Boston opposes death penalty for marathon bomber

| March 24, 2015


This is not my surprised face. They sent Ted Kennedy to the Senate for forty years after he murdered Mary Jo Kopechne, they sent John Kerry to the Senate for decades after he murdered the pronunciation of Genghis Khan, they’ve sent Elizabeth Warren to the Senate after she murdered the sense of what is truth, now they don’t want to send Dzhokhar Tsarnaev to Death Row. Boston residents oppose executing the Boston Marathon bomber;

The survey conducted for WBUR, Boston’s NPR station, found that most Boston residents polled — 62 percent — said Tsarnaev should be sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole if convicted. Twenty-seven percent said he should receive the death penalty.

I guess that’s what makes them better than the rest of us.

This is not the first survey to suggest Boston residents prefer a life sentence for Tsarnaev. A September 2013 Boston Globe poll found that 57 percent of Boston residents favored sentencing Tsarnaev to life without parole over the death penalty for his role in the attacks.

But the WBUR poll is the first conducted since Judy Clarke, Tsarnaev’s attorney, admitted her client’s role in the bombings. “It was him,” Clarke said in her opening statement earlier this month.

Maybe they’re hoping that they can send him to the Senate.

Category: Crime

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The term “Massholes” for some reason just came to mind . . . .

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Easy now, not all of us are in agreement with this concept.

Come a little west of Boston and conduct the same poll in the hilltowns of the Berkshires or anywhere west of the Connecticut River…we’re a bit more conservative in this part of the state and nobody I know thinks the little bastard should be stealing oxygen for any longer than it takes to convict his murderous little punk ass.


Well . . . how about “Bassholes”, then?

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Sounds good to me, although when it comes to driving the entire state is pretty much Massholes so we own that moniker for the appropriate reasons….

ASH ole

Or even a little North of Boston. NPR sure did not ask me and probably no one who was there.


Well, there is the problem right there… It was an NPR Poll, and about the only people who listen to WBUR and NPR are the “enlightened souls” who reside in the Peoples Republic of Cambridge, and outlying enclaves of Socilist.
The overwhelming sentiment I have seen expressed when this matter has been discussed on local News Stations facebook pages, the results were overwhelmingly in favor of executing the son of a bitch, right on Boston Common.

Civilian She

Exactly my reaction rb. Scan any news report of him and/or the victims and you will see the opposite, especially on more conservative leaning sites such as FoxBoston. Any discussion that I have seen also includes those who wish to remove him of his Constitutional rights to a fair trial and just slaughter him. Heck even the Salem witches received trials (fair is questionable) before they were subjected to the dunking stool, hung, or burned at the stake.


No one was burned at Salem. Those accused and sentenced were hung on the gallows or pressed to death – 2, I think were pressed.

But that would be fitting punishment for someone follows a religion that believes in medieval executions – after an appropriate appeal, of course.

ASH ole

And it was in present day Danvers


Indeed, what’s 62% of 15?


Off the top of my head, somewhere around 8, I think.


UpNorth: that would be 9.3.

I’m still wondering how old the “0.3” respondent must have been to only count as 3/10 of a person. (smile)


I’m a Starbucks swilling musician in the military, my math is expected to be ass-tier.


This is my cynical face. 😛

He needs to be dealt with quickly and then forgotten as anyone other than the murdering thug he was.


I’ve got your cynical face and I’ll raise you one-maybe UC Berkeley will name a building after the bomber…

Virtual Insanity

L Taylor inbound to scold in 5…4…3…2…1…


He’s too busy wearing out the new button we have.


If a dog kills some one, it is put down. [wink wink] [nudge nudge] KnowWhatImean?


I’m the closest thing to a rational hippie progressive douchenozzle this site has; and _I_ want this piece of shit dragged out back and shot. It costs WAY less for the bullet and the shed to shoot him behind than it does to imprison him, and while I do enjoy the taste of leaving someone to rot and stew on the knowledge of what they’ve done, and let nature take its course with a leather belt or a length of sheets, that just ain’t fast enough for this little wankstain.


Speaking of bullets – did the guy whose boat was shot to shit (and the target still survived) ever get a new boat?


Shit, I hope so.


Why? Isn’t Boston Harbor still frozen over? (smile)


People took up a collection and got him a new one.

Pinto Nag

Why didn’t the police department pay for it? They’re the ones who shot it up!


All you have to see is NPR and you know the reaction. Even my calm and caring wife wants him executed. I agree with VOV and rb325th, hell get outside the 495 belt and you will find 99% want him to get a “Black Jack Pershing”. I never voted for Kennedy, Kerry or Fauxahontas.


Just put him out in General Population.
A Snickers and half a pack of Marlboros to the ‘right’ person would solve the problem of a life sentence….


Just put Bateman in charge of protecting him. We know how that works out.


Can’t use cigarettes anymore. Mass Prisons are all Smoke Free!!!

C B Senior

Fed rap. He will be transfered after conviction.

Probably to Colorado. The special level.


Ah, forgot that!


It is sub-lingual suboxone and stamps now


One view might be that execution is too good for him, & that he deserves to “enjoy” all that prison life has to offer. I truly doubt he would be on the state’s tab for too long. I agree with “Stacy0311”..put him in General Population.


This way they can still supply government funds to them like they did previously. Fucking hippies.


Fortunately, the Judge and Jury don’t need to go by the FEEWING from a biased survey of Leftist Libtard NPR listeners. They need to go by the LAW. And apply the maximum penalty.

2/17 Air Cav

‘“It was him,”’ Clarke said in her opening statement earlier this month.”

It is he. Pronouns following any form of to be take the nominative case. So, this means she twice took the wrong case, I guess.

I don’t know whether it is better to rot in prison or be dead. I really don’t. And, as best I can tell, there has been no survey of executed prisoners on this.

Pinto Nag

For what we’ll spend per year to support him, we could easily fund some promising college student. We need to stop wasting money on people being kept in cages for the rest of their lives. Put him down.


I live in the Boston ‘burbs and, like a lot of people, knew someone at the Marathon that day. A lot of us were sweating it for a few hours, since he hangs out a hotel bar very close to the finish line. Luckily he left early. These are Federal charges, so the death penalty is definitely a possibility. Getting it I’m not sure about. I will not be surprised if he gets life without parole and spends the rest of his miserable days at the Florence SuperMax. I’m somewhat OK with it because, unlike MA, at the Federal level I think life without parole means just that.

Common Sense

I think the families of those who died, and those who lost limbs and have other serious injuries should determine punishment.


Good idea.


“they sent John Kerry to the Senate for decades after he murdered the pronunciation of Genghis Khan”

Literally snorted when I read that.


Now, now – y’all cut ol’ Lurch some slack on that. He was just having a flashback moment.

He made that remark while mentally reliving his Navy liberty days in Bangkok with the famous Khan twins – Jeannette and Giselle. Or “Jen” and “Gis” for short. (smile)