Daniel A. Bernath; the fake CPO’s legacy continues

| October 14, 2014

Daniel Bernath

I’m sure you remember the fellow pictured above – Daniel A. Bernath of Oregon. We busted him months ago for pretending to be a Chief Petty Officer and for a portrait he posted across the internet with photoshopped rank on a picture of another Navy Petty Officer with his head inserted. Of course, he hadn’t earned any of the medals or the badge that was on the other petty officer’s uniform.

At the time, his excuse for wearing the unearned stuff deviated between his daughter had made the photo for fun, that it was meant for family giggles (even though it was his portrait on his VFW post’s website), he also told a judge that he didn’t know who made the photoshop, but that he suspected that we here at TAH had made it. Well, of course, we didn’t have to do that. Here’s a reminder of his actual records;

Daniel BernathFOIA

Well, one of our ninjas went digging and turned up pictures of Bernath with even more awards that he hadn’t earned. Notice that his actual highest award in his records is the National Defense Service Medal, but it looks like he gave himself a Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal and several more awards. His records list five awards, but he’s wearing eight on his rack, plus he’s wearing a Navy air crew badge that isn’t in his records;

Bernath portlandia medals

Bernath portlandia medals close up

His excuse for those pictures was that he was an extra in a movie (See line 40 in this extract from his lawsuit)

Bernath excuse

Yeah, so what movie was he wearing the same medal rack in this picture (Bernath is also wearing the CPO rank he didn’t earn in this picture)


And was he in a movie when someone took this picture of him at WalMart BiMart?

DSCF0759.jpg~original Bernath Caddy 1

Talking about that picture, notice the Marine Corps sticker on the trunk of his car. I wonder if he wants to give people the impression that he’s a Marine, too. But, do you see that license plate on the Cadillac?

DSCF0759.jpg~original Bernath Caddy

Strangely, the same number and vanity Veteran plate shows up on this picture of his SHoRTbUs for his WInDowLiCkErs.


I’m not sure what Oregon law is, but, I’m sure, like in the rest of the country, you have to buy different plates for different vehicles. And a tour bus would probably require a commercial plate.

I’m sure this post will result in more of Bernath’s own brand of buffoonery. When I post the truth about them, they respond by posting lies about me and they threaten people who have nothing to do with this blog. How does that make any sense?

Category: Phony soldiers

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How does that make sense?
You really have to ask that question?
To normal people it makes no sense, but we are dealing with a special individual here. I really hope he steps on his crank (with the catheter inserted, of course) in public or gets caught with the license plate thing (you paying attention, Oregon state troopers?) and ends up paying full price for his buffoonery!

HS Junior

He’s a lawyer. Making sense has no place in this discussion.


Bernath is like a bottomless septic tank. The deeper you dig, the more shit you find.

Green Thumb

Roger that.

He looks like an English Queef in those pictures above.

Not Flagwaver

I’m incognito so nobody recognizes me and tries to sue me again (thus the name change from my normal name). But, this should definitely be forwarded to the Oregon Department of Transportation and possibly the Oregon State Police.


That’s a new one…he threw himself under his own bus. A short bus at that. Teh stoopid is strong in this one.


That implies effort. 😯 He simply fell out the back of his own short school bus, then acted like he actually threw himself under the bus… something about him being an honorary victim of being thrown under the bus. :mrgreen:

Those handicap stickers? They’d be realistic if they were put there indicate that he’s retarded. If he put them there for other reasons, then he’s being deceptive… as usual.

Maybe he’s retarded, but considers himself an “honorary normal person.” 🙄


In the picture with the flag, looks like a star over the Chief’s crow. Guess he got promoted (honorarily) to Senior Chief. He is just a bag of dicks isn’t he?


Beat me to it. Plus I like how he has his shit on the wrong fucking side of his jacket.

Oh, and movie credit? Not according to IMDB.


He looks like he has Senior Chief rank insignia in one of those pictures. Did he give himself an honorary promotion? 🙄

Land of the free doesn’t mean that Daniel Bernath could wear any CPO rank. He never was a CPO in any capacity. He’s not a CPO in any capacity now.

*thristle thristle*



He is a geeneeus lawer!

Dave Hardin

The USMC sticker is a nice touch. He is double parked in his own mind.


Well there were Marines on the carrier he was on, and it is possible he serviced several of them. So that would make him a Marine by injection, wouldn’t it?


Bernath wasn’t in the Marines, the Marines were in Bernath.

JT the Magnificent

He may not need a special registration for the RV but it’s illegal to use the same plate on multiple vehicles so the RV probably isn’t registered, which means he probably doesn’t carry insurance on it. Isn’t he a lawyer? I’m fairly certain the bar association would frown upon such illegal activities as well as the state Department of Transportation.


That’s not a RV, it’s one of those airport/rental car types of bus.


Unless surperceded by a higher designation, Naval Aircrew wings go ABOVE the ribbon rack. One learns these things if they were actually earned.


And notice nothing in his FOIA about attending Aircrew School.

But to be fair, PH2? Could one strike for PH back in the day? Because I don’t see an A-school in his record either.


Yes, you could strike for any rate as long as you qualified to do so, but he left boot camp as undesignated deck crew.

If you were a designated striker, you got the striker’s badge to sew over your rating badge in the last week of recruit training and then went off to “A” school.


I say that because when I was in, PH was a “closed” rate, meaning you couldn’t strike for it out of boot, and IIRC required an A-school.



I would bet there wasn’t a NACCS when Bernath was in. I went through NACCS in 1984, but my shipmate at the squadron I went to didn’t. He had his first DIFCREW orders around 1976 and he went to DWEST and SERE, but no NACCS.


Fair enough. But even so, no AC in his FOIA.

Delilah T.

No, there is no AC in his FOIA because it’s the REAL PH1’s AC wings and medals.


He definitely should have something in there about getting his wings and having DIFCREW orders.

AW1 Tim

Same with me. NACCS didn’t exist when I came in. I had to go through all the other stuff, but no single-qual school then.


If the Navy is like the Marines you don’t have to go to school to be Aircrew. You can pick it up through OJT.

Delilah T.

No, but the REAL PH1 did go through the entire aircrew training class before this sticking set had even joined the Navy.




Is it still like that, ByrdMan? When I went through NACCS many years ago, one of my instructors was a SSGT, Combat Aircrew wings and all.


I went through NACCS in 1984 and since that time, I never knew anyone who went Aircrew in the USN since that time to do it through OJT only.


Short answer: No, he can’t use the DV plates on a commercial vehicle.


Oregon’s definition of a commercial vehicle:

A general definition for a commercial vehicle is a vehicle that is used to transport people or property for profit.

A commercial motor vehicle is defined by the Oregon Vehicle Code as a vehicle that will be operating at a gross vehicle weight rating or combination weight over 26,000 pounds. The definition also includes vehicles designed to transport 16 or more persons and vehicles designed to transport hazardous materials regardless of weight. This definition excludes fire trucks, emergency vehicles, motor homes and recreational vehicles operated solely for personal use.


Ruh-roh, Shaggy!

Veritas Omnia Vincit

I’m betting he’s calling that little bus a motor home to allow use of the same plates as he will claim it’s solely for personal use.


But certain requirements have to be met in order for it to be an RV. Just calling it one doesn’t make it so.

Hack Stone

It’s no problem with the vehicle. Bernath insists that it is an Honorary Recreational Vehicle. The unanswered question is whether the fuel gauge works.

James in Gulf Breeze

+100! You might find it in a cornfield somewhere…

Delilah T.

He just hasn’t been caught yet, has he?

A Proud Infidel®™

If that van is capable of hauling over 16 passengers, he’ll need a CDL with a Passenger endorsement in order to legally operate it as well as pass a CDL Physical Exam, not something I see someone needing catheterization X times a day while rocking back and forth in between pain meds!!

Green Thumb

Bernath is a turd.


You’re being awfully nice today.

Green Thumb

I have been attending sensitivity training classes.


Keep working on that. Actually, you are better without them. F*ck being nice, it’s overrated.

A Proud Infidel®™


Ten Bears

Large, fat, stupid man with rat on face makes Ten Bears fall down laughing.

Large, fat stupid man with rat on face is dumber than a squirrel with three acorns.

Thirteen Bears

Each toadstool that grow on Buffalo chips twelve times smarter than large man with dead rat on face.

Ten Bears

Ten Bears has pepperoni slices that are smarter than large, fat, stupid man with dead rat on face.


Are you kidding? A rat with severe self-esteem problems wouldn’t even go out in public looking like that.

Ten Bears

Platoon sergeant makes Ten Bears laugh. Heh. Heh. Heh.


Now Ten Bears makes me wanna go all Josey Wales…

“You must make nice with the shitbags in the court of white men.”

“I reckon not.”

“You will not make nice with the shitbags? Then you may go in peace.”


There is iron in your words of shitbaggery.

And so there must be iron in your words of fake CPO rank.

Bernath's Fuel Gauge

Oh dear, I wonder if Daniel eats a tub of Silly Putty every morning with his Lucky Charms


Or sniffs a tube of airplane glue. I hear he needed a few tubes to put his little box of shit back together after he crashed it, and he used all the duct tape on the dogs.


The ONE poser who NEVER fails to amaze me with his unmitigated gall. He is so full of himself and so confident in his lies, he continues not only his original charade but compounds it with further photos with yet more fraudulent awards. By the way, in the photo which appears to be a fund raising effort with another guy and the flag, how is he standing at parade rest, without his desperately needed, always and ever present…canes? Yes, I think the VA needs to review his status. I mean PTSD from what? What did he ever do in his Naval service to have caused PTSD? Maybe his shipmates had him pegged early on as a self promoting, ass kisser and treated him as such. Thus he was butt hurt for 3 years, 5 months and 19 days and that is his claim for PTSD. I can hear it now, “Nobody liked me and they wouldn’t talk to me or take me on shore leave with them. They treated me like a pariah and never let me play poker with them and never laughed at my jokes. Additionally Doctor, they called me an ass kisser and dick sucker ALL the time! They snickered at me and told jokes about me TO MY FACE and laughed out loud when I came out of the shower. That hurt! It was awful I tell you Doctor. Many times at night I wandered to the fantail and contemplated jumping over. Even the Chaplain on board my ship, of all people, was in on this conspiracy with all of them. I went to see him for help and after I told him all about ME, what does he say? He says, Seaman Bernath, you’re an egotistical asshole! Just like that, a CHAPLAIN, a man of God said “you’re an egotistical asshole” and laughed at me and shouted at me, GET OUT and the next time you’re on the fantail, think more about that jumping option. Then again he says, get the fuck out of here and never darken my door again and for God’s sake… Read more »


Addendum. Hey Dan, I have a special request please. Should you decide to include me in any future “lawn suits”, instead of “Sparks” or a “John Doe”, may I please be referred to as “The Small Bearded Lawn Gnome With Green Pants, Red Shirt And Pointed Blue Hat”? The wife has several lawn gnomes and they have sorta grown on me over the years. We may have something in common even. Every morning, like you, I tell the gnomes “Good morning”. Unlike you however, they do not answer me back. 😀


You don’t work for Travelocity, do you?



LT…No Sir. In fact I mute the TV when their ads come on. In truth…gnomes have always given me the heebie jeebies. 😀


If they’ve grown on you, perhaps you should see a doctor.


Flagwaver…Thanks, but I saw the doc about the fungus and mushrooms growing on me. 😀 😀

A Proud Infidel®™

FTR, Daniel A. Bernath, who never has been and never will be a US Navy CPO honorary or otherwise, STILL accuses THE WRONG MAN of being me.

Daniel A. Bernath was refused admission to the Oregon State Bar, thus he never will be a practicing Attorney at Law in the State of Oregon.

Delilah T.

Well, Proud Inf, what do you expect from someone whose brain is backwards in place?

He insists that I’m someone I’m not, someone who doesn’t even remotely resemble me.

A Proud Infidel®™

Yes indeed, it’s just something I enjoy pointing out in threads for when he comes here cutting for things to copy and do whatever else he does. I wonder just how many of my past posts have pissed him off to the point where he emailed them to SECDEF?


Looks like the two medals he’s sporting under the misplaced Aircrew wings are the Viet Nam Gallentry Cross and the Republic of Viet Nam Capmaign Medal. Odd, neither seem to appear in the FOIA report.


Campaing, dammit.


Here, let me do it.




Stupid keyboard.



When I leave the house I always pin on my ribbon rack, even in a T Shirt. What a total Douche Bag !

OIF '06-'07-'08

I have not assembled nor have I worn a ribbon rack since my last Class A inspection in May of 1987.

I never had any type of dress uniform issued to me when I was in the Guard from 2005-2008.


Hey,May 1987 was when I re-upped for my last hitch in the Army.The little ceremony took place on my twin sons birthday(26 May) on the little patch of grass outside my S-4 shop at Fort Carson.


Claw- I vacationed at Ft Carson from 85 to 89. 172 CML and then D Co 4th AVN. I wore Class As a total of 3 times while there. Interesting few years…


nbcguy,I vacationed there for 12 years. 4/61 ADA(77-81),1/12 INF(83-88),then 1st Bde HQ’s(S-4)88-91.

B Woodman

My ribbon rack is on my Class A’s, in a suit bag, in my closet, untouched since I last wore it when I retired in ’98.


The last time I wore and ever plan to wear my rack was at my retirement ceremony that I didn’t even want to attend.


I bought a mug from My Service Pride with my rack.

They’re doing a mug for my Dad as well.

Dennis - not chevy

I had my retirement ceremony in BDU’s. I was cussed at enough on active duty and I didn’t want to be cussed at going out the door for having folks wear service dress.


Last time I wore my rack was Class A inspection for the Christmas Family Drill. The only military insignia I’ve worn since I got out was my Funeral Honors pin to my best friend’s graduation at Parris Island.


Not to quibble, but the pics of the caddy appear to be in front of the local BiMart…possibly King City, where he’s had issues before.

A Proud Infidel®™

You mean the employee-owned store whaere he drove his Caddy into a pallet of potting soil that was put in a handicapped parking space?


I think it’s to express his displeasure with BiMart blocking the handicap spaces.


This is a big affirmative … it was in the news and all over the internet.

He would cause a scene at the local mart because people were in HIS way.

He would stand his ground, make a scene and the local news reporters would comment on his tactics …

He definately seems to have unresolved daddy issues!

“Seems” being the key word here for all the lawers out there!


I believe … the photo of him standing by the Caddy … it was a local shop that he took exception to becuase they blocked HIS handicapped spot!

Green Thumb

Bernath = loose stool.


Partner that photo with the one of him popped tall at parade rest without any assistance needed.

Attention whoring? Who, Bernath?

Rustle, rustle, bitch.

Bernath's Fuel Gauge

You forgot, (((OVER)))

HS Junior

Not attention whoring. Just Bernath’s latest attempt to pick up some money from a business/individual. This is his old tactic of sending out bullshit lawsuits and hoping that the person/people/entity named with pay him a thousand bucks to go away instead of paying a real lawyer thousands to show up an pimp smack him in court.

Sounds like Bi-Mart is standing tall. Good on them.



The Bi-Mart incident appears to have happened in 2008.


Numbnut!Someone needs to run him over with his special short bus!

HS Junior

No need. Sooner or later his aviation habit will kill him. Nary a tear will be wept.

Farflung Wanderer

We are assuming that he isn’t dead already.

The Pittsburg Parapsychology Organization isn’t known for it’s inaccuracy in detecting evil spirits, after all, and flying into the side of a mountain isn’t conductive to anyone’s health.


(Quite frankly, I think it’d be more fun if we just called him dead and ran with that)

HS Junior

It would explain much. His hideous visage, anger at the living, failures of concentration and common sense in an aircraft cockpit…damn, he IS a zombie!

Farflung Wanderer

Go for the head, go for the head!

A Proud Infidel®™

Giv4en his regard for safety, it ought to just be a matter of time. Has anyone looked into what he does with his “RV-van”? I’m certain that hauling passengers with out a legit CDL that has Passenger Endorsement violates a law or three, and driving a CMV (Commercial Motor Vehicle sans a CDL and a DOT Physical card ids definitely a legal faux pas!!


May be he uses it transport canines. You don’t have a picture of the duct tape dispenser on the back of the vehicle by any chance, do you?

A Proud Infidel®™

No Sir. But like I said, operating a vehicle like that in commerce requires compliance with State and Federal DOT Regs, sounds like something worth investigating!

Farflung Wanderer

What an arse-hole.

Can’t wait to see this sucker get his in front of a court of law.


So…did he ever talk to the NTSB over his running on empty flight? You know the one where his iPad and some dogs were his copilots?

BTW: Our friends to the north apparently know how to land (LAND, not CRASH) planes with no fuel:

gas tank

Looks like that car was backed into something. Look at the bumper and broken tail light cover.

Crash Bernath indeed.


Daniel Bernath is a public toilet that wont stop flushing no matter what you do to it.

Seekrit Skwirrel

He’s far more like a sewer pipe that never quits clogging!


I don’t know. The judge shoved a potato down his tail pipe in court. But, I think that was just because he could.

Green Thumb

I read the Bi-Mart article.

What a stooge Bernath is.

Just an Old Dog

I have figured out what really irks me about this sow-bellied, rat-bearded, shingle-infested son of a bitch.
As members of the US Military we all swore to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States. Daniel A Bernath has spent the last few decades attempting to twist and corrupt the law ( based on the constitution) for his own financial gain and his ego.
His bull-shit law suits, threats, and hiding his assets so the people who beat him in court can’t collect show what a low life cunter-fly he is.
Birdbath is also a granny-cunt faced coward, who only goes after people he knows will go through lawful means to address his stupidity.
If he was to ever try this shit with a hard nosed guy who ran a construction company or a Motorcyle club he knows he wouldn’t have to make up lies about people threatening him or shaking his bushes.

Just an Old Dog

Someone bought up using different Screen names when posting about granny pubes-face. Can you imagine the judge trying to get through his complaint when it reads.

“The Pubic Lice on My Beard” wrote Bernath is a lowlife sack of Shit.

“My limp Shingle-infected Penis ” said Bernath needs to just go away

“The lone Hair on my Balls” said Bernath is a wastee of space.


“The Rat hiding in my beard” said Im tired of Bernath getting peter-whipped by hobos behind the dumpster, He needs to get me a helmet and a meatshield.

Anal Fungus

Daniel A. Bernath’s ass is SO foul and sickening that it’s not even funny sometimes!!


Man, that’s funny right there. Tears man, tears.

Kinda old ET1

“Daniel A Bernath has spent the last few decades attempting to twist and corrupt the law ( based on the constitution) for his own financial gain and his ego.
His bull-shit law suits, threats, and hiding his assets so the people who beat him in court can’t collect show what a low life cunter-fly he is.”

That just need to be repeated.
Well said.

A Proud Infidel®™

The more people tell the truth about Daniel A. Bernath and his past, the angrier he gets!!

Bernath's Anus

I’m getting tired of hanging around with this guy.


Bernath's Sweaty Ballsack


Green Thumb


You can out with Palmer (of the Ballsack) around Bernath’s anus!

But Phildo, and of course “John Giduck Faker 6”, might get jealous!

HS Junior

Then he might as well just scrap himself. After all, the only purpose the rest of his body has is to support your existence and let you continue to speak in courts of law.

Crab Lice

We’re sick and tired of him as well!!

Bernath's Hemorrhoids

Hey! Don’t forget about me! At least I get to irritate him, sometimes for no reason at all except that it’s Tuesday.

Bernath's Hobo John

He ain’t so bad. With that rat on his face, when he pops out his false teeth, it’s almost like banging Fleabag Mary who lives in that box under the bridge.


I barely had a monks chance to be inserted. Now I’m the one who gets inserted into EVERY DAY. It’s not fair, I tell you…


shoils www even bother to point out that he is wearing a gold cpo rank?

That would indicate 12 years of good service not the 3 and change of the red chevrons of a ph2

He is full of shit and he knows it.

Hack Stone

It is hard to distinguish in the photo from Bi-Mart which is Bernath and which is a sack of manure.

Delilah T.

Oh, that’s easy, Hack.

One merely smells of earthy remnants.

The other has an odor most foul, so foul even the carcass cleaners will avoid it at a funeral.

A Proud Infidel®™

It’s simple, manure is useful and nourishes the soil, Daniel A. Bernath just makes smelly messes and tries to irritate people however he can in every juvenile way he thinks will work!


A sack of shit helps things grow.

Bernath just stinks up the place.

Dennis - not chevy

I wonder who took those pictures; an accomplice or someone who’s been suckered into this mess?

A Proud Infidel®™

I’m certain it was taken by some innocent passerby he suckered into doing without any knowledge of how big a shmendrick he is!!


Bernath is not, never was nor will he ever be a Geniune or Honorary CPO. PERIOD!

See you in court … Valor Thief!


You wonder how he can look himself in the mirror every morning and believe the BS he cooks up to feed his useless lying ego trip.

He’s a joke. A joke on himself and the public and anyone who happens to cross his path. He’s a waste of time and energy with nothing to offer but hot air and a distemperate vanity.

A Proud Infidel®™

I see Daniel A. Bernath just alike many you’ll find incarcerated in every jail and prison, he is a narcissist driven solely by his ego and vanity and never considers the consequences of his actions or words, completely rooted in nothing other than what he wants “RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW”, and to him, nothing is ever his fault. He has never given much effort at all toward working to achieve success, he has always just sat and seethed while scheming to take what he can by any means of chicanery he can think of! He has obviously been miserable in this life, thus he does all he can to upset and anger as many people as he can in order to take them down to his level. I see his latest attempts to aggravate Don Shipley (SCPO, USN, Ret.) as another one of his infantile attempts of instigation in an effort to get any kind of a response from anyone that he will take to court saying that SCPO (Ret.) Shipley is directing people to harass Bernath across State lines, something he had in his last bucket of blather! I also. see Daniel A. Bernath as one who looks for places to trip and fall so he can sue in his pursuit of the “White Trash Lottery Jackpot”!
Every Man and Woman leaves a legacy behind at the end of this life, mine won’t be of fame or fortune, but I like to think I’m doing my best to be remembered as one who did and stood up for what’s right, Daniel A. Bernath is now and always will be known as one who hated, scammed, and sued everyone he could to soothe his fragile ego!


He is Wittgenfelds Twin. One flies a plane upside down Drunk. And one thinks that they run on air.

Both have spent 40 years embellishing their records. And they will spend the rest of their lives trying to defend those lie’s. Just a couple of washed up wanna be losers.

Green Thumb

Maybe they could step it up?

Maybe have the known and confirmed forger, “Forgy” Frank Visconi help them out?

Who knows?

A Proud Infidel®™

In one of his videos when he was being interviewed on a news report, Don Shipley SCPO, USN, (Ret.) said “A lot of these guys will take their lies with them all the way to the grave.” Daniel A. Bernath and many others featured here on TAH prove him to be absolutely RIGHT.

Kinda old ET1

Yay! It’s poke a “LSoS phat phuc” with a stick day.
I love poke a “LSoS phat phuc” with a stick day.

Yes Daniel A Bernath you are a “LSoS phat phuc”. Oh and a never was never will be Navy Chief Petty Officer.


I wonder how he feels, knowing that when he no longer wastes oxygen on this planet, the rest of us who remain will cheer his departure?

Unloved, unmourned, and more quickly forgotten than yesterday’s minor league field hockey score.

Sleep well, Danny-boi.

Delilah T.

Will anyone even notice?


Sorry – I blinked.
Notice what?

Delilah T.



Wait ’til the courts get done with him!


The curiosity grows.

Will he be able to afford catheters after?

gas tank

No gas? No problem! Perfect landing!

gas tank

BTW: that takeoff was from the Eiffel tower.

Ten Bears

Way cool.


Way cool.

Ground control: “Eagle-1, you’re coming in hot!!!”
Eagle-1: “No problem.”
Ground control: “Roger.”

So where does an eagle in flight land? Wherever the Fk he wants to.

A Proud Infidel®™

I put Daniel A. Bernath’s name through a couple of search engines, and the terms “Hollywood Northwest Tour” and “50 Shades of Grey Tour” came up with it. Fed and State DOT Regs require one to have a Passenger Endorsement on their driver’s license if they haul passengers in a vehicle like that van pictured, period, which I’m sure also requires one to have a CDL Physical Exam card as well, just sayin’…


(b) A person is physically qualified to drive a commercial motor vehicle if that person— (1) Has no loss of a foot, a leg, a hand, or an arm, or has been granted a skill performance evaluation certificate pursuant to § 391.49; (2) Has no impairment of: (i) A hand or finger which interferes with prehension or power grasping; or (ii) An arm, foot, or leg which interferes with the ability to perform normal tasks associated with operating a commercial motor vehicle; or any other significant limb defect or limitation which interferes with the ability to perform normal tasks associated with operating a commercial motor vehicle; or has been granted a skill performance evaluation certificate pursuant to § 391.49. (3) Has no established medical history or clinical diagnosis of diabetes mellitus currently requiring insulin for control; (4) Has no current clinical diagnosis of myocardial infarction, angina pectoris, coronary insufficiency, thrombosis, or any other cardiovascular disease of a variety known to be accompanied by syncope, dyspnea, collapse, or congestive cardiac failure. (5) Has no established medical history or clinical diagnosis of a respiratory dysfunction likely to interfere with his/her ability to control and drive a commercial motor vehicle safely; (6) Has no current clinical diagnosis of high blood pressure likely to interfere with his/her ability to operate a commercial motor vehicle safely; (7) Has no established medical history or clinical diagnosis of rheumatic, arthritic, orthopedic, muscular, neuromuscular, or vascular disease which interferes with his/her ability to control and operate a commercial motor vehicle safely; (8) Has no established medical history or clinical diagnosis of epilepsy or any other condition which is likely to cause loss of consciousness or any loss of ability to control a commercial motor vehicle; (9) Has no mental, nervous, organic, or functional disease or psychiatric disorder likely to interfere with his/her ability to drive a commercial motor vehicle safely; (10) Has distant visual acuity of at least 20/40 (Snellen) in each eye without corrective lenses or visual acuity separately corrected to 20/40 (Snellen) or better with corrective lenses, distant binocular acuity of at least 20/40 (Snellen) in… Read more »


What is it with this guy? Seriously, he has some real issues. Every time I see that photoshopped picture of his ugly mug on the PH1’s body it just reinforces what a total waste of dog sperm he really is. I spent 24 years in the navy, and have a met a number of oddballs, but nobody like this asshat. Hopefully you’re on to something here with the license plates and the phony tour service. Maybe that’ll get some traction with the cops.

A Proud Infidel®™

I truly think that his license plate game with that passenger van along with the medical issues he claims to have versus the physical requirements necessary for a CDL Passenger Endorsement (which I am certain is necessary for a van of that size) ought to arouse some interest from the Oregon DOT.

Just an Old Dog

Birdbath is “disabled” when it suits him, When it comes to collecting a VA Pension, getting into a Handicapped space or declaring himself a “protected person” by virture of his age and infirmity he is supposedly at death’s door.
He needs canes to walk, has PTSD stress induced shingles and has to rock himself back and forth in between doses of painkillers.
Strangely enough, he can file lawsuits, appear in court, spend countless hours scouring the internet, be an actor, give bus tours of Portland, drive a car and fly a plane.
My only wish for him is that his physical ailments become as real as his CPO claims are false.


Well, let’s just say karma is a bitch. And she’s in heat.


[…] This Ain’t Hell – Fake CPO Legacy Continues; http://valorguardians.com/blog/?p=55793 […]