Calling BS on this video

| February 23, 2015

No ammo

Every day I get this video in my email, so I’m telling you that I think it was staged, because Snuffy isn’t wearing his helmet. I know things have changed since I was in the Army, but I don’t think this has changed. Maybe I’m wrong, but I don’t think so.

I’m pretty sure that no NCO would let a private this stupid on a live fire range without something to protect his soft skull.

Category: Army News

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No one, I mean *no one* is that stupid….

This *has* to be staged.

(Except maybe a Marine. 😀 )



Hey, Chip.

Pfffffffffffffffhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhttttttttt! heh

Pinto Nag

Uhh…Chip…there are some out there…


I had seen that before but didn’t know what that was.
Holy crap that apparently was one of these….

40mm riot grenades


Those things hurt. 40mm bean bag rounds, the humane way to control riots. Lol.


It would be so much better if they could do that with an M79 Thumper. Never did like that M203 set-up.


Chip looked like a “Doggie” uniform to me…..


You can hear the instructor trying not to giggle.

Staged as a joke.


I believe it’s real, unfortunately. What really chaps my butt is that instead of actually training this soldier, some jackass is screwing around with their damn phone recording their own failure to provide proper corrective action. Yeah, I’m old school. Call me crazy…


I think it’s real. I’ve seen a ton of images of them doing BRM in soft caps.

comment image


Just another Army WTF or Duffel Blog promo.

But at least it wasn’t one of those “disassembled the magazine only to find the spring missing” moments.


Staged……The NCOIC and the OIC would lose their stripes


OICs have stripes?

/rank nazi. 😀


Chip, Army Warrant Officers have always had a kind of “stripey” rank insignia. Started out as stripes and colors within the bar, then moved to a certain number of black blocks within the bar, etc.

I see that the new (well, not really new, it’s been effect for the last 10 years) CW5 rank is a single black stripe within the bar.

So yeah, some officers do have “stripes”.


Chip, I want to be a /rank nazi too.

Is there a school for that or do you get to be one through on the job experience?

Is it a Primary MOS or just an additional duty?

Are there shiny badges involved? Graduation Certificates? Impact ARCOM’s/AFCOM’s awarded for each successful correction?

Give us the lowdown, inquiring minds want to know.–Smile

Club Manager

Solid black stripe would be a first LT. You are not going to find too many CW5 on the range. I used to refer to myself as a first LT with two black marks against me. From the looks of the BDU’s and head gear, it can very well be an Air Force firing range.


This is a perfect example showing the need for an edit button. 🙂

My wife called me as I was typing and it submitted the post before I could finish it. Leave it to you chuckle heads to bust my balls about it. Lol


OIC’s for static live fire shoots are allowed to be E-6 and above as per the DA-PAM 385-63/MCO 3570.1B. So yeah, the OIC could lose some stripes.


Back in the old black boot army, I recall seeing more than one trainee get smacked in the steel pot with the Drill Sgt.s range safety paddle. I was fortunate enough not to have that happen to me. Good catch on the lack of helmet. I wondered about that too.

2/17 Air Cav

I’ve told this here before. I was beaten with a clearing rod for expending an entire issue of ammo in one trigger pull when we were supposed to be firing three-round bursts. Whack! Whack! Whack? Three to the back. And the guy on this video chuckles? Jeez. Either the Army has changed a lot opr this was BS.


I got smacked around a bit, not bad though, by Drill Sergeant Forbis for holding on to too much ammo with the M-60.
It was great. Only hurt for a minute. He was my favorite DS.
He had a real salad bowl on his Khaki’s when we graduated BCT.
Again, I served in the company of a lot of heroes.


Is it possible it’s a reserve or NG unit doing weekend training at a local training area? I wonder if it’s also possible that the reason the private is so dumb is because he hasn’t been to basic.

It’s not uncommon in Reserve/NG units for soldiers to join the unit in high school and then attend weekend drills before they actually go to basic.

As to the helmets, just FYI in the SF battalions I was in, we never wore helmets at the range. Soft cap only. The only exception I know if is the hand grenade live fire range. I wonder if the private in the video could be a support guy in a NG SF unit?


Negative – no way would a pre-IET soldier be allowed anywhere near a weapon. They wouldn’t even let me go on a PT run with them until I’d passed an official APFT at basic, let alone handling a weapon. All you can do is stand in formation, attend briefings and generally be bored, unless something has changed…

Sure, someone could be doing something completely jacked up, but soft cap on a range on a cold day is much more believable…


I think this is staged, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t really dumb people in the Army. I did a IMT drill with another private in basic and he flagged me with live rounds and the safety off. The DS tackled him before he could do any harm. That was 20 years ago. Do they still do IMT drills in basic with live ammo?


They had me at the lack of hearing protection


WHAT ????
WHAT ?????
Anybody hear what he said ???
I couldn’t hear him !!!

Guard Bum

There is no way to see if they are wearing ear protection and this clip is entirely plausible.

I was never a DI but I ran plenty of ranges and you don’t always wear Kevlar depending on the purpose of the range and the weather conditions.

Things have also changed, we ran rolling firing lines at the ranges in Kuwait prior to going into Iraq. You complete a course of fire, clear your weapon and the next shooter takes your place without stopping the range; very efficient.

I retired to my farm 60 miles from FLW and it was -11 the other day and I have always felt that if the Army issues you equipment for various conditions it should be used…..damn straight I would be in fleece and Gortex! I’d leave the misery to the hard core young bucks like Rubik’s Pube (great handle by the way).


Up until last year we were able to qual at the 25m ranges on our post while slick. I can imagine that happened at other posts as well. As for the level of proficiency demonstrated in the video, I’ve seen e6’s show up with backwards acogs to the range. Then again, this video could be staged.


Back when I was stationed at Ft Jackson in 2010, for some reason helmets were not worn at a specific zero range (I cannot recall the name).

Friend S. Wilkins

It was January 1997 at NTC Great Lakes. I was real confident going into the rifle marksmanship. The previous day in the simulator I think I had scored 70 and I was told that was just enough for Expert. So I’m thinking, hell, this is going to be a piece of cake. I swear I had to have been the most numb nutted, hearing impaired son of a bitch to’ve ever gone through basic training at Great Lakes. In fact, my junior RDC of 076, Petty Officer Breckenridge gave me the name, “Brain Fuck” after that little incident. And now, over 18 years later, and I still can’t figure why I had to fuck up so badly. I had forgotten one simple, basic instruction. Raise right hand and wait for instructor. That’s all I had to do! Jesus!!



I do believe it is plausible. I’m currently working in TRADOC and the Soldiers don’t wear their helmet and other gear for BRM until BRM 12. We now start with fundamentals of firing without the gear on, for zero and grouping. Then they wear their gear for the first time at the EST for BRM 11 and maintain it for qualification and reaction fire. This is aligned with the PRT process to prevent injuries from the trainees not being used to carrying weight.


Interesting….until the one day at the zero range, some numb fuck with his finger on the trigger begins flagging everyone…..not you fault Daniel, but you know it’s an accident waiting to happen.

Rubik's Pube

Ugh, don’t take this as an insult ex-MP because 95% of people in the military do it as well. What you are referring to is muzzle sweeping, not flagging. Flagging is term mostly associated with CQB. For example, extending the barrel of your weapon beyond the doorway and into an uncleared hallway, or sticking your muzzle out past a corner that you are pie’ing off. Hands down the most commonly mis-used term in the Army.


As a former AIT instructor, I could go either way on this one. I had a student who wasn’t taught about the metric system, so I had to spend 20 minutes teaching him about it. (Yes, how did he make it thru Basic without knowing meters and Kliks?)

While my MOS requires higher intellect, I did have troops slip thru (had a kid with a 78 GT when 110 was the minimum requirement). We did have troops that had no grasp or concept of “Soldierization” and how things work.

My first firing range after going to my reserve unit after AIT, I was helping the armorer put away weapons. A SSG brought his weapon in and said “Uh, I think there’s something wrong with my weapon. When I charge it, there’s no issue. But when I put a MAGAZINE in the well and charge it, the bolt gets stuck back?” (Yes, the same exact thing as happened above, I can’t make this shit up) The Armorer (an E-4) told him off a bit about it and the guy walked away looking confused and said, “ohhh.” and that was it.

This very well could’ve been Basic training and conducting BRM.

It “could” be staged and it “could” be real. After 21+ years of service, I’m not convinced either way.


While I like to take the occasional “shot” at my dogface brothers, and have seen some pretty insane entry level training SNAFU’s, I would have to say this was completely staged.

Chris Greenfield

PPE other than eye and ear pro is not required till after BRM is completed and record qualification is fired. ARM requires full PPE to include helmet and IOTV/OTV.

Michael Barin

I’m at FT Jackson about to hit the trail (I’m turtling until school), all group/zero and qual ranges are done slick here; everything after qual is done in full kit.

Not a staged video, you’d be surprised at how dumb some of these kids are.

Rubik's Pube

Jonn, I’ve been a DS on Sand Hill for over 2 years and although I can’t say for certain, I really don’t think this is fake. You wouldn’t believe some of the stupid shit these little window lickers do during the first week of BRM. Bullets in the mag backwards, mag inserted upside down, stripper clip jammed down into the magazine with the bullets (still haven’t figured out how the hell they do that), or going through immediate and remedial action to clear a malfunction multiple times, not realizing that they are just out of ammo. They probably didn’t immediately crucify this Private because it was being videotaped. Like others have said, they shoot slick until after they qualify. The 198th, which is the Brigade that runs Infantry OSUT on Sand Hill, actually creates the BRM POI for all of the BCT units, Army wide. It is constantly changing, and usually for the better. It’s actually brainstormed by actual Drill Sergeants throughout the Brigade and approved by the Infantry School. It’s probably the first actual thing I’ve seen big Army do that makes sense and that works efficiently without a bunch of assholes throwing in their 2 cents in and fucking everything up. Those who are on the ground executing the training, come up with the training. Some revolutionary shit right?

Rubik's Pube

What really irritates me about this video is the DS. A Goretex jacket on? Really? How embarrassing. The fleece and Goretex jacket and all that garbage looks sloppy and unprofessional as hell. I’d rather freeze to death than be bundled up with a bunch of external snivel gear looking like some supply clerk that has to spend a day outdoors.


And you would be the dumb ass with frostbite or some other cold weather injury as we haven’t been out of the single/ low teen temps in 2 weeks. You’re a bad ass until your laid up in the hospital for being a retard.

Rubik's Pube

A waffle top or a smoker’s jacket will keep you 10X warmer than any stupid ass Goretex jacket ever will, and it’s worn underneath your blouse, so you don’t look like a fucking Gumby. There is this concept called layering, maybe you’ve heard of it. It’s pretty effective. But keep on rocking the shit out of that Goretex jacket Turbo, because it’s awesome at keeping you warm and blocking wind and rain. Oh wait a minute, it’s not good at any of those things. Never mind, carry on.


This has got to be staged. I noticed that there is no brass on the ground. Really is difficult to pickup your brass between magazines… Especially with this type situation where the bolt is back indicating empty… How many rounds land on your back etc. Dude gets up and no brass falls off his clothes or on his mat, or on the ground. That looks to be at least a 30 round if not 40 rnd clip. Must be that new bra less ammo.


Piling on …
Basic Training, May 1970, Fort Lost In The Woods MO. Rifle range. Shooting on the range with up-ended concrete culvert sections as a foxhole. Three sandbags as a rifle rest. I was third “foxhole” from the right end of the line. My best friend is 2nd from the right end. And a complete moron is the right end. The drill sergeants are standing behind and between the “foxholes”. We are shooting pop-up targets from 25 meters out to 300 meters. The moron has been shooting for a few minutes and suddenly, for no apparent reason, he hits a target. He stands up, turns the the left to speak to the Drill Instructor. He sweeps the line with his weapon, mag in, safety off, finger on the trigger, live round in the chamber while saying, ‘Drill Sergeant! Drill Sergeant! I hit a target!”. My buddy hit the bottom of his foxhole and his weapon went spinning up into the air. The Drill Instructor used his boot to address the transgression. The moron’s rifle landed about 15 yards downrange and his helmet landed about 25 yards downrange. His head was not in it. I noticed my buddy’s rifle spinning through the air and stood up to look. Now that I think about it, I am surprised that he didn’t fire a round when the Drill Instructor kicked the weapon out of his hands.

THOSE were the days.

FWIW, I think that the US Army spends far too little time and ammo training people to shoot competently. After all, that IS the job.


I do like the little nappy mats… I was USAF and we used the same concrete cylinders at the range in the 70’s, how things have changed.

Rubik's Pube

The puss pad thing boggles my mind. When I was in Drill school at Jackson, we had to go shadow a BCT company while they did PT one morning. I couldn’t believe my eyes. They marched over to their PT field, each Soldier carrying their puss pad. Once they got to the PT field, which was a fairly decent grassy field, they unrolled their puss pads and did all their PT exercises on them. It’s a damn grassy field, no mud or sticky thorns or anything! Now I don’t know if you’ve ever used the standard issue puss pad, but it’s a worthless piece of shit. Once you unroll it, unless you keep something on top of it, the sonofabitch just keeps wanting to coil back up. So now you have these stupid Privates tripping and jumble fucking all over the place because every time they did an exercise where their entire body left the marching surface, boom, puss pad half-ass rolls itself up. One of the dumbest things I’ve ever seen. When I went up to the DS after it was over and asked what the deal was with the puss pads, he rolled his eyes, made a gun with his hand, and stuck it in his mouth. I don’t know if that is a post policy at Jackson or just a random unit, but judging by this video, the good idea fairy spread her dust elsewhere as well.


They sound like Drills.
Doubt they would have a camera running on the firing line.
It might be a reenactment of the event.
PVT looked like he was laughing at the very beginning.
Ergo the feeling of it being “staged”.
They get overwhelmed handling a live weapon the first few times.
Especially if ate up by the cold.

Mario Ortega

“…you’d be surprised at how dumb some of these kids are.”

During a swearing in, a Trooper was told to “repeat after me,”

Officer: “I, state your name”
Trooper: “I, state your name”


Yeh I do believe this was made down at Ft Lostinthewoods Missouri one of the DIs is in a group I’m in, he says it’s Real and he can’t belive its all over Facebook

Green Thumb

Is this an Ambassador Worldwide Protection Agency (CEO: Thomas “Turd” Bolling) training video!?!?

I did not see it on their site:

I could be wrong….

But I hope not.

Hopefully the “REAL DEAL” Navy SEAL Thomas “Turd” Bolling is teaching the class.

E-6 type, 1 ea

Looks like range day at All Points Logistics.

We got a new kid in last month who went through Benning, and he said what others on here did. They shot up until qualification stripped down. I’d say there’s a fair chance it’s real. I joined in 1998 as a tanker at Knox, and we didn’t even qualify with the M-4, because our supposed duty weapon is the M-9. We just did a 40-round familiarization fire and called it a day. Absolutely stupid.

Adam Walsh

This is absolutely real…. Soldiers do not shoot with their gear on during BRM. IET Soldiers never qualify with their gear on during basic training, they do shoot ARM with their gear, but that is just for familiarization.


Actually this legit as I know the DS in the video here at Ft Leonard Wood. And yes the privates here DO NOT wear their gear at the M4 ranges. You want to call BS on shit, you may want to get your facts right as shit in TRADOC has changed quite a bit. People always wanting to call BS, staged, fake or whatever else, without any reason other than their laziness to check things out.


I wish we could shoot without every damn piece of equipment we’re issued here at Stewart. The line unit I was in has an asinine policy where we can only remove gear while in a patrol base. I swear, the only time I’ve policed brass in full battle rattle over the past 13 years was with that unit at West Point. Those of you who’ve been stationed here know how nice summers are…now throw in IOTV, sometimes knee and elbow pads, ACH (at least the old PASGT helmet allowed airflow), eyepro, and gloves every time you leave the PB and you can imagine how much fun we have. I lost half my squad to heat injuries during a little 11 mile walk last year. As for the DS giggling, and having a phone on the range, it’s a different Army. When I went through Fort Benning in ’01-’02, the youngest DS’ had at least eight years in and were in their late twenties; all were SSGs or SFCs and had extensive leadership experience. The only CIB holders served with 24th ID in Desert Storm and the 82nd in Panama. Nowadays, a lot of younger guys get selected for DS (and Recruiter) duty. They also select some E-5s. I’ve known a number who were NCOs for only a year or two before going off to a special duty. Most of those guys would have been eaten alive by my DS’. Phones are one of my pet peeves. I hated that line unit because I had to keep my phone on me. Texts were required to be sent on non-duty days to provide “ups” to the NCO Support Channel. I seriously considered getting a land line and giving up my cell. The days of junior NCOs stepping up and conducting hip pocket training are done. Everyone has their nose in a smart phone–from the newest Private up to some of the PSGs. FM 7-8 has been replaced with whatever asinine game was just downloaded, and interacting with your comrades is limited to Facebook posts and texts. Of course, this rant is typed… Read more »


I feel your pain, brother. They pull the same crap at Ft. Belvoir at a unit which shall remain nameless. Instead of actually qualifying at the range, they waste their time putting on EVERY piece of battle rattle and making sure nametapes are properly located on your pack. Why focus on marksmanship when you can look like the freaken’ “Michelin Man” which is way cooler…

Rubik's Pube

It’s usually the armor guys that spent the GWOT driving around MSR’s in Iraq in their heavily armored vehicles and live their life by the mantra “death before dismount” that think that Soldiers should walk around like a mutated armadillo. They never had to hump up and down mountains in Afghanistan with that bullshit on and if they ever did they got a rude awakening with a quickness. When we (1-187) were attached to 3rd I.D. my second deployment, we had to abide by their rules and that meant but flap, DAPS, neck guard, side plates, and all the stupid shit. We were doing mostly dismounted patrols in the palm groves along the Tigris and doing dismounted patrols with all that garbage on was downright miserable. Once we were reunited under our own Brigade command, the first thing our Brigade CSM had us do was get rid of all that crap and throw it in Tuff boxes in a connex. I’ll never understand how someone could come to the conclusion tha you need a helmet, full body armor, knee pads, and elbow pads to zero and qualify

Your Creepy Uncle

” I’ll never understand how someone could come to the conclusion tha you need a helmet, full body armor, knee pads, and elbow pads to zero and qualify”

……Um, Train as you fight ??????

Or is that “Old Army” now too?