Paul Palmer Wickre; can’t sell crazy here

| February 28, 2015

I stuck this to the top of the blog for a day on the off-chance that there’s a law enforcement officer who finds these threats interesting.

So I made this fun little video last night using Paul Kevin Wickre’s voice mail that he left me between calls to my wife’s cell phone.

I guess he’s copping to the murders in Philadelphia the other night. I should probably call the Philly cops and help them solve those crimes.

Now, keep in mind that we haven’t mentioned him in months, but seein’s how we all live in that crowded tiny mind of his, putting our feet on the furniture, breaking the lock on the liquor cabinet and leaving all of the lights on, dancing until dawn, we can only expect him to bang on the ceiling with his broom handle sometimes.
Submitted on 2015/02/23 at 11:10 pm

Hey Hackstone, I am a woman and wil get the better of you. I am going to show up at your biker meet, and have weapons and shoot you through the chest, and kill you, on the spot. Look over your shoulder Glory Boy. The 22nd Street Gang sold you out. Otherwise we will gun you down on the way to you mothers.

Hack Stone will be at a Bikers Club on the 6100 block of Market street between 9:00 pm and midnight on Wednesday night

YOu have days to live and I will be there personally to kill you at your public housing project

Submitted on 2015/02/06 at 9:35 pm

Hackstone Mouthy enemy number #1


North Philadelphia, with a #215 area code. Turned in on a bounty.

Pix and physical address in hand

Did you think you would speak all those words and just live your life??

You attacked myself and family. You are nothing but a Criminal vet, a low life scum. You are a predator that thought you could hide on a blog.

Little girl it is all coming back to you in your address.

The lowest of lows, you will pay a heavy price for your written outbursts.

Now located, that should send a shiver up your spine. Look out the window on the weekend for the black Suburbans

I bet when we see you up close and personal and pick you up, in the Philly area, after a bit, you cry like a little girl, after you get the payback. Forget about your PC, you can expect 6 months or more in the hospital. Get used to drinking through straws, after your molars are pulled with pliers.

Best Wishes

After you, we are homing in on ChipNasa on the Space Coast. Just need a property record to validate to make sure the right guy. Don’t wnat an innocent to go through the castration and your severed testicles forced into your piehole.

Sleep well scum, low lifes, and slugs. You will live in 2015 looking over your shoulder.

Date: Monday, February 23, 2015
Subject: M17- Haploid genes
To: Mark Seavey, Jonn Lilyea

Suggest you back up and think about your choices in life

I protect my wife against your evil. Suggest you protect yours against the price you will pay for stalking my family, my dead mother, and my relatives. I am going to give you one last chance to atone for your evil.

My families images, defecating on her grave, urinating, making fun, posting pictures of my dead relatives, accosting my wife, calling reporters, attacking our livelihood, upsetting our family, Sex with the dead, Trying to undremine me, mocking, selfish words,ugly images, horrific attacks on my name and families name, beating up on my dead Father, and my living relatives.

There is no lawyer cleverness or thought here. I want you to look at the attached picture. If that holds any value, you will stop, shut up and Lilyea will take down everything .

If not this will become just a picture and you will state and feel ” My God, My god, what have I done”.

18 months and 10 years more. You have no idea what you stirred up by ruthlessly attacking my wife and myself from your unbrideled wickedness, And so you shall be repaid.


Your next diaper boy. We got your VA records and you are incontinent. Keep your guns your crapping in your pants as you lose muscle control. That is not it, we will chase down all our phone records as we have and knock on every apartment. Soon you will get no answer to your calls as you created this horrific state for your self, You and your Spic wife.

Yeah, that’s just a smattering of the crazy we get almost everyday.

Just a note, Paul, all of this dirt that we get on you…it comes from your “friends”, they line up to screw you right in your ample ass. All of those people who used to do business with you, they don’t like you either. That’s why they block you on their email accounts and their business phones. You can’t sell that crazy any more. No one is buying it.

It’s all because you started calling my wife, my daughter and my wife’s friends. It’s all because you thought we were going to be little chicken shits and run away from the big fat bully. Because you thought making money off of phony SEAL Phil Monkress by taking down this blog was going to be a breeze…easiest money ever, huh?

Um, Paul, how does my ass taste?


He also called my wife, and has sent me a series of threatening emails, challenging the police to do anything etc. Here is the email I received last night taking credit for the kills:

Subject: Tah Speakers
From: Paul Wickre Sent: 10:19pm, Friday, February 27, 2015
To: Mark Seavey ,Jonn Lilyea

“”””””2311 W Jefferson Street, Philadelphia, PA 19121

Word on the street is Hack Stone got a warning from the shootings””””””

This is from my investigators- the girl shot was a dealer for Hackstone

My agents shot the girl, with malice and we are going to the 15th floor in the public housing Unit and we are are going to shoot Hackstone

And there is nothing you can do about it, or prove.

Thanks to Jonn Lilyeas admission, we are going after the others. There is nothing you can do nor prove.

Chip NASA is going to wind up in a warehouse in FL, ductaped, and have his testicles tied in his mouth and there is nothing you can do to prevent it. PH-2 will get hers n NH.

Cripple, I found your relatives, and there is nothing you can do.

I have a book deal and Mason cant stop it, as to our words or actions.


Paul K Wickre
VP DHS Business Development

FirstTech, Inc.
6915 Wilson Lane
Bethesda, MD 20817

O 301.320.0626
C 301.785.2358

I forwarded it to the police of course. As I do every single email he gives me. He also, in addition to calling Jonn’s wife a “spic” made a comment about the “nigs” who live in Hack Stones community. And more on how he was financing the Reform Candidate for National Commander of the American Legion. This would be who I want running my campaign.

Oh, and another:

Paul Wickre
11:32 PM (9 hours ago)

to Jonn, me
You are all going to the TIP of the spear as I see it and there is nothing you can do about it but suffer the devils death as you preyed on my family for 18 months.

Did you think it was humerous? Do you think anyone will rescue you? Your apartments are going to look like Sharon Tate and Leno RoseMary LebLanca, for your attacking of my chaste wife, my livelihood, ability to earn a wage and be left alone. Since you are so foolish and cant stop your attacks on my wife and I , you will wind up like La-Blanca -Tate as to your 100 filthy soldiers that attacked me. All you know is pressure and force and retribution.

YOu Stop and leave me alone and my buisness and my wifes career or I will turn your living space onto Tate-La-Blanca. Tormenting me for 18 months, attacking my foreberaers, attacking my wifes career, attacking my manhood, calling my church, reprehensibaly attacking my foreberaers, smearing my sister, putting up pictures to torment my every day of my dead realaives, calling on your troops to defecate on my parents graves, and all of it way beyond any sensibility you fucking animals. I wont take it any more.

I swear to God now that I have all your addreses, and that you have violated every sensibility or moral or ethic I ever knew or learned, This is where it stands.

I will put such pressure on you, as you cannot stand,. I will take your unborn, slit it from the belly and stuff it down your mouth. You dont understand any other thing but brutal force, as you have attacked my essence.

AS to Jimmy Fitch, Tom Stallone and all our confederates, I will gun them down, break there knees and end there lives.

I do not care what you do, I am going to aquire the means and ways and destroy ay living thing you care about, up close with viscera, while you watch.

You take down that every mean word on the Internet, else I come and take you , your families and your unborne, cut them to ribbons, make you watch, use your guns and slay you on hthe spot. You leave me and my maily alone or I will murderoulsly slay you on the spot in WV and Indiana and make your family watch as to the worst of imagination.

I will bring my 120 pound dogs to eat your intestines and force your family to watch. I will use machetes, blowtorcehes and give you pain unimaginable. I will kill you on the spot after 48 hours of ductaped torture.

I am going to give you one day for your torment of me, to end , and then i am going to cash in my chips, get on the road, find you at work, find you anywhere, and cruelly and murederoulsly slit your family from anus to mouth.

You take down that Paul.Wickre. com as cruel or I will blow Lilyeas wife away, with shotguns. You stop talking about me and my wife and if not I will seek out your Caroline and cut her up into fish food.

Take everything down tomoroow or you can expect the Tate- La-Bainaca blood over all you r wals wherever you live. You leave me alone and never come back. I will kill you and our progeny.

Dont you ever mention my name again , Wickre, or I will appear and shotgun your colleagues

You respond to noting but pain, I will kill you for attacking my family for two years.

And more:

Paul Wickre
12:43 AM (8 hours ago)

to me
I am on I-70W heading your way. I will get on I -74, then _68W- To US 35 W.

I am lethal and on the way. Lets see what you can do= Hacksotne is dead Shot in N Philly. My operatives killed Julie Wier tonight, in Huntsville– Marley was out of the Apartment. Could not find Chip Nasa but killed his sister in Merrit Island FL.

Lilyeas Sister Martha was garroted in College Park. MD.

I have an unedependable assassin into NH to silence PH-2. Told him to strangle her as best in hr apartment over the bar.

The rest I will find. I have your cell Phone and the trinagulation.

I will call when I get to Columbus. You can forget about Mason. His daughters vanished in MD. Jared took them up to Points Rock for some fun. Colds as it is, I think he is gangraping them.


This is Your INternet and horror. YOu are the Cause.

Whewn we see you at your door, there wil be four of us in Kevlar, and a 8″ steel Ram. Right through the door and upstairs, YOu can recognize me as 300 poiunds and with the machete. I wnat you to remember all the cruelty you lashed out from your hood and squad. I wnat Caroline to see it in her trimester, to learn about you. CAll her ever you wnat, ther is about 1400 pounds of bail agaents busintg in and vigourous.

Se you about 6 am right up yuur stairs.. I will fillet her like fish.

SHold have taken down all those filthy posts about me, my wife nad fmaily,


Just so you can see his other racist comment, this is from him disguised as Elaine Ricci:

Elaine Ricci
Submitted on 2015/02/26 at 1:11 am
I dont know what you are talking about but i do know you live in a public housing project have rooster hair, are involved with gangs, are nothing and broke in to a PHA project with many nigs, apparently imported from Detroit to make the whole place a live.
Broke poor ugly, hanging with gangs and bikers. A rap sheet and unemployed but for the car wash and gang money.
See the pix we sent up. no need for humor, you are in the bile of the boat, and are nothing. Dont write dont talk you have nothing of merit.
to convey.

Category: Shitbags

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Roger in Republic

Seriously? If someone that moon barking crazy was driving up my driveway, I would shoot him till I was out of bullets. And believe me when I say “I have LOTS of bullets”. I would take his threats very seriously.


Looks like old fucknut quit drinking his Thorazine and Milwaukee’s Best cocktails. I know he’s been told a million times that even if Jonn removed the posts, they’d live on ’cause the intertubes doesn’t forget.

Paul K. Wickre, produce Elaine’s body or have her come forward in public. Her family is very concerned.


Lewis Burwell

This guy comes off as being dumber than my socks. “Somebody dared to point out the stupid and illegal stuff that I did, so I’m going to blame them for the consequences of my piss-poor judgement.” Brilliant!


Wickre, Wickre, Wickre, Wickre, Wickre, Wickre, Wickre, Wickre, Wickre, Wickre, Wickre, Wickre, Wickre, Wickre, Wickre, Wickre, Wickre, Wickre, Wickre, Wickre, Wickre, Wickre, Wickre, Wickre, Wickre, Wickre, Wickre, Wickre, Wickre, Wickre, Wickre, Wickre, Wickre, Wickre, Wickre, Wickre, Wickre, Wickre, Wickre, Wickre, Wickre, Wickre, Wickre, Wickre, Wickre, Wickre, Wickre, Wickre, Wickre, Wickre, Wickre, Wickre, Wickre, Wickre, Wickre, Wickre, Wickre, Wickre, Wickre, Wickre, Wickre, Wickre, Wickre, Wickre, Wickre, Wickre, Wickre, Wickre, Wickre, Wickre, Wickre, Wickre, Wickre, Wickre, Wickre, Wickre, Wickre, Wickre, Wickre, Wickre, Wickre

Think that’s enough to get his attention? I figure, since the murder train is rolling, may as well make it come to the big beach with no ocean.

Hey Wickre you fucking spineless pussy, why don’t you come to where I am with your shotgun and see what happens? I’ll bet my next sizeable paycheck that this castrated fuckstain won’t fucking show up where I work.

Fuck you Wickre

Mark Lauer

The more he writes, the less impressed I am. I wonder if he even realizes how NOT scary he is?



If we are measured by our enemies….sad to say guys you aren’t ranking very high. But on the crazy charts? Wow.

And who/what is hackstone

But I have to say I’m kind of jealous. The closest I get to harassment is the emails I get from Russian chicks who want to date me.

I mean it’s real right? They really like me….right?


Hackstone is one of our esteemed regulars here at TAH.

Hack Stone

I consider myself to be slightly irregular. And don’t forget that I updated my FaceBook page to reflect my status as Director of Media Relations for FirsTech Solutions. I was the one that came up with the FirsTech Solutions motto. “FirsTech Solutions; Selling Overpriced Software To The Federal Government Since July”.


Hack, you are a trouble maker that trolls the internet looking for bat shit crazy loons to poke with pointy sticks. Much like the old days. Which is funnier than shit! I keep waiting for the local news clip where the nice men in white came to take him away, or his liver spontaneously combusted. I think you have personally caused his rubbing alcohol intake to go up by at least 10 percent, with the associated hilarious hallucinations and ass-fuckery.

Hack Stone

I am having as much fun living inside Paul’s head as I did fucking with Cpl. Harless when we were up at Fuji. Do you remember me moving his wall locker. I still get plenty of laughs telling that story.

Dave Hardin

I can neither confirm nor deny the existence of Hack Stone. But, if there was one, Hack Stone would be the nemesis of the one who’s name we do not mention.

I hear he is Spartacus, I have reasonably good intel that he is not Al Gore.


I also have it on good authority he is not Scott Thorson, even though in his picture he looks like him!

Hack Stone

I had no idea who Scott Thorson is/was, but thanks to Al Gore inventing the innertubes, I am now up to speed. If you look at Hack’s previous profile, prior to that major reconstructive surgery, he bore an uncanny resemblance to Frank Stallone.


They do like you, really they do!

Dave Hardin

Yawn, nothing like a fat twink acting pissy cause he cant get some dick.

Hey fat man, dont forget I live just down the road from TSO, I have been laughing at your ass for a year now dont I even get an honorable mention?



psulie-o the uncoolie-o has proven repeatedly, hands down, that he is a complete waste of 9 months of his mother’s life.

A Proud Infidel®™

At this point I wonder if Paul K. Wickre didn’t spend his first nine months dodging coat hangers?


I think the coat hanger must have got him a few times. You can’t write that incoherent without having been caught in the head a few times with a coat hanger, I just wonder if the tip didn’t break off in his head. Or maybe he drank the douche they tried to wash him out with? What ever happened, it sure as hell made scrambled eggs out his brain. (I mean No disrespect to eggs)


Nothing that bad, though he was known to have a side part to one side to hide a couple of nasty scars. I think the primary issue is what we call the Kitty Dukasis syndrome, where the liver is no longer able to process the large amounts of rubbing alcohol, the body becomes poisoned, and due to the chemical imbalance, the brain becomes bat shit crazy. I’m thinking, provided the liver survives, he will soon be a guest of the state and getting by day to day on massive amounts of thorazine to help keep the rabid monkies and Hack Stone away.

not julie wEir

I wonder if Paul’s pussy stinks?? He sounds like a stinky puss kinda gal.


Don’t know about Paul K. Wickre’s pussy, but I bet his dead mother stinks. One may even assume that if scientists were to test her haploids now, they would determine that the Wickre family was a direct descendant of asparagus piss instead of being a bunch of Aryan inbreds.

This is, of course, speculation.

not julie wEir

I think you might have made “the list” with that comment! Welcome friend, welcome. 🙂

Wrench Monkey

It appears your trained chimp/secretary/sex slave needs remedial spelling and sentence structure classes. Please rectify this situation before emailing again. Thank you.

not julie wEir

Ummmm why is he still obsessing about me??? I haven’t posted in MONTHS…
He’s just mad I’m smarter than he is and outted him. Pussy Pants Paul!
I’m “reatty” go


So rumors of your early demise were not just exaggerated. They were fabricated as well.

Par for the course.

A Proud Infidel®™

What a surprise, NOT!! Good to hear from you again, Julie!

not julie wEir

Contact me please!

Green Thumb

Paul-mer (of the Ballsack) takes it in the ass.

Man, oh, man, Felonious Phil Monkress has to be loving this!

Old Trooper

Ya know; I’m feeling rather unimportant and left out in Paul K. Wikre’s screeds and rants. I guess he thinks I’m too civilized to be added to his hit list…….chuckle, snort. If he only knew.

Old Trooper

As I was re-reading Paul K. Wickre’s screeds, a scenario from a tv show popped into my head that I think catches the essence of him:


Nope. No assassins, no thugs lurking in the dark corners of the street. I’m still kicking. I must be on Broadway.

Anyone think psule the uncule has a scoreboard where he keeps track of comments totals? Maybe lords it over birdbath, whipitnflogit, and philldo?

A Proud Infidel®™

Ditto Ex-PH2, no Deputies knocking on my door with a summons or a visiting ShOrTbUsWiNdOwLiCkEr41 either! I passed a broken-down Jag on the highway the other day and couldn’t help but laugh!


Wait a second…

1. Dullass always claimes to be a “trail assassin”. His hold on reality is unreliable at best.

2. Paul Kevin Wickre claims to have sent an “unreliable assassin” to New Hampshire to kill Ex.

3. Ex is still alive, and not in New Hampshire. (This point really has no bearing on 1 or 2, I’ve just thrown that in so folks who are late to the game can also laugh at Wickre’s ineptitude without having to scroll back in the comments).

Anyone have tabs on Dallas? Is the thunderchicken going to jump out of a plane onto some poor innocent schlub, unreliably and drunkenly mistaking them for Ex?


Best gues, teddy996, is as follows:

1 – Dullas Whipitnflogit can’t even find his own dick in broad daylight, never mind a potential assassinatin’ target.

2 – Therefore, psulie-o the uncoolie-o is correct when he says ‘unedependable’. He’s never been good at doing anything except destroy keyboards, you know.

3 – If anything, these nightcrawlers might just bore me and Proud and Hack to death waiting for them at the local liquor store drive-up window while they’re scouting for discounts on MD2020 and stale chips.

4 – I’m fixing roast chicken and potatoes with gravy for dinner, and they aren’t.

A Proud Infidel®™

Hey Ex-PH2, DallASS can always be counted on to rant, rave, and act like a FOOL while Paul K. Wickre can always be counted on to guzzle rotgut bottom-shelf cheap wine and rant like the lunatic he is. They can always be depended on for something! 😀


One unfortunate aspect of all this is that the FBI is missing out on an extortion conspiracy where a federal contractor, seeking to quash online evidence of fraud among other items, engaged in acts of harassment, threats, etc in a concerted effort to extort the bloggers into removing the evidence. Although Phil Monkress may or may not have withdrawn from the conspiracy ( Who knows with this bunch), the conspiracy has morphed into a second one seeing to extort the same effect for Wickers federal contracting business, evidence of Karen Williams’ potential public malfeasance, and overall removal of evidence ala Bernath & Friends. To me, that’s not small potatoes; it’s highly criminal activity.


Ah … No they are not!


Patience, counselor. Patience.

Silentium Est Aureum

Well, he has to send his assassins up I-95 if he wants to get to NH. I’ll warn anyone there if I see them go by.

Hack Stone

So where did Paul get the money to finance Task Force Smegma, AKA Hack Stone Death Squad? Did he use the money that was raised from the Go Fund Me to buy him a mailbox door?


Recycling old wine bottles. Ten cents at a time. He raised enough to off you and get a new jag just in his own garage.

A Proud Infidel®™

Are you sure it didn’t go toward a new tarp for the temporary canopy in his driveway?



No, he “earned” the tarp in the men’s room at the truck stop on I-95.

A Proud Infidel®™

That or he stole it off of a flatbed semi-trailer while the driver was eating lunch. Did anyone look to see if it had “Aces®™ Trucking Company” on it?


But when they see that HUGE Class VI store complex on the NH border, they’ll stop and get liquored up.

A Proud Infidel®™

I think they’ll be VERY easy to track SJ, just follow the trail of liquor stores that are SMACK OUT of T-bird and MD20/20!


Well, for what it’s worth Jonn, I believe your ‘options’ are sound.


Maybe the weather is too bad in the NE US right now for his eveeeeel plan to commence.
He could come to Slammintonio instead to visit me first – the weather is much better. The drawback to that course of action is that he would only leave here in too bad of shape to complete the rest of his mission.


If anyone here beliefs the Phony CPO is about slip through the fingers of the criminal and civil authorities and court systems, I might suggest there will be disappointing news for you in the not so distant future.

It seems he has attracted a lot of attention to himself, his activities that span his less than productive life … and his associates as well!

The onion has been completely peeled!

The Phony CPO of the PNW is not, never was nor will he ever be a Genuine or Honorary CPO. PERIOD!

Ta ta!


Can’t wait. 🙂

/Rubs hands in glee and anticipation/

A Proud Infidel®™

I CAN’T WAIT to hear about it, hey, the dimbulb booger-eating, plane-crashing, dog-taping scrotum-gazer STILL hasn’t found me yet!!


Hondo’s real name is Gern Blanston. Gern is an insurance saleman in rural Idaho … What is the secret?

I thought everyone knew that!

A Proud Infidel®™

I MIGHT me Eugene T. Veeblefetzer of Ames, Iowa. NOPE, I AM CLYDE DIDDIT!!!

HMCS(FMF) ret.

Jonn, I thought he was the dude on S.W.A.T. when I was a kid, yelling at the rest of the team “Let’s Roll!”?

Hondo was a bad ass dude on TV and in the movie…


Hondo? Why, Hondo’s right here:


Gee … I didn’t know OUR Hondo was THAT Hondo!

“I could find you in the dark Mrs. Lowe …”


Damn you, man. The anticipation is killing me. I hate people dropping hints about important news. What are you, a retired senior NCO or something?

HMCS(FMF) ret.

You mean a certain group may be doing some “frog marching” and “salad tossing” soon?

Hot Damn!!! 🙂

A Proud Infidel®™

I had one rough, hard, and dirty ballbuster of a week at work. I got a lot done, got paid my fair share of money for what I did (It’s all over-the-table legal, honest work!) doing things that a lot of people would be afraid to. I’m not complaining one damned bit, I did my job right and my pay will take care of bills and put food on the table for me, Mrs. Infidel®™, and Little Infidel®™, and we’ll have some left over. I’m in a relaxed and generous mood, thus I’ll give you some advice, Paul K. Wickre (*WHOOPS!*) 😀 .
The Republic Of Korea (ROK, or South Korea) was my first Duty Station when I was a wet-behind-the-ears “Joe” fresh from Basic & AIT, one of the Adult Beverages we enjoyed there was Soju (very cheap, and my liver still shakes in fear when I even think of it). It was cheap, got us lathered up in no time… One urban legend about it was that it was made with a touch of formaldehyde (like Thunderbird) and to get rid of it, one would leave the bottle undisturbed for a day or two which would make the formaldehyde percolate to the top, then you’d gently uncap the bottle, splash the formaldehyde out, and enjoy! Doing the same with your manifold bottles of T-bird could keep you around for us to laugh at for a longer time!! 😀 I’ve also heard rumor that your treasured T-bird works well as a floor stripper, just think about how well it could get the stains off the vinyl floor of your “Special Room”!


Is it OK to giggle just a little when this group of fools assumes, projects, hopes, or whatever it is that they do in their delusional make-believe world that we are all destitute, underemployed, unemployable and whatever other pretend conclusions they post about us? They are so silly.

Meanwhile, it’s just another day around here, helping friends, doing volunteer work, and good stuff just because we want to. Don’t need any money. Got more than enough of that. Cars aren’t the latest and greatest because we don’t need (or want) that. We spend our money modestly because we think there are more important things to do with it than pamper ourselves.

Self-possessed people will never understand that concept. Too bad for them. They are missing a great deal of joy, by their own choice.


Is it okay to giggle?

Why, yes. Yes, it is. It is also okay to do the Happy Dance as much as you like.


My Sergeant used to tell me:

If thinking about something makes you giggle for more than 15 seconds, you probably shouldn’t do it.


Agreed. These fools are more in the fleeting giggle snort category. They haven’t yet earned sustained, raucous, side splitting laughter.


Paul, here are a few tips for you that I learned long ago. Don’t make threats that you know that you can’t follow through on. I had a boss who refered to guys who did that as “pop, no kick” meaning that they were duds. After you do that a few times, you get a reputation as the all talk no action guy who no one can rely on. It’s probably why you’ve gone no where in your life. Everyone knows that they can’t depend on you. Hell, you even failed Phil in this little endeavor to scare a bunch of know nothing vets into taking down all the stuff about him.

And, this whole claiming to have people killed and hit squads out is just sad. Really, Paul, do you think that none of us here actually know the regular’s real identity and talk to each other outside of the blog? So far all of your wild assed guesses about locations have been so far off that they are laughable, and it just makes you look even more incompetent than ever.

What’s really sad, and what you seem to forget is that, while you don’t know who we are or where we live, we know all about you. Hell, if I had a whole bunch of nameless, faceless, angry folks running around who I’d threatened with torture and death who knew what I looked like, where me and my wife lived, and what I was driving, I couldn’t sleep at night. But, maybe that’s just me.

Currahee John

“Hell, if I had a whole bunch of nameless, faceless, angry folks running around who I’d threatened with torture and death who knew what I looked like, where me and my wife lived, and what I was driving, I couldn’t sleep at night. But, maybe that’s just me.”

Yep. He reminds me of those unwashed, fat, incredible stupid people you see on “Cops” and other such shows, who get liquored or drugged up, do unbelievably stupid things, then start threatening the police and everyone else within earshot when, inevitably, they’re roughed ‘n’ cuffed. Back when *I* was a young [redacted], we had a cure for that, 3-D cells of Maglite applied frequently until the piehole closes.

Isn’t this the guy that used to talk so much about being in the “Lucky Sperm Club” (which I think is actually the name of a tranny bar in Thailand), even to the point of going all in depth about some DNA marker in his that pointed to something he thought significant? That whole thing sure doesn’t seem to be working out for him, perhaps he should join a different club.


pickwickre peckerwood, psulie-o the uncoolie-o, and all that other stuff: you are one of several peculiar characters that seem almost unreal in every possible way, until we realize that fact is frequently much stranger than fiction. And the fact about you, psule the pustule on Satan’s hairy blackened ass, is that you have nothing and you know it.


And when you’re dead, and when you’re gone, we’ll be left here having a wonderful time.

But no one will remember your name.

A Proud Infidel®™

I say MAYBE a few weeks, a month at most, and we’d be saying “Paul WHO?”.


Nah, he’ll get Wickred up again and send more emails and posts and we’ll just wonder who he is and why he is Wickreing his liver.

HMCS(FMF) ret.

And he’ll be yelling from his jail cell, “MAKE THE BAD MAN STOP!!!”


These guys have all been told multiple times that solutions exist for their assorted problems. Any and/or all of them could still get what they need, but we are not able to diagnose or treat whatever it is via the internet, even though there well could be persons reading this who would be fully capable of doing so in an appropriate setting.


Paul, I was wondering when you were at Parklawn last. You should probably visit more often.

Hack Stone

Well, it is now five days beyond Hack Stone’s death sentence, and despite Paul’sbest efforts (which honestly are pretty pathetic) I still exist. I have been moving from safe house to safe house, and the latest hiding spot is pure genius. It is the last place on Earth that Paul would think to look. I am hiding in Paul’s shower stall. I have been here four days, and the closest that I have come to being discovered was when Paul dipped his coffee mug into the toilet bowl so that he could gargle. I wonder if the Philadelphia Police have sent a detective down to discuss that murder in North Philly last Wednesday? Paul may have to call that real estate lawyer to get him out of his latest predicament.

Hack Stone

At least Paul does not need to worry about Karen using this as grounds for divorce.


Hack, where’s my cheesesteak? I can meet you in Pennsauken, y’know.


What Psulmer psycho doesn’t know is that I’m really a black man…..seriously.


Glad to see you’ve recovered from the post-NASA-birthday-party hangover, Chip.



Check the other Thread,
I left cake for everyone.
(snicker) 😀