ooooooohhh SHIT Clarence Carter!”

Love that song.