Tuesday with Claymore
Hey, let’s cherry pick a story from 2013!
First they came for Jon Stewart…
Cruz past me at your own peril
Apparently those “solutions” involve taking your money.
Oil was a pretense…it was really about selling ammo.
So declaring “death to the US” isn’t the crazy part?
I, for one, welcome our titanium overlords.
You say “success” like it’s a good thing.
Civil War II: Electoral Boogaloo
She’s made them an offer they can’t refuse
DUmbasses….they know us all so well.
Obamacare may get a headshot from a Kennedy
Haven’t seen a “Let It Happen On Purpose” thread in a while. Make it so.
Zionists are in control of the government, and all I got was a lousy t-shirt
Wait, wasn’t this the gang who said you had to Federalize to Professionalize?
Maybe you should just send her an email?
From the “No Sh*t Sherlock” file.
WH pissed that the Israelis leaked nuke deal details before they could
Category: Tuesdays with Claymore
Good G**! How DO you DO it?
I could only get through a small part of Rangling with the Draft before I had to surrender. Teh Stoopid is strong with these.
The most disturbing thing I saw today was this quote from the MSNBC thread (First they came for Jon Stewart… )
“I currently get my news from either AlJazeera or LinkTV…”
Al Jazeera?
All I keep thinking about are the men and women who died so these oxygen thieves can sit around posting this crap.
I did find the birther stuff amusing…
I’m interested to see if the white guy born in Canada to a non US Father and American mother gets the same level of scrutiny as the black guy born in Hawaii to a non US Father and an American mother did….I’m betting the answer is probably no, but let’s see where Mr. Tate lands on the issue.
Birthers deserve all the ridicule they get if Cruz gets a pass, it will appear to everyone that their concern was race based and not birth based…
Also don’t forget McCain was born in the Canal Zone, and his citizenship was questioned as well.
Indeed folks don’t seem to understand the natural born citizen concept…not that it’s really all that hard to figure out.
Would it shock you to learn that the Birther movement has roots with the 2008 Shrillary campaign?
I had read that previously, I was not surprised. Orly and company really ran with it though…it became, as you know, quite stupid and really painted those playing at it as racist idiots.
It’s too bad the source of it could not be tainted as well, but apparently Teflon Willie also works as Teflon Hilly…
VoV, I missed that last sentence earlier.
I’m not sure how much racism is involved with birtherism as much as a refusal to face reality. Birthers cling to their myth in the same way Democrats did to the “elected, not selected” myth about Dubya in 2000. They just could not accept the fact that their opponent won the election.
Well, Ted Cruz is finished. DU pronounced him DOA. No chance. Not now. Not ever.
It remains to be seen if he can actually get his potential vote count out of the single digit range…a poll a week ago put him winning less votes than “none/no one” and only a point above “no opinion”
I love the guy–as much as anyone can love a politician, that is. It’s early but, I believe, much of the country will appreciate his message.
I have this fantasy…no, not that one or the other one. This one is clean. It goes like this: I learn who each of the morons at DU is and they obediently respond to my call for them to appear in a particular location at the same time. That’s as much as I can reveal under the new operating rules.
Also be on the lookout for remarks referring to Cruz as a “white Hispanic.”