The cult continues
Last month after the election The Onion did a video about how Obama-bots were wandering around aimlessly after nearly two years of pushing Obama on everyone. It seems the parody wasn’t far-off. The Obama folks are still trying to de-compress, i guess, because I got this email last night about Obama house meetings;
I guess he figures he’s going to need those drooling morons to vote for him again in 2012, so he can’t let them stray too far or they might start looking at his administration with a critical eye and actually expect him to do something besides talk.
Category: Politics
Nope. They are setting up for the push for the health care legislation and immigration legislation. Tom Daschle in particular has big plans for that health care legislation, and they intend to have a “popular campaign” to support it.
I wonder how many of those 533,000 people who became unemployed last month were part of the Obama-bots.
What would those “next steps” be? Valerie tells me part of it is to push health care “reform.” Heaven help us.
As P.J. O’Rourke said, “If you think health care is expensive now, just wait until it’s free.”