NSA Gate Shooting Gets . . . Weird

| April 1, 2015

We now have a bit more news about that NSA gate shooting the other day.  And it’s gotten a bit strange, to put it mildly.

The FBI has now identified the dead guy as “Ricky Shawatza Hall”.  He was the driver of the stolen car.  The passenger, who remains hospitalized, has not yet been publicly identified.

What’s a bit odd is the “rest of the story” that was released today.

The accounts you heard about the two guys being “cross-dressed”?  Yeah, they were correct.

Seems Hall and his “buddy” had been picked up in Baltimore earlier that day – or maybe the previous night – by a Baltimore resident. They then drove to a motel in nearby Elkridge to “party”, checking in at 7:30AM.

The two cross-dressers then apparently stole the guy’s car and left the area.  Unfortunately for them, they managed to screw up and ended up at the gate of the NSA compound at Fort Meade.

My guess is that the two crooks took a wrong turn after stealing the guy’s car, then freaked when they saw the police.  They then chose to ignore police instructions – picking precisely the wrong place to do that (NSA police do not play games).  They then compounded the error by try to run for it and ended up getting shot.

At this point,  it doesn’t look like terrorism had anything to do with the incident.  That it happened is unfortunate, but as the saying goes:  “Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.”

Fox News has a few more details. Check out this Fox News story if you’re interested.

Sometimes truth really is stranger than fiction.


Category: "Teh Stoopid", WTF?

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Carlton G. Long

The “Baltimore resident” who picked up these two trannies will never live this down if his identity is revealed.


Pretty sure whomever he lived with/next to already knows who he is…family too considering his car has been all over the news since this happened.
7:30 in the morning, checking into a hotel with two trannies to “party”… I am guessing they were not playing board games and pin the tail on the donkey.

Carlton G. Long

You’re probably right about that…he may be working on a “somebody stole my car, then somebody else stole it from that person” story.

The Other Whitey

Sounds like they were playing Pin The Tail On…never mind.


I was going to go there, but…


Maybe Twister ?????


Watch out for the hang downs.

A Proud Infidel®™

Next we’ll hear the ACLU bawling that drug-and-firearm-carrying trannies were “Profiled and discriminated against”. /sarc




ACLU Lawyer: Yer Honor, the NSA Police were stopping anyone trying to ram the gate, Thats profiling and thats wrong! Hands up don’t Squirt! I mean shoot.

Judge: GTF outta my courtroom and turn in your license to practice law on the way out.


They were probably on their way to a job fare at All Points Logistics and the GPS gave them the wrong turn. It sounds like a loss for Phil and the gang.




Given their proclivity for woman’s clothes, I’d guess that they were headed to their first day at FirsTech vice APL. Rumor has it that some XXL spandex was found in the back seat.

Delilah T.

It’s the ‘Dragnet’ theme music: dum de dum dum.

The movie title will be ‘Dumber and Dumbest of All’.


“Only the facts, ma’am.”

I think we’re both showing our age. 🙂


I don’t think I want any more of the facts in this case!

Dave Hardin

They were ‘Concealed Carrying’, this may set a new precedence for wieners as weapons. Any time I pick up a few Transvestites to party with I always secure my keys and wallet.

Never trust a Transvestite, they will turn on you in a heart beat.

Guard Bum

Warning, I almost hit the report post button on you. I am reading this on my iPhone in class (anatomy & physiology….yea I know I should be paying attention) but anyway, I kind of LOL and its awfully hard to explain to college kids it was about this guy…who posted about being careful when you pick up trannies…seriously! I’m still chuckling !!


Bahahahahahaha 🙂 🙂


“Never trust a Transvestite, they will turn on you in a heart beat.”

And pretty darn good in a fight too.

They had to do lots of that living the lifestyle they did.


Never forget that trannies are men also. They may whoop your a$$ and then make love to it.


I think the small heart-shaped tattoos on his cheek is just captivating!!



Never ever take that exit off the BW Parkway.


Somewhere Breanna Manning is weeping softly

AW1 Tim

Isn’t the NSA facility in Silver Springs?

Hmm…. 2 trannies and one guy. Stolen car. Hotel room. Party early AM. Silver Springs, MD.

I mean……. that place rings a bell, you know? Don’t we know someone from there? Weren’t they in the nws recently?



Laurel. Just off the BW Parkway.

But not THAT far from Silver Spring.

You might be on to something.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Confining their small male brain with a pair of women’s panties apparently cut off enough oxygen that they were no longer able to think with that component of their brain and failed to comprehend the imminent danger they had placed themselves in by their failure to comply.


I saw this on the news yesterday and I “almost” feel sorry for the person who’s car was stolen.
Imagine-you wake up after partying with a couple of trannies and they’re gone and so is your car. You call the cops to report it and the next thing you know, you see your car on the news all shot to hell and one of your party companions dead and the other in the hospital.
Odds are they did NOT stay in a Holiday Inn Express…..

Guard Bum

Stop it you guys…crap I am going to get kicked out of class!! Leave it to the Jarheads!!!! Funny as shit


I just HAD to click on that link…
Bad Thunder…

Veritas Omnia Vincit


Pinto Nag



I love it.


I wnnder if the car was an older model Jag? they do have plenty of room in the trunk so if you were careful you could pack a lot of shit back there


The Ford Escape did not escape.


Hope that was intentional!

Veritas Omnia Vincit

I saw what you did there….even if no one else did my friend…nicely done indeed.


Who me? :rolleyes



Now that’s a Darwin Award for you.


Beat me to it. Definitely Darwin Awards Nomination material.


The tinfoil hat side of me assumes that the NSA made up a cover story so stupid that it would be assumed that nobody would make that up. I’m not saying it was aliens–but it was aliens.


Actually, I was told in the Top Secret briefing that it was Snowden and Manning.

Pinto Nag

I have a bumpersticker that reads: “Never do anything you don’t want to explain to the paramedics.”

Here’s your sign!!


This just in from MSNBC. Another photo of the two gate crashers. Apparently they went overboard with the whole collagen injection thing. But then again, men…trying to be women, have to do all they can to make it work I guess. Parents…don’t let this happen to your daughters or…your sons…PLEASE!!!


B Woodman

“Momma, don’t let your babies grow up to be cowboys. . . ”
I’d rather they be cowboys than trannies.


B Woodman…Uh…Roger That Brother! Yippie ki-yay!!!

A Proud Infidel®™

I’m… ASSUMING that’s photoshop…



A Proud Infidel®™…Actually to my shock and yours, it’s real. Go figure.

Pinto Nag

Thanks Pinto Nag!


Ok. So…this is a movie stunt right? that viral marketing thing?

because this is totally a movie.

I mean where does flying into Baltimore, dressing up like ladies, stealing a car, and then ramming through the front gate of a most security facility in the US begin to be a good idea?

What is the decision process that goes into having a night like this?

I don’t know if I should just shake my head and ponder the stupidity of mankind

or sit and say “look at the balls on you, man.”


Boy! If that were the case, I can tell you that there would have been a LOT of homicidal NSA employees.

As it is, there were a LOT of pissed off NSA employees.

Parking there is horrendous on the best of days. It must have been non-existent when this happened.

I remember driving for an hour around the parking lot looking for a space. And it was so far away from the building I was going to I swear I needed a GPS to get there!


Usedta run shuttle buses from the far lots. There’s a reason why a whole lot of employees there start work at 6 – they can park within a few hundred yards.
Get there after 8 – you’re parking in Annapolis. Or at least Glen Burnie.


First time reporting to Meade, I used the wrong turnoff and wound up at the NSA gate. You aren’t kidding when you say the gate guards there don’t play; the uniform bought me exactly zero slack and they must have thought I was shifty or something (I was an E4, after all) and searched my vehicle before sending me on my merry.

Former 3364

I remember the days when Ft. Meade was an open post and anyone could drive right past the No Such Agency. I delivered many a Pizza out there back when I was in college (the first time) and you could drive up and park within 50 ft of the main building.

Pinto Nag

I remember when Ft. HARRISON was an open post. You not only could access it from the road, but the open range around it. 9/11 changed that, overnight.

God, I hate terrorists.

Silentium Est Aureum

5 Internets for the first person who gets the reference:

“You mean it gets WORSE?”

“It definitely gets different.”


Silentium Est Aureum…North Dallas Forty”.

Silentium Est Aureum


THIS…is what happens when you mess around with cross-dressers. You just never know…until it’s too late. *NSFW*




The two cross dressing occupants of the vehicle recently stopped at NSA gate are federal employees working at the newly formed DoD Office of “Snip it here, tuck it there and dose it up with hormones” of Transgenderred Integration and Transformation (TIT) Policy Group.

That is all I got!