TAH on the radio
Last week, the TAH Not Ready for TV All-Stars were on the Veterans’ Corner Radio Show WRSU, 88.7 FM, New Brunswick, NJ. If you missed it, here’s the audio which 48 minutes long;
As you might have guessed there were some trolls in the audience, and, of course, they lost their shit in emails afterwards. It has continued to this day.
Category: Bloggers
Link is gone.
Damn. I heard it when it aired but wanted to read the comments.
/Sorry I was late to the thread, I encountered small arms fire and rpg’s in the popcorn line
“Brian Williams”
Yep…linkee bad. 🙁
Chip…thought the hit squad had got you. Amazing recovery.
Those two comments above were posted last week, when this post published accidentally. The video now works.
That MCPO sounds like a snooty SOB!
I missed that part. Rock On Master Chief!
You guys ROCK!!
Forgive me for posting this and bring up old shit as this has nothing to do with the topic. But look what I found and pause at 2:17 and check out what he is rocking
forgive me for posting off topic but I was leading up to this
now when I get back home I was planning on taking a trip to this VFW in Tigard (As I emailed them about him and they obviously did nothing because they didn’t email me back and It hasn’t been taken down) so I just wanted to ask your guys opinion on this, should I show up there with his FOIA and show them personally? Again, I apologize for not waiting for an open thread but we have once again been threatened with the internet getting shut off shortly so I just wanted to make sure If I’m making the right decision or wasting my time
They are probably afraid that they will be sued!
That bit at 2:17 was addressed here:
Grab some popcorn. It makes for some entertaining reading.
He’s now officially a Florida resident. I say go for it. Last I checked, they still have his fake-ass picture hanging in the VFW he frequented.
Danny-boi relocated to FL? I wonder why?
1. To restart his legal mayhem once again?
2. To avoid questions from the State of Oregon about his various “businesses” and the laws he broke in operating them?
3. Searching for employment at APL as “legal counsel”?
Inquiring minds would like to know???
How long until he applies to the Florida Bar? Any chance on getting ahead of that before he files the paperwork. I’d love to have them have the “hell no” stamp in hand as soon as he shows up.
I have a feeling MCPO will be posting something about that soon. I get the funny idea that there is more going on than we think.
It sounded like the host didn’t really grasp the problem of embellishers vs. posers. He seemed to be focused on just the posers.
I’m still waiting on someone to write their PhD thesis on embellishers. They need to establish a new category of pathology for these idiots (besides the diagnosis of TURD).
I’m using the case of an unnamed poser-CPO and unnamed poser-Ranger/Recondo in my Master’s Thesis for psychology. Anyone care to venture a guess in the direction I’m taking my thesis?
Most Excellent!
You might want to include that they believe their own lies. The bigger the lie the tighter they hold on and publically defend it.
If you ever want me to give it a read just let me know. I know a lot about MBTI and their pathologies.
But seriously, these embellishers take Narcissistic Personality Disorder and Pathological Lying to a whole new level.
Here’s my diagnosis of TURD:
Does that help?
But Dickweed is a term of endearment Jonn uses for the readers of TAH.
There are lottsa other D words to choose from. 😉
I’d suggest replacing “weed” with “head”. But that’s just me. (smile)