Saturday Morning Feel Good Stories

| February 28, 2015

Our first story this morning comes from Florida;

According to deputies, four people were sleeping inside of that house–a man, his girlfriend, her 30-year-old son and 14-year-old daughter.

The suspect, according to police, managed to get into the fenced-in backyard, burglarized the shed, and then tried to get into the home–that’s when the homeowner woke up.

“He heard noises in the backyard, armed himself as he has the right to do and went to the backyard, confronted the suspect who is now dead,” Keyla Concepcion with BSO said.

Detectives say the homeowner pulled out a gun and ended up shooting the alleged burglar.

The next brief story comes from New York;

The exact details are unknown, but it appears that a man stabbed the gas station worker, who then shot the robber.

Arriving officers found a 48-year-old male Yonkers resident with multiple stab wounds to his torso, and a second male, approximately 18 years of age, with two gunshot wounds to his torso. Both were transported to a trauma center in the Bronx. At last report, both were in surgery.

At this point, it is unclear if the altercation was a robbery or some sort of dispute.

The next story comes from Sarah Palin country, in Alaska;

“I walk in there and there was this guy sitting there at my desk dressed in camouflage with a cap pulled own over his eyes,” [

Charles] Hayes said. “It was the creepiest sight.”

Hayes had a few sharp words for the man, who replied that he didn’t want any trouble. The man was holding one of Hayes’ pistols and had it pointed at him.

In addition to his work as a philosopher, Hayes has police training from his days as a beat cop in Dallas in the mid-1960s.

“I ran as fast as I could into the bedroom and grabbed the pump shotgun that I keep in the corner,” Hayes said.

Meanwhile, the man opened Hayes’ garage door and ran outside. Hayes caught up with him. The man swung around and again pointed the pistol at Hayes.

“I leveled the shotgun on him and told him I was going to blow him to pieces and to drop the gun,” Hayes said. “He didn’t have too many more times I would have shot him.”

The man put the gun down. He said he was going to run. Hayes told the man he’d shoot if he did.

He said he was kind of bluffing and he kind of wasn’t. The shotgun had stood so long in the corner he’d actually forgotten which button to push to free it up so you can rack a shell into the chamber. As he tried to figure that out with one hand, with the other he called 911. His conversation with dispatchers ran simultaneous to his conversation with the intruder.

“They’re hearing me tell this guy I’m going to shoot him and they’re saying, ‘Don’t shoot!’” Hayes recalled.

That’s about when troopers arrived. Hayes said he was lucky there was one just a mile away. The trooper arrested the burglar.

Thanks to Chief Tango for the links.

Category: Feel Good Stories

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Police Training as a beat cop in Dallas wasn’t enough for him to remember how his own shotgun worked? Uh…..why even bring it up?


I thought you couldn’t have guns in NYC. I mean, I know Yonkers is one of the boroughs, but still….


Actually, no. While Yonkers is part of the overall NYC metro area (which includes a big chunk of Long Island, much of north Jersey, a part of southern NY state on the mainland, and a part of SW CT), it’s not a part of NYC. It’s a separate city in its own right – the 4th largest in NY, to be precise.

B Woodman

I wonder if the Alaska police had to put down a plastic sheet on the seat before putting the perp on the back seat?

One for three, fair odds.

Florida is a more peaceful place, beginning now.