John Hines and George Carr; twin wankers
One of our fans from Australia sent us the above picture of these fellows, John Hines and George Carr, who happen to be twins and our fan called them “twin wankers” who showed up in their finery on ANZAC day, April 25, 2012. From the Daily Telegraph;
The pair were charged by Queensland police with falsely representing to be a returned soldier, sailor or airman and improper use of service decorations under the Defence Act of 1903.
Police are expected to allege John Hines and George Carr marched alongside veteran SAS soldiers at this year’s Anzac Parade in Brisbane.
A member of the public is believed to have complained after the men were photographed displaying the medals.
Their defense of their fakery echoes some of our own. From the Brisbane Times;
John Hines, 68, told he and his brother would fight the charges and he was recruited to a specialist unit called Military Assessment Surveillance Keep in the 1960s, after first signing up to Citizen Military Forces.
Mr Hines said the secretive nature of the unit was the reason he did not show up on any standard Australian Army rolls.
He said he carried out surveillance with MASK in more than 20 countries including Vietnam, Borneo, Mozambique, Cambodia, Nigeria and Thailand.
As part of his duties, Mr Hines said he carried out surveillance at Cheviot Beach, where former prime minister Harold Holt disappeared, and watched Mr Holt himself at the Lodge in the weeks before he was lost in the ocean.
“I wasn’t really comfortable with doing surveillance on the Prime Minister but those were my orders,” he said.
Mr Hines said his brother had served in Vietnam twice “that I know off”.
In 2013, the brothers were fined according to ABC News;
Brisbane Magistrate John McGrath today found George Edward Carr guilty of falsely representing to be a returned soldier and improperly using medals.
Mr McGrath noted that Carr, 69, had dishonoured servicemen and women who did not make it home from war.
He said Carr had also caused offence to defence personnel and their families.
The court was told Carr’s records showed he never served abroad and was not part of any top secret military missions for which he would have been awarded medals.
No explanation was offered as to why a pair of twins would have different surnames. Our friends at Australia and New Zealand Military Imposters (ANZMI) have their records.
Category: Phony soldiers
Oz seems to have a pretty good handle on SV.
And to think .. they have mandatory voting!
Socialist Scum!
You conveniently don’t mention the fact that they also have laws that dramatically restrict freedom of speech, too.
“If the government is big enough to give you everything you want, it is big enough to take away everything you have.”
Love that quote, Hondo. gonna steal it
Thanks, Smitty – but I’m not the originator. That honor goes to the late POTUS Gerald Ford. The above is his 1960 version of the quote.
Ford used a very similar quote his address to a Joint Session of Congress on 12 August 1974, and was actually the one I meant to use:
“A government big enough to give you everything you want is a government big enough to take from you everything you have.”
Similar quotes from the early/mid 1950s exist which are attributed to multiple authors – Paul Harvey among them.
I don’t know if it came from the esteemed Governor of Wisconsin many years ago, Tommy Thompson, but he also had a good quote.
It came from the head of the Wisconsin version of the IRS as his last official duties when he mouthed off saying, “We’ve got what it takes to take what you’ve got.”
He was fired by Tommy Thompson the next day.
He was a good governor.
Good job sport, picking up Commissar’s slack.
IF they were “surveillaning” the Prime Minister, they failed.
Lying turds are not unique to the US…it’s good to be reminded of that on occasion.
Shitbags in pairs or trios seems to be theme these days…as though two liars can corroborate each other’s bullshit….
What a pair. But why did I think of pickles when reading the name of twin known as “John Hines?”
Because their Duncan Heinz shit is irrelevant.
They seem to go by the same valor thieves’ playbook in Australia, too. “Secretive nature of the unit”, indeed!
And if they’re twins, why are they not the same age? Hines is 68, and Carr is 69?
One of them was still in the Petri dish.
(Spew alert.)
Actually they were both born in 68, but the dingo didn’t return Carr until 69.
After close examination of the photo above, I have come to the absolute conclusion that the pair (and or at least the bloke on the left) is (are) TOTALLY LEGIT!
Everyone knows that tactical pants with cargo pockets centered on the front of the thighs are highly effective tools, very comforatble and carry massive amounts of classified surveillance gear for use during MASK operations.
So, for all you “nay sayers” out there, do your research before slamming these hero Aussies!
I think it’s nice that they found each other at last. It’s said the people tend to marry someone they look a lot like.
Wanker crankers, indeed.
Ex-PH2, do you suppose that dressing up in their faux finery and telling their tales of derring-do get’s them so excited that they become Wanker Yankers?
Anything in the land of Oz is possible, Poetrooper.
The last time I was in England (1979), during breakfast at my hotel, I ran into a pair of Australian girls who were there looking for boyfriends. I asked them what was wrong with the men at home, and their response was that they were all ‘bent’.
“Once two folly MASK men vamped beside a billabong…”
Oz, you say? (smile)
“Tie the Wanker-twins down, Sport,
Tie the Wanker-twins down
Don’t let ’em wander around, Sport,
Tie the Wanker-twins down.”
^ ^ ^
It appears All-Points Logistics is opening an Australian office.
And yet, again, Green Thumb beat me to the punch. I blame it on my self-imposed blackout from commenting at work. I would not want the Not An Honorary CPO to have NCIS come into the SCIF and drag me outside to the waiting firing squad.
Look at the pic. Is that large camel toe or seam? I really can’t tell.
I like the rappelling rope he has wrapped over his shoulder.
Actually, now that I look more closely, I think it may be that their butt cracks go all the way around.
(possible spew alert. you have been warned)
Are these “twins” mutual self-supporting members of the Aussie branch of the Dutch Rudder Club?
I would be curious to know if each turd knows the other turd is a fake.
Perhaps it would be better to use the phrase “humor warning” (or equivalent) vice “spew alert” when making a joke referring to the Dutch Rudder Club. (smile)
What’s a secret squirrel in Australia? A secret koala?
Secret Wannabe. ….. or is that “wallaby”?
Nope. Secret glider. Here’s a photo.
There are several species. The one pictured above is the sugar glider. (smile)
Was the OIC Matt Trakker?
Twin knob gobblers. Wonderful.
I remember these clowns on the news from Anzac Day a few years back.
If you want to see something amazing, do a Youtube/Google search on Hines and have a look/read of one of his interviews.
I reckon that bloke straight up believes his own bullshit.
I wonder if the turd on the left has a “Phildo” in his cargo pocket?